Re: Last Call: 'Linklocal Multicast Name Resolution (LLMNR)' toProposed Standard

2005-09-06 Thread Iljitsch van Beijnum

On 6-sep-2005, at 1:48, JFC (Jefsey) Morfin wrote:

>  So for those people that aren't capable of running their own DNS,

I agree with everything you say. But with this one. I think the  
problem is there is no free Linux/Windows nameserver with a smart  
enough control panel for everyone being able to run their own DNS.  
May be a project to dig into rather than to endanger the DNS?

It would be an interesting experiment to make an easy-to-use DNS  
implementation for local use that runs on a residential gateway. But  
to be part of the global DNS requires delegation pointers from  
elsewhere, and most residential/SOHO users don't have addresses that  
are stable enough to make this usable. This may change with IPv6,  

Ietf mailing list

Re: Last Call: 'Linklocal Multicast Name Resolution (LLMNR)' toProposed Standard

2005-09-06 Thread Eliot Lear

Iljitsch van Beijnum wrote:
> It would be an interesting experiment to make an easy-to-use DNS 
> implementation for local use that runs on a residential gateway. But  to
> be part of the global DNS requires delegation pointers from  elsewhere,
> and most residential/SOHO users don't have addresses that  are stable
> enough to make this usable. This may change with IPv6,  though.

Quite frankly the mechanisms between registry, domain owner, and service
provider suck rocks.  Think about what has to happen on just the
following three cases:

 - new customer, new domain
 Customer has to register domain, provide that name to the ISP, and
 have the ISP either list all hosts or delegate back to the customer
 name servers for reverse lookup.

 - new customer, old domain
 Customer has to change name servers by contacting registry and
 repeat reverse lookup steps

 - same customer, same domain, ISP renumbers
 ISP has to delegate addresses down to customer (a'la prefix
 delegation) and customer must then contact registry.

I've simplified the renumbering steps as many will note, but still
this shouldn't be hopeless.  I just don't see any interest in actually
fixing the problem.


Ietf mailing list

Re: Last Call: 'Linklocal Multicast Name Resolution (LLMNR)' toProposed Standard

2005-09-06 Thread Marc Manthey

On Sep 6, 2005, at 10:51 AM, Eliot Lear wrote:

Iljitsch van Beijnum wrote:

It would be an interesting experiment to make an easy-to-use DNS
implementation for local use that runs on a residential gateway.  
But  to
be part of the global DNS requires delegation pointers from   

and most residential/SOHO users don't have addresses that  are stable
enough to make this usable. This may change with IPv6,  though.

sure ,  i heard that there is  a mobile implementation arround

adrian did a great job


 "When it's not necessary to do something,
   it's becomes necessary NOT to do it."

Les Enfants Terribles

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Ietf mailing list

Re: Last Call: 'Linklocal Multicast Name Resolution (LLMNR)' toProposed Standard

2005-09-06 Thread JFC (Jefsey) Morfin

At 10:12 06/09/2005, Iljitsch van Beijnum wrote:

On 6-sep-2005, at 1:48, JFC (Jefsey) Morfin wrote:

>  So for those people that aren't capable of running their own DNS,

I agree with everything you say. But with this one. I think the
problem is there is no free Linux/Windows nameserver with a smart
enough control panel for everyone being able to run their own DNS.
May be a project to dig into rather than to endanger the DNS?

It would be an interesting experiment to make an easy-to-use DNS
implementation for local use that runs on a residential gateway. But
to be part of the global DNS requires delegation pointers from
elsewhere, and most residential/SOHO users don't have addresses that
are stable enough to make this usable. This may change with IPv6,

I am afraid not. The real digital divide is between those who can be 
called and those who cannot by lack of money for an IP address (the 
cost of an IPv6 address is also the software change, education, 
missing user tools). This results from an old and costly model (RIRs) 
rather than using a network model (like telephone). This was needed 
in a deployment period, this is a blocking factor for a mature global 
network continuity.

It is a real shame that the entire world has E.164 numbers, with 
billions of people paying them every month, using every days, 
possibly keeping them all their life long, using them for the 
telephone, as customer ID, when they want to be differentiate from 
homonyms in databases, etc. and they cannot use on the  ... modern 
... Internet. By the ITU or by the RIRs, what is the problem to have 
an IPv6 plan made of a leading byte+telephone number?  What is the 
problem of entering a telephone number in a browser and to access the 
corresponding byte+telnr IPv6 address?

In the meanwhile is there an impossibility to think of small 
softwares acting as a local name server and as an external resolver. 
Is there a major problem in having the IP addresses managed 
dynamically (mobile systems would need them anyway)? Is there a big 
problem to get a hook before or after Hosts.txt so anyone can 
organise the responses he wants, for his applications?

I think the real problem is to gather a DNS reference book. So the 
specs, the functions, the tricks of the protocol, the samples of 
existing code are documented authoritatively, a test bed is organised 
and new people with fresh ideas can come, learn and realistically 
develop new projects without being shout at "RFC !" or start an 
IETF war. mDNS and LLMNR are just that: working ideas. In 22 years 
should we not have had a lot more?

They represent a danger for the DNS? May be, only if the DNS is not 
fool proof or at least resilient enough or embedded in a more global 
system the user has an immediate interest to protect because it would 
affect much more, like in the DRS (distributed registry system I 
alluded to and which seems an interesting area of research). IMHO it 
is in that directions the IETF should work.

Anyway do not worry too much about a DNS network overload, without a 
DRS the langtags support may do better and faster.


Ietf mailing list

Last call comments on LTRU registry and initialization documents

2005-09-06 Thread John C Klensin
Comments on draft-ietf-ltru-registry and
draft-ietf-ltru-initial and, secondarily, on

Summary: These documents represent good work, and the community
should be grateful to have them.  However, I believe they, and
the still-incomplete "matching" one, have conclusively
demonstrated that the expectations of the WG Charter were
unreasonable and inappropriate.  When the documents are
examined as an IETF product, rather than on the assumption that
the charter represents perfect foresight, it is clear that the
documents should not be handled as BCPs but as Proposed
Standards, with an applicability statement and/or profile to
follow.  The reasoning behind this conclusion is explained


These specifications are a nice piece of work and the model
specified is quite elegant.  It appears to me to meet the goals
of permitting a high degree of specificity when needed while
providing a plausible mechanism for preserving stability across
changes in underlying documents.  Having tried, mostly
unsuccessfully, to track the WG's work, I believe that the IETF
community owes those who have actively participated and
contributed great thanks.  However, the documents that they
have produced should not be approved as one or more BCPs, nor,
in their present form, as replacements for RFC 3066 / BCP 47.
An alternate suggestion that does not require significant work
beyond that specified in the charter is outlined below.

(1) BCPs or Proposed Standards

The WG Charter calls for the production of BCPs.   Like all
provisions of WG Charters, the requirements that the community
specifies and agrees to must be treated as tentative: if the
best work the WG can produce, consistent with the general goals
of the charter, are not acceptable as the charter specifies,
the community must have the ability to change categories or, in
the worst cases, refer the WG products back to the WG for
further work under a new set of charter specifications.
Fortunately, I do not believe that worst case applies here: the
documents that were last-called appear to be quite appropriate;
it is only how they are classified and applied that appears to
be at issue.

