NAT/Proxy combinations

2005-08-28 Thread Atul Sabharwal
Title: Message

Generally, people 
use NAT or Proxy as firewalls. Would it be more secure to use a NAT Proxy 
combination ?
Say, a NAT connected 
to Proxy connected to NAT. Would this prevent external as well as internal 
Also, use static 
routes between the NAT/proxy/NAT to prevent internal route 

Most proxies I have 
known are software based and NAT's are firmware based. 
Assumption being allrequired 
application level 
gateways are available for NAT.

hardwareNAT's are from two different vendors (with different 
processing algorithm), and proxy is squid.
Ietf mailing list

Re: NAT/Proxy combinations

2005-08-28 Thread Iljitsch van Beijnum

On 28-aug-2005, at 8:51, Atul Sabharwal wrote:

Generally, people use NAT or Proxy as firewalls.  Would it be more  
secure to use a NAT Proxy combination ?

Basically, a NAT is just a simple and general-purpose way to  
implement a proxy.

If you define more secure as less likely that random packets will  
be delivered: sure, put in as much stuff that makes everything less  
transparent as you can.

Obviously this won't help against many popular attack vectors which  
prey upon the gullibility of the typical user, which mostly happen  
over HTTP or through mail, which don't need a transparent  
communication channel.

And please don't expect the IETF to make its protocols work through  
your multiple layers of NAT and proxies.

Ietf mailing list

Re: NAT/Proxy combinations

2005-08-28 Thread Brian E Carpenter

You might want to look at draft-ietf-v6ops-nap-01.txt

Although it is mainly about IPv6, it analyzes aspects of your question.


Atul Sabharwal wrote:

Generally, people use NAT or Proxy as firewalls.  Would it be more secure to
use a NAT Proxy combination ?
Say, a NAT connected to Proxy connected to NAT.  Would this prevent external
as well as internal attacks.
Also, use static routes between the NAT/proxy/NAT to prevent internal route
Most proxies I have known are software based and NAT's are firmware based.
Assumption being all required 
application level gateways are available for NAT.
e.g. Use hardware NAT's are from two different vendors (with different
packet processing algorithm), and proxy is squid. 


Ietf mailing list

Ietf mailing list

Dynamic salting in encryption algorithms for peer to peer communication

2005-08-28 Thread Atul Sabharwal
Title: Message

Generally, I have 
seen that people use PKI or static salts for encrypting data e.g. 
In case of peer to 
peer communication, would it be useful to use dynamic salts derived 
known mathematical 
series e.g. Fibonacci series, Ramanajum number series. The 
salt need not be 
item(1) of the list but a random item(N) out of a circular series of M 

This could be useful 
for VPN client/server from same vendor. Web site /Java Applet 
a company etc. 

IsSSL still 
more secure than dynamic salting for man in the middle attack 

Ietf mailing list

Re: Last Call: language root file size

2005-08-28 Thread JFC (Jefsey) Morfin

Last Call:

I started documenting some of the problems resulting from the 
expected size of the language tag registry and the capacity of the 
langtag solution to fulfill the WG-ltru Charter. Here are two inputs 
from the author of the Draft above on the WG-ltru list, Doug Ewell:

- I've already built a hypothetical RFC 3066ter registry.  The 
changes alone add up to 35,700 lines, or more than 740 pages in RFC format.  It
might reopen the question of whether an I-D is the best vehicle for 
delivering this amount of information to IANA.

- I still have significant concerns about the assumption that ISO 
639-6 will be, or should be, automatically integrated into a language tagging
scheme. [snip] Meanwhile, the claim that there are over 20,000 
languages to be tagged is being used as an argument against the 
current RFC 3066bis effort and the plan to support 7,600 languages in 
RFC 3066ter.

I fully share the concerns of Doug Ewell. There is only a difference 
of timing. I rose questions they took as oppositions and he now 
discovers as problems. Would the WG-ltru have first analysed its 
charter we would have identified them a long ago. I list some in annex.

The Charter says: The RFC 3066 standard for language tags has been 
widely adopted in various protocols and text formats, including HTML, 
XML, and CLDR, [... the first document] is also expected to provide 
mechanisms to support the evolution of the underlying ISO standards, 
in particular ISO 639-3, mechanisms to support variant registration 
and formal extensions, as well as allowing generative private use 
when necessary.

1. BTW the Charter speaks of adopted _standard_ not of generalised 

2. the documented upgrade enlarge the size from 80 K (11.5 K zipped) 
to 650 K (100 K zipped). This information, updates and additions MUST 
be available to each of the on-line application of the devices of 
billions of users. The Draft does not explain how.

2. One of the author has _legitimate_ concerns about the capacity of 
the proposition and the reasonability of the Charter expectation to 
support the ISO 639-6 evolution of the underlying ISO standards.

But he is wrong is in assuming that I use this as an argument against 
the current RFC 3066bis effort. To the contrary, I use it for a an 
argument to support the proposed Draft as default solution and 
support extensions and practical information distribution through 
other adapted solutions introduced by a singleton. The comment given 
by Debbie Garside, the author of ISO 639-6 shows there is no concern 
for our plans and developments using ISO 639-6 [except two months 
delay on our projected calendar], in line with ISO 11179 (what the 
WG-ltru and the author if ISO 639-3, Peter Constable, chose to disregard).

No problem in specifying this extension capacity through a 
specialised Draft. If this Draft is a complement, not a competition. 
But I would prefer to work on a sample ISO 639-6 code and get inputs 
from the WGIG multilingual forum under discussion. The three 
approaches (not even alluded by the Charter) address three different layers:

- practical, script oriented needs (ISO 639-1, 2, 3, ISO 15924)
- comprehensive multimedia, multimodal, multitechnologies and 
extension to information systems (ISO 639-6)

- lingual community networks (privateuse systems)

Years of work ahead, I would prefer being made within the IETF rather 
than against it.


Annex: a quick list of questions that need to be addressed.

- the nature and the size of the involved information
- the size and the frequency of its additions which is not 
documented. However we know that the I-D bases are just the support 
for additions.

- the availability of this information,addition and updates to the users
- the redundancies of this information between three different 
visions of the language tagging supported by

  - ISO 639-3: a bare list of 7450 languages calling for variant information
  - ISO 639-6 : a list of 20.000 pre-formed language tag meant to 
deliver language information to ISO 11179 systems
  - the real user systems planned to be supported by the Draft 
privateuse solution.

  and their correlations (bridges, equivalence, conflict resolution, etc.)
- the additional related information such as locale files (quoted 
in the Charter as CLDR, the Unicode project to publish all the 
locales of all the OS directed by one of the authors of the Draft). 
This related information is actually without limit as it may relates 
with every other information system (ISO 11179). However efforts like 
ISO 11179 have not yet addressed two major points:
  - networking what represents a huge area of research and 
applications (interoperation of an ISO complete system per... user avatar)
  - multilingualism, this means that everything supported in ASCII 
English must be able to be supported in every language
- the change in nature of languages, 

Re: I-D ACTION:draft-sanz-rfc1032-historic-00.txt

2005-08-28 Thread SM

Quoting the draft:

many of these functions have been taken over by ICANN, ccTLDs and gTLDs

RFC 1032 covers that with:

until it becomes feasible for other appropriate organizations to assume those

The description of the Nicname/Whois service made there has been 
obsoleted by RFC 3912

RFC 3912 updates the specification of the WHOIS protocol only.

The Whois service provides a contact point for administrative, policy 
and technical questions about the domain.  Although some information 
in RFC 1032 is dated, it remains useful and is still widely used as a 
guide for troubleshooting technical issues.

The reasons for moving RFC 1032 from status UNKNOWN to status 
HISTORIC are light.  Such a move would have a negative impact on 
active usage as RFC 3912 does not document the contact point for 
problems concerning a domain.


Ietf mailing list

Re: Dynamic salting in encryption algorithms for peer to peer communication

2005-08-28 Thread David Hopwood

Atul Sabharwal wrote:

Generally, I have seen that people use PKI or static salts for encrypting
data e.g. password. In case of peer to peer communication, would it be useful
to use dynamic salts derived from known mathematical series e.g. Fibonacci
series, Ramanajum number series.

No. Ask on the newsgroup sci.crypt for an explanation of why not; it's not
on-topic here.


Ietf mailing list

Re: Last Call: 'Tags for Identifying Languages' to BCP

2005-08-28 Thread Bruce Lilly
  Date: 2005-08-25 20:55
  From: JFC (Jefsey) Morfin [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 the privacy problem is the what you read, who you are intelligence 

That is to some extent true of any negotiation mechanism and negotiated

 Today langtags are not yet much used (say the W3C people in the  
 WG-ltru) when compared with  what they should in XML, HTML, etc.

XML, HTML, etc. are not IETF protocols and should not be the main
consideration in IETF work on IETF documents, especially as language tags
are heavily used by IETF protocols, notably MIME (RFCs 2045, 2047, 2231,
3282) and widely-deployed core IETF application protocols which use MIME
(e.g. the Internet Message Format and its applications (email, news, voice
messaging, EDI, etc.) and HTTP and applications using HTTP as a substrate.

 is all what this proposition is about. This proposition is to give 
 _one_shot_ in a _standardised_ way the language, the script and the 

This was discussed during Last Call of the previous non-IETF (individual
submission) attempt.  IIRC David Singer brought up several examples of
other pieces of information (e.g. legal/copyright variations) that could
also be negotiated and which might affect the presentation of content (or
choice among alternative content).  Lumping all of these separate items into
one tag is a poor design as it impedes negotiation and tends toward lengthy
tags which are incompatible with fixed-length mechanisms such as MIME
encoded-words.  While there is some mention of this issue in the document
under discussion, its treatment and resolving the underlying issue in a
manner that would minimize the problems are lacking.

 It uses for that ISO codes. ISO never wanted to propose such  
 a code where:
 ar-arab-us are texts destined the people interested in US Arabic 
 community issues.
 iw-hebr-ru are texts destined to people interested in Jewish Russian 
 When you browser accept that langtags and you pursue the relation, 
 this structured information can be filtered by ISP (for police, 
 censoring, intelligence gathering, etc.) to know about their users. 
 It can be used for searches on a large scale in search engines to 
 know the mail you responded, etc. I suppose that in most of the world 
 countries this is subject to privacy laws. I think that in France it 
 is subject to the anti-racist law (the one used against Yahoo a few years 

Let's separate three issues:
1. privacy
2. tagging
3. negotiation

The privacy issue exists whenever any information is conveyed; the user
needs to balance privacy concerns with facilitation of communication.
Mechanisms such as TLS can be used to limit the visibility of the information
to the end points of communication; ultimately it boils down to a matter of
trust in the end-point partner in the communication exchange.  I believe
that the issue is dealt with adequately in the security considerations
section of the document under discussion (some mention of transport-level
protection of privacy would be welcome).

Tagging identifies characteristics of a particular piece of content.  For
that purpose alone, it makes little difference (other than regarding the
aforementioned compatibility issues with existing IETF mechanisms) whether
the characteristics are lumped or separate.  There are existing IETF
mechanisms which permit handling of either lumped or individual characteristics
(e.g. the extensible header field mechanism of RFC 2045 and the feature/filter
mechanism of RFC 2533/2738/2912).  Tagging per se identifies characteristics
of content.  While that may be used to infer something about the content
provider, such inferences may be unreliable, particularly for providers that
support a wide variety of characteristics for the content in question.

Negotiation of characteristics is where several issues arise.  One such
issue, as discussed here in December 2004/January 2005 relates to an
algorithm for matching content characteristics (e.g. between a particular
piece of content and a specified range of acceptance (as in an RFC 3282
Accept-Language field).  RFC 3066 skirted that issue as it stopped short of
specification of an algorithm, and as it specified a mere two particular
characteristics (language per se, and country) which could be combined in
a tag.  That was not true of the individual submission, which combined at
least 5 characteristics and specified an algorithm.  As a result of issues
with that approach, the LTRU WG was established with a charter to produce a
BCP (for registration procedures) and a separate Standards Track document
for topics such as algorithms which are unsuitable for BCP.  A related issue
is the interaction of the established negotiation mechanism (viz. the RFC
3282 Accept-Language field) and potential use of the other (feature/filter)
mechanism for negotiation.  The Accept-Language field provides for
specification of language ranges and for associating a preference value
with specific 

Re: Last Call: 'Tags for Identifying Languages' to BCP

2005-08-28 Thread Bruce Lilly
  Date: 2005-08-25 20:55
  From: JFC (Jefsey) Morfin [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 On 00:40 26/08/2005, David Hopwood said:

 This objection seems to be correct: URI tags include characters not 
 allowed by RFC 3066.
 Then? The purpose of this work is to address the limitations of RFC 
 3066. URI tags did not exist when RFC 3066 was written.

RFC 1738 certainly existed, not only at the time of RFC 3066, but its
predecessor RFC 1766 as well.

 please document how do you do, while respecting the hybrid format of 
 the proposed ABNF where information is not indentified by fixed 
 position, but also relative position and size, with - as sole 
 separator. And they want to keep labels between - 8 characters 
 long. Tell me how you support IDNs.
 Let suppose that I have as a scheme.
 or Tell me how you support them

It's unclear what you're trying to get at here.  A URI scheme is a
protocol element (an assigned number) registered by IANA, not a
piece of text (see RFCs 1958 and 2277).  As such, it has no need of
an indication of language, for it has no language; it is a language-
independent protocol element.  Confusing protocol element issues with
language will only muddy the water; try to stay focused on real

For that matter, DNS labels are public names (i.e. protocol elements,
again see RFC 1958 (sect. 4.3, noting that text there has a different
meaning than in RFC 2277)) and as such there should not have been any
reason to overload the semantics and baggage of internationalized
text (in the RFC 2277 sense).  Now, having made the decision to
nevertheless do so, you might well point out that per RFC 2277, there
ought to be a means of indicating language in IDNs.  However, that is
primarily an issue with the IDN specification(s), not with the document
under discussion (except to the extent that the document under
discussion extends the likely length of tags in a way that is likely to
conflict with the DNS label length and domain name length limits, *if*
there were in fact provision in IDN for the use of language tags. You
might also point out that as IDNs use utf-8 exclusively as a charset, and
as script is easily inferred from the Unicode code points corresponding
to utf-8, that the length-increasing provision for conflating script with
language would be unnecessary and redundant *if* IDNs had provision for
language tags.  But IDNs have no such provision at this time.  

Ietf mailing list

Re: Appeal: Publication of draft-lyon-senderid-core-01 in conflict with referenced draft-schlitt-spf-classic-02

2005-08-28 Thread Bruce Lilly
  Date: 2005-08-26 10:45
  From: Andrew Newton [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  If this is the source of the conflict, then BOTH experiments should
  not use the v=spf1 records.
  The stated goal of draft-schlitt-spf-classic is to document SPF,
  basically as it was before the IETF got involved.  Yes, the IETF is
  calling it an experiment, which I don't agree with.  It is documenting
  an existing, well established, protocol.
  Are you saying that the IETF shouldn't publish an RFC that documents
 I stated that the SPF and Sender ID experiments should not use the  
 v=spf1 records to avoid conflict.  I did not state that the IETF  
 should not publish an Experimental RFC about SPF.
 But since you brought this up: if you (the author of the document) do  
 not consider this to be an experiment, then perhaps the IETF should  
 not publish SPF as an Experimental RFC.

This is an important point; the SPF-classic draft was announced to the
ietf-822 and ietf-smtp mailing lists where there was some discussion on
that very point.  While the ID-tracker state indicated intended status of
Experimental, the author stated that he was very reluctant to debate
issues of controversy with the technical specification, and that his goal
was to document a de-facto standard [his words].  Both of which would
seem to indicate an Informational document, rather than any other category
(at least with no apparent mechanism to get to Historic except via the
Standards Track -- more below).  However, in the same announcement, the
author also stated his intent to ask the IESG to consider it for a Proposed
Standard status.  That conflicts with the ID-tracker state indication
and with the stated goal and reluctance to discuss technical shortcomings,
and with text in the draft itself which conflicted with BCP 9 procedures.
The conflicts in those statements were discussed, copying the IESG.

While I agree with the principle that the IESG should not be running
concurrent experiments that conflict with one another, there is another
principle; the IESG should not be running experiments that are harmful to
the Internet, especially when the harm is to those who choose not to
participate in the experiment(s).  As noted in
SPF is doubly harmful to the Internet (affecting those who do not explicitly
choose to participate); in fairness it should be noted that many of the
same considerations also apply to Sender-ID and other similar schemes,
however SPF appears to be unique at this time in having the distinction of
being more thoroughly adopted by spammers (to lend an air of legitimacy to
their missives) than by non-spammers.

Because of the harm caused to Internet users who travel, which in turn is
due to conflation by many such schemes between sending and receipt of
(delivery notification) messages and further conflating the receiving
mailboxes with sending IP addresses coupled with the inability of most
users to alter the relevant DNS records, neither of the schemes being
discussed should have been approved as experiments as written.  The IESG
should examine both of these schemes -- as well as any others that might
be under consideration -- as a result of this appeal.

The Historic category of published RFCs can be used for documents which
specify a protocol or technology which is known to be harmful to the
Internet.  However, RFC 2026 appears to have no provision for getting to
Historic except via the Standards Track, and we would not want to approve
a specification with known technical omissions, harmful provisions,
unresolved design choices, and which is not well-understood or suitable
for further development as a Proposed Standard solely for the purpose of
subsequently moving it to Historic.  Perhaps we need another category,
or at least a path to Historic that doesn't go via the Standards Track.
That is a matter that the IETF should consider, but it seems to be outside
of the scope of NEWTRK and other WGs, and concerns have been raised
elsewhere of the IESG acting as judge and jury on procedural matters
that affect IESG standards actions.  Probably the topic should be
discussed on the IETF discussion list, but preferably with a change of
subject from the current appeal discussion.

Ietf mailing list

Reply-To (Was Re: [Re: regarding IETF lists using mailman: nodupes considered harmful])

2005-08-28 Thread Bruce Lilly
  Date: 2005-08-26 17:44
  From: Peter Dambier [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: IETF General Discussion Mailing List

 Iljitsch van Beijnum wrote:

  No, what needs to happen if we collectively decide we don't want the  
  current behavior is that the mailinglist software sets a reply-to  
  header, so when you hit reply or group reply your reply is sent  
  with the list in the To: field and nothing else. This used to work  
  well, not sure if modern clients handle this correctly, though. Try  to 
  reply to this message to see what happens.

One important nit: Reply-To is an originator field (RFC 2822) and should
never be forged by somebody or something (e.g. list expander) other than the
originator.  Mailing lists have the List-Post field (RFC 2369) available
for mailing list use, e.g.:

 Great, it works!

Except of course when some people (ahem!) set Reply-To to an individual
mailbox, forcing respondents to use a reply-all function to reach the
discussion list (with a copy to the specified mailbox) if the optional
List-Post field is missing...

It is unsurprising that Reply-To functions in that manner; it is an explicit
purpose of the field dating back at least to RFC 724 (May 1977):

3) Reply-to:

   This field provides a general mechanism for indicating  any
   mailbox(es)  to  which  responses  are  to  be sent.  Three
   different uses for this feature can be  distinguished.   In
   the  first  case,  the  author(s)  may  not  have   regular
   machine-based  mailboxes  and therefore wish to indicate an
   alternate machine address.  In the second case,  an  author
   may  wish  additional  persons  to  be  made  aware  of, or
   responsible for, responses; responders  should  send  their
   replies  to  the Reply-to: mailbox(es).  More interesting
   is a case such as text-message teleconferencing in which an
   automatic distribution facility  is  provided  and  a  user
   submitting  an  entry for distribution only needs to send
   their message to the mailbox(es) indicated in  the  Reply-
   to: field.

text-message teleconferencing is a quaint reference to mailing lists.
  Date: 2005-08-26 23:46
  From: Joel M. Halpern [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I really hate lists with reply-to pointing to the list.
 I know when I want to reply to the list, and when I want to reply 
 individually to the sender.  When reply-to points to the list, it is 
 extremely difficult with most mailers to send a reply to the originator.

Kmail, Evolution, and Sylpheed each have options for sending a response to
the message author directly, and Pine prompts for a user decision.  For
others, selection from a list or copy-and-paste often suffice.  I won't
try to characterize most UAs, as I haven't examined all of them, but if a
particular one lacks a feature, the most effective ways to remedy the problem
are to contact the supplier or, failing a suitable enhancement, to switch to
a UA that does provide the desired functionality.  Certainly there are plenty
of products available.

As noted in RFC 724 and its successors, there are several reasons for use of
the Reply-To field; clearly neither the field nor its uses are new.  The lack
of a facility for dealing with messages using the Reply-To field for its
intended purpose is a serious defect in an MUA.

  Date: 2005-08-27 02:16
  From: Frank Ellermann [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 My astonishment factor was worse than the small difficulty
 to copy and paste From when I know that I have to be careful.

Reply-To is a standard field and ought to be visible when viewing the
original message [1].  In any event, the To field of the response ought to
be clearly visible.  In either case, if not, see above re. effective ways to
remedy UA problems.

