Re: IETF Plenary Discussions

2009-11-17 Thread Eliot Lear
As a life-long fan of the Gong Show, I think it'd be cool to have a big 
Gong on the dias, where perhaps after a bunch of loud hums, an AD or IAB 
member finally satisfies the audience.  This could happen sooner or 
later, depending on whether we're talking about topic (1) "NATs", (2) 
"The standards process", or (3) "Venue location".

But perhaps there's another approach that won't be quite so, well, 
base.  To me, if someone wants more than 2 minutes to make a point, 
perhaps that person should request a short agenda slot.  Here's a little 
process experiment: why not slot 20 minutes for such time at one of the 
plenaries, allowing for a 5 minute presentation and 5 minute 
discussion?  NANOG has been doing something like this- the Lightning 
presos.  You could even imagine someone carrying over a topic from this 
IETF discussion list or the previous meeting.  This gives people an 
opportunity to collect their thoughts, perhaps even post a draft, and 
then give a quick summary of it.

Some would say that the moment may have passed, and that decisions will 
be taken.  But 2 minutes is more than enough time for someone to say 
"-1" or "+1", or to make a very brief point as to why someone should be 
"-1" or "+1".


Ietf mailing list

Re: If you found today's plenary debate on standards track tedious...

2009-11-17 Thread John C Klensin

But I also agree with part of Adrian's comments.  Our vocabulary
for describing these things may be sub-optimal and that may have
gotten in our way.  Perhaps something more along the lines of
"approved standard", "interoperable standard", and "verified
standard" would serve us better than PS/ DS/ Full.  But a
different piece of vocabulary might be equally important:
perhaps we should be talking about "recognizing" something at a
standard at a particular level and not "advancing" it.

I also believe that part of the problem involves what amounts to
a positive feedback loop: because few documents are advanced
past PS, the IESG feels obligated to impose requirements on
approval at PS that go far beyond what is required by 2026.
Once documents are polished to a high luster, at the cost of
considerable time, for PS, there is little incentive to advance
them and, worse, even more impressive requirements are imposed
in practice at DS and Full, possibly to give them some
distinction beyond Proposed.   If we could get back to treating
Proposed much as the IEEE used to treat "Draft Standard for
Trial Use" -- "no known technical defects" in the protocol and
documentation that was not required to be more than adequate to
explain the idea -- then we might be able to get things into
Proposed more quickly and have incentive for document revision
and advancement (sic) for those ideas that actually turned out
to get traction in practice.

Of course, since Brian found one dead horse to kick, I'm
semi-obligated to mention another.  The ISD idea was to draw
things together in a different way, permitting binding several
documents together in ways that would deal with the problems
Spencer mentions, replacing the rigid "PS/ DS/ Full" categories
with explanatory prose, and binding errata and clarifications
more closely to the documents themselves than the RFC Editor
version of the errata permits.  But neither that idea nor the
earlier one Brian mentioned is worth resurrecting and
reexamining unless the IESG wants to play and, so far, I've seen
little evidence that they do.


--On Wednesday, November 11, 2009 22:40 -0500 Tony Hansen

> Yup, and most of those proposed standards and draft standards
> should have been declared full standards *long* ago.
> What we *don't* do well is revising the levels of standards
> that got published, became fully interoperable and deployed
> without needing a rev of the document. Why is their status
> still marked 'proposed' or 'draft'? RFC 2026 does NOT require
> a rev to the document to move forward if there are no errata.
> For those specs that everyone has implemented and deployed,
> but there are a number of errata that "everyone agrees" are
> required for the spec to be useful, here's an idea for a
> "revision lite" (the diet version of a revision): recycle the
> spec almost totally *as-is*, with a section added called
> "Verified Errata". Copy in such errata, attach the
> interoperability and deployment reports, and publish.

Ietf mailing list

Re: Logging the source port?

2009-11-17 Thread Arnt Gulbrandsen

Phillip Hallam-Baker writes:
If people are required to track the source port, it is hardly 
unrealistic to expect them to abandon a file format that does not 
meet their legal obligations.