RFC 3066 (and 1766) were arguably just a mechanism for tying a
few existing (and tested) specs together, using a review and
registration procedure.  As such, they were at least marginally
inside the category and usage for which BCPs are appropriate.
LTRU-registration, by contrast, is designed to operate without
registration of full tags: the role of the reviewer, and of
IANA, is to register subtag entitites from which tags can be
constructed.  It also provides for a highly distributed
registry, with different maintainers for different subtags or
groups of subtags.  Neither the IETF community, nor the IANA,
has any experience with doing things that way.  Given the
importance of this registry, and the dependencies upon the
preceeding 3066 registry, that combination of conditions -- a
more complex architecture, registration of components rather
than full tags, and lack of community experience with the
approach -- adds up to an extremely strong argument for
treating these documents as Proposed Standards, and then
letting them advance along the standards track as experience
accumulates, rather than approving them as a single-stage BCP.

(2) Matching rules and the replacement of RFC3066/ BCP47

RFC 3066 essentially specifies its own set of matching rules:
for matching purposes, tags are treated as atomic and two tags
match or they do not.  Both the "registry" document and some of
the discussion leading up to it pointed out the flaws in that
approach, particularly tags that are equivalent but do not
match because extra information is supplied.  However, the
material in Sections 4.1 and 4.2 of the LTRU specification does
not provide an adequate replaceent for Section 2.3 of RFC 3066.
The latter is considerably more normative and specific (even if
naive in retrospect).  By contrast, the material in the LTRU
registry document gives much more general guidance, but not the
level of specific instructions needed to promote
interoperability.  Hence, a _replacement_ for RFC 3066 as BCP
47 requires not only the registry specification but a set of
matching rules (perhaps those to be specified in
draft-ietf-ltru-matching, but see below).

(3) Interoperability issues

Until and unless a protocol or specification is tested in
practice, interoperability is no better than an hypothesis.
That is one reason, perhaps the major reason, why we have a
multiple-stage standards process.  It is also much of the
reason why the IETF has traditionally tried to avoid complex
protocols with many options.  As Marshall Rose elegantly wrote
in RFC 1425, 

   Experience with many protocols has shown that:

   protocols with few options tend towards ubiquity, whilst
   protocols with many options tend towards obscurity.

Viewed as a protocol the LTRU model is option-laden.  Much as I

Re: Last Call: 'Linklocal Multicast Name Resolution (LLMNR)' toProposed Standard

2005-09-06 Thread Andrew Sullivan
On Mon, Sep 05, 2005 at 01:45:03AM -0700, Christian Huitema wrote:
> LLMNR does not create additional DNS queries. Applications do not issue
> LLMNR requests, they issue name resolution requests. When a name
> resolution request is issued, the current behavior is to submit the
> request to the DNS, possibly applying a "search list". LLMNR does not
> change that. LLMNR adds an additional transaction at the end of the
> search list, falling back to local multicast resolution if the
> infrastructure could not resolve the query authoritatively.

The _protocol_ does not change that.  The _adoption_ of the protocol
changes the world in such a way that the effect appears.  Today, very
few people accidentally resolve things to TLDs like .myhome or .local
or .whydoicare or whatever.  But if LLMNR is widely adopted, then end
users will have reasons to attempt to make such resolutions as a
matter of course (maybe accidentally -- the names might be configured
for them by programs, so that they don't even know they're doing
this).  If those end users' boxes are also hooked up to the DNS
infrastructure -- an assumtion that hardly requires stretching one's
imagination -- then every such attempted resolution will send at
least one query to the DNS infrastructure.

Just because a protocol doesn't require a technical change in
behaviour does not mean that its adoption will not change the
techno-social environment.  For a somewhat recent example, consider
the phishing attacks that IDNA opened up.  They're really not much
different from other, previously-known phishing attacks, but because
the phish-space was so much bigger, what was once a managable
annoyance became a problem that needed to be addressed by those
developing IDNA-aware applications.  

At least in the IDNA case, the social problems could be worked around
with techno-social solutions.  Not so in the case of LLMNR: if we
start to have this problem, everyone will have to live with it,
because the protocol is designed that way.



Andrew Sullivan 204-4141 Yonge Street
Afilias CanadaToronto, Ontario Canada
+1 416 646 3304 x4110

Ietf mailing list

ISMS working group and charter problems

2005-09-06 Thread Eliot Lear
Dear Communities,

I need your help to correct for an impending mistake by the ISMS
working group in the IETF.

Short Version

The ISMS working group is chartered to find a way for SNMP to make use
of existing authentication mechanisms.  The current proposed
approaches will make use of TCP.

I seek a change to the proposed ISMS charter that requests the working
group pay attention to firewall and NAT concerns.  The current
envisioned approach will not work through firewalls and NATs.  I
specifically request that the working group be directed to consider
"Call Home" functionality as a non-exclusive alternative, where the
managed device contacts the manager much the same way as your PC
contacts Microsoft, Apple, etc for updates.

The addition of call home functionality won't represent a major
architectural change to SNMP.  The major architectural change (if there
is one) will be the use of SSH at all and the use of TCP.

If you agree with me, I ask that you respond to this note including
the and so indicating.


Long gone are the days when the IETF can simply ignore firewalls, as
this working group is currently planning.  An approach that
demonstrates robustness in the face of firewalls is required.

Long Version

SNMP version 3 has a unique authentication mechanism that does not
easily integrate with other AAA systems such as radius or kerberos.
After many years of complaints and lack of deployment of SNMPv3, a
working group called ISMS was chartered last year to address this
problem.  At IETF 63 the working group decided to move forward with an
approach based on SSH.

As you all know, SSH is TCP-based.  This represents a substantial
change for SNMP.  It also represents a substantial opportunity to
extend manageability through firewalls.  Currently, if you want to
manage devices with SNMP through firewalls you must either have the
firewall run an application layer gateway or you must poke a hole in
the firewall based on UDP ports.  If you do not control the network
element, the network manager, AND the firewall, you assuredly have no
hope of getting SNMP through.  Even if you DO control the firewall,
configuration of authorized address mappings may make it prohibitively
difficult to allow management protocols through, especially in the
face of dynamic address assignment mechanisms such as DHCP and PPP.
Because we now are considering a TCP-based approach we have the
opportunity to fix this huge problem.

Why is this important?

Firewalls exist today throughout our infrastructure.  There's a good
chance you have a simple one at home.  Indeed firewalls exist between
departments within enterprises.  As companies add services and
functions onto the Internet their ability to manage these services
with SNMP deteriorates, requiring the need for expensive custom
solutions and out of band management.

Furthermore, many telcos today offer managed services, where they
manage enterprise and consumer devices (routers, switches, etc).  The
whole concept of an enterprise network has, if you will, become
virtualized.  Today SNMP does not offer any joy to those who want to
build a unified management system.

