Re: Why DNS sucks for referrals (was Re: Stupid NAT tricks and how to stop them.)

2006-03-29 Thread Francois Menard

Are you saying that ENUM is a dead end?


819 692 1383

On Wed, 29 Mar 2006, Keith Moore wrote:

- DNS is often out of sync with reality

Dynamic DNS updates are your friend.

From an app developer's point-of-view, DDNS is worthless.  DDNS is far
from universally implemented, and when it is implemented, it's often
implemented badly.  DDNS can actually makes DNS a less reliable source of 
information about the host.

In network operations you always see that stuff that isn't really used is a 
big mess, because nobody cares to set it up correctly in the first place 
and/or maintain it after that. Since current peer to peer applications (the 
applications that use referrals) don't bother with the DNS and for 
non-servers its only other purpose is looking pretty, it's no surprise that 
DNS info isn't very good. 

Of course a big part of the reason that distributed apps (not just p2p apps) 
don't consistently use DNS is that it doesn't work well.  But it's not quite 
a chicken and egg problem.  DNS cannot really work well for referrals.  Core 
design assumptions in DNS no longer apply.

Sometimes DNS is slow and unreliable because of poor server 
administration; sometimes it's slow and unreliable for other reasons. The 
very design of DNS is starting to look like an anachronism.

If it's good enough for the web and email, why wouldn't it be good enough 
for p2p? (Which in itself is often very unreliable.)

I'd argue that DNS is NOT good enough for the web, and maybe not good enough 
for email.  When you click on a link and it takes seconds before the page 
even starts loading, that's probably DNS.  Email is less delay sensitive, but 
when you send mail and it bounces because the MX records were out of sync 
with reality, DNS is implicated there also.

Some p2p apps are unreliable because they are trying to layer over a network 
that imposes arbitrary restrictions on its use (unlike the IP design that 
assumes best effort) and on top of hosts that appear and disappear at a whim. 
Even then, they sometimes work better than client-server apps that try to 
serve the same purpose.

- many networks use other ways of doing name to address mapping for
 local hosts.

Not sure what you mean here.

Let me put it another way - lots of hosts that need to participate in 
distributed apps aren't listed in public DNS.

Because there is little reason for them to be.

But by expecting distributed apps to use DNS, you would be imposing the 
operational constraint that all of those hosts be listed in DNS.

But even if that's something that continues to be so, it would still be 
better to use the DNS when available and use the address otherwise, rather 
than ignore the DNS completely.

adding complexity that makes your app less relable is usually not a good way 
to go.

Using DNS names as identifiers for referrals has problems.

Using IP addresses as identifiers for referrals has a different set of
problems.  But IP addresses are a lot closer than DNS names.

With the difference that the DNS is the control plane where you have time 
to think about stuff, while IP is the data plane where you need to perform 
millions of lookups per second.

no.  DNS is just an app that lets other apps find out certain kinds of 
information about certain resources on the network.  It's nowhere nearly 
flexible enough to be a control plane.

But even in that case, it's not clear how to fix DNS to be reliable. 
Protocol quality issues aside, there's not anything like a consensus on 
how DNS should be used.

If we can agree which problem should be solved where, then consensus on the 
details becomes a lot easier. What I'm saying is that the IP address wont 
be an identifier stable enough to handle referrals in the future, so any 
protocols that make this assumption won't work very well.

What I'm saying is that if IP addresses won't be stable enough for referrals 
in distributed apps, they won't be stable enough for referrals in DNS either.


Ietf mailing list

Ietf mailing list

Multiple roots E2E PKI trust discovery, chain management capabilities exchange

2005-07-22 Thread Francois Menard


What is the latest state-of-the-art thinking at the IETF about a 
distributed multiple-root systems for name discovery based on end-to-end 
peer-to-peer PKI-based trust discovery and trust chain management 
 properties/capabilities exchange (I can sign you, you can sign me, I can 
do 4096 bits but you'll only parse 2048, etc.)

Is it permissible to think that this could be an alternative to the DNS at 
some point in time in the future or does the DNS needs to remain as it is?

I am thinking on figthing on the policy front to force a Tier1C 
implementation of ENUM with a distributed registry based on 
the use of registries at the NPA-NXX- (Co-code) level in Canada while 
the USA would remain with a flat file per NPA (Tier 1B)

However, there is more generality to my question ... I need a quick 
rundown of the latest thinking (RFCs, ID's, IESG  IAB directives, IRTF 
experiments) regarding:

1) distributed multiple roots
2) E2E P2P PKI-based trust discovery and trust chain management
3) capabilities and properties exchange in an E2E PKI environment.

You can tell me to RTFM with reason since I have been out of touch for the 
last 5 years, and I will not take it personally, but any investment of 
time and energy into providing me some good warnings of DO NOT GO THERE 
would be very appreciated.

819 692 1383

Ietf mailing list

Re: Multiple roots E2E PKI trust discovery, chain management capabilities exchange

2005-07-22 Thread Francois Menard

However, there is more generality to my question ... I need a quick
rundown of the latest thinking (RFCs, ID's, IESG  IAB directives, IRTF
experiments) regarding:

1) distributed multiple roots

I would certainly be interested in any scientific and technical papers
about this issue. This is a very interesting and challenging problem.

But I think that we can safely say that you canNOT have multiple roots
IF you want to keep the present semantics of the DNS. (For instance,
the current semantics is If I send an email to
[EMAIL PROTECTED], it will arrive in the same malibox,
irrespective of my current email provider. See

Wouldn't you be able to resolve to a primary-ness state for a given TLD 
(domain names is just an example of the name resource you could resolve 
to), through a trust relationship.

I would for example not trust .travel from if ICANN had assumed 
control over .travel ... I should be able to pick this from a PKI-based 
P2P trust chain, would I not?

It is not a limit of the current protocols. It is a limit forced upon
us by the requirments: if you want the above semantics for
[EMAIL PROTECