Re: Last Call: draft-siemborski-rfc2554bis (SMTP Service Extension for Authentication) to Proposed Standard

2007-01-27 Thread Alexey Melnikov

Frank Ellermann wrote:

Lisa Dusseault wrote:

are we looking at the same version of this doc?

No, the last called is -07, it doesn't REQUIRE [DIGEST-MD5] anymore:

| Note that many existing client and server implementations implement
| CRAM-MD5 [CRAM-MD5] SASL mechanism. In order to insure interoperability
| with deployed software new implementations MAY implement it, however
| implementations should be aware that this SASL mechanism doesn't
| provide any server authentication. Implementations that want to provide
| server authentication are encouraged to implement SASL mechanisms such

The MAY is a bit obscure, of course they MAY do this, optionally.  I'd
prefer a clearer SHOULD to s/insure/ensure/ (?) interoperability.

I didn't want to recommend it, but at the same time I wanted to let 
people know that CRAM-MD5 is deployed.
If other people feel strongly about changing the MAY to the SHOULD, I 
will do the change.

It has references to 2195 and 2831bis, and talks about SASLprep.  How about
using 2195bis, its security considerations might be more up to date ?

The question of the 2195bis status (draft standard vs. informational)
will be interesting, but it won't affect 2554bis, and maybe we'll find
a compromise between those positions.

I will be glad to reference 2195bis if it gets published soon enough. 
This change can be done during AUTH48.

Ietf mailing list

Re: FW: Last Call: draft-heard-rfc4181-update (RFC 4181 Update to Recognize the IETF Trust) to BCP

2007-01-27 Thread Frank Ellermann
C. M. Heard wrote:

 The draft is intended to do the same thing for RFC 4181
 that RFC 4748 did for RFC 3978.  Comments, if any, should
 be directed to

Now that you ask, your patches are straight forward, so why
not simply apply them and publish a complete new 4181bis ?

Patchwork RFCs are IMO ugly.  RFC 4748 was a special case,
it was urgent, there was a competing 3978bis draft, and the
IPR WG intends to update RFC 3978 anyway, soon.

A somewhat radical proposal:  If your patch is approved you
could transform it into a complete 4181bis in AUTH48, and
let that obsolete 4181.  Or is the 4181 situation exacly as
for 4748 + 3978 ?

Your patch might be incomplete, chapter 3.7, appendix A, and
the normative references mention 3978 instead of 3978 + 4748.
Especially appendix A point 7 should now point to RFC 4748.

IIRC RFC 3979 was also patched recently, but apparently it's
still waiting for its RFC number, or I confuse some patches.

It's tempting to use this trick, I considered a simple patch
for an obscure detail in RFC 4409 8.1.  But for readers (or
for authors trying to get their references right) it's ugly.


Ietf mailing list

Re: FW: Last Call: draft-heard-rfc4181-update (RFC 4181 Update to Recognize the IETF Trust) to BCP

2007-01-27 Thread C. M. Heard

On Sat, 27 Jan 2007, Frank Ellermann wrote:

C. M. Heard wrote:

The draft is intended to do the same thing for RFC 4181
that RFC 4748 did for RFC 3978.  Comments, if any, should
be directed to

Now that you ask, your patches are straight forward, so why
not simply apply them and publish a complete new 4181bis ?

Patchwork RFCs are IMO ugly.  RFC 4748 was a special case,
it was urgent, there was a competing 3978bis draft, and the
IPR WG intends to update RFC 3978 anyway, soon.

A somewhat radical proposal:  If your patch is approved you
could transform it into a complete 4181bis in AUTH48, and
let that obsolete 4181.  Or is the 4181 situation exacly as
for 4748 + 3978 ?

The situation for RFC 4181 is like this:  new copyright language 
will be required in IETF MIB documents as of the beginning of

next month, so we need to get an update out ASAP.  The original
plan was to issue a complete 4181bis, but the person who has
volunteered to take over the editing duties is busy with other
things, so I proposed the patch as an interim solution.  (Note
that we don't have xml source for this document, so the first
job for the new editor is creating it ... not a trivial task.)
My hope and expectation is that there will be a complete 4181bis
in the not too distant future.

Your patch might be incomplete, chapter 3.7, appendix A, and
the normative references mention 3978 instead of 3978 + 4748.
Especially appendix A point 7 should now point to RFC 4748.

That's something that I hoped could wait for a complete 4181bis.


Ietf mailing list

RE: IETF IP Contribution Policy

2007-01-27 Thread Yaakov Stein
Larry Rosen, 

It is indicative of your letter's content that the introduction
informs us that the IETF is the SDO responsible for Ethernet
and WiFi (well, they both start with IE don't they?).

Getting down to the letter itself.

  IETF, the most democratic and open of standards organizations, 
  is proposing a contribution policy that, simply put, may result in
  that are not truly open for implementation and use in open source
  This draft formal policy ... expressly omits any patent licenses.

Do you expect us to issue an RFC stating that anyone who submits an ID 
automatically grants a world-wide royalty-free license to use the
described technology ?

I doubt that this is a reasonable expectation.
Many IETF participants do not have the authority to grant such license
and even were all authors to grant such licenses,
I assume that you realize that their may be other parties
holding IPR rights who have not participated.

So I guess you furthermore expect anyone who submits an ID
to indemnify eveyone with regards to third party IPR rights?

These issues have been around for years, 
and the reasonable path, taken by the IETF, ITU and most other SDOs
is to require participants to disclose their IPR,
and to encourage them to disclose any IPR about which they know.


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