More and more voice over ip (VoIP) has gained acceptance in the market
place.  However, the ability to debug end points real time is limited.
Wouldn't it be nice for a manager to query a phone to determine how
many data packets it thinks it has sent to a far end and then follow
that stream to determine who is dropping?  In order to accomplish this
task, the manager has to have access to a phone which, if remote, may
well be sitting behind a firewall such as the one you have at home.
Furthermore, if the phone wants to send a notification to a manager, it
too is likely to reside behind a firewall.

Networks are certainly not the only functions to be managed.  One
could easily imagine power management services making use of standard
MIBs as well as enterprise MIBs to handle capacity planning as well as
dispatch in the face of live problems.

What is currently envisioned by ISMS?

What is currently being discussed is the traditional model, where if
you want to request information you open up an SSH connection and make
an SNMP query on top of it once you've authenticated.  If the managed
device resides behind a firewall, you lose.

Worse, the currently envisioned solution calls for a separate
connection to be opened to send notifications (traps).  This time, if
the network management station resides behind you lose again.

What this means is that if there exists a firewall anywhere between
the firewall and the management station, the currently proposed
solution will fail.  The astute will note that this approach looks a
lot like old fashion FTP and will break just in just the same way.

What is needed?

I propose a flexible standard mechanism where either the device or the
manager can be configured to initiate a connection, and that
notifications occur either across the same TCP stream, w

Re: ISMS working group and charter problems

2005-09-06 Thread Dave Crocker


I need your help to correct for an impending mistake by the ISMS
working group in the IETF.

Your note is clear and logical, and seems quite compelling.

Is there any chance of getting a proponent of the working group's decision to 
post a defense?

(By the way, I am awestruck at the potential impact of changing SNMP from 
UDP-based to TCP-based, given the extensive debates that took place about this 
when SNMP was originally developed.  Has THIS decision been subject to adequate 
external review, preferably including a pass by the IAB?)



 Dave Crocker
 Brandenburg InternetWorking
 dcrocker  a t ...

Ietf mailing list

Re: ISMS working group and charter problems

2005-09-06 Thread Daniel Senie

At 02:00 PM 9/6/2005, Dave Crocker wrote:


I need your help to correct for an impending mistake by the ISMS
working group in the IETF.

Your note is clear and logical, and seems quite compelling.

Is there any chance of getting a proponent of the working group's 
decision to post a defense?

(By the way, I am awestruck at the potential impact of changing SNMP 
from UDP-based to TCP-based, given the extensive debates that took 
place about this when SNMP was originally developed.  Has THIS 
decision been subject to adequate external review, preferably 
including a pass by the IAB?)

I agree the argument is well laid out, and would be interested in 
hearing the thinking of ISMS in response.

I'm more than a bit concerned, however, when folks start talking 
about solutions that will permit things to pass through firewalls 
without configuration. Those in charge of firewalls are often 
purposely setting policy. If there is a perceived need for a policy 
that prevents SNMP traffic, then it should remain possible for the 
administrator of that network element to make that call. I must say I 
have some concern with overlaying SNMP on SSH, since that precludes 
the firewall knowing whether the traffic is general SSH keyboard 
traffic or network management.

Let's hear more about the thinking involved.

Ietf mailing list

Re: ISMS working group and charter problems

2005-09-06 Thread Iljitsch van Beijnum

On 6-sep-2005, at 19:37, Eliot Lear wrote:

I seek a change to the proposed ISMS charter that requests the working
group pay attention to firewall and NAT concerns.  The current
envisioned approach will not work through firewalls

I consider the fact that random people across the internet can't  
manage my equipment a feature rather than a bug.

and NATs.

The IETF has been doing extensive work on NAT traversal, have a look  
and see if you can reuse some existing mechanism.

Ietf mailing list

Re: ISMS working group and charter problems

2005-09-06 Thread Sam Hartman
> "Dave" == Dave Crocker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Dave> (By the way, I am awestruck at the potential impact of
Dave> changing SNMP from UDP-based to TCP-based, given the
Dave> extensive debates that took place about this when SNMP was
Dave> originally developed.  Has THIS decision been subject to
Dave> adequate external review, preferably including a pass by the
Dave> IAB?)

Certainly one of the reasons I requested IETF-wide review for the ISMS
recharter is so that decisions like this can be reviewed by the
community.  The IAB gets to see charters at about the same time as the
IESG does; they have sent no negative comments to this charter.

Ietf mailing list

Re: ISMS working group and charter problems

2005-09-06 Thread Eliot Lear

All solutions will use a different SSH port as part of the standard just
so that firewall administrators have the ability to block.


Daniel Senie wrote:
> At 02:00 PM 9/6/2005, Dave Crocker wrote:
>> Eliot,
>>> I need your help to correct for an impending mistake by the ISMS
>>> working group in the IETF.
>> Your note is clear and logical, and seems quite compelling.
>> Is there any chance of getting a proponent of the working group's
>> decision to post a defense?
>> (By the way, I am awestruck at the potential impact of changing SNMP
>> from UDP-based to TCP-based, given the extensive debates that took
>> place about this when SNMP was originally developed.  Has THIS
>> decision been subject to adequate external review, preferably
>> including a pass by the IAB?)
> I agree the argument is well laid out, and would be interested in
> hearing the thinking of ISMS in response.
> I'm more than a bit concerned, however, when folks start talking about
> solutions that will permit things to pass through firewalls without
> configuration. Those in charge of firewalls are often purposely setting
> policy. If there is a perceived need for a policy that prevents SNMP
> traffic, then it should remain possible for the administrator of that
> network element to make that call. I must say I have some concern with
> overlaying SNMP on SSH, since that precludes the firewall knowing
> whether the traffic is general SSH keyboard traffic or network management.
> Let's hear more about the thinking involved.

Ietf mailing list

Re: ISMS working group and charter problems

2005-09-06 Thread Eliot Lear
Hi Iljitsch,

> On 6-sep-2005, at 19:37, Eliot Lear wrote:
>> I seek a change to the proposed ISMS charter that requests the working
>> group pay attention to firewall and NAT concerns.  The current
>> envisioned approach will not work through firewalls
> I consider the fact that random people across the internet can't  manage
> my equipment a feature rather than a bug.

Use of a well known port that you can block will actually make it EASIER
for you to make use of that "feature".  Today if you leave your PC up
with various forms of commercial software, you have no idea who is
connecting to what.

> The IETF has been doing extensive work on NAT traversal, have a look 
> and see if you can reuse some existing mechanism.

All mechanisms used with the possible exception of an additional SNMP
table will be re-used from existing IETF work (mostly SSH with help from
the fact that it's based on TCP).


Ietf mailing list

Re: ISMS working group and charter problems

2005-09-06 Thread Sam Hartman
> "Eliot" == Eliot Lear <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Eliot> Daniel, All solutions will use a different SSH port as part
Eliot> of the standard just so that firewall administrators have
Eliot> the ability to block.