1. Part of the problem is UAs which suppress message header fields, caused
   by the proliferation of noise fields in the message header (initially
   SMTP Mail-From, subsequently renamed Received, and now including a
   large number of others).  There is a series of drafts describing a
   backwards-compatible extension to the Internet Message Format to rectify
   that problem.  See draft-lilly-extensible-internet-message-format-p01-00
   and related parts p02-p04.

Ietf mailing list

Autoresponder lameness

2005-08-28 Thread Bruce Lilly
The IETF discussion mailing list's recipients seem to be particularly lax
about conforming to IETF mail specifications.  If it weren't sad, it would
be funny, as shown by the following real example and related commentary
(some message header fields elided for brevity):
Received: from ([])
  by with ESMTP; 28 Aug 2005 10:16:14 -0400
Received: from ( [])
by (Switch-2.2.6/Switch-2.2.0) with ESMTP 
id j7SEGAs23776
for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Sun, 28 Aug 2005 10:16:11 -0400 (EDT)
Received: by with Internet Mail Service (5.5.2653.19)
id RLR2HA26; Sun, 28 Aug 2005 09:16:09 -0500
From: David Monachello [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Out of Office AutoReply: Last Call: 'Tags for Identifying Languag
es' to BCP
Date: Sun, 28 Aug 2005 09:16:05 -0500
MIME-Version: 1.0
X-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.5.2653.19)
Content-Type: text/plain

Effective immediately, this e-mail account is no longer in service.
You will only receive this notice once.

As part of the Nortel Networks acquisition of PEC Solutions Inc., this
address has been changed to: 

Please update your contact information.  To obtain the individual's new
number please call Nortel PEC Solutions Front Reception at (703)679-4900.

This e-mail has been auto forwarded.   Subsequent e-mail messages will be 
forwarded for a limited transition period.

Comments on this instance of a delivery notification message:

1. Delivery notifications should have the return-path (SMTP envelope sender)
   set to a null value to prevent loops.  In this case, the return-path was
   set to what is presumably the specific non-functional mailbox which is the
   subject of the message text (although nowhere does the message say so
   explicitly)!  Note that the message From field is also set inappropriately.

2. Delivery notifications should be sent to the original message return path.
   In this case, as I have never sent any message to the individual in
   question, the message must have resulted from delivery of an IETF
   discussion list message, which would have had [EMAIL PROTECTED] as
   the original message return path.

3. The most appropriate action for Nortel Networks would have been to have
   notified Mr. Monachello of the change and to have requested him to have
   revised the mailbox used for receipt of mailing list messages, in which
   case there would have been no need to send any sort of delivery
   notification message at all.  Failing that, notification should have been
   sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED], where the notification of a change could be
   effectively handled; I can do nothing with the information about the
   change of mailbox for Mr. Monachello; the notice sent to me personally is
   annoying and causes me to hold Mr. Monachello, Nortel Networks, and
   Microsoft (purveyor of Internet Mail Service) in lower esteem than prior
   to receipt of the message.

4. None of the above is rocket science; it is clearly specified in RFC 3834,
   which has the unsurprising title Recommendations for Automatic Responses
   to Electronic Mail, and which itself distills long-standing practice
   regarding such responses as documented in the SMTP specifications and in
   such obscure documents as the Host Requirements standard (RFC 1123, a.k.a.
   STD 3).  It's also common sense.

The message has been dealt with as spam; future messages of a similar nature
are likely to be automatically filtered (and automatically reported to Pyzor
and SpamCop as spam).  And this isn't an isolated instance; I've seen quite a
few similar messages, as other contributors to the IETF discussion list no
doubt have.

Fellow IETFers: please make sure that any vacation-like automatic
responders under your control or in use at your organizations comply with the
Host Requirements, the SMTP specifications, and the recommendations in RFC
3834.  And to those of you who are responsible for the non-conforming
behavior of certain automatic responders, shame on you.

Ietf mailing list

Is it necessary to go through Standards Track to Get to Historic? (WAS: Appeal: Publication of draft-lyon-senderid-core-01 in conflict with referenced draft-schlitt-spf-classic-02)

2005-08-28 Thread C. M. Heard
On Sun, 28 Aug 2005, Bruce Lilly wrote:
 The Historic category of published RFCs can be used for documents which
 specify a protocol or technology which is known to be harmful to the
 Internet.  However, RFC 2026 appears to have no provision for getting to
 Historic except via the Standards Track [...]

What makes you say that?  It sure isn't what I read from RFC 2026.  It
says this in Section 4.2.4:

   A specification that has been superseded by a more recent
   specification or is for any other reason considered to be obsolete is
   assigned to the Historic level.  (Purists have suggested that the
   word should be Historical; however, at this point the use of
   Historic is historical.)

Seems to me that the proviso is for any other reason considered to be
obsolete could reasonably be construed to cover the initial publication
of an obsolete specification.  It's certainly true that the most common
way to get to Historic is to start on the standards track and then get
retired, but I see nothing in RFC 2026 that says (or even implies) that
this is the only way.


Ietf mailing list

Re: Appeal: Publication of draft-lyon-senderid-core-01 in conflict with referenced draft-schlitt-spf-classic-02

2005-08-28 Thread Frank Ellermann
John Glube wrote in mxcomp:

 I should have written:

 |The underlying benefit of e-mail authentication for senders
 |interested in e-mail delivery is to establish a framework that
 |supports certification and reputation services, both external
 |and internal to facilitate the delivery of ham, while rejecting
 |spam [1]

That was not the main purpose of SPF.  SHOULD check HELO was
added in 2005, because it was always allowed and possible, and
it makes sense for the reasons you have stated.

But the main idea of SPF is to get rid of backscatter, numerous
bogus bounces / challenges / other auto-responses to forged
Return-Paths.  With side effects, some hard, others desirable.

Above all _save_ good bounces because SMTP without any bounces
won't work.  To save the good bounces and other auto responses
it is essential to get rid of the bad backscatter a.s.a.p.

How fast it's adopted by senders or receivers is less important
- that smart spammers stay away from FAIL-protected addresses
is the point.

SPF is designed to offer an immediate benefit for participants,
especially spoofed senders.

 receivers can use their sender policy records for what ever
 purpose they want, irrespective of the stipulated protocols
 is not acceptable.

Of course, receivers could decide to block everybody with(out)
sender policy, count characters in a sender policy, or check
a Message-ID, etc.  Their server, their rules.

Nevertheless those interested to avoid backscatter will try to
follow the rules as defined in the SPF RfC.  Or they use a
proper subset, e.g. without FAIL-chance I won't waste time,
or let's only use PASS + white lists, or MAIL FROM stuff is
tricky, forget it, but the HELO tests are nice.

Other checks (PRA, Message-ID, policy length in characters)
are NOT RECOMMENDED, because that's not what the publisher of
a v=spf1 policy intended.

And as William pointed out, it would be also FUBAR to try a
HELO-test with a spf2.0/pra policy.  A PRA-policy is not for
HELO tests.  Receivers are free to try it anyway, but they are
far beyond anything specified in the senderid drafts if they
do this.

And of course this won't work, any FAIL they'd get would be
a fantasy-FAIL, not a senderid-FAIL, let alone a SPF-HELO-FAIL.

SID like SPF is a protocol, it works as designed, receivers
are on their own if they break or twist it.  One thing that
is erroneously specified in SID (= _not_ working as designed)
is to check PRA against v=spf1.

That's the point of the appeal.  No amount of weasel words can
change this, it is a serious security bug and has to be fixed.

 it seems SPF folks supporting the appeal are not interested
 in pushing back on Microsoft as it relates to the IPR

Why should we ?  It's none of our business, that's something
SID-implementors would discuss with MS.  I'm confident that
MS can handle all IPR questions about SID without any help
from the SPF community.

 simply want to fully sever the relationship between spfv1 and

That's not the case, it's okay to share the same DNS RR, it's
okay to use v=spf1 as spf2.0/mfrom, it's okay to use the same
result codes, the same error handling, an almost identical
syntax, and the same processing limits.

So why should they reinvent the wheel, build on the work of
others.  I've seen statements from Wayne where he offers to
help with spf2.0.  I'm sure that Meng would also help.  I've
offered op=pra as a way to get an spf2.0/mfrom,pra effect
in a v=spf1 op=pra record for those who explicitly want it:

So far they didn't react and want any help - no big surprise,
from a technical POV neither SPF nor SID are rocket science.

 In that case, I presume the SPF Community has no problem
 with these potential developments:

I skip this, ex falso quodlibet.

 there is every possibility that those supporting technical
 purity within the SPF Community are in for a rude awakening

The rude awakening when an SDO like the IETF intentionally
allows conflicting standards (experiments) only to please MS
would be far worse.
   Bye, Frank (please fup2 general list)

Ietf mailing list

Re: Autoresponder lameness

2005-08-28 Thread Frank Ellermann
Bruce Lilly wrote:

 Delivery notifications should be sent to the original message
 return path.

Yes, I've mentioned RfC 3834 in my first three complaints (some
obscure script sending Alerts to the mailing list From, I'm
not sure which list, mxcomp or IETF general or both).  I also
proposed to killfile me, or to discuss the problem - whatever
it might be, I have no clue - with the list moderator / owner.

 The message has been dealt with as spam

Same here.  I could also bother the list owner / moderator,
but it's a weekend, maybe my direct complaints have an effect.
 Fellow IETFers: please make sure that any vacation-like
 automatic responders under your control or in use at your
 organizations comply with
 the recommendations in RFC 3834.

Seconded.  Bye, Frank

Ietf mailing list

Re: Reply-To

2005-08-28 Thread Frank Ellermann
Bruce Lilly wrote:

 Part of the problem is UAs which suppress message header
 fields, caused by the proliferation of noise fields in the
 message header (initially SMTP Mail-From, subsequently
 renamed Received, and now including a large number of

s/Received/Return-Path/ (or is this some pre-821 history ?)

Ordinary users are most probably not often interested in the
timespamp lines, and MUAs not showing them in their default
configuration are fine.

 See draft-lilly-extensible-internet-message-format-p01-00
 and related parts p02-p04.

Sorry, so far I didn't have the time to read your drafts (but
I have them in my public collection ;-)  Priority one on my
todo-list after USEFOR is now 2821bis - first thing I plan
is some kind of ABNF-diff.
Bye, Frank

Ietf mailing list

Re: Reply-To (Was Re: [Re: regarding IETF lists using mailman: nodupes considered harmful])

2005-08-28 Thread Iljitsch van Beijnum

On 28-aug-2005, at 19:55, Bruce Lilly wrote:

One important nit: Reply-To is an originator field (RFC 2822) and  
never be forged by somebody or something (e.g. list expander) other  
than the


Well, to me, the mailing list re-originates the message, so I don't  
see the problem.

(Why did you set a reply-to header, then?)

Kmail, Evolution, and Sylpheed each have options for sending a  
response to
the message author directly, and Pine prompts for a user decision.   

others, selection from a list or copy-and-paste often suffice.

The trouble is that the mail clients I'm familiar with (and that's  
not too many, somehow learning a new one always freaks me out) give  
the user the option to either reply to the sender (as in: address in  
the From: header) or do a group reply, where everyone else is put  
into the CC: header. What I would really like is reply to the list  
but that's not an option. Removing the sender in To: and moving the  
list from CC: to To: is too much work: there is considerable mousing  
or complex keyboard stuff involved. I know it sounds silly that a two- 
second task would be too much work, but then, apparently the much  
simpler task of simply removing any unnecessary text left at the  
bottom of the finished message (shift-apple-cursor down backspace in  
my case) is deemed too hard for more and more people, with the result  
that each reply contains all messages before it, if these lazy  
bandwidth-wasters are left to their own devices.

the most effective ways to remedy the problem are to contact the  
supplier or

Not effective at all. My mail client is broken in several ways since  
the last OS update several months ago, but so far, the bugs aren't  
even acknowledged, let alone fixed. So feature requests: forget it.

failing a suitable enhancement, to switch to a UA that does provide  
the desired functionality.

Is there a list of what functionality can be found where?

Ietf mailing list

Re: Last Call: 'Tags for Identifying Languages' to BCP

2005-08-28 Thread Frank Ellermann
Bruce Lilly wrote:

 While there is some mention of this issue in the document
 under discussion, its treatment and resolving the underlying
 issue in a manner that would minimize the problems are

That's a last call, if you have better ideas than those in the
draft speak up.  Your Content-Script idea is good, but won't
help e.g. in encoded words (2047+2231).  We definitely tried
to minimize especially this problem.  

This is a ready-for-Bruce's-review draft as far as I can judge
this, but for obvious reasons only you can really judge it. ;-)

 Addressing the language range issue is not a WG work item
 and, unfortunately, the algorithm issue is scheduled to be a
 later work item than the registry issue.

Only my personal view of course, but the matching draft offers
a syntactical form for ranges, and the Suppress-Script in the
registry provides for backwards compatibility where possible.

 it is essential that such negotiation issues be considered
 carefully before specifying the format of tags.
 Unfortunately, that has not been done

IBTD, we considered the script issues.  Anything else is as
good or bad as it is with 3066 - some minor problems fixed of
course, if ISO 3166-1 pulls another CS 3066bis will handle it
better than 3066 (no potential worldwide retagging confusion).

 the WG product lacks the particular care expected of BCP
 documents (RFC 2026).

IBTD as far as scripts are concerned.

 it appears that management of WG participant conduct has been
 rather lax

IBTD, the WG Chairs and the responsible AD did a very good job.

 as it stands, the document cannot be evaluated for soundness
 of the tag syntax design in the absence of a specification
 that addresses negotiation issues (in a backwards-compatible
 manner with the existing negotiation mechanisms (viz. MIME
 Content- and Accept- fields and feature/filter negotiation).

IBTD, see above.  Your idea to split tag and registry syntax
from all procedural aspects of tag registration is possible,
but you get the same effect by ignore the procedural stuff
in chapter 3 (= about 14 of the 60 pages in the draft).

 Revision to move the syntax specification to a separate
 document, as mentioned above, would permit evaluation of the
 registration procedures per se

You can also read chapter 3 per se, the mentioned 14 pages
plus 3.1 as introduction (5 pages, format of the registry).

I'm not violently against splitting the document, but it's
IMHO unnecessary.
  Bye, Frank (also posted on the LTRU list)

Ietf mailing list

Re: Is it necessary to go through Standards Track to Get to Historic?

2005-08-28 Thread Bruce Lilly
  Date: 2005-08-28 14:45
  From: C. M. Heard [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 On Sun, 28 Aug 2005, Bruce Lilly wrote:
  The Historic category of published RFCs can be used for documents which
  specify a protocol or technology which is known to be harmful to the
  Internet.  However, RFC 2026 appears to have no provision for getting to
  Historic except via the Standards Track [...]
 What makes you say that?  It sure isn't what I read from RFC 2026.  It
 says this in Section 4.2.4:
    A specification that has been superseded by a more recent
    specification or is for any other reason considered to be obsolete is
    assigned to the Historic level.  (Purists have suggested that the
    word should be Historical; however, at this point the use of
    Historic is historical.)

That defines the sort of documents that fit into the category, but doesn't
specify how they get there.  It is analogous to 4.2.1 (Experimental) and
4.2.2 (Informational).

 Seems to me that the proviso is for any other reason considered to be
 obsolete could reasonably be construed to cover the initial publication
 of an obsolete specification.  It's certainly true that the most common
 way to get to Historic is to start on the standards track and then get
 retired, but I see nothing in RFC 2026 that says (or even implies) that
 this is the only way.

The only specific procedures for getting to Historic in 2026 are in sections
6.2 and 6.3 and involve getting to Historic from the Standards Track.  Note
that section 4.2.3 gives procedures for Informational and Experimental RFCs,
but that the only specific procedures for Historic are in sections 6.2 and

Now I personally wouldn't mind a revision to 2026 where the same procedures
for Informational and Experimental were also applicable to Historic (while
retaining the mechanisms for migrating from the Standards Track to Historic).
For that matter, I'd also prefer to see the procedure modified to include
IESG review including IETF Last Call for individual submissions (2026
specifies going directly to the RFC Editor). 

Ietf mailing list

Re: Reply-To

2005-08-28 Thread Bruce Lilly
  Date: 2005-08-28 15:28
  From: Frank Ellermann [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Bruce Lilly wrote:
  Part of the problem is UAs which suppress message header
  fields, caused by the proliferation of noise fields in the
  message header (initially SMTP Mail-From, subsequently
  renamed Received, and now including a large number of
 s/Received/Return-Path/ (or is this some pre-821 history ?)

RFC 821's predecessor, RFC 788:

 The time stamp line and the return path line are formally
 defined as follows:

 return-path-line ::= Return-Path: SPreverse-pathCRLF

 time-stamp-line ::= Mail-From: SP stamp CRLF

stamp ::= [ptcl] from-host this-host daytime

 Ordinary users are most probably not often interested in the
 timespamp lines, and MUAs not showing them in their default
 configuration are fine.

Interesting typo; maybe the lines should in fact be referred to as

The problem with UAs suppressing header fields is that some of them
suppress important fields which communicate information from the
message originator to recipients (e.g. Reply-To).  The SMTP precedent
of modification of the message (header) content after leaving the
originator has directly led to other modifications (List- fields
and a plethora of X- fields) which in turn have led to the practice
of suppressing display of fields.  It's a tough problem for a UA
author, as there is no way to automatically determine whether some
new message header field is a new originator field (which should not
be suppressed) or some transport noise (which should be suppressed).

Ietf mailing list

Re: Reply-To

2005-08-28 Thread Bruce Lilly
  Date: 2005-08-28 15:42
  From: Iljitsch van Beijnum [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 On 28-aug-2005, at 19:55, Bruce Lilly wrote:
  One important nit: Reply-To is an originator field (RFC 2822) and  
  never be forged by somebody or something (e.g. list expander) other  
  than the
 Well, to me, the mailing list re-originates the message, so I don't  
 see the problem.

So you think it's OK for a list expander to modify Sender and From Fields
(the other Originator fields in 2822 sect. 3.6.2)? [some list expanders do
in fact modify Sender, causing problems]

 (Why did you set a reply-to header, then?)

To suggest where responses should be sent; that is the purpose of the field.
There is a difference between the originator setting an Originator field and
some other entity modifying an Originator field.  Unless Originator fields
are set exclusively by the originator, it is not possible for a recipient to
determine who set the field.
  Kmail, Evolution, and Sylpheed each have options for sending a  
  response to
  the message author directly, and Pine prompts for a user decision.   
  others, selection from a list or copy-and-paste often suffice.
 The trouble is that the mail clients I'm familiar with (and that's  
 not too many, somehow learning a new one always freaks me out) give  
 the user the option to either reply to the sender (as in: address in  
 the From: header)

That would be the author(s); the sender would be indicated by the Sender

 or do a group reply, where everyone else is put   
 into the CC: header. What I would really like is reply to the list  
 but that's not an option.

It is in fact an option in Kmail, in Evolution, and in Sylpheed (although
the implementations do not necessarily do the same thing).

  the most effective ways to remedy the problem are to contact the  
  supplier or
 Not effective at all. My mail client is broken in several ways since  
 the last OS update several months ago, but so far, the bugs aren't  
 even acknowledged, let alone fixed. So feature requests: forget it.

Different suppliers of course provide different levels of response...
  failing a suitable enhancement, to switch to a UA that does provide  
  the desired functionality.
 Is there a list of what functionality can be found where?

I wouldn't be surprised, but I don't know of any off-hand (and such things
would rapidly become out-of-date).  If you have a suitable mail environment,
the easiest thing is to experiment (a suitable environment is one where one
can easily switch user agents, e.g. where the message store is an IMAP

Ietf mailing list

Re: Last Call: language root file size

2005-08-28 Thread Doug Ewell
JFC (Jefsey) Morfin jefsey at jefsey dot com wrote:

 I started documenting some of the problems resulting from the
 expected size of the language tag registry and the capacity of the
 langtag solution to fulfill the WG-ltru Charter. Here are two inputs
 from the author of the Draft above on the WG-ltru list, Doug Ewell:

 - I've already built a hypothetical RFC 3066ter registry.  The
 changes alone add up to 35,700 lines, or more than 740 pages in RFC
 format.  It might reopen the question of whether an I-D is the best
 vehicle for delivering this amount of information to IANA.

Some of you who have not had the joy of witnessing this sort of gross
misrepresentation on LTRU over the past eight months might be a bit

At no time did I ever say, or imply, or MEAN, that the eventual size of
the registry would be a problem in and of itself, nor that the solution
developed by the LTRU WG would not fulfill the charter.

What I said, as anyone can see from reading the quote above, is that a
740-page I-D might be unwieldy enough that the IETF might consider a
different procedural mechanism for delivering the information to IANA.

 - I still have significant concerns about the assumption that ISO
 639-6 will be, or should be, automatically integrated into a language
 tagging scheme. [snip] Meanwhile, the claim that there are over
 20,000 languages to be tagged is being used as an argument against
 the current RFC 3066bis effort and the plan to support 7,600 languages
 in RFC 3066ter.

