Re: RFC 3484 section 6 rule 9 causing more operational problems

2009-03-16 Thread Arifumi Matsumoto


I fail to submit a revision of my draft by cutoff, and
could not post it right now.
So I attached a draft to this e-mail.

I'm sorry that it does not reflect the discussion of this
thread greatly. I hope to have comments.

Kindest regards,

Network Working Group   A. Matsumoto
Internet-Draft   T. Fujisaki
Intended status: Standards Track NTT
Expires: September 17, 2009R. Hiromi
   Intec Netcore
 K. Kanayama
   INTEC Systems
  March 16, 2009

 Things To Be Considered for RFC 3484 Revision

Status of this Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted to IETF in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.  This document may contain material
   from IETF Documents or IETF Contributions published or made publicly
   available before November 10, 2008.  The person(s) controlling the
   copyright in some of this material may not have granted the IETF
   Trust the right to allow modifications of such material outside the
   IETF Standards Process.  Without obtaining an adequate license from
   the person(s) controlling the copyright in such materials, this
   document may not be modified outside the IETF Standards Process, and
   derivative works of it may not be created outside the IETF Standards
   Process, except to format it for publication as an RFC or to
   translate it into languages other than English.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF), its areas, and its working groups.  Note that
   other groups may also distribute working documents as Internet-

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as work in progress.

   The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at

   The list of Internet-Draft Shadow Directories can be accessed at

   This Internet-Draft will expire on September 17, 2009.

Copyright Notice

Matsumoto, et al.  Expires September 17, 2009   [Page 1]
Internet-Draft   RFC3484 Revise   March 2009

   Copyright (c) 2009 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents in effect on the date of
   publication of this document (
   Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights
   and restrictions with respect to this document.


   RFC 3484 has several known issues to be fixed mainly because of the
   deprecation of IPv6 site-local unicast address and the coming of ULA.
   Additionally, the rule 9 of the destination address selection rules,
   namely the longest matching rule, is known for its adverse effect on
   the round robin DNS technique.  This document covers these essential
   points to be modified and proposes possible useful changes to be
   included in the revision of RFC 3484.

Matsumoto, et al.  Expires September 17, 2009   [Page 2]
Internet-Draft   RFC3484 Revise   March 2009

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  4
 1.1.  Problem Example  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  4
   2.  Proposed Changes to RFC 3484 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  5
 2.1.  To remove site-local unicast address . . . . . . . . . . .  5
 2.2.  To change default policy table . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  6
 2.3.  To change ULA address scope to site-local  . . . . . . . .  6
 2.4.  To add descriptions for source address selection for
   multicast packet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  7
 2.5.  To make address type dependent control possible  . . . . .  7
 2.6.  To disable or restrict RFC 3484 Section 6 Rule 9 . . . . .  7
 2.7.  To change private IPv4 address scope . . . . . . . . . . .  8
   3.  Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9
   4.  Security Considerations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9
   5.  IANA Considerations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9
   6.  References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9
 6.1.  Normative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

Re: Consensus Call for draft-housley-tls-authz

2009-03-16 Thread Tadayuki Abraham HATTORI

I wonder that movement of FSF and the related subjects of
patent threats might be a kind of economical hypnotism.

Theorem or formulas of hypnotism might be used.mightn't it?

For me, many local IT companies looks like as slaves of the hypnotism, 
congregation of local pseudo doctors, hysteria of IT trend, I think.
What's more, local pseudo IT doctors easily changes their 
own thoughts according to atmosphere of discussion of IETF, 
or  any other international academic/engineering society, I think.

International democratic discussion about network protocols for 
political processes such as democracy could promote new 
fundamental conceptal computing,  I believe in.

Let's consider new conceptual brain-like computer and the network,
and new international political process automation standards as sets 
of communication protocols.


Be careful of evil rumor and whispering,

Abraham TaddyHatty
taddyhatty at acm dot org

// In an essay M in  Surely, you are joking Mr.Feynman,
// he said that I've learned how to be under hypnotism.

Kindly regards,

Abraham TaddyHatty
taddyhatty at acm dot org

Lawrence Rosen wrote:
Or are some at IETF actually trying to set implementers up for legal 
action by

refusing to evaluate *disclosed* threats?

Helping hapless implementers evaluate patent threats
sounds like a job for the Internet Legal Task Force.

I believe they're two doors down, on the right...


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RE: Abstract on Page 1?

2009-03-16 Thread Ed Juskevicius

I agree.