I don't actually think this has been decided yet.  I believe arguments
were presented on both sides of the different port question and I
don't recall a clear consensus.

Ietf mailing list

Re: ISMS working group and charter problems

2005-09-06 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Dave Crocker writes:

>(By the way, I am awestruck at the potential impact of changing SNMP from 
>UDP-based to TCP-based, given the extensive debates that took place about this
>when SNMP was originally developed.  Has THIS decision been subject to 
>external review, preferably including a pass by the IAB?)

When I was the sponsoring AD for the group, I pushed back hard on this 
point.  The WG opted for the present path.  I'm not saying they're 
right -- in fact, I disagreed -- but the decision wasn't made by 

--Steven M. Bellovin,

Ietf mailing list

Re: ISMS working group and charter problems

2005-09-06 Thread Pekka Savola

On Tue, 6 Sep 2005, Eliot Lear wrote:

All solutions will use a different SSH port as part of the standard just
so that firewall administrators have the ability to block.

FWIW, I'm a bit concerned as well.  I don't see clearly which 
scenarios you have in mind when you say you want better firewall/NAT 
traversal capabilities.

In the scenarios I see, it's a Good Thing that as a network admin I 
can block all [incoming] SNMP traffic (whether ISMS or not), and 
moreover, that it's blocked by default if I create a typical policy; I 
want to do that in the future too.  Using a different port is 
obviously the first step here.

But if a different port is being used, I don't see what more is 
absolutely required.

Are you saying some of the following:

 1) ISMS specs should specify that the monitored hosts can/should 
certainly keep open a TCP session so the network management (in both 
ways) can happen over that session.  (This seems pretty trivial..)

 2) We should specify how network management hosts could reside behind 
a firewalls which block the management ports (I don't think this is 
needed or should be done).

 3) ISMS specs should specify network management hosts' capability to 
poll hosts behind a firewall, which blocks incoming ISMS port by 
default -- by using a mechanism where outgoing "I want to be monitored 
using ISMS!" messages would open pinholes in the firewalls.  (Is there 
sufficient benefit in this compared to 1) as you still can't monitor 
the hosts when you want to unless they are constantly polling you?)

Something else?  Please be a bit more specific about what you think 
the "NAT/FW problem" is in this context, and what you'd like to see 
done about it.

(Personally, I'm not sure if I buy the whole ISMS thing at the moment, 
because the operators AFAICT are sufficiently happy with the SNMPv1/2 
security model -- so whatever you build, it has to be at least that 
simple otherwise it won't be used.)

Pekka Savola "You each name yourselves king, yet the
Netcore Oykingdom bleeds."
Systems. Networks. Security. -- George R.R. Martin: A Clash of Kings

Ietf mailing list

Re: ISMS working group and charter problems

2005-09-06 Thread Eliot Lear
Hi Pekka,

Pekka Savola wrote:
> Are you saying some of the following:
>  1) ISMS specs should specify that the monitored hosts can/should
> certainly keep open a TCP session so the network management (in both
> ways) can happen over that session.  (This seems pretty trivial..)
>  2) We should specify how network management hosts could reside behind a
> firewalls which block the management ports (I don't think this is needed
> or should be done).

Depending on what you mean by "network management hosts" it could be (1)
or (2) ;-)  I'm saying if there is a device that wishes to to be managed
through a firewall, allow it to open a connection on a specified port
(just so that firewalls can block it).  Remember, your laptop does this
today with HTTP on port 80 or HTTPS on port 443 (worse because you can't
even inspect).


Ietf mailing list

Re: ISMS working group and charter problems

2005-09-06 Thread Dave Crocker

...Has THIS decision been subject to adequate 
external review, preferably including a pass by the IAB?)

When I was the sponsoring AD for the group, I pushed back hard on this 
point.  The WG opted for the present path.  I'm not saying they're 
right -- in fact, I disagreed -- but the decision wasn't made by 

Well, I was not at all trying to raise questions about IETF process, but now 
that you mention it...

It strikes me that this is a remarkably constructive example of why ADs should 
less often "make decisions" or debate solely within the IESG, and more often 
should "recruit rough consensus from the larger IETF community."

That is, the major benefit in the broad and deep expertise of an AD like Steve 
is to detect major issues and to raise a warning to the larger community.

Then they can seek broader review and consensus for questionable working group 
choices that might have much larger impact.



 Dave Crocker
 Brandenburg InternetWorking
 dcrocker  a t ...

Ietf mailing list

Re: Last call comments on LTRU registry and initialization documents

2005-09-06 Thread Sam Hartman
John, what does it mean to put a registry document on the standards
track?  In particular, how do you get multiple implementations of a


Ietf mailing list

Re: ISMS working group and charter problems

2005-09-06 Thread Dave Crocker

Certainly one of the reasons I requested IETF-wide review for the ISMS
recharter is so that decisions like this can be reviewed by the
community.  The IAB gets to see charters at about the same time as the
IESG does; they have sent no negative comments to this charter.

Sam, I've tried to search the ietf-announce archives, google, etc. for any sort 
of announcements, outside of the isms working group, concerning the draft 
re-chartering text for isms.  Unfortunately I have not been able to find it, so 
I do not know what request of yours you are referring to.

In any event, I think the significance of Eliot's (and Steve Bellovin's) 
postings have less to do with a chartering event and more to do with decisions 
made DURING a working group's normal activities.  In particular, when a working 
group gets to the point of making a decision that has broad architectural or 
operational impact, it is the expertise of ADs, IAB members, and other senior 
participants, that can serve to raise a question to the larger community, 
exactly as Eliot is now doing.

What I took from Steve Bellovin's posting was the implication that his valid 
concerns were expressed in a more limited context.  What I am suggesting is that 
we should get into the habit of having such concerns raised in the broader 
community, when the impact is this large.



 Dave Crocker
 Brandenburg InternetWorking
 dcrocker  a t ...

Ietf mailing list

Re: Last call comments on LTRU registry and initialization documents

2005-09-06 Thread John C Klensin

--On Tuesday, 06 September, 2005 15:14 -0400 Sam Hartman

> John, what does it mean to put a registry document on the
> standards track?  In particular, how do you get multiple
> implementations of a registry?

One is reminded of the story of Eeyore's birthday party.
Registering things --putting them into a registry so that they
can be retrieved and examined using whatever key was used to put
them there-- is always easy and, as you point out, untestable.
But it is also almost never the point: the point is whether the
right information is being placed in the registry to support the
relevant applications and whether those applications can use the
information in a way that promotes interoperability.  

With regard to that driving issue, it is certainly possible to
have multiple implementations of matching rules.  It is
certainly possible to examine, in practice, different uses of
the tagging system to determine whether its mechanisms are
sufficient and, if sufficient, whether they meet some "minimum
necessary" criteria or represent serious overkill and/or

With apologies to Spencer, let me turn your question around and
ask how something can be identified as a "Best Common Practice"

* when it has not been practiced at all, 

* when there is no evidence that it is "best" (even if
one agrees that no better options are on the table or
even that none are likely to be searched out and found
unless, someone, this approach is shown to fail as RFC
3066 was shown to fail), and 

* it certainly isn't "common" in the "widely
disseminated and used" sense of that term.