Since the charter neither refers nor alludes to ISO 639-6, there is no
conflict with the charter if WG members disagree in regard to the
*eventual* expansion of the scope of language tags to involve ISO 639-6.

The argument against the RFC 3066bis effort on the basis of the asserted
existence of 20,000 languages is attributable to M. Morfin alone.  He
is not being truthful in saying that he does not oppose the draft; he
has spent the entire lifetime of the LTRU WG, and before, shouting his
opposition from the rooftops.

 I fully share the concerns of Doug Ewell.

M. Morfin does not share any concerns with me, except to the extent he
can twist my words to mean something I do not intend.

I hereby disassociate myself with any statements made by M. Morfin
concerning the drafts produced by the LTRU WG.  I hope that is clear
enough for IETF members.

 2. the documented upgrade enlarge the size from 80 K (11.5 K zipped)
 to 650 K (100 K zipped). This information, updates and additions MUST
 be available to each of the on-line application of the devices of
 billions of users. The Draft does not explain how.

The WG decided this was an IANA implementation issue, and out of scope.
Clearly, if some consider it wrong to specify both a registry format and
a registration procedure within the same draft, it would be that much
worse to dictate to IANA how it should manage its resources.

 2. One of the author has _legitimate_ concerns about the capacity of
 the proposition and the reasonability of the Charter expectation to
 support the ISO 639-6 evolution of the underlying ISO standards.

Any talk within the LTRU WG regarding ISO 639-6 is just that: talk.
There is no charter requirement to support ISO 639-6.  (There *is* a
charter requirement to begin paving the way for support of ISO 639-3,
and we have addressed that requirement within the limitation that ISO
639-3 is still not an approved standard.)

 But he is wrong is in assuming that I use this as an argument against
 the current RFC 3066bis effort. To the contrary, I use it for a an
 argument to support the proposed Draft as default solution and
 support extensions and practical information distribution through
 other adapted solutions introduced by a singleton.

I invite any interested IETF member to peruse the WG archives, and judge
for himself whether M. Morfin supports the draft or not.

Since there are no detectable RFC 3683 or 3934 constraints on M.
Morfin's right to post anything he likes, I expect the usual scathing
personal attack in response.  (Don't bother sending it to me personally;
I do have a Blocked Senders list.)

Doug Ewell
Fullerton, California

Ietf mailing list

Re: Is it necessary to go through Standards Track to Get to Historic?

2005-08-28 Thread C. M. Heard
On Sun, 28 Aug 2005, Bruce Lilly wrote:
 The only specific procedures for getting to Historic in 2026 are
 in sections 6.2 and 6.3 and involve getting to Historic from the
 Standards Track.  Note that section 4.2.3 gives procedures for
 Informational and Experimental RFCs, but that the only specific
 procedures for Historic are in sections 6.2 and 6.3.

RFC 2026 sets the rules for Internet standardization, i.e., it is
authoritative with respect to the handling of standards or BCPs.
So it's fair to conclude that the procedures in sections 6.2
and 6.3 are the only way for a standards-track document to get to
Historic.  However, RFC 2026 does not set the rules for
non-standards track documents, as it explicitly says in Section
2.1.  It is therefore incorrect to conclude from a lack of explicit
mention of a mechanism in RFC 2026 that it is impermissible to
publish an obsolete specification Historic without going through
the standards track.

There is a precedent, by the way: RFC 2341.  Note that it postdates
RFC 2026.


Ietf mailing list

Re: Last Call: 'Tags for Identifying Languages' to BCP

2005-08-28 Thread JFC (Jefsey) Morfin

Dear Bruce,
I will try to quickly comment/respond/suggest on some of your well made points.

At 16:15 28/08/2005, Bruce Lilly wrote:

  Date: 2005-08-25 20:55
  From: JFC (Jefsey) Morfin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 the privacy problem is the what you read, who you are intelligence

That is to some extent true of any negotiation mechanism and negotiated

True. The problem are:
- the unecessary accumulation of orthogonal information
- the easily identified characteristic format: an enormous difference 
between xx-xx-xxx-xx (Draft) and  (ISO 639-6)
- the lack of alternative (are we sure there are no other 
architectural way to address the same need without information leak)

- the lack of encryption
- the spam aspect: I am imposed to receive the langtag.

 Today langtags are not yet much used (say the W3C people in the
 WG-ltru) when compared with  what they should in XML, HTML, etc.

XML, HTML, etc. are not IETF protocols and should not be the main
consideration in IETF work on IETF documents,

They are specifically quoted by the Charter. Also is CLDR a private 
proposition to unify locale file which has interest but also competition.

especially as language tags
are heavily used by IETF protocols, notably MIME (RFCs 2045, 2047, 2231,
3282) and widely-deployed core IETF application protocols which use MIME
(e.g. the Internet Message Format and its applications (email, news, voice
messaging, EDI, etc.) and HTTP and applications using HTTP as a substrate.

RFC 2231 is among the reference quoted. I more interested in RD. My 
concern is that OPES have been disregarded.

 is all what this proposition is about. This proposition is to give
 _one_shot_ in a _standardised_ way the language, the script and the

This was discussed during Last Call of the previous non-IETF (individual
submission) attempt.  IIRC David Singer brought up several examples of
other pieces of information (e.g. legal/copyright variations) that could
also be negotiated and which might affect the presentation of content (or
choice among alternative content).  Lumping all of these separate items into
one tag is a poor design as it impedes negotiation and tends toward lengthy
tags which are incompatible with fixed-length mechanisms such as MIME
encoded-words.  While there is some mention of this issue in the document
under discussion, its treatment and resolving the underlying issue in a
manner that would minimize the problems are lacking.

The work we carried on language in a common reference center (where 
are stored the common parameter of a relation) shown us that must be 
included in negociation two classes of additional information. The 
parameters in the community (we call referent: i.e. dictionary, etc) 
and the context of the exchange (style, personal meanings, 
circumstances, etc.). These elements are necessary for OPES call-out 
servers supervising a relation. These elements are by default used by 
... Word (language, script, country, dictionary, style).

The Draft proposes a system which permits to evaluate the locale the 
computer should support for end to end interoperability purposes. It 
does not necessarily permit to establish, maintain and serve a brain 
to brain interintellibility.

Let's separate three issues:
1. privacy
2. tagging
3. negotiation

The privacy issue exists whenever any information is conveyed; the user
needs to balance privacy concerns with facilitation of communication.
Mechanisms such as TLS can be used to limit the visibility of the information
to the end points of communication; ultimately it boils down to a matter of
trust in the end-point partner in the communication exchange.  I believe
that the issue is dealt with adequately in the security considerations
section of the document under discussion (some mention of transport-level
protection of privacy would be welcome).

Not really: see above. The concept is an help to privacy violation:
- more secure alternatives should be investigated and proposed
- the danger is not worth the result, necessary information is missing.

Tagging identifies characteristics of a particular piece of content.  For
that purpose alone, it makes little difference (other than regarding the
aforementioned compatibility issues with existing IETF mechanisms) whether
the characteristics are lumped or separate.  There are existing IETF
mechanisms which permit handling of either lumped or individual 
(e.g. the extensible header field mechanism of RFC 2045 and the 

mechanism of RFC 2533/2738/2912).  Tagging per se identifies characteristics
of content.  While that may be used to infer something about the content
provider, such inferences may be unreliable, particularly for providers that
support a wide variety of characteristics for the content in question.

This confusion will be an increasing problem. More and more the 
architext we use (the data from which we infer the text we read) 
become intelligent and 

Re: Last Call: 'Tags for Identifying Languages' to BCP

2005-08-28 Thread JFC (Jefsey) Morfin

At 16:42 28/08/2005, Bruce Lilly wrote:

  Date: 2005-08-25 20:55
  From: JFC (Jefsey) Morfin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 please document how do you do, while respecting the hybrid format of
 the proposed ABNF where information is not indentified by fixed
 position, but also relative position and size, with - as sole
 separator. And they want to keep labels between - 8 characters
 long. Tell me how you support IDNs.

 Let suppose that I have as a scheme.
 or Tell me how you support them

It's unclear what you're trying to get at here.  A URI scheme is a
protocol element (an assigned number) registered by IANA, not a
piece of text (see RFCs 1958 and 2277).

A proposition I received from the WG-ltru was to slice URI tags into 
8 aphanum labels, etc. Among many problems URI tags accept domain 
names, mail names and IP addresses as registered identifiers. The 
main problem with the ABNF is therefore the use of - as a separator 
since - is a legitimate character in domain name. The support of 
IRI tags is impossible.

Our work is on CRC (common reference centers). offering such 
references. URI tags are the correct solution (with some restrictions 
we will probably document once the RFC is published)

As such, it has no need of
an indication of language, for it has no language; it is a language-
independent protocol element.  Confusing protocol element issues with
language will only muddy the water; try to stay focused on real

For that matter, DNS labels are public names (i.e. protocol elements,
again see RFC 1958 (sect. 4.3, noting that text there has a different
meaning than in RFC 2277)) and as such there should not have been any
reason to overload the semantics and baggage of internationalized
text (in the RFC 2277 sense).  Now, having made the decision to
nevertheless do so, you might well point out that per RFC 2277, there
ought to be a means of indicating language in IDNs.  However, that is
primarily an issue with the IDN specification(s), not with the document
under discussion (except to the extent that the document under
discussion extends the likely length of tags in a way that is likely to
conflict with the DNS label length and domain name length limits, *if*
there were in fact provision in IDN for the use of language tags.

Fully correct. The response is with the approved pending URI Tags RFC.
IRT IDN, as a multilingualiser I disapprove IDNA. But whatever the 
final solution the MLDN charsets may use a langtag like solution. 
Hence the interest. Another interest is that currently the IANA uses 
RFC 3066 language tags to identify the IDN tables. What is IMHO an error.

might also point out that as IDNs use utf-8 exclusively as a charset, and
as script is easily inferred from the Unicode code points corresponding
to utf-8, that the length-increasing provision for conflating script with
language would be unnecessary and redundant *if* IDNs had provision for
language tags.  But IDNs have no such provision at this time.

Correct. The MLDN problem is IMHO a different issue. However I say:

1. a langtag may be associated to a locale (this is in the WG-ltru 
Charter [Unicode CLDR project and our own ISO 11179 related solution])

2. we think there should be DNS locale for some important sites and services
3. DNS locale could also be the proper place to distribute MLDN 
virtual zones charsets (several concepts to discuss, specify and deploy).