Ed Juskevicius

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf Of
Julian Reschke
Sent: March 7, 2009 3:46 AM
To: Scott Lawrence
Cc: John C Klensin;
Subject: Re: Abstract on Page 1?

Scott Lawrence wrote:
 This is a trivial change for the generation tools to make - at worst it
 will make one generation of diffs slightly more difficult (and I'd be
 happy to trade one generation of poor diffs for this, so for me just
 don't worry about fixing the diff tools).

At this point, no change to the boilerplate is trivial anymore.

For xml2rfc, we need to

- define how to select the new behavior (date? ipr value? rfc number?); 
if the behavior is not explicitly selected in the source, we need 
heuristics when to use the old one and when to use the new one (keep in 
mind that the tools need to be able to generate historic documents as well)

- add new test cases

- add documentation

So, I'm not against another re-organization, but, in this time, PLEASE:

- plan it well (think of all consequences for both I-Ds and RFCs)

- make the requirements precise and actually implementable (remember: 
must be on page 1 :-)

- give the tool developers sufficient time; optimally let *then* decide 
when the cutover date should be

BR, Julian

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Re: jim bound

2009-03-16 Thread AJ Jaghori
Jim was a brilliant mind.  His legacy and influence in the IPng world and
beyond...will never be forgotten.  Rest in peace.

On Mon, Mar 9, 2009 at 12:30 PM, Templin, Fred L

 I'll add my voice as another former DEC colleague who
 was saddened by this news.

 Jim never shied away from a challenging or contentious
 job. For example, the work on enterprise networks in
 RFCs 4852, 4057 could only have been done by someone
 with Jim's fortitude.

 I believe we are all better off for having known Jim,
 and I will miss him.


  -Original Message-
  From: Paul Vixie []
  Sent: Friday, March 06, 2009 11:25 PM
  Subject: jim bound
  i shared the news with some coworkers from DEC (where jim and i both
  back in the early 1990's).  one of them said:
   Wow, sorry to hear it.  Jim treated networking like he was still in
   and beauracracy was Charlie.  He always took the hill.
  another added:
   I would only add that he never left any behind.
  jim will be missed, both sorely and otherwise, by me and by many
  Ietf mailing list
 Ietf mailing list

AJ Jaghori
Chief Architect, Author,  Professor | Data Network  Security
Sent via my Android Powered Mobile...
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Protocol Action: 'Update for RSAES-OAEP Algorithm Parameters' to Proposed Standard

2009-03-16 Thread The IESG
The IESG has approved the following document:

- 'Update for RSAES-OAEP Algorithm Parameters '
   draft-ietf-pkix-rfc4055-update-02.txt as a Proposed Standard

This document is the product of the Public-Key Infrastructure (X.509) 
Working Group. 

The IESG contact persons are Pasi Eronen and Tim Polk.

A URL of this Internet-Draft is:

Technical Summary

   The subjectPublicKeyInfo field of an X.509 certificate carries
   three data items: an algorithm identifier, optional parameters, and
   a bit string that represents the public key. The parameters are
   specific to the algorithm and this field usually contains simple
   values needed to characterize the public key algorithm, e.g., the
   generator and modulus for Diffie-Hellman. However, X.509 does not
   constrain the scope of this parameters field. The ANSI X9.62
   standards committee elected to use this field to express
   potentially complex limitations on how the public key in the
   certificate can be used, e.g., which key derivation functions can
   be applied to the bit string that results from a Diffie-Hellman key

   After considerable debate, the PKIX WG has decided to not express
   key usage constraints via this field. Instead, the WG decided that
   this sort of information should be expressed via use of distinct
   algorithm identifiers. (This decision is consistent with the
   observation that current products are not deigned to handle such
   key usage restrictions expressed in the subjectPublicKeyInfo

   RFC 4055 such allowed restrictions to be placed in this field when
   used with RSA-OAEP.  This document changes RFC 4055 to say that
   restrictions MUST NOT be present in the certificate's
   subjectPublicKeyInfo field when used with RSA-OAEP. It also
   replaces incorrect references to the publicKeyAlgorithm field with
   references to the subjectPublicKeyInfo field. As a result, this
   revised version of RFC 4055 will be consistent with the PKIX WG
   conventions adopted for this field.

Working Group Summary

   This ID was discussed on the mailing list. A poll was taken on the
   PKIX list to determine whether the proposed change was the way
   forward and another poll was taken to determine whether the change
   would adversely affect implementations. The WG was in favor of the
   change and no implementer said it would adversely affect their
   products. Further, vendors that implement RFC 4055 support the

Document Quality

   This document is a short update of an existing draft and is
   comparable in quality to its predecessor.


   Steve Kent is the document Shepherd.  Pasi Eronen is the 
   responsible security area director.

IETF-Announce mailing list

Protocol Action: 'Netnews Architecture and Protocols' to Proposed Standard

2009-03-16 Thread The IESG
The IESG has approved the following document:

- 'Netnews Architecture and Protocols '
   draft-ietf-usefor-usepro-14.txt as a Proposed Standard

This document is the product of the Usenet Article Standard Update 
Working Group. 

The IESG contact persons are Lisa Dusseault and Alexey Melnikov.

A URL of this Internet-Draft is:

 Technical summary:
This document describes the operational procedures involved
in running the NetNews service, including the roles of all
the components of the service. It establishes terminology and
expectations of behaviour for News servers independent of the
protocol they use to communicate.
 This, together with draft-ietf-usefor-usefor, obsoletes RFC

 Working group summary:
The USEFOR working group has been working on this document in
various versions since 1998. This version was split from
the -usefor document in 2004. Progress has been slow, and
contention has erupted over both major and minor matters.
 The group is now down to a very small size (~5 people), and
it is not believed that working at this longer will improve
the document significantly.
 The WG has consensus that this document is a far better
specification than RFC 1036.

 Protocol quality
The specification allows major News implementations to claim
conformance as-is. Some innovations done in the course of the
WG's work have been incorporated into existing News servers.
 The editor is himself a News server implementor.

IETF-Announce mailing list

Protocol Action: 'The Lemonade Profile' to Proposed Standard

2009-03-16 Thread The IESG
The IESG has approved the following document:

- 'The Lemonade Profile '
   draft-ietf-lemonade-profile-bis-12.txt as a Proposed Standard

This document is the product of the Enhancements to Internet email to 
Support Diverse Service Environments Working Group. 

The IESG contact persons are Chris Newman and Lisa Dusseault.

A URL of this Internet-Draft is:

Technical Summary

   This document describes a profile (a set of required extensions,
   restrictions and usage modes) of the IMAP and mail submission
   protocols.  This profile allows clients (especially those that are
   constrained in memory, bandwidth, processing power, or other areas)
   to efficiently use IMAP and Submission to access and submit mail.
   This includes the ability to forward received mail without needing to
   download and upload the mail, to optimize submission and to
   efficiently resynchronize in case of loss of connectivity with the

   The Lemonade profile relies upon several extensions to IMAP and Mail
   Submission protocols.

Working Group Summary
  There is WG consensus to publish this document.
Document Quality
  This document has been through significant review by mail
  client and server vendors, often based on issues with implementing
  the profile, that has resulted in modified base documents and as a
  result modifications in this profile.  In addition, the LEMONADE WG
  has had a liaison relationship with OMA MEM that has resulted in a
  vetting of the features to ensure that the profile is operationally
  useful.  The final document is a result of a significant effort to
  ensure that the mobile email requirements are efficiently realized
  by Internet Mail.


  Glenn Parsons is the document shepherd.  Chris Newman has reviewed
  this document for the IESG.

Note to RFC Editor

1) Add Updates: RFC 4469, RFC 4467 to the header

2) Change the second paragraph of the Abstract from:
   The Lemonade profile relies upon several extensions to IMAP and Mail
   Submission protocols.
   The Lemonade profile relies upon several extensions to IMAP, Sieve
   and Mail Submission protocols. The document also defines a new IMAP
   extension and registers several new IMAP keywords.

3) In section 7, please change the 2nd paragraph:
   Note that the explicit usage of [SUBMIT] means that when opening a
   connection to the submission server, clients MUST do so using port
   587 unless explicitly configured to use an alternate port [RFC5068].
   If the TCP connection to the submission server fails to open using
   port 587, the client MAY then immediately retry using a different
   port, such as 25.  See [SUBMIT] information on why using port 25 is
   likely to fail depending on the current location of the client, and
   may result in a failure code during the SMTP transaction.
   When opening a connection to the submission server, clients MUST do
   so using port 587 unless explicitly configured to use an alternate
   port [RFC5068]. (Note that this requirement is somewhat stronger than
   the one specified in [SUBMIT], as [SUBMIT] didn't prescribe the exact
   procedure to be used by submission clients.)
   If the TCP connection to the submission server
   fails to open using port 587, the client MAY then immediately retry
   using a different port, such as 25.
   See [SUBMIT] for information on why using port 25 is
   likely to fail depending on the current location of the client, and
   may result in a failure code during the SMTP transaction.

4) Change the first paragraph of section 8 to read:

  Security considerations on Lemonade forward without download are
  discussed throughout Section 2.  Additional security considerations
  can be found in [RFC3501] and other documents describing other SMTP
  and IMAP extensions comprising the Lemonade profile.
  Security considerations on Lemonade forward without download are
  discussed throughout Section 2.  Additional security considerations
  can be found in [RFC3501], [SUBMIT], [SIEVE] and other documents
  describing other SMTP, IMAP and Sieve extensions comprising the
   ^  ^
  Lemonade profile.

5) In Section 8.4, change the 1st sentence of the 3rd paragraph to read:

   There are two ways to perform forward without download based on
   where the message assembly takes place.

   This section informatively describes two ways to perform forward
   without download based on where the message assembly takes place.

6) Replace section 12 with:

12. Changes since RFC 4550

When compared to RFC 4550, this document adds the following additional
requirements on a Lemonade compliant IMAP server:

A) IMAP extensions:

Document Action: 'Diameter Command Code Registration for Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) Evolved Packet System (EPS)' to Informational RFC

2009-03-16 Thread The IESG
The IESG has approved the following document:

- 'Diameter Command Code Registration for Third Generation Partnership 
   Project (3GPP) Evolved Packet System (EPS) '
   draft-jones-dime-3gpp-eps-command-codes-02.txt as an Informational RFC

This document has been reviewed in the IETF but is not the product of an
IETF Working Group. 

The IESG contact person is Dan Romascanu.

A URL of this Internet-Draft is:

Technical Summary

   This document registers a set of IANA Diameter Command Codes to be
   used in new vendor-specific Diameter applications defined for the
   Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) Evolved Packet System
   (EPS).  These new Diameter applications are defined for MME and SGSN
   related interfaces in the Release 8 architecture.

Working Group Summary

 This document is not a DIME working group document but has received
 review from DIME WG members

Document Quality

The document has been reviewed by Hannes Tschofenig, Victor Fajardo
and Glen Zorn from the DIME working group. The main work this document
is based on has been developed in the 3GPP and has received a fair
amount of review.


Hannes Tschofenig is the document shepherd. Dan Romascanu is the
responsible Area Director.

IETF-Announce mailing list

Re: Informational RFC to be: draft-farah-adntf-ling-guidelines-04.txt

2009-03-16 Thread The IESG
The IESG has no problem with the publication of 'Linguistic Guidelines 
for the Use of the Arabic Language in Internet Domains' 
draft-farah-adntf-ling-guidelines-04.txt as an Informational RFC. 

The IESG would also like the IRSG or RFC-Editor to review the comments in 
the datatracker 
related to this document and determine whether or not they merit 
incorporation into the document. Comments may exist in both the ballot 
and the comment log. 

The IESG contact person is Lisa Dusseault.

A URL of this Internet-Draft is:

The process for such documents is described at

Thank you,

The IESG Secretary


  This RFC is not a candidate for any level of Internet Standard.
  The IETF disclaims any knowledge of the fitness of this RFC for
  any purpose and notes that the decision to publish is not based on
  IETF review apart from IESG review for conflict with IETF work.
  The RFC Editor has chosen to publish this document at its
  discretion.  See RFC 3932 for more information.

RFC Editor Note

   The IESG has not found any conflict between this document and IETF

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RFC 5429 on Sieve Email Filtering: Reject and Extended Reject Extensions

2009-03-16 Thread rfc-editor

A new Request for Comments is now available in online RFC libraries.

RFC 5429

Title:  Sieve Email Filtering: Reject and 
Extended Reject Extensions 
Author: A. Stone, Ed.
Status: Standards Track
Date:   March 2009
Pages:  14
Characters: 28822
Obsoletes:  RFC3028

I-D Tag:draft-ietf-sieve-refuse-reject-09.txt


This memo updates the definition of the Sieve mail filtering language
reject extension, originally defined in RFC 3028.

A Joe-job is a spam run forged to appear as though it came from an
innocent party, who is then generally flooded by automated bounces,
Message Disposition Notifications (MDNs), and personal messages with
complaints.  The original Sieve reject action defined in RFC 3028
required use of MDNs for rejecting messages, thus contributing to the
flood of Joe-job spam to victims of Joe-jobs.