A misunderstanding, perhaps. Where I live, what's being talked about is 
laws that govern residents of this jurisdiction (connecting to servers 
here, or abroad, or often in the neverland of botnets). You seem to be 
thinking about laws that govern the relationship between servers 
located here and users everywhere.

Ietf mailing list

Re: Gen-ART LC review of draft-dusseault-http-patch-15.txt

2009-11-17 Thread Julian Reschke

John C Klensin wrote:


Standard etag conflict resolution is not required because
it is not desirable for many applications of PATCH.  For
other applications of PATCH, it is already defined by HTTP
and does not need to be reiterated here.

We disagree.  I believe it does "need to be reiterated here",
either in-line or by an explicit, normative, pointer to the
relevant portion of the HTTP spec.

already says:

   Collisions from multiple PATCH requests are more dangerous than PUT
   collisions, because a patch document that is not operating from a
   known base point may corrupt the resource.  Clients wishing to apply
   a patch document to a known entity can first acquire the strong ETag
   [RFC2616] of the resource to be modified, and use that Etag in the
   If-Match header on the PATCH request to verify that the resource is
   still unchanged.  If a strong ETag is not available for a given
   resource, the client can use If-Unmodified-Since as a less-reliable

So would replacing the 2nd part by:

   Clients wishing to apply a patch to a known entity can first
   acquire an ETag ([RFC2616], Section 3.11) of the entity to be
   modified, and use that ETag to make the PATCH request conditional,
   such as by including the "If-Match" request header field ([RFC2616],
   Section 14.24).

address this concern?

Note that this makes some more changes:

1) the client can't control whether the etag will be strong, and weak 
etags may work just fine in certain instances, so just be silent about 
the type

2) speak of "conditional requests" in general, and just mention 
"If-Match" as one way to get there; there may be other ways such as 
using the WebDAV "If" header

3) Get rid of the text that suggests that a last modified date somehow 
is better than a weak etag.

Best regards, Julian
Ietf mailing list

Re: Gen-ART LC review of draft-dusseault-http-patch-15.txt

2009-11-17 Thread John C Klensin

--On Tuesday, November 17, 2009 15:27 +0100 Julian Reschke

> John C Klensin wrote:
>> ...
>>> Standard etag conflict resolution is not required because
>>> it is not desirable for many applications of PATCH.  For
>>> other applications of PATCH, it is already defined by HTTP
>>> and does not need to be reiterated here.
>> We disagree.  I believe it does "need to be reiterated here",
>> either in-line or by an explicit, normative, pointer to the
>> relevant portion of the HTTP spec.
>> ...
>  ion-2> already says:
> Collisions from multiple PATCH requests are more dangerous
> than PUT
> collisions, because a patch document that is not operating
> from a
> known base point may corrupt the resource.  Clients
> wishing to apply
> a patch document to a known entity can first acquire the
> strong ETag
> [RFC2616] of the resource to be modified, and use that
> Etag in the
> If-Match header on the PATCH request to verify that the
> resource is
> still unchanged.  If a strong ETag is not available for a
> given
> resource, the client can use If-Unmodified-Since as a
> less-reliable
> safeguard.
> So would replacing the 2nd part by:
> Clients wishing to apply a patch to a known entity can
> first
> acquire an ETag ([RFC2616], Section 3.11) of the entity to
> be
> modified, and use that ETag to make the PATCH request
> conditional,
> such as by including the "If-Match" request header field
> ([RFC2616],
> Section 14.24).
> address this concern?

Largely, yes, as long as the other changes you list below are
addressed (comments below).

> Note that this makes some more changes:
> 1) the client can't control whether the etag will be strong,
> and weak etags may work just fine in certain instances, so
> just be silent about the type

Silent, no.  But saying "can't control... certain instances"
explicitly would be fine.  I'd be even happier with an
explanation of what such an instance might look like, but don't
see that as a requirement.

> 2) speak of "conditional requests" in general, and just
> mention "If-Match" as one way to get there; there may be other
> ways such as using the WebDAV "If" header


> 3) Get rid of the text that suggests that a last modified date
> somehow is better than a weak etag.

Probably a good idea.


Ietf mailing list

Re: Gen-ART LC review of draft-dusseault-http-patch-15.txt

2009-11-17 Thread Julian Reschke

John C Klensin wrote:


1) the client can't control whether the etag will be strong,
and weak etags may work just fine in certain instances, so
just be silent about the type

Silent, no.  But saying "can't control... certain instances"
explicitly would be fine.  I'd be even happier with an
explanation of what such an instance might look like, but don't
see that as a requirement.

It's up to the server to decide whether it provides strong or weak 
etags. And it's also up to the server to decide whether you can use them 
in a conditional PATCH request (RFC 2616 disallowed this, but HTTPbis is 
lifting that restriction, and furthermore WebDAV never had it).

I think not stating this explicitly is the simplest approach (as this is 
true for any HTTP method), but I wouldn't object to have more text 
either (as long as that text wouldn't have to revised when HTTPbis is done).

BR, Julian

Ietf mailing list

Review of draft-lha-gssapi-delegate-policy

2009-11-17 Thread Bernard Aboba
I reviewed the document draft-lha-gssapi-delegate-policy-04 in general

and for its operational impact.


Operations directorate reviews are solicited primarily to help the area

directors improve their efficiency, particularly when preparing for IESG

telechats, and allowing them to focus on documents requiring their attention

and spend less time on the trouble-free ones.


Improving the documents is important, but clearly a secondary purpose.

A third purpose is to broaden the OpsDir reviewers' exposure to work going

on in other parts of the IETF.


Reviews from OpsDir members do not in and of themselves cause the IESG to

raise issue with a document. The reviews may, however, convince individual

IESG members to raise concern over a particular document requiring further

discussion. The reviews, particularly those conducted in last call and

earlier, may also help the document editors improve their documents.




Review Summary: 

Intended status:  Standards Track


Delegating user credentials to an insufficiently trusted party is

Kerberos provides a flag called OK-AS-DELEGATE that allows the administrator

a Kerberos realm to indicate that a particular service is trusted for

This specificatinon adds support for this flag and similar facilities in

authentication mechanisms to GSS-API (RFC 2743).


1. Is the document readable?




2. Does it contain nits?




Some grammatical nits: 


Section 2


"to allow and administrator" -> "to allow an administrator"

"It would is desirable" -> "It would be desirable"


Idnits complains of a potential boilerplate error:


idnits 2.11.15 




  Checking boilerplate required by RFC 5378 and the IETF Trust (see



  ** The document seems to lack an IETF Trust Provisions (12 Sep 2009)

 Section 6.b License Notice -- however, there's a paragraph with a

 matching beginning. Boilerplate error?


 trust-12-sep-2009 Section 6.b paragraph 3 text:

 "This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal

  Relating to IETF Documents (

  in effect on the date of publication of this document.  Please

  review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights and

  restrictions with respect to this document.  Code Components

  extracted from this document must include Simplified BSD License

  text as described in Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and

  are provided without warranty as described in the BSD License." 


 ... text found in draft:

 "This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal

  Relating to IETF Documents (

  in effect on the date of publication of this document.  Please

  review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights and

  restrictions with respect to this document."



  Checking nits according to



 No issues found here.


  Checking nits according to



 No issues found here.


  Miscellaneous warnings:



  == The document seems to lack a disclaimer for pre-RFC5378 work, but was

 first submitted before 10 November 2008.  Should you add the

 (See the Legal Provisions document at for more information.).


 trust-12-sep-2009 Section 6.c.iii text:

 "This document may contain material from IETF Documents or IETF

  Contributions published or made publicly available before November

  10, 2008.  The person(s) controlling the copyright in some of this

  material may not have granted the IETF Trust the right to allow

  modifications of such material outside the IETF Standards Process.

  Without obtaining an adequate license from the person(s)

  controlling the copyright in such materials, this document may not

  be modified outside the IETF Standards Process, and derivative

  works of it may not be created outside the IETF Standards Process,

  except to format it for publication as an RFC or to translate it

  into languages other than English."



  Checking references for intended status: Proposed Standard



 (See RFCs 3967 and 4897 for information about using normative

Re: [Gen-art] Gen-ART LC review of draft-dusseault-http-patch-15.txt

2009-11-17 Thread Brian E Carpenter
These are the sort of changes that would, I believe, give
sufficient indication to a would-be user of PATCH of how
to make it somewhat safe. Personally I'd prefer to see it
made more prominent by starting with something like:

Clients requiring to verify the consistent application of a
patch document to a known entity SHOULD first acquire an ETag...

Rationale: the use of a normative keyword will draw the
attention of implementors who might otherwise not think
about this issue.


On 2009-11-18 05:03, Julian Reschke wrote:
> John C Klensin wrote:
>> ...
>>> 1) the client can't control whether the etag will be strong,
>>> and weak etags may work just fine in certain instances, so
>>> just be silent about the type
>> Silent, no.  But saying "can't control... certain instances"
>> explicitly would be fine.  I'd be even happier with an
>> explanation of what such an instance might look like, but don't
>> see that as a requirement.
>> ...
> It's up to the server to decide whether it provides strong or weak
> etags. And it's also up to the server to decide whether you can use them
> in a conditional PATCH request (RFC 2616 disallowed this, but HTTPbis is
> lifting that restriction, and furthermore WebDAV never had it).
> I think not stating this explicitly is the simplest approach (as this is
> true for any HTTP method), but I wouldn't object to have more text
> either (as long as that text wouldn't have to revised when HTTPbis is
> done).
> BR, Julian
> ___
> Gen-art mailing list
Ietf mailing list

Re: IETF Plenary Discussions

2009-11-17 Thread Brian E Carpenter
In fact, lightning talks are SOP at most operator group meetings.
I think that would be an excellent experiment.


On 2009-11-17 22:39, Eliot Lear wrote:
> As a life-long fan of the Gong Show, I think it'd be cool to have a big
> Gong on the dias, where perhaps after a bunch of loud hums, an AD or IAB
> member finally satisfies the audience.  This could happen sooner or
> later, depending on whether we're talking about topic (1) "NATs", (2)
> "The standards process", or (3) "Venue location".
> But perhaps there's another approach that won't be quite so, well,
> base.  To me, if someone wants more than 2 minutes to make a point,
> perhaps that person should request a short agenda slot.  Here's a little
> process experiment: why not slot 20 minutes for such time at one of the
> plenaries, allowing for a 5 minute presentation and 5 minute
> discussion?  NANOG has been doing something like this- the Lightning
> presos.  You could even imagine someone carrying over a topic from this
> IETF discussion list or the previous meeting.  This gives people an
> opportunity to collect their thoughts, perhaps even post a draft, and
> then give a quick summary of it.
> Some would say that the moment may have passed, and that decisions will
> be taken.  But 2 minutes is more than enough time for someone to say
> "-1" or "+1", or to make a very brief point as to why someone should be
> "-1" or "+1".
> Eliot
> ___
> Ietf mailing list
Ietf mailing list

Re: I-D ACTION:draft-housley-iesg-rfc3932bis-10.txt

2009-11-17 Thread Dave CROCKER
(This note seems to offer a useful point of departure, in this thread, so I 
thought I'd resurrect it, for replying.  /d)

Jari Arkko wrote:


The first assumption is that there is a real problem to solve here.

I think there is a real problem, and that is the need to modernize the 
headers and boilerplates so that they are more reasonable for each 
stream. This includes things like getting rid of derogatory IESG notes, 
which none of us likes.

I, too, think that there is a very useful bit of modification to the RFC title 
page that would resolve concerns about reader confusion.  The current draft for 
headers and boilerplates defines a Source header, to indicate which stream the 
document came out of.


 This describes the area where the work originates.
  Historically, all RFCs were labeled Network Working Group.
  "Network Working Group" refers to the original version of today's
  IETF when people from the original set of ARPANET sites and
  whomever else was interested -- the meetings were open -- got
  together to discuss, design and document proposed protocols
  [RFC0003].  Here, we obsolete the term "Network Working Group" in
  order to indicate the originating stream.

It currently requires that the reader already know what the possible choice are. 
 Since most readers won't know, it's not clear to me how much utility this will 

So instead of a field that simply lists only the actual source, I suggest a 
header that defines its full context, by listing all choices and bracketing the 
one that applies.


 Source:   [[ IETF  ]]  IRTF  IAB  Independent

versus, for example:

 Source:   IETF  IRTF  IAB  [[ Independent ]]

If a reader misses the meaning of this header, why would anyone think that they 
will better understand any other text that is inserted?

Of course, headers and boilerplates changes need to be accompanied by 
the corresponding change in 3932. THAT is the reason for the 3932bis 

Giving the IAB authority to override the RFC Editor's decision is more than 
clarity of labeling.

 The trouble is, of course the final 3932bis needs to take the
opinions of the community into account (and be acceptable to the 

Excellent idea.  To justify making a change in the independence of the RFC 
Editor, where is the IETF consensus?  Absent that community consensus, of 
course, the status quo is maintained.

Hmmm.  Here's an uncomfortable legal question for us to consider:

 Why is IETF consensus sufficient?

 Since the RFC Editor has always been independent of the IETF, per se, what 
gives the IETF the authority to declare changes to the RFC Editor's operation?

approving bodies). This is why we have discussed all the changes. I do 
not see a lot of other options than the compromise position if 
completing 3932bis and the rest of the system of changes is the goal.

In a private exchange that Russ was conducting over the last few weeks, I 
suggested a mediation model, with the IAB reviewing the RFC Editor's decision, 
but only authorized to make a recommendation, rather than mandating the change. 
 He reported that others he was talking with insisted on the current 
"arbitration" model that mandates change.


  Dave Crocker
  Brandenburg InternetWorking
Ietf mailing list

Re: I-D ACTION:draft-housley-iesg-rfc3932bis-10.txt

2009-11-17 Thread John C Klensin

--On Wednesday, November 18, 2009 06:09 +0900 Dave CROCKER

>> approving bodies). This is why we have discussed all the
>> changes. I do  not see a lot of other options than the
>> compromise position if  completing 3932bis and the rest of
>> the system of changes is the goal.
> In a private exchange that Russ was conducting over the last
> few weeks, I suggested a mediation model, with the IAB
> reviewing the RFC Editor's decision, but only authorized to
> make a recommendation, rather than mandating the change.   He
> reported that others he was talking with insisted on the
> current "arbitration" model that mandates change.


While I agree with you in principle, I suggest that the current
text is reasonable, if only because the IAB always has the right
to say to the RFC Editor (either ISE or RSE) "do what we tell
you or you will be fired".   I would expect the IAB to exercise
that particular authority only after everything else has failed
and it is clear to almost everyone that things are out of
control, but that is not a question for 3932bis.As the text
now reads, the IAB can be asked to conduct a review, but can
decline to do so (consistent with RFC 4846 and nothing new).
And, if the IAB conducts such a review, it can instruct the RFC
Editor has to how to proceed, but can also decide to not do that
and simply provide advice (the latter is, again, consistent with

I wish that that IESG (or some few of its members; I don't know)
were not insisting on even that much, but there seem to be
nothing that can be done about it without the loss of much more
time (remember that Independent Submission publications have
been blocked for many months by the side-effects of this
situation). But, in its present form, it seems relatively
harmless in practice and it would be good to get on with this
and unlock the Independent Stream publications.

Just my opinion, of course.


Ietf mailing list

Question about draft-housley-iesg-rfc3932bis-12 (was: I-D ACTION:draft-housley-iesg-rfc3932bis-10.txt)

2009-11-17 Thread Andrew Sullivan
Dear colleagues,

On Tue, Nov 17, 2009 at 04:47:44PM -0500, John C Klensin wrote:

> I wish that that IESG (or some few of its members; I don't know)
> were not insisting on even that much, but there seem to be
> nothing that can be done about it without the loss of much more
> time (remember that Independent Submission publications have
> been blocked for many months by the side-effects of this
> situation).

All of the to-ing and fro-ing about this document has finally made me
sit up and read it.  I have the impression from the archives that at
least some people are concerned about the dispute resolution
mechanism; there seems to be a suggestion about that it impinges on
the traditional freedoms of the RFC Editor.

I haven't made up my mind about that, but I am curious why the section
is being included anyway.  The first two sentences of Section 4 all
but say that this is a problem that has never happened.  The only
motivation the document supplies is that there could be a dispute, and
that it'd be nice to have a way of solving the dispute if it were
needed.  There's no mechanism at all in RFC 3932, as I read it.

My experience of this sort of formalism leads me to believe that, when
there is no formal mechanism, everyone is forced to act in good faith
to hammer out a compromise; whereas once there's a well-established
set of rules in place to handle disagreements, there's very little
incentive to avoid cranking up that machinery for even very small
disputes.  (Social pressure doesn't work, because the retort is always
that this is what the mechanism is for.)

So I'd find it really useful to know what problem this dispute
resolution mechanism is actually supposed to solve.  I also wonder
whether those in favour of the mechanism have worked through the
potential workload that would result from high-frequency application
of this mechanism, and whether IESG or IAB (or both) members have the
time to invest in such an eventuality.

Best regards,


Andrew Sullivan
Shinkuro, Inc.
Ietf mailing list

Re: Question about draft-housley-iesg-rfc3932bis-12

2009-11-17 Thread Brian E Carpenter
On 2009-11-18 11:15, Andrew Sullivan wrote:

> So I'd find it really useful to know what problem this dispute
> resolution mechanism is actually supposed to solve.

Since we're (presumably) trying to write rules that will
work when common sense has failed, it seems prudent to have
a clear path for disputes of an unknown nature.


Ietf mailing list

Re: IETF Plenary Discussions

2009-11-17 Thread Lisa Dusseault
On Tue, Nov 17, 2009 at 12:15 PM, Brian E Carpenter <> wrote:

> In fact, lightning talks are SOP at most operator group meetings.
> I think that would be an excellent experiment.
> I agree, and in fact I've suggested lightning talks too; I think it tilts
community discussion towards identifying problems and solutions (or
educating) rather than asking the "leadership" for solutions which they're
not always able to provide unilaterally.   I think where the IESG got hung
up on actually planning lightning talks was on identifying a moderator who
is familiar with the format enough to run the talks, plus personable and
lively enough to keep things moving.  Up 'til now I haven't volunteered to
run such talks, but I do so now, still hoping somebody better than me can be

The format I liked from ApacheCon, with a very similar model used at
DjangoCon, was to take names from those who wanted to talk for 5 minutes, up
to the start of the talks, then pull those names out of a hat until the hour
had been used up.   The 5 minutes was very strictly enforced with a giant
visible countdown, and there was <30sec allowed for the next speaker to come
up (therefore no slides).

Ietf mailing list

Re: I-D Action:draft-housley-iesg-rfc3932bis-12.txt

2009-11-17 Thread Brian E Carpenter
This version satisfies all my concerns with previous versions. Thanks!

   Brian Carpenter
Ietf mailing list

Re: If you found today's plenary debate on standards track tedious...

2009-11-17 Thread Doug Barton
John C Klensin wrote:
> But I also agree with part of Adrian's comments.  Our vocabulary
> for describing these things may be sub-optimal and that may have
> gotten in our way.  Perhaps something more along the lines of
> "approved standard", "interoperable standard", and "verified
> standard" would serve us better than PS/ DS/ Full.  But a
> different piece of vocabulary might be equally important:
> perhaps we should be talking about "recognizing" something at a
> standard at a particular level and not "advancing" it.
> I also believe that part of the problem involves what amounts to
> a positive feedback loop: because few documents are advanced
> past PS, the IESG feels obligated to impose requirements on
> approval at PS that go far beyond what is required by 2026.
> Once documents are polished to a high luster, at the cost of
> considerable time, for PS, there is little incentive to advance
> them and, worse, even more impressive requirements are imposed
> in practice at DS and Full, possibly to give them some
> distinction beyond Proposed.   If we could get back to treating
> Proposed much as the IEEE used to treat "Draft Standard for
> Trial Use" -- "no known technical defects" in the protocol and
> documentation that was not required to be more than adequate to
> explain the idea -- then we might be able to get things into
> Proposed more quickly and have incentive for document revision
> and advancement (sic) for those ideas that actually turned out
> to get traction in practice.

I think John's hit the nail right on the head here. I would like to go
a bit further and say that it's long past time to abandon the name
"RFC" altogether. While I understand and respect the historical
underpinnings of the term I agree with those who have commented that
for most of the world "an RFC is an RFC is an RFC" and our fine
distinctions like "Experimental," "Informational" etc. are lost. My
suggestion would be to name the documents what they are, and to come
up with new terms for the documents that reflect the evolution of the

In the standards track area I think names like the ones John proposed
are good, I personally would s/interoperable/deployed/ but that's a
detail that can be tweaked later, as can names for some of the other
categories of things that are all called RFCs now.

Anyone else think that clarifying the naming scheme is a good idea?



Improve the effectiveness of your Internet presence with
a domain name makeover!

Ietf mailing list

Re: [Gen-art] Gen-ART LC review of draft-dusseault-http-patch-15.txt

2009-11-17 Thread Roy T. Fielding
On Nov 17, 2009, at 11:53 AM, Brian E Carpenter wrote:

> These are the sort of changes that would, I believe, give
> sufficient indication to a would-be user of PATCH of how
> to make it somewhat safe. Personally I'd prefer to see it
> made more prominent by starting with something like:
> Clients requiring to verify the consistent application of a
> patch document to a known entity SHOULD first acquire an ETag...
> Rationale: the use of a normative keyword will draw the
> attention of implementors who might otherwise not think
> about this issue.

It would also be wrong, because it is neither a requirement
for interoperation nor a potential for causing harm (RFC 2119).
Aside from which, it makes the original purpose of PATCH
non-compliant with its own specification.

The purpose of PATCH is to request that the server apply a
set of changes to the current state of the target resource.
The assumption that these changes will be dependent on a
specific prior representation of that resource is false.
The server is fully capable of detecting and reporting
conflicts when they occur with the current state, as only
truly known by the server.

In other words ...

 If the client wants to prevent the PATCH method from being
 applied to a resource for which the state has changed since
 the last state known by the client, then it SHOULD use one
 or more of the conditional request mechanisms of HTTP
 (If-Match and If-Unmodified-Since request headers [RFC2616])
 or WebDAV (If request header [RFC4918]) with the
 associated metadata from that prior resource state.
 However, if the patch media type contains its own mechanism
 for detecting conflicts, such as embedded context or metadata
 designed to allow non-overlapping changes to be safely applied,
 then the conditional request mechanisms SHOULD NOT
 be used with PATCH because they would interfere with
 collaborative applications, such as shared editors and

FTR, the prior sentence, that PATCH is somehow more likely
to result in corrupted state than a PUT, is simply false for
any patch format that contains context or post-application
integrity checks.  The only reason it was in the spec is
because earlier versions assumed a patch format that contains
nothing but byte-vector manipulations.  It should be removed,
or at least altered to be factual.

Ietf mailing list

Re: Jabber,... at IETF Plenary Discussions (Re: IETF Plenary Discussions)

2009-11-17 Thread Russ Housley
We have a hard time getting someone to go the minutes.  I'd be 
pleased to do jabber if there was a volunteer for the typing.


At 04:47 AM 11/13/2009, Martin J. Dürst wrote:
My understanding is that these days, most WG and BOF meetings have 
somebody watching jabber and bringing up comments from there to the 
mic. Also, jabber scribing seems to be quite popular, complementing 
the audio channel (which this time, as reported elsewhere, was excellent).

What about jabber support (both scribing and picking up 
questions/comments) for the plenary? Was this just never considered, 
or has it been considered and rejected?


#-# Martin J. Dürst, Professor, Aoyama Gakuin University

Ietf mailing list

Re: I-D Action:draft-housley-iesg-rfc3932bis-12.txt

2009-11-17 Thread Julian Reschke


   "Information about the current status of this document, any errata,
   and how to provide feedback on it may be obtained at"

Can we please recommend *not* to put a file extension into the URL?

BR, Julian

Ietf mailing list

Re: I-D Action:draft-housley-iesg-rfc3932bis-12.txt

2009-11-17 Thread Paul Hoffman
At 6:01 AM +0100 11/18/09, Julian Reschke wrote:
> says:
>   "Information about the current status of this document, any errata,
>   and how to provide feedback on it may be obtained at
>Can we please recommend *not* to put a file extension into the URL?

+1. "" is just fine, and is 
what we agreed to before.

--Paul Hoffman, Director
--VPN Consortium
Ietf mailing list