Ietf mailing list

STD (was: Last Call: 'Tags for Identifying Languages'toBCP)

2005-08-28 Thread JFC (Jefsey) Morfin
An exchange on WG-ltru documents (I do not say support: the reader 
will judge) the positions I support.

It involves:
- Peter Constable: one of the initiator of the project and author of 
ISO 639-3 which lists 7500 languages and is used in building langtags

- Doug Ewel: author of the Draft concerning the initial content of the registry
- Debbie Garside: the author of ISO 639-6

At 22:20 28/08/2005, Peter Constable wrote:

[I'll preface this reply by saying that we don't want to spend too much
time discussing issues that are not of immediate concern while we've got
the matching draft and IETF last call on the registry drafts to deal
with. So, I won't pursue this thread much longer.]

The proposed Draft is based upon ISO 639-1,2,3 lists of language 
names. ISO 639-6 is a list of language use names and IDs. The 
proposed langtag is an arbitrary limited compound of three 
information: language name, script and country. A language 
identification MAY call for far more elements, and deliver much more 
information. However these three basic elements are necessary to sell 
lingually related products  (contract, ads, documentation, bills) and 
identify the current status of the art locales (CLDR project).

The alternative seems to be:
- GO for an e-commercial only multilingual internet, for ever.
- NO we do not want the Multilingual Internet to be only commercial.
The decision is NOW. And we understand Peter and the authors wants to 
win now, because they have real needs to address now.

But I do not think there is a need for anyone to win. There is a 
third response.
- GO for an e-commercial multilingual internet support now, as 
default/immediate solution
- YES to a generalised Multilingual Internet hooked to the RFC 3066 
Draft how poor it is, using its reserved ABNF hooks.

This means that:
- fr-Latn-fr is the default tag based upon ISO 639-1/2/3
- x-fran is a private use tag based upon ISO 639-6
- is my vision of the French at the Palace of 
Versailles. Documented by an ISO 11179 conformant system (see below)

 From:Doug Ewell
 I'm a bit surprised that a work characterized as a work-in-progress
 and not yet ready for public review is nevertheless deemed ready
 to be considered as a draft international standard.

Debbie at no point said that it was -- and it is not. It will be
December at the earliest that it can be registered as a CD, and it must
successfully complete a three-month ballot as CD before it can be
registered as a Draft International Standard. So last spring of 2006 at
the earliest.

This means that this debate is only to lock a _final_ ABNF via an 
accepted RFC and a loaded operationalIANA registry _before_ a simpler 
solution is available three months from now

  In other words, in the system as proposed, you could
  use either the alpha-4 representation or the unique DI to find the
  closest 639-1,-2,-3 or -5 tags should you so wish.

 But in language tags, either one value needs to be canonical -- sorry,
 preferred -- over the others, or else the duplicative values should
 not be added at all.

Your statement doesn't contradict anything that Debbie has said,
provided the context is ISO 639-6 alone. If we were to talk about
incorporation of ISO 639-6 into a revision of RFC 3066, however, then
duplication would become an issue for consideration.

This is the WG-ltru Charter that all the ISO codes be included. As a 
user I am not much interested in mixing four formats only to please 
Peter Constable and/or Debbie Garside. All the more than the issue is 
the addition of the script information to document ... oral 
expression and they miss computer(ised?) languages (definition?) and 
all this is through computers.

For clarification of Debbie's statement, in the model of ISO 11179, we
have metadata elements that consist of a data element concept, such as
'English', and a representation for that, such as en or eng (these
would be distinct representations belonging to different value domains).
Within an metadata registry, a registry item corresponding to 'English'
can have a Data Identifier (DI), which is a unique identifier *within
the registry* for that administered item; in this example, that DI could
be any number of strings, though English would be among the better

Nice to see that ISO 11179 is accepted now. Peter Constable and the 
WG-ltru have opposed the reference to ISO 11179 model. This model 
permits to conceptualise languages and to include in their 
description an unlimited number of additional elements. Roughly it 
means that ISO 639-3 is a table of codes (names) related to non 
documented languages. While ISO 639-6 wants to be a root to a base of 
objects describing languages.

The Draft proposes a very limited version of that base with three 
columns only. This is enough in many cases. But not in an increasing 
number of cases. Hence the possibility to use the Draft as a default. 
Since the three elements of the Draft's langtag are 

Re: Last Call: 'Tags for Identifying Languages' to BCP

2005-08-28 Thread Peter Constable
 From: Bruce Lilly [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 It's unclear what you're trying to get at here.  A URI scheme is a
 protocol element (an assigned number) registered by IANA, not a
 piece of text (see RFCs 1958 and 2277).  As such, it has no need of
 an indication of language, for it has no language; it is a language-
 independent protocol element.

This point was made in response to Mr. Morfin on more than one occasion
within the LTRU WG. He appears to be unwilling to accept it, however.

 ought to be a means of indicating language in IDNs.  However, that is
 primarily an issue with the IDN specification(s), not with the
 under discussion (except to the extent that the document under
 discussion extends the likely length of tags

In comparison to RFC 3066, the draft does not extend the likely length
of tags. The likely length of tags is precisely the same as before; the
main difference is that this draft imposes significant structural
constraints on tags.

Peter Constable

Ietf mailing list

Re: Dynamic salting in encryption algorithms for peer to peer communication

2005-08-28 Thread Benyamin Nasution
Dear Atul,

I have the same thought regarding dynamic techniques, in this case the 
If you use a well known mathemtical formula, I think passive attackers 
may still have a chance to challenge it.

What if the encryption algorithm is made dynamic?
It means that each peer can update and upgrade peer's algorithm 
whenever required.



Benny B. Nasution
Peninsula School of Information Technology
Information Technology Faculty
Monash University
+61 401 230 818
+61 397 696 078

- Original Message -
From: Atul Sabharwal [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sunday, August 28, 2005 7:28 pm
Subject: Dynamic salting in encryption algorithms for peer to peer
 Ietf mailing list
Title: Message

Generally, I have 
seen that people use PKI or static salts for encrypting data e.g. 
In case of peer to 
peer communication, would it be useful to use dynamic salts derived 
known mathematical 
series e.g. Fibonacci series, Ramanajum number series. The 
salt need not be 
item(1) of the list but a random item(N) out of a circular series of M 

This could be useful 
for VPN client/server from same vendor. Web site /Java Applet 
a company etc. 

IsSSL still 
more secure than dynamic salting for man in the middle attack 

Ietf mailing list

Re: [Ltru] Re: Last Call: language root file size

2005-08-28 Thread JFC (Jefsey) Morfin
I am sorry to impose that kind of response - and a large number of 
mails. But this shows the problem to protect an open RD capacity 
against a chapel, which as some good points. And a non-profit RD 
against people sharing in a commercial competing consortium.

At 02:05 29/08/2005, Doug Ewell wrote:

JFC (Jefsey) Morfin jefsey at jefsey dot com wrote:
 I started documenting some of the problems resulting from the
 expected size of the language tag registry and the capacity of the
 langtag solution to fulfill the WG-ltru Charter. Here are two inputs
 from the author of the Draft above on the WG-ltru list, Doug Ewell:

 - I've already built a hypothetical RFC 3066ter registry.  The
 changes alone add up to 35,700 lines, or more than 740 pages in RFC
 format.  It might reopen the question of whether an I-D is the best
 vehicle for delivering this amount of information to IANA.

Some of you who have not had the joy of witnessing this sort of gross
misrepresentation on LTRU over the past eight months might be a bit

At no time did I ever say, or imply, or MEAN, that the eventual size of
the registry would be a problem in and of itself, nor that the solution
developed by the LTRU WG would not fulfill the charter.

What I said, as anyone can see from reading the quote above, is that a
740-page I-D might be unwieldy enough that the IETF might consider a
different procedural mechanism for delivering the information to IANA.

I do not see the need of all the innuendo above to repeat what I quoted.

 - I still have significant concerns about the assumption that ISO
 639-6 will be, or should be, automatically integrated into a language
 tagging scheme. [snip] Meanwhile, the claim that there are over
 20,000 languages to be tagged is being used as an argument against
 the current RFC 3066bis effort and the plan to support 7,600 languages
 in RFC 3066ter.

Since the charter neither refers nor alludes to ISO 639-6, there is no
conflict with the charter if WG members disagree in regard to the
*eventual* expansion of the scope of language tags to involve ISO 639-6.

This repeated allusion to the Charter neither refering nor alluding 
to ISO 639-6 is to be compared with the text of the Charter 
( which says It is 
also expected to provide mechanisms to support the evolution of the 
underlying ISO standards, in particular ISO 639-3.

This kind of problem may be related to the refusal of the WG to start 
from/analyse the Charter requirments?

The argument against the RFC 3066bis effort on the basis of the asserted
existence of 20,000 languages is attributable to M. Morfin alone.  He
is not being truthful in saying that he does not oppose the draft; he
has spent the entire lifetime of the LTRU WG, and before, shouting his
opposition from the rooftops.

 I fully share the concerns of Doug Ewell.

M. Morfin does not share any concerns with me, except to the extent he
can twist my words to mean something I do not intend.

I do not know if I share concerns with Doug. I do share the concerns of Doug.

I hereby disassociate myself with any statements made by M. Morfin
concerning the drafts produced by the LTRU WG.  I hope that is clear
enough for IETF members.

Since I said I supported his Draft 

 2. the documented upgrade enlarge the size from 80 K (11.5 K zipped)
 to 650 K (100 K zipped). This information, updates and additions MUST
 be available to each of the on-line application of the devices of
 billions of users. The Draft does not explain how.

The WG decided this was an IANA implementation issue, and out of scope.

Correct. This is exactly what I say.

Clearly, if some consider it wrong to specify both a registry format and
a registration procedure within the same draft, it would be that much
worse to dictate to IANA how it should manage its resources.

This is an interesting idea: because I disagree that a general 
registration procedure is documented in the same document as a 
specific format (but I propose to address the point in considering it 
as the default format) ... I would support the idea to pass to others 
what one does not know to address.

I note that this has been done with much success in the IDNA case.

 2. One of the author has _legitimate_ concerns about the capacity of
 the proposition and the reasonability of the Charter expectation to
 support the ISO 639-6 evolution of the underlying ISO standards.

Any talk within the LTRU WG regarding ISO 639-6 is just that: talk.

Doug said in another mail I just think the two figures (7,600 and 
20,000) could be seen as representing a fundamental disagreement. 
This is a legitimate concern at a time a LC is to engage the whole 
IETF in a direction where you think this is unclear. I would not 
qualify that of ust talk. This is something loyalty calls you to 
say, even if it is to explain why there is no fundamental disagreement.