Things would be better if we had "PP" (proposed practice), "AGI"
(apparently good idea), or "WTOSITD" (well thought-out shot in
the dark), or "NRtBTWNW" (no reason to believe this will not
work) categories.  But we don't.  And the model and mechanisms
associated with Proposed Standard, when applied to the use cases
rather than the registry itself, much more nearly meet
application needs and community expectations than identifying a
document like that as a BCP.


Ietf mailing list

Re: Last call comments on LTRU registry and initialization documents

2005-09-06 Thread Joel M. Halpern
This document defines structure and meaning for labels, as well as the 
procedure for registering parts of that structure.
As such, the structure is "bits on the wire" and is subject to 
interoperability concerns.

Joel M. Halpern

At 03:14 PM 9/6/2005, Sam Hartman wrote:

John, what does it mean to put a registry document on the standards
track?  In particular, how do you get multiple implementations of a


Ietf mailing list

Ietf mailing list

Re: ISMS working group and charter problems

2005-09-06 Thread Iljitsch van Beijnum

[dropping NANOG]

On 6-sep-2005, at 20:43, Eliot Lear wrote:

I consider the fact that random people across the internet can't   

my equipment a feature rather than a bug.

Use of a well known port that you can block will actually make it  

for you to make use of that "feature".  Today if you leave your PC up
with various forms of commercial software, you have no idea who is
connecting to what.


The IETF has been doing extensive work on NAT traversal, have a look
and see if you can reuse some existing mechanism.

All mechanisms used with the possible exception of an additional SNMP
table will be re-used from existing IETF work (mostly SSH with help  

the fact that it's based on TCP).

You do realize that you import all the weaknesses of TCP then, don't  

I'm not too familiar with NAT traversal techniques, but AFAIK there  
isn't a good match between these mechanisms and what you want to do  
here. You may want to consider looking at the mechanism for HTTPS  
proxying. This works by having the client connect to the proxy,  
optionally authenticating itself, and then asking the proxy to  
connect it to the ultimate destination. The encryption is end-to-end  
and thus opaque to the proxy, but the proxy does have the opportunity  
to assert access restrictions. You'd probably need a mechanism for  
internal to-be-managed systems to register their manageability with  
the proxy.

A simple split horizon (in addition to the normal layers of access  
control) could avoid these proxies from being abused for spam and the  

Obviously the SSL in HTTPS is a bit different from SSH, but that  
shouldn't be too hard to fix one way or another.

Ietf mailing list

RE: ISMS working group and charter problems

2005-09-06 Thread Thomas Gal
>> The IETF has been doing extensive work on NAT traversal, have a look 
>> and see if you can reuse some existing mechanism.

> All mechanisms used with the possible exception of an additional SNMP 
> table will be re-used from existing IETF work (mostly SSH with help 
> from the fact that it's based on TCP).

Perhaps then it's time we consider mandating a "NAT-Traversal" section to
standards track documents much like IANA and Security considerations have
become common place to this day. Anything that's not covered by the BEHAVE
work already done should be covered there, as the IETF seems to have indeed
accepted the proliferation and widespread acceptance of NAT functionality.


Ietf mailing list

RE: ISMS working group and charter problems

2005-09-06 Thread Daniel Senie

At 06:00 PM 9/6/2005, you wrote:

>> The IETF has been doing extensive work on NAT traversal, have a look
>> and see if you can reuse some existing mechanism.

> All mechanisms used with the possible exception of an additional SNMP
> table will be re-used from existing IETF work (mostly SSH with help
> from the fact that it's based on TCP).

Perhaps then it's time we consider mandating a "NAT-Traversal" section to
standards track documents much like IANA and Security considerations have
become common place to this day. Anything that's not covered by the BEHAVE
work already done should be covered there, as the IETF seems to have indeed
accepted the proliferation and widespread acceptance of NAT functionality.

Actually, a "Firewall Considerations" section would make sense. That 
section might indeed be a good place to discuss NAT issues, if any, 
but firewall interactions with protocols exist in many cases where 
NAT is in use. Though many have expressed their hope that NAT does 
not persist in the IPv6 world, there should be no doubt in anyone's 
mind that firewalls will be with us permanently. 

Ietf mailing list

Re: ISMS working group and charter problems

2005-09-06 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Daniel Senie 
>At 06:00 PM 9/6/2005, you wrote:
>> >> The IETF has been doing extensive work on NAT traversal, have a look
>> >> and see if you can reuse some existing mechanism.
>> > All mechanisms used with the possible exception of an additional SNMP
>> > table will be re-used from existing IETF work (mostly SSH with help
>> > from the fact that it's based on TCP).
>>Perhaps then it's time we consider mandating a "NAT-Traversal" section to
>>standards track documents much like IANA and Security considerations have
>>become common place to this day. Anything that's not covered by the BEHAVE
>>work already done should be covered there, as the IETF seems to have indeed
>>accepted the proliferation and widespread acceptance of NAT functionality.
>Actually, a "Firewall Considerations" section would make sense. That 
>section might indeed be a good place to discuss NAT issues, if any, 
>but firewall interactions with protocols exist in many cases where 
>NAT is in use. Though many have expressed their hope that NAT does 
>not persist in the IPv6 world, there should be no doubt in anyone's 
>mind that firewalls will be with us permanently. 

Indeed.  In Hal Burch's dissertation, he concluded that 

at least 93% of hosts attached to the Internet are behind
a ltering device of some type. Because this excludes hosts
behind rewalls that block all incoming connection attempts,
the true percentage is even higher than 93%. Clearly,
rewalls are an important consideration when designing
protocols and developing models for the Internet.

More of his measurements concluded that at least 56% of hosts are
behind a firewall that blocks by default.

Ietf mailing list

Re: ISMS working group and charter problems

2005-09-06 Thread Iljitsch van Beijnum

On 7-sep-2005, at 0:16, Daniel Senie wrote:

Actually, a "Firewall Considerations" section would make sense.

What would be in such a section? There are only three possibilities:

1. There is no firewall: no need for text.
2. There is a firewall, and it doesn't try to block the protocol: no  
need for text.

3. There is a firewall, and it tries to block the protocol.

So what text would be helpful in case #3? Either the firewall  
successfully blocks the protocol and the firewall works and the  
protocol doesn't, or the firewall doesn't manage to block the  
protocol and the protocol works but the firewall doesn't. So whatever  
happens, someone is going to be unhappy.

Ietf mailing list

Re: ISMS working group and charter problems

2005-09-06 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Eliot Lear writes:
>More and more voice over ip (VoIP) has gained acceptance in the market
>place.  However, the ability to debug end points real time is limited.
>Wouldn't it be nice for a manager to query a phone to determine how
>many data packets it thinks it has sent to a far end and then follow
>that stream to determine who is dropping?  In order to accomplish this
>task, the manager has to have access to a phone which, if remote, may
>well be sitting behind a firewall such as the one you have at home.

