Agenda for IPoPTR BOF

2000-07-24 Thread Albert Herrera

Attached is the description and agenda for the IPoPTR BOF
at the 48th IETF. We encourage all those interested to attend.



IP over Packet Transport Rings BOF  (IPoPTR)


Albert Herrera [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Internet Area Director(s):


General Discussion:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
To Subscribe: send an email to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] with 'subscribe ptrings' in the
body and subject of the message.

Other Related documents/sites:



The purpose of this BoF is to discuss the proposed Charter
for the IPoPTR WG. The WGs focus will be to standardize
specifications that will allow upper layer (IP) awareness within
Packet Transport Rings for tighter routing and forwarding
control as well as more efficient interworking of other features.

Proposed work includes interactions between the rings
and L3 routing protocols:

- IGP awareness of adjacent upstream and downstream neighbors
- Enable faster L3 convergence when nodes drops out
  or are  removed from the ring
- Enhancements to IGP metric and cost features
- Determine appropriate flooding mechanisms
- Extensions to enable ring-aware MPLS-TE
- MIB definitions

Time/Location: August 4, 2000 09:00-11:30

Pittsburgh Agenda:

Agenda Bashing (5 min.)
Scope and Objectives (10 min.)
Packet Transport Rings Concepts and Requirements (40 min.)
Status of IEEE related activities (30 min.)
Proposed Charter (10 min.)
Charter Bashing (20 min.)
WG Status (10 min.)

New Mailing List for Discussing IPoPTR

2000-03-06 Thread Albert Herrera

A new mailing list is now available to discuss the formation
of a WG specifically addressing IP awareness within Packet
Transport Rings. This is to enable tighter routing and forwarding
controls between L2 and L3 features within these rings.
The new mailing list for IPoPTR (IP over Packet Transport Rings)
is [EMAIL PROTECTED] To subscribe, send an email to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] with 'subscribe ptrings' in the body
and subject of the message.
The initial goal within this list is to discuss/craft a charter
for IPoPTR and to gauge interest with the intent to have a BOF
or a WG in the Pittsburg timeframe.
The following is a first-cut at a possible charter for a WG
in this space. ***NOTE*** that this is not yet a WG but the hope
is that we will become one.
Proposed IPOPTR Working Group Charter
Working Group Name:
IP over Packet Transport Rings (IPOPTR)
IETF Area:
Internet Area
Internet Area Director(s):
Thomas Narten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Erik Nordmark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Responsible Area Director:
Thomas Narten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
General Discussion:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   (include 'subscribe ptrings'
    in the body and subject of message)
Archive: TBD
Description of Working Group:
Over the past few years, enhancements to traditional
bi-directional ring topologies were defined providing
tremendous benefits for both packet and cell-based flows.
When compared to traditional SONET BLSR or FDDI rings,
Packet Transport Rings provide:
*  Full utilization of both (bi-directional,
   counter-rotating)rings for data and control packets
*  Destination stripping of unicast traffic for bandwidth
   gains on other ring spans
*  Protection switching by wrapping traffic around
   failures with rapid recovery patterned after SONET
*  Distributed ring bandwidth fairness algorithms that combine
   global fairness with local optimization
*  Media independence, capable of packet and cell transport
   across traditional SONET, DWDM or dark fibre infrastructures
   or a combination of all within the same ring.
Functions currently defined (as well as those currently
under development within the IEEE), primarily address
MAC layer foundations.
The purpose of this effort is to standardize specifications
that will allow upper layer (IP) awareness within these
Packet Transport Rings for tighter routing and forwarding control
as well as more efficient interworking of other features.
The IPOPTR WG plans to deliver IPOPTR Specifications
which will address the following areas:
*  Traffic Priority Mapping
*  Interactions between the rings and L3 routing protocols
   (including Ring Direction Choice, weights assignments
   to spans, possible IGP enhancements etc.)
*  MPLS TE over Packet Transport Rings
This WG will also be the official focus and liaison group to
other standards bodies that are currently developing
specifications for PTRs. This allows for a smooth interaction
and exchange within parallel development processes that can
only benefit all standards bodies involved.
--- end of proposed charter -