There is no charter requirement to support 

Re: Last Call: 'Tags for Identifying Languages' to BCP

2005-08-28 Thread JFC (Jefsey) Morfin

At 02:50 29/08/2005, Peter Constable wrote:

 From: Bruce Lilly [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 It's unclear what you're trying to get at here.  A URI scheme is a
 protocol element (an assigned number) registered by IANA, not a
 piece of text (see RFCs 1958 and 2277).  As such, it has no need of
 an indication of language, for it has no language; it is a language-
 independent protocol element.

This point was made in response to Mr. Morfin on more than one occasion
within the LTRU WG. He appears to be unwilling to accept it, however.

we all know you are worth better than that!

you just show that you ignore what URI Tags are. This is embarrassing 
for you since your whole problem is the conflict of your proposition 
with this accepted RFC

 ought to be a means of indicating language in IDNs.  However, that is
 primarily an issue with the IDN specification(s), not with the
 under discussion (except to the extent that the document under
 discussion extends the likely length of tags

In comparison to RFC 3066, the draft does not extend the likely length
of tags.

There is a confusion between two lengths. The length of the tag and 
the length of the subtags. The whole issue is that Peter's colleagues 
want to consider private and specialised tags as subtags, and impose 
them the size of a subtag instead of the size of a tag. This 
is  where is the exclusion. This trick cannot stay for long: but if 
they get it accepted for now, this gives them time to establish their 

This means that the legitimate URI tag:
must be accommodated into the format 
x----etc. instead of

This can only lead to a confusing deprecation of the RFC 3066bis 
which will be replaced by a generalised IRI-tags solution. The 
solution I propose consists only in accepting that what the Draft 
would call specialised subtags have a size limited to the tag 
length - 2, and an URI-tag charset.

NB. Since x- was used in RFC 3066 and it has been pointed to me 
that a specific privateuse (in a VPN for example) could be needed, we 
selected 0- for an open format. Actually we suggest 1- for an 
encrypted format. No work has been yet carried on this.

The likely length of tags is precisely the same as before; the
main difference is that this draft imposes significant structural
constraints on tags.

Absolutely. This is the area of contention.

Peter takes a loosely applied chancy non-exclusive proposition, to 
make it the significantly constrained exclusive rule of the Internet 
instead of correcting it and following the ISO innovation (ISO 639-6 
and ISO 11179) as directed by the Charter. This permits him to 
exclude competitive propositions following or preceding that innovation.

With the trick above: length and character wise a private tag is a subtag.
 and the lack of explanation of how billions of machines will 
know about the daily updated version of his 600 K file, without 
anyone paying for it, but me and the like.


Ietf mailing list

RE: STD (was: Last Call: 'Tags for Identifying Languages'toBCP)

2005-08-28 Thread Peter Constable
 From: JFC (Jefsey) Morfin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 An exchange on WG-ltru documents...

In this post from Mr. Morfin, it is difficult (at least for me) to
ascertain his point other than in relation to certain specifics:

 proposed langtag is an arbitrary limited compound of three
 information: language name, script and country. A language
 identification MAY call for far more elements, and deliver much more

Mr. Morfin has often suggested to the LTRU WG that language tags should
be able to provide greater information than is allowed by the draft. He
has never provided any specific proposal except a request to permit
certain private-use tags, which I will return to below. The consensus of
the remainder of the LTRU WG is that the draft supports all relevant
distinctions needed to describe the linguistic and written-form
attributes of content as may be needed for all purposes, commercial and

 This means that:
 - fr-Latn-fr is the default tag based upon ISO 639-1/2/3
 - x-fran is a private use tag based upon ISO 639-6
 - is my vision of the French at the Palace of
 Versailles. Documented by an ISO 11179 conformant system (see below)

Two comments: First, Mr. Morfin suggested within the LTRU WG that the
syntax for language tags should be loosened to permit additional
characters, such as . and :. The remainder of the WG was in
consensus that this was unacceptable due to backward incompatibility
with processes designed to conform to RFC 3066.

Secondly, Mr. Morfin has repeatedly made mention of ISO 11179, a series
of ISO standards on metadata and metadata registries, indicating his
view that language tags used on the Internet should be maintained in a
registry conformant with ISO 11179, and therefore that the draft should
make reference to those standards. He has also, on several occasions
such as his comments above, cited ISO 11179 in relation to his views in
a manner that appears to be intended to suggest that his views are
superior to the draft because he has cited that series of standards
while the draft does not. A reality check is in need here:

- While Mr. Morfin cites ISO 11179, he has never made statements 
  that clearly indicate that he actually understands those 

- While Mr. Morfin refers to an ISO 11179 conformant system, 
  none of the ISO 11179 series of standards contains any statement 
  of conformance requirements. Thus, no such notion of ISO 11179 
  conformant is defined anywhere. All that can be said is that a 
  system of metadata elements is maintained and administered using 
  a certain amount of the conceptual model, practice and 
  administrative infrastructure specified in the ISO 11179 standards. 
  The draft uses some measure of these, though it does not make 
  normative reference to ISO 11179.

  In terms of ISO 11179 notions, each entry in the proposed registry 
  includes the two essential components of a metadata element: a 
  representation, and a data element concept. Each item in the 
  registry indicates (i) the representation used in language tags, 
  (ii) a designator that indicates the value meaning and that can 
  also serve as the data identifier, (iii) the object class (its 
  type), (iv) the administrative status (limited to deprecated or 
  not deprecated), as well as other properties.

  Thus, while it cannot formally be said that the draft conforms
  to ISO 11179 (since no terms of conformance are defined), I think 
  it *can* reasonably be said that the draft creates a registry and
  system of metadata elements that is consistent with the model
  presented in ISO 11179.

- The primary reason that the LTRU WG chose not to reference ISO
  11179 in this draft had nothing to do with whether the WG 
  considered ISO 11179 appropriate or valuable in general. Rather,
  it was that it was not deemed that reference to ISO 11179 would
  add significant value in the context of an IETF language subtag
  registry. Taken together, the ISO 11179 standards are long and
  complex, and have not to our knowledge been referenced in any
  other IETF metadata registry -- and certainly not in relation
  to RFC 1766 or RFC 3066, which specifications accomplish their 
  purposes in spite of that absence of reference.

Thus, when I see Mr. Morfin citing ISO 11179 in the course of arguing
for some view that he holds, I consider that citation to have added
nothing of significance in support of his view.

 This means that this debate is only to lock a _final_ ABNF via an
 accepted RFC and a loaded operationalIANA registry _before_ a simpler
 solution [ISO 639-6] is available three months from now

This statement makes several assumptions of uncertain validity, not the
least of which is that use of alpha-4 symbols from ISO 639-6 for IETF
language tags would constitute a simpler solution. Given the widespread
existing use of RFC 3066 tags, use of ISO 639-6 would have to go
alongside use of multi-part tags of the 

RE: Last Call: 'Tags for Identifying Languages' to BCP

2005-08-28 Thread Peter Constable
 From: JFC (Jefsey) Morfin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 This means that the legitimate URI tag:
 must be accommodated into the format
 x----etc. instead of

As I mentioned in another message, Mr. Morfin submitted a request to the
WG that the syntax in the draft be loosened to permit tags of the form
indicated, and that the consensus of everyone else in the WG was to
reject that request on the basis that (i) it would result in backward
incompatibility with existing processes designed to conform to RFC 3066,
and (ii) it was possible to create a scheme for semantically equivalent
tags without breaking compatibility with RFC 3066.

 Peter takes a loosely applied chancy non-exclusive proposition, to
 make it the significantly constrained exclusive rule of the Internet
 instead of correcting it and following the ISO innovation (ISO 639-6
 and ISO 11179) as directed by the Charter. This permits him to
 exclude competitive propositions following or preceding that

The LTRU charter makes no reference whatsoever to ISO 639-6 or to ISO
11179. As I have explained elsewhere, Mr. Morfin's suggestion that the
draft is incompatible with ISO 11179 while his alternative would be
conformant is far from valid. Finally, I have not excluded competing
propositions; I was one voice among many that rejected a request to
permit . and : in the syntax, and to my recollection no other
concrete proposal wrt syntax, let alone an overall system of metadata
elements, was submitted by Mr. Morfin to the WG.

 With the trick above: length and character wise a private tag is a
  and the lack of explanation of how billions of machines will
 know about the daily updated version of his 600 K file, without
 anyone paying for it, but me and the like.

It is completely unclear on what basis Mr. Morfin is suggestion that
billions of machines will need to update my (?? I did not create it!)
600K file on a daily basis. There is no indication or likelihood that
the language subtag registry proposed by this draft will change with a
frequency approaching anything close to daily. Indeed, it is entirely
likely that it will change rather less frequently than the RFC 3066
registry was likely to change.

Peter Constable

Ietf mailing list

Re: I-D ACTION:draft-sanz-rfc1032-historic-00.txt

2005-08-28 Thread Harald Tveit Alvestrand

--On 28. august 2005 01:22 -0700 SM [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The reasons for moving RFC 1032 from status UNKNOWN to status HISTORIC
are light.  Such a move would have a negative impact on active usage as
RFC 3912 does not document the contact point for problems concerning a

Three thousand RFCs ago, RFCs were used for many things.
I recommend readeing some other status UNKNOWN perspectives, such as RFC 
1003 (Issues in defining an equations representation standard) or RFC 
1019 (Report of the Workshop on Environments for Computational 

This particular RFC was (I think; people around at the time will correct 
me) brought out by SRI-NIC to make it easy for the early Internet users to 
get hold of its instructions; the IETF never had an opinion on it.

The IETF *is not in the business of* document the contact point for 
problems concerning a domain. That duty is left to registry operators, who 
have a whole apparatus (ICANN) for making it possible to figure out how to 
do that. And they can ask to have such specs published as RFCs if they want 
to - it's been done before; examples include RFC 1875 (UNINETT PCA Policy 
Statements). But ICANN hasn't done that, so no policy related to any 
*current* domain administrator is on the record.

The only possible reason I can see for doing anything to the status of RFC 
1032 is becaue the existence of the RFC is (wrongly) abused to try to force 
people into changing their behaviour with the argument The IETF says so. 
Those people should stop taking the name of the IETF in vain.

Status UNKNOWN seems like a fine status to keep, in my opinion. Status 
INFORMATIONAL would have been more likely if anyone had bothered to 
reclassify the status UNKNOWN documents back in 1989 or therabouts, when 
those stop appearing. But like today, the people managing the publication 
series seem to have found better use for their time back then.