This memo updates the definition of the reject action to allow
messages to be refused during the SMTP transaction, and defines the
ereject action to require messages to be refused during the SMTP
transaction, if possible.

The ereject action is intended to replace the reject action
wherever possible.  The ereject action is similar to reject, but
will always favor protocol-level message rejection.  [STANDARDS TRACK]

This document is a product of the Sieve Mail Filtering Language Working Group 
of the IETF.

This is now a Proposed Standard Protocol.

STANDARDS TRACK: This document specifies an Internet standards track
protocol for the Internet community,and requests discussion and suggestions
for improvements.  Please refer to the current edition of the Internet
Official Protocol Standards (STD 1) for the standardization state and
status of this protocol.  Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

This announcement is sent to the IETF-Announce and rfc-dist lists.
To subscribe or unsubscribe, see

For searching the RFC series, see
For downloading RFCs, see

Requests for special distribution should be addressed to either the
author of the RFC in question, or to  Unless
specifically noted otherwise on the RFC itself, all RFCs are for
unlimited distribution.

The RFC Editor Team
USC/Information Sciences Institute

IETF-Announce mailing list

RFC 5482 on TCP User Timeout Option

2009-03-16 Thread rfc-editor

A new Request for Comments is now available in online RFC libraries.

RFC 5482

Title:  TCP User Timeout Option 
Author: L. Eggert, F. Gont
Status: Standards Track
Date:   March 2009,
Pages:  14
Characters: 33568
Updates/Obsoletes/SeeAlso:   None

I-D Tag:draft-ietf-tcpm-tcp-uto-11.txt


The TCP user timeout controls how long transmitted data may remain
unacknowledged before a connection is forcefully closed.  It is a
local, per-connection parameter.  This document specifies a new TCP
option -- the TCP User Timeout Option -- that allows one end of a TCP
connection to advertise its current user timeout value.  This
information provides advice to the other end of the TCP connection to
adapt its user timeout accordingly.  Increasing the user timeouts on
both ends of a TCP connection allows it to survive extended periods
without end-to-end connectivity.  Decreasing the user timeouts allows
busy servers to explicitly notify their clients that they will
maintain the connection state only for a short time without
connectivity.  [STANDARDS TRACK]

This document is a product of the TCP Maintenance and Minor Extensions Working 
Group of the IETF.

This is now a Proposed Standard Protocol.

STANDARDS TRACK: This document specifies an Internet standards track
protocol for the Internet community,and requests discussion and suggestions
for improvements.  Please refer to the current edition of the Internet
Official Protocol Standards (STD 1) for the standardization state and
status of this protocol.  Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

This announcement is sent to the IETF-Announce and rfc-dist lists.
To subscribe or unsubscribe, see

For searching the RFC series, see
For downloading RFCs, see

Requests for special distribution should be addressed to either the
author of the RFC in question, or to  Unless
specifically noted otherwise on the RFC itself, all RFCs are for
unlimited distribution.

The RFC Editor Team
USC/Information Sciences Institute

IETF-Announce mailing list

RFC 5501 on Requirements for Multicast Support in Virtual Private LAN Services

2009-03-16 Thread rfc-editor

A new Request for Comments is now available in online RFC libraries.

RFC 5501

Title:  Requirements for Multicast Support in 
Virtual Private LAN Services 
Author: Y. Kamite, Ed.,
Y. Wada, Y. Serbest,
T. Morin, L. Fang
Status: Informational
Date:   March 2009,,,,
Pages:  31
Characters: 71507
Updates/Obsoletes/SeeAlso:   None

I-D Tag:draft-ietf-l2vpn-vpls-mcast-reqts-07.txt


This document provides functional requirements for network solutions
that support multicast over Virtual Private LAN Service (VPLS).  It
specifies requirements both from the end user and service provider
standpoints.  It is intended that potential solutions will use these
requirements as guidelines.  This memo provides information for the 
Internet community.

This document is a product of the Layer 2 Virtual Private Networks Working 
Group of the IETF.

INFORMATIONAL: This memo provides information for the Internet community.
It does not specify an Internet standard of any kind. Distribution of
this memo is unlimited.

This announcement is sent to the IETF-Announce and rfc-dist lists.
To subscribe or unsubscribe, see

For searching the RFC series, see
For downloading RFCs, see

Requests for special distribution should be addressed to either the
author of the RFC in question, or to  Unless
specifically noted otherwise on the RFC itself, all RFCs are for
unlimited distribution.

The RFC Editor Team
USC/Information Sciences Institute

IETF-Announce mailing list