Re: [mile] Last Call: draft-ietf-mile-template-04.txt (Guidelines for Defining Extensions to IODEF) to Informational RFC

2012-05-21 Thread Peter Saint-Andre
On 5/18/12 6:13 AM, Brian Trammell wrote:
 Hi, Peter, all,
 Many thanks for the comments; 

And to you for following up.

 replies inline...


 On May 17, 2012, at 5:25 AM, Peter Saint-Andre wrote:
 On 5/16/12 3:53 PM, The IESG wrote:
 The IESG has received a request from the Managed Incident
 Lightweight Exchange WG (mile) to consider the following
 document: - 'Guidelines for Defining Extensions to IODEF' 
 draft-ietf-mile-template-04.txt as Informational RFC
 Although this document does no harm, I have my doubts that the
 topic warrants publication of an RFC (and I say that as someone who
 is defining some IODEF extensions for use on the XMPP network [1]).
 Why would a simple wiki page [2] not suffice?
 Indeed, it may; the WG decided we wanted something semi-permanent to
 give guidance to extension authors, especially given that we
 anticipated (and have had) significant participation from people with
 little or no previous involvement in the IETF. Whether that's an RFC
 or not is, but an RFC seemed the natural thing to do, as it is how
 things are published out of IETF WGs.
 The previous version of this document _did_ need to be an RFC as it
 specified a change to the IANA XML registry requiring a Standards
 Action; this has been split out into draft-ietf-mile-iodef-xmlreg per
 AD guidance.

Thanks for the clarifications. I chatted about this I-D offlist with
Sean Turner and he explained that a bunch of folks who are not familiar
with the IETF might be coming here to define IODEF extensions, so I now
think that an Informational RFC could be useful.

 If we decide than an RFC is needed, I have some more actionable
 1. The document could be construed as assuming that IODEF
 extensions will all be defined in Internet-Drafts, that extension
 namespaces will be registered with IANA, and even that namespaces
 will be of the form 'urn:ietf:params:xml:schema:iodef-*'. It might
 be helpful to clarify the intended applicability of this document,
 i.e., merely as helpful suggestions for authors of Internet-Drafts,
 not truly as universally applicable guidelines for defining IODEF
 Hm. The document does indeed assume that extensions to IODEF are
 defined in Internet-Drafts, that extension namespaces will be
 registered with IANA, and that those namespaces be of the described
 form; it makes these assumptions because that is the intent of the
 document. Whether that's universal or not could be an open
 question, perhaps, but the intent is to specify a more restrictive
 method of extension than that in 5070 in the interests of
 consistency. So, yes, it's an informational document, they're just
 helpful suggestions, but we would hope they'd be followed, and the
 document is written assuming that they will...

As mentioned, I happen to be working on some IODEF extensions that are
specific to the XMPP community. Is it expected that I work on the
relevant spec in the MILE WG, in the XMPP WG, or (as I'm doing right
now) at the XMPP Standards Foundation? IMHO, doing this work at the XSF
makes the most sense because that's where most of the XMPP developers
and operators are active. Seeking a sanity check on this work from the
MILE WG does seem reasonable, though (once it's ready for review).

 2. Why is RFC 6545 a normative reference?
 Oversight, should be informative (I checked this briefly; it is
 referenced from a section entitled Terminology, but this is
 terminology in the Appendix; oops.)
 3. Given the many comments provided by Martin Dürst, mentioning
 his AppsDir review in the Acknowledgements seems appropriate.
 Indeed, also oversight; thanks.
 4. Some of the text in the appendix seems needlessly detailed
 (e.g., saying that each extension needs to be specified in a
 subsection, or the recommendation to include a UML diagram).
 These guidelines are intended to help the set of drafts defining
 IODEF extensions to be consistent with RFC 5070 and with each other.
 5. Why is the list of datatypes in appendix A.4.1 copied from RFC
 5070? A simple reference would do. (I almost said the same about
 the list in Section 3, but that one is marginally useful.)
 The A.4.1. list was copied over because doing so was consistent with
 the list in Section 3, more or less; it's intended to give an inline
 definition of the allowable TYPE values as in the UML diagram in
 Figure 1, section A.4. (Copying this was also consistent with the
 inclusion of the list in Section 3.)
 6. Some of the information in this document repeats information
 from the RFC style guide and other sources; why?
 Here we have a duelling-commenters situation; this is per early-AD
 commentary in and
 the subsequent thread.

IMHO, it seems fine to repeat some of that information, as long as you
say that the styleguide rules on general matters of RFC authorship. But
your AD might know better. ;-)


Peter Saint-Andre

Re: Updated secdir review of draft-ietf-emu-chbind-15.txt

2012-05-21 Thread Sam Hartman
 Stephen == Stephen Hanna writes:

Stephen The changes in draft-ietf-emu-chbind-15.txt satisfactorily
Stephen address almost all of the comments in my April 13, 2012
Stephen secdir review. I do have one remaining substantive comment
Stephen on this latest draft and two non-substantive ones.