Eliot, I have very grave reservations about this.  Quite frankly, I 
don't think that arbitrary management stations should have any right 
whatsoever to connect to my devices.

I agree that the functionality you suggest is useful.  The trick is to 
permit that without permitting misbehavior.  (I'll note here that the 
interests of vendors and the interests of users are not identical.  
More and more, vendors like subscription-based models, where users keep 
on paying, to give just one example.)  This requires not just a 
view-based access control model -- where the view might be "MIB 
variables for this call only" -- but an express intent by the user to 
permit the access for that particular call.  This demands a different 
notion of "view" than has been traditional; it also implies a user 
interface issue and -- given the existence of firewalls -- a multi-
party protocol:  my endpoint, your endpoint, my management proxy (which 
is accessible through the firewall), your management proxy, and the 
vendor's diagnostic station.  I'd be hard-pressed to see this as within 
scope for ISMS.  It may, however, be a very nice subject for a separate 
working group.

>Furthermore, if the phone wants to send a notification to a manager, it
>too is likely to reside behind a firewall.

Not if the site is properly managed.  The manager's port should be 
exposed to the outside.  Just as web servers have to permit inbound 
port 80 and mail servers have to permit inbound port 25, a management 
station has to accept its own traffic.  A firewall can, at best, 
protect the other ports on the machine -- but those should be turned 
off anyway.

--Steven M. Bellovin,

Ietf mailing list

Re: Last call comments on LTRU registry and initialization documents

2005-09-06 Thread Frank Ellermann
John C Klensin wrote:

> (ii) either put the initialization draft on the standards
> track with it or publish it as informational and use the
> downref procedure,

That's a formal point:  The initial registry is too long to
put it in the IANA considerations of the main document, and
it will be soon obsolete.  Therefore it had to be a separate

Because the WG wanted a proper last call also for this part
it was published as I-D.  Same idea as for e.g. RfC 4021 - a
part of the header field registry defined in RfC 3864.

Apparently RfC 4021 is "standards track", but "informational"
for the initial registry is also possible.  I don't get the
need for "downref" in this case, the reference to the initial
registry in the main document _is_ only informational.

Do "informational" RfCs created by a WG get a "last call" ?
I'm not sure what the last paragraph in 2026 4.2.3 means.

Something's odd with the procedures here, I'd be surprised
if RfC 4021 would be promoted on stadards track, it's only
a (now already obsolete) snapshot of a part of a registry.

> The documents make reference to the "record-jar" format.  I
> believe the text in ltru-registry is sufficient to define
> the portion of that spec that is relevant

Yes, the defined format is "inspired by" record-jar, it does
not claim to be the real thing.  E.g. it doesn't have arbitrary
comment lines, OTOH it defines a way to encode Unicode by the
known &#x; sequences for u+.

> a dependency on a moderately expensive book that could go out
> of print as part of the definition for an IANA registry

No, it's also only informational for those interested in "the
real thing" instead of what's used for the registry and future
extension registries. 

> incidentally, the reference given is incomplete.

Yes, the draft author knows already how to add the proper ISBN
with xml2rfc, "easily fixed" as you said.  Not referencing the
original idea at all would be wrong.  But the reference in the
initial registry draft is in fact unnecessary.  Think of it as
some kind of "informational credits" in the main document.

We also considered a pure 2822-like format with CRLF CRLF as a
record separator, but the WG preferred CRLF "%%" CRLF, that's
all - no copyright traps and no necessity to buy the book (e.g.
I don't have it).
 Bye, Frank

Ietf mailing list

Re: ISMS working group and charter problems

2005-09-06 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Iljitsch van Beijn
um writes:
>On 7-sep-2005, at 0:16, Daniel Senie wrote:
>> Actually, a "Firewall Considerations" section would make sense.
>What would be in such a section? There are only three possibilities:
>1. There is no firewall: no need for text.
>2. There is a firewall, and it doesn't try to block the protocol: no  
>need for text.
>3. There is a firewall, and it tries to block the protocol.
>So what text would be helpful in case #3? Either the firewall  
>successfully blocks the protocol and the firewall works and the  
>protocol doesn't, or the firewall doesn't manage to block the  
>protocol and the protocol works but the firewall doesn't. So whatever  
>happens, someone is going to be unhappy.
Not at all.  Often, a firewall needs to know a fair amount about the 
protocol to do its job.  FTP is the simplest case -- it has to look for 
the PORT (and, in some configuration, the PASV) command.  H.323 and SIP 
are more complex.  

But for complex protocols, we need to go a step further.  SIP has, 
built-in, provision for gateways.  There are a number of reasons for 
this, but firewall friendliness is certainly one of them.  The proper 
question is this: would adding something to the protocol enable it to 
operate properly in the presence of a firewall *without* subverting 
site security policy.  The lack of that latter consideration has led to 
people using http as the universal firewall traversal protocol, with 
the obvious bad side-effects.

--Steven M. Bellovin,

Ietf mailing list

Re: ISMS working group and charter problems

2005-09-06 Thread Iljitsch van Beijnum

On 7-sep-2005, at 1:04, Steven M. Bellovin wrote:

Either the firewall
successfully blocks the protocol and the firewall works and the
protocol doesn't, or the firewall doesn't manage to block the
protocol and the protocol works but the firewall doesn't. So whatever
happens, someone is going to be unhappy.

Not at all.  Often, a firewall needs to know a fair amount about the
protocol to do its job.  FTP is the simplest case -- it has to look  
the PORT (and, in some configuration, the PASV) command.  H.323 and  

are more complex.

I'm not very comfortable with the notion of having a third party  
device deciding what is valid communication between two hosts  
connected to the internet. This is just too fragile. For instance, a  
popular filter on *BSD (they're all named [i]pf[w] so I can never  
remember which is which) is unable to handle RFC 1323 window scaling  
properly. PIX firewalls truncate(d) EDNS0 packets. ICMP packet too  
bigs are filtered in many places, as is ECN.

I recognize that carrying all existing firewalls to the scrap heop  
won't immediately solve our problems, but we do have to realize that  
current filter practice do almost as much harm as they do good. We  
really need better stuff here.

(It's amusing to see that to some people, security means encrypting  
their communication, while to others it means inspecting that same  

Ietf mailing list

RE: ISMS working group and charter problems

2005-09-06 Thread Thomas Gal
>>> Actually, a "Firewall Considerations" section would make sense.


>>What would be in such a section? There are only three possibilities:
>>1. There is no firewall: no need for text.
>>2. There is a firewall, and it doesn't try to block the protocol: no 
>>need for text.
>>3. There is a firewall, and it tries to block the protocol.
>>So what text would be helpful in case #3? Either the firewall 
>>successfully blocks the protocol and the firewall works and the 
>>protocol doesn't, or the firewall doesn't manage to block the protocol 
>>and the protocol works but the firewall doesn't. So whatever happens, 
>>someone is going to be unhappy.
>Not at all.  Often, a firewall needs to know a fair amount about the
protocol to do its job.  FTP is the simplest >case -- it has to look for the
PORT (and, in some configuration, the PASV) command.  H.323 and SIP are more

Exactly, ignoring the particulars of a protocol and choosing to just
block/not block it doesn't really make the firewall useful to that protocol.
That's certainly one of the valid choices for a firewall to take, however.