Description: PGP signature
Ietf mailing list

Re: Last Call: 'Tags for Identifying Languages' to BCP

2005-08-28 Thread Peter Constable
 From: JFC (Jefsey) Morfin [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 XML, HTML, etc. are not IETF protocols and should not be the main
 consideration in IETF work on IETF documents,
 They are specifically quoted by the Charter. Also is CLDR...

These are cited in the charter only as examples in a statement to the
effect that the RFC 3066 standard for language tags has been widely
adopted in various protocols and text formats...

 It is to note that ISO 639-4 work is about discussing guidelines in
 that area. This work is under way and was not considered.

Mr. Morfin appears to me to have no more than a very vague sense of the
scope of ISO 639-4.

Peter Constable

Ietf mailing list

Re: Dynamic salting in encryption algorithms for peer to peer communication

2005-08-28 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Benyamin Nasution writes:

I have the same thought regarding dynamic techniques, in this case the 
If you use a well known mathemtical formula, I think passive attackers 
may still have a chance to challenge it.

What if the encryption algorithm is made dynamic?
It means that each peer can update and upgrade peer's algorithm 
whenever required.

(a) this is off-topic for the IETF mailing list
(b) cryptography is a branch of applied mathematics, with a rich 
literature.  I suggest you consult it first, or at least ask your 
question on a cryptography mailing list or newsgroup.  Start at  (Well, it's dated at this 
point, but it will give you a hint of the flavor of modern cryptography.)

--Steven M. Bellovin,

Ietf mailing list

Re: I-D ACTION:draft-sanz-rfc1032-historic-00.txt

2005-08-28 Thread Frank Ellermann
Harald Tveit Alvestrand wrote:

 The only possible reason I can see for doing anything to the
 status of RFC 1032 is becaue the existence of the RFC is
 (wrongly) abused to try to force people into changing their
 behaviour with the argument The IETF says so.

Certainly not, just read and the
listing policy.  It's a private service like etc.

 Those people should stop taking the name of the IETF in vain.

Those people are about as coherent as this list, and as
far as I know they never talk about the IETF (excl. me).

They discuss RfCs, mainly 2821 and 2142.  Replacing 954 by
1032 last year, after 3912 obsoleted 954.

 Status UNKNOWN seems like a fine status to keep

   ACK, bye, Frank

Ietf mailing list

Re: [Ltru] Re: Last Call: language root file size (long)

2005-08-28 Thread Doug Ewell
JFC (Jefsey) Morfin jefsey at jefsey dot com wrote:

 I am sorry to impose that kind of response - and a large number of
 mails. But this shows the problem to protect an open RD capacity
 against a chapel, which as some good points. And a non-profit RD
 against people sharing in a commercial competing consortium.

Since most of M. Morfin's messages make at least passing mention of this
supposed conflict between open and commercial interests -- the
forces of good vs. the forces of evil, as it were -- I suppose some
explanations about my own motives are in order.

I do not have any commercial or financial stake in the success of the
language-tag drafts.  I am a software developer, working for a company
that produces an internationalized software product, for (frankly)
rather small values of internationalized.  Since we are working with
the .NET platform, most of us have at least some familiarity with what
the documentation calls culture names, which are based on RFC 3066 but
make use of some non-standard extensions.  In addition to regular
development, I am responsible for maintaining what we call code lists,
which are basically resource files shared between systems that otherwise
know little about each other.

I got involved in the language-tag project at its early stages, partly
to avoid repeating some of the misconceptions I had had years earlier
about RFC 3066.  I had been keeping track of changes to ISO 639 and 3166
for many years anyway, so when the concept of a comprehensive language
subtag registry came up, I mocked up my own example registry that
matched the description in the draft.  That example eventually became
the proposed initial registry.

I have developed, on my own time and with no company assistance, a small
utility program that generates and validates language tags according to
the current draft.  It contains a database that is compiled
programmatically from the text registry (into a DLL).  It is flexible in
the sense that the database can be updated independently from the main
program.  It understands the concept of extended-language subtags,
although none are defined in the current draft.  The IETF may wish to
consider this running code, or a working implementation, for
purposes of evaluating the drafts, and if IETF members are interested in
examining it to help with serious evaluation of the drafts -- not just
to find reasons to tear it down -- I can make it freely available.  (I
have not released it yet, of course, because the RFCs on which it is
based are only I-Ds.)

Very importantly, this program is **NOT** a commercial endeavor.  It
could conceivably be made into one, or it culd be offered as freeware or
shareware (although I have no specific plans to do either), but it could
just as easily be converted to an open source project of the type
often mentioned by M. Morfin.

The point is that there is NO dichotomy between free (or open or
non-profit) and commercial (or corporate) when it comes to the
current drafts.  The draft contains NO restrictions against open-source
or non-profit implementation (I would think they would be strongly
encouraged).  There is nothing in the ABNF that prevents open-source
development based on the proposed BCP.  There are no IP constraints on
any of the technology used in its development.  Any existing protocols
that make use of language tags, and stand to benefit from the proposed
update, will benefit equally regardless of whether they are commercial
or not.

M. Morfin has argued that there are prevalent running code
implementations that use his expanded language-tag syntax, which is not
compatible with the syntax in the present draft.  However, to date I
have not seen any pointers to such an implementation, nor any evidence
of the prevalence of this alternative syntax.  Obviously any developer
can write code that *does not conform* to a given standard, or proposed
standard, but that says nothing about the standard itself, or about
whether the non-conformant code or the syntax it does follow is somehow

The arguments that RFC 3066 is widely ignored are specious as well;
there are numerous examples of protocols that adhere to the RFC 3066
model.  The fact that non-conformant implementations (like the culture
identifiers) exist is not a justification for throwing away the model.
To cite an example from another thread, we acknowledge that some mail
software implements Reply-To poorly, but that does not mean the whole
notion of Reply-To should be thrown away as irrelevant, or not
supported by open RD solutions.

I apologize for the length of this particular point, but I feel it is
important.  Not everyone who supports the draft does so out of
commercial greed, and even those who happen to work for Big Commercial
Behemoths might have higher motives.  Some people just like the feel of
an open software vs. closed software struggle, á la Richard Stallman
or Eric Raymond -- note M. Morfin's reference to a chapel, evoking
images of Raymond's The 

Re: Appeal: Publication of draft-lyon-senderid-core-01 in conflict with referenced draft-schlitt-spf-classic-02

2005-08-28 Thread wayne
In [EMAIL PROTECTED] Frank Ellermann [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 John Glube wrote in mxcomp:

 I should have written:

 |The underlying benefit of e-mail authentication for senders
 |interested in e-mail delivery is to establish a framework that
 |supports certification and reputation services, both external
 |and internal to facilitate the delivery of ham, while rejecting
 |spam [1]

 That was not the main purpose of SPF.  SHOULD check HELO was
 added in 2005, because it was always allowed and possible, and
 it makes sense for the reasons you have stated.

The SHOULD check HELO was added in 2004, not 2005.  This was changed
to RECOMMENDED in 2005.

 But the main idea of SPF is to get rid of backscatter, numerous
 bogus bounces / challenges / other auto-responses to forged
 Return-Paths.  With side effects, some hard, others desirable.

The DKIM proto-WG is currently going through the process of trying to
specify What is DKIM intended for?  It's a good idea and one that
the SPF folks skipped in 2003.

So, I disagree that main idea of SPF is to get rid of backscatter and
such.  That is certainly *one* of the reasons that *some* (maybe even
most) people had for promoting SPF, but certainly not the only reason.

Other reasons include the desire by domain owners to not have their
domain name forged in the MAIL FROM and HELO domains, whether they
caused backscatter or not.  Also, by creating identities that could be
verified, you could make more reliable use of whitelists and
blacklists.  Another is that it could be used as a basis to help
protect the 2822.From: header, if you can correctly identify the cases
where the 2821.MAILFROM will differ from the 2822.From:.  I suspect
that there are going to be several other answers from other SPF

If your only goal is to get rid of backscatter, things like SES do a
much better job.


Ietf mailing list

Re: Appeal: Publication of draft-lyon-senderid-core-01 in conflict with referenced draft-schlitt-spf-classic-02

2005-08-28 Thread wayne

 This is an important point; the SPF-classic draft was announced to the
 ietf-822 and ietf-smtp mailing lists where there was some discussion on
 that very point.  While the ID-tracker state indicated intended status of
 Experimental, the author stated that he was very reluctant to debate
 issues of controversy with the technical specification, and that his goal
 was to document a de-facto standard [his words].

What I said both times I submitted the spf-classic I-D for review by
various IETF mailing lists was, in full:

   I realize that the whole subject of SPF (and similar systems) has a
   certain amount of controversy to it, but for the purposes of this
   draft, I am very reluctant to try debate these issues.  The goal is to
   document a de-facto standard.  Debates about better techniques, why
   SPF is evil, etc. are probably best discussed on things like the IRTF
   ASRG list, SPAM-L, the NANAE newsgroup, or on spf-discuss on a
   separate thread/subject.

(See and

There were quite a few technical errors that were corrected because of
the reviews in ietf-822, ietf-smtp and the dnsext lists.  I even made
an editorial change to the draft because Bruce didn't think that one
RECOMMENDED item applied to only those domain owners that chose to
participate in SPF.

My intent was to simply not cause the various mailing lists to be
flooded with off-topic discussions, especially those that have had a
history of never being resolved.


Ietf mailing list

Re: [Ltru] Re: Last Call: language root file size (long)

2005-08-28 Thread Doug Ewell
I wrote:

 3.  The proposed initial registry contains subtags based only on the
 existing standards: ISO 639-1 and 639-2, ISO 3166-1, ISO 15924, and
 United Nations M.49, as well as variant and grandfathered subtags
 based on the RFC 3066 registry.

Should have been:
variant subtags and grandfathered tags

There is no such thing in the draft as a grandfathered subtag.

Doug Ewell
Fullerton, California

Ietf mailing list

Re: STD (was: Last Call: 'Tags for Identifying Languages' to BCP)

2005-08-28 Thread Doug Ewell
rd afrac rd at afrac dot org wrote:

 - I supported the proposition of an African searcher (they treated of
 troll) to reconcile the desire of a strict ABNF expressed by the WG
 affinity group and the users, RD and innovation (following ISO
 evolution) support to use the URI-tags RFC in proposing first to use
 the private use area. As indicated, a remark shown me it was a
 wrong choice, the private use area also addressing other needs.

Merriam-Webster OnLine defines affinity group as a group of people
having a common interest or goal or acting together for a specific
purpose (as for a chartered tour).

Exercise for the reader:  Explain why this is a bad thing for an IETF
Working Group.

Doug Ewell
Fullerton, California

Ietf mailing list