Stephen Substantive Comment ---

Stephen The last paragraph of section 9.1 points out a security
Stephen problem with implementing channel bindings using EAP tunnel
Stephen methods. If the EAP tunnel method terminates on the
Stephen authenticator, the channel bindings can easily be defeated
Stephen by the authenticator. While that's true, nobody terminates
Stephen the EAP tunnel method on the authenticator today. In the
Stephen EAP model, the authenticator is not trusted so terminating
Stephen the EAP tunnel method on the authenticator is a bad idea
Stephen for many reasons. For example, the authenticator would then
Stephen have the ability to bypass protected result indications and
Stephen to bypass all the cryptographic protections provided by the
Stephen tunnel.  Sometimes there is value in having the inner and
Stephen outer methods terminate on different servers but both
Stephen servers must be trusted.  The authenticator is not. So
Stephen there is no big security hole here, unless you have already
Stephen opened an enormous security hole. It's ironic that this
Stephen document which attempts to close vulnerabilities caused by
Stephen malicious authenticators ends up subtly suggesting that
Stephen people open a much larger vulnerability!

Stephen I would recommend deleting the end of this paragraph,
Stephen starting with the sentence that starts Even when
Stephen cryptographic binding.

I disagree very strongly with this proposed change.  It's possible that
the text is not clear and I'd be happy to work for a round or two to see
if we can clarify the text, but ending the paragraph as you propose
would defeate the point of text we added after a WG consensus call.

I agree with you that authenticators are not trusted.
The issue is that you cannot trust attackers to act within a
If an attacker can gain benefit from doing something, they may do so.

So, if an attacker can create a tunnel terminating at an authenticator
and gain advantage from doing so, then they will do so.

Remember that we're talking about crypto binding. If crypto binding is
relevant for confirming there are no extra servers, then we're in a
threat model space where we're trusting the inner method to authenticate
the server, not the outer method.  You can't say you should only
establish trusted tunnels, because we're hoping that crypto binding
will give us that trust.  So, the issue here is that once you add
channel bindings and the associated changes to the threat model to EAP,
an authenticator can gain advantage through convincing a client to trust
a tunnel that terminates at an authenticator.  That is, an authenticator
can mount an attack.  Yes, the authenticator needs to convince the peer
to trust the extra tunnel. However, as I discuss in
draft-hartman-emu-mutual-crypto-binding and in my presentation at last
IETF, that's often fairly easy.

So, how can we make the text more clear?

Results of IETF-conflict review for draft-irtf-dtnrg-prophet-09.txt

2012-05-21 Thread The IESG
The IESG has completed a review of draft-irtf-dtnrg-prophet consistent
with RFC5742.  This review is applied to all non-IETF streams.

The IESG has concluded that there is no conflict between this document
and IETF work.

The IESG has no problem with the publication of 'Probabilistic Routing
Protocol for Intermittently Connected Networks'
draft-irtf-dtnrg-prophet-09.txt as an Experimental RFC.

The IESG would also like the IRSG to review the comments in
the datatracker
( related to
this document and determine whether or not they merit incorporation into
the document. Comments may exist in both the ballot and the history log.

A URL of this Internet Draft is:

The process for such documents is described at

Thank you,

The IESG Secretary

Technical Summary

   This document defines PRoPHET, a Probabilistic Routing Protocol using
   History of Encounters and Transitivity.  PRoPHET is a variant of the
   epidemic routing protocol for intermittently connected networks that
   operates by pruning the epidemic distribution tree to minimize
   resource usage while still attempting to achieve the best case
   routing capabilities of epidemic routing.  It is intended for use in
   sparse mesh networks where there is no guarantee that a fully
   connected path between source and destination exists at any time,
   rendering traditional routing protocols unable to deliver messages
   between hosts.  These networks are examples of networks where there
   is a disparity between the latency requirements of applications and
   the capabilities of the underlying network (networks often referred
   to as Delay- and Disruption-Tolerant).  The document presents an
   architectural overview followed by the protocol specification.

Working Group Summary

   This document is the product of the IRTF.

   This document is a product of the Delay Tolerant Networking Research
   Group within the IRTF. It has been reviewed by that group and no 
   objection to its publication as an RFC was raised.

Document Quality

   It is believed that there have been implementations and 
   experimentation as described in the document.


   Stephen Farrell ( is the Document Shepherd.
   Adrian Farrel ( carried out the RFC5742 review.

RFC Editor Note

  The IESG has review this document according to RFC 5742 and has
  concluded that there is no conflict between this document and IETF

  The IESG makes no request for the inclusion of an IESG note in 
  this document.