>But for complex protocols, we need to go a step further.  SIP has,
built-in, provision for gateways.  There are a >number of reasons for this,
but firewall friendliness is certainly one of them.  The proper question is
>>would adding something to the protocol enable it to operate properly in
the presence of a firewall *without* 
>>subverting site security policy.  The lack of that latter consideration
has led to people using http as the 
>>universal firewall traversal protocol, with the obvious bad side-effects.

Indeed this section could be a way of documenting the proper behavior of a
firewall in the context of a certain protocol. For example a firewall could
say with regard to protocol X I either:

A) treat it as unknown/don't recognize the protocol <- this is fine if you
don't use the protocol
B) meet the full criteria specified in the "Firewall Considerations" section
<-this may be a factor if the particular protocol receives heavy use in your
C) Do something inbetween, which while possibly helpful should not be
considered compliant for the sake of differentiating devices.

Much like you can configure port forwarding and a DMZ among a multitude of
other things commonly on firwall/nats allowing for the possibility of
consistent behavior/options relating to a new protocol among firewall
vendors MUST be better than leaving it to itself like has happened with the
NAT situation.


Ietf mailing list

Re: ISMS working group and charter problems

2005-09-06 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Iljitsch van Beijn
um writes:
>On 7-sep-2005, at 1:04, Steven M. Bellovin wrote:
>>> Either the firewall
>>> successfully blocks the protocol and the firewall works and the
>>> protocol doesn't, or the firewall doesn't manage to block the
>>> protocol and the protocol works but the firewall doesn't. So whatever
>>> happens, someone is going to be unhappy.
>> Not at all.  Often, a firewall needs to know a fair amount about the
>> protocol to do its job.  FTP is the simplest case -- it has to look  
>> for
>> the PORT (and, in some configuration, the PASV) command.  H.323 and  
>> SIP
>> are more complex.
>I'm not very comfortable with the notion of having a third party  
>device deciding what is valid communication between two hosts  
>connected to the internet. This is just too fragile. For instance, a  
>popular filter on *BSD (they're all named [i]pf[w] so I can never  
>remember which is which) is unable to handle RFC 1323 window scaling  
>properly. PIX firewalls truncate(d) EDNS0 packets. ICMP packet too  
>bigs are filtered in many places, as is ECN.
>I recognize that carrying all existing firewalls to the scrap heop  
>won't immediately solve our problems, but we do have to realize that  
>current filter practice do almost as much harm as they do good. We  
>really need better stuff here.
>(It's amusing to see that to some people, security means encrypting  
>their communication, while to others it means inspecting that same  
I opt for each in its place.  I'm also an advocate for distributed 
firewalls.  But I *really* don't want to refight the whole firewall 
issue yet again; I've been through that too many times in the last 
decade or so.

For right now, though, the issue is engineering.  Again, the vast 
majority of hosts are behind firewalls.  Is the philosophical issue 
that important that we should ignore it?  I don't think so.

--Steven M. Bellovin,

Ietf mailing list

Question on level_idc in Session Description Protocol, RFC3984

2005-09-06 Thread ming
Dear Experts,

This is a scenario.

A send B a SDP message:

m=video 7080 RTP/AVP 100
a=rtpmap:100 H264/9
a=fmtp:100 profile-level-id = 420015;
B can decode bitstream equal or below level 2.0, so B
should reject this offer.

But my concern is, on B's answer to A, can B request A
to encode it's bitstream at a level equal or below
2.0, so that B can accept the offer? 

If this is possible, how should B reply? Or is it that
the only options available to B is either to reject or
accept the offer as a whole, and there is no room for

In addition, if B has profile_id of Baseline profile
and constraint_set0_flag of 1 and level_idc of 2.1, B
can accept the offer, right?

Thank you very much.

Warmest regards,

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Ietf mailing list

Re: ISMS working group and charter problems

2005-09-06 Thread Randy Presuhn
Hi -

> From: "Eliot Lear" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "IETF Discussion" ; ; 
> Sent: Tuesday, September 06, 2005 10:37 AM
> Subject: ISMS working group and charter problems
> The addition of call home functionality won't represent a major
> architectural change to SNMP.  The major architectural change (if there
> is one) will be the use of SSH at all and the use of TCP.

Regardless of whether "call home functionality" as you defined it is
desirable, I disagree with the claim that it wouldn't represent a
major architectural change to SNMP.  For notification originators, it
is a quite natural extension, and I have no problem with it.  For command
responders, I think this would be a fairly significant addition to the 
I'm neutral on the question of whether it is needed, and perhaps we only
differ in what we perceive as "major", but I think we need to be clear that
it would indeed require changing the SNMP architecture.

I also disagree that it is the use of SSH or TCP that results in the 
changes.  TCP use without "call home" (as in RFC 3430) requires no
architectural changes.


Ietf mailing list

Re: ISMS working group and charter problems

2005-09-06 Thread Eliot Lear
Hi Steve,

> I agree that the functionality you suggest is useful.  The trick is to 
> permit that without permitting misbehavior.  (I'll note here that the 
> interests of vendors and the interests of users are not identical.  
> More and more, vendors like subscription-based models, where users keep 
> on paying, to give just one example.)  This requires not just a 
> view-based access control model -- where the view might be "MIB 
> variables for this call only" -- but an express intent by the user to 
> permit the access for that particular call.  This demands a different 
> notion of "view" than has been traditional; it also implies a user 
> interface issue and -- given the existence of firewalls -- a multi-
> party protocol:  my endpoint, your endpoint, my management proxy (which 
> is accessible through the firewall), your management proxy, and the 
> vendor's diagnostic station.  I'd be hard-pressed to see this as within 
> scope for ISMS.  It may, however, be a very nice subject for a separate 
> working group.

I think there are a few models that could be considered.  The first is
where a single administrative domain is at play, where really my
management proxy = your management proxy.  This might be an optimization
of what you're saying.  Arguably you're already talking to my management
proxy through SIP.  An alternative model that has been mentioned is a
way to query OIDs over SIP.  I'm not a SIP guy so I don't know if the
SIP proxy can even initiate queries.

In the case you mentioned, with four proxies, I'm okay with that as long
as it's not mandated in the model.  Anything that requires four of
anything is never going to survive the Internet.  e2e is hard enough
with 2 devices ;-)

>>Furthermore, if the phone wants to send a notification to a manager, it
>>too is likely to reside behind a firewall.
> Not if the site is properly managed.  The manager's port should be 
> exposed to the outside.  Just as web servers have to permit inbound 
> port 80 and mail servers have to permit inbound port 25, a management 
> station has to accept its own traffic.  A firewall can, at best, 
> protect the other ports on the machine -- but those should be turned 
> off anyway.

You can't really tell where the firewalls area going to be in the
general case.  And with mobile managed devices, you really can't tell,
because access will vary.  My point was that in the case where a
notification connection is initiated in one direction and a request
connection is initiated in another, you're all but guaranteed that one
or the other will fail in the face of a firewall, and that is the
current envisioned approach.


Ietf mailing list

Re: ISMS working group and charter problems

2005-09-06 Thread Eliot Lear

> Regardless of whether "call home functionality" as you defined it is
> desirable, I disagree with the claim that it wouldn't represent a
> major architectural change to SNMP.  For notification originators, it
> is a quite natural extension, and I have no problem with it.  For command
> responders, I think this would be a fairly significant addition to the 
> architecture.
> I'm neutral on the question of whether it is needed, and perhaps we only
> differ in what we perceive as "major", but I think we need to be clear that
> it would indeed require changing the SNMP architecture.

There is a difference between a connection and a request.  Reversing the
transport connection direction doesn't say that we reverse request
directions or notification directions.  Quite the contrary.  They stay
the same.  To me that means no substantial change over what is already

Indeed the currently envisioned approach guarantees that either
notifications or requests will be broken because one connection will
initiate in one direction and another will initiate in the reverse.  FTP
all over again, as I said.

> I also disagree that it is the use of SSH or TCP that results in the 
> architectural
> changes.  TCP use without "call home" (as in RFC 3430) requires no
> architectural changes.

Clearly since SSH is now carrying authentication information there is a
substantial change, where SNMP inherits bonafides from the process
below.  That is not the case in 3430.


Ietf mailing list

Re: Last call comments on LTRU registry and initialization documents

2005-09-06 Thread John C Klensin

--On Wednesday, 07 September, 2005 01:10 +0200 Frank Ellermann

> John C Klensin wrote:
>> (ii) either put the initialization draft on the standards
>> track with it or publish it as informational and use the
>> downref procedure,
> That's a formal point:  The initial registry is too long to
> put it in the IANA considerations of the main document, and
> it will be soon obsolete.  Therefore it had to be a separate
> document.
> Because the WG wanted a proper last call also for this part
> it was published as I-D.  Same idea as for e.g. RfC 4021 - a
> part of the header field registry defined in RfC 3864.
> Apparently RfC 4021 is "standards track", but "informational"
> for the initial registry is also possible.  I don't get the
> need for "downref" in this case, the reference to the initial
> registry in the main document _is_ only informational.

That wasn't clear from the text, but I may not have read closely
enough.See below.

> Do "informational" RfCs created by a WG get a "last call" ?
> I'm not sure what the last paragraph in 2026 4.2.3 means.

Independent of what that paragraph means, it is common for
anything that is presented by the WG to IESG for comment to get
a last call within the WG; I can't imagine a WG chair doing
otherwise.  Whether WG informational documents are then Last
Called to the IETF is up to the IESG and relevant ADs.  There is
no requirement that it be done, but it generally is done if the
AD concludes that the document is likely to be either
consequential or controversial.

> Something's odd with the procedures here, I'd be surprised
> if RfC 4021 would be promoted on stadards track, it's only
> a (now already obsolete) snapshot of a part of a registry.

Personal opinion: What should be done in cases like this is to
structure the I-D so that it clearly differentiates between:

(i) The specification, rationale, and other contextual
information for the initial registry contents, and 

(ii) The actual listing of the registry initialization

and that the specification provide for some way of
distinguishing between initial registry entries and subsequent
ones by examining the registry (this could be as simple as the
specification of a particular date.

Then an instruction to the RFC Editor could be included in the
I-D asking that they not publish the initialization document
until the entries have been made in the IANA registry and then
that the list of entries be dropped and replaced with a pointer
paragraph and reference.  That would lead to an RFC that was
clearly informational and fairly short, saving everyone
long-term problems.

For draft-ietf-ltru-initial, that would mean retention of
sections 1, 2, and 4-7 into the RFC but the replacement of
section three with, e.g.,

"3.  The initial contents of the registry as specified
in this document are those entries in the IANA registry
[IANA-registry] with a field-name of "Added" and a value
of "2005-07-10".  Note that [ltru-registry, Section 3.1]
requires that an "Added" field appear in each
registration record and that its Section 3.3(1)
specifies that field must not be changed after

Then you are done.  Presto, clearly informational document,
historical information retained in the registry (which is where,
IMO, it belongs), no chance of anyone ignoring the instructions
in the third paragraph of Section 1 that the initialization list
in the RFC is not the registry, and an RFC that runs around ten
pages rather than 118.  

I think that would be a win all around.  But, again, just my

>> The documents make reference to the "record-jar" format.  I
>> believe the text in ltru-registry is sufficient to define
>> the portion of that spec that is relevant
> Yes, the defined format is "inspired by" record-jar, it does
> not claim to be the real thing.  E.g. it doesn't have arbitrary
> comment lines, OTOH it defines a way to encode Unicode by the
> known &#x; sequences for u+.
>> a dependency on a moderately expensive book that could go out
>> of print as part of the definition for an IANA registry
> No, it's also only informational for those interested in "the
> real thing" instead of what's used for the registry and future
> extension registries. 

I would recommend that, as an editorial matter, use of phrases
like "inspired by" or "derived from" would clear up a lot of
confusion before it starts, making it clear that the book is not
needed.  For example, the beginning of the second paragraph of
3.1 might read 

'The registry will be in a text file format that is
fully specified below.  This format was inspired by the
"record-jar" format [record-jar].'

But, again, this is purely an editorial matter as far as I'm

>> incidentally, the reference given is incomplete.
> Yes, the draft author knows already how to add

Re: ISMS working group and charter problems

2005-09-06 Thread Harald Tveit Alvestrand

--On 6. september 2005 11:00 -0700 Dave Crocker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

(By the way, I am awestruck at the potential impact of changing SNMP from
UDP-based to TCP-based, given the extensive debates that took place about
this when SNMP was originally developed.  Has THIS decision been subject
to adequate external review, preferably including a pass by the IAB?)

just a formality note (and dropping nanog and the IESG):

I believe that the ISMS WG's proposal is about ADDING the possibility of 
SNMP over TCP, not about CHANGING SNMP to use TCP.

UDP will still work.

And I believe Eliot's concern is about letting the TCP session that carries 
the SNMP PDUs be opened from the agent to the manager, rather than from the 
manager to the agent (yes I know - this is SNMPv1 terminology, but I've 
forgotten the SNMPv3 terminology); that is another feature that comes in 
addition to what the group is apparently currently working on.
And just BTW: I find "call home" reasonable to specify too, once you've 
done TCP. It's obvious enough that I think it will be added to 
implementations whether or not we specify it, so we should have very strong 
reasons not to do so.
I don't even believe you need to "turn" the session, since SNMPv3 doesn't 
recognize the concept of a "direction" for a session just let the PDUs 

Disclaimer: I, too, have not seen the charter being proposed, and I have 
not followed the ISMS group. I have, however, once upon a time been 
responsible AD for the SNMPv3 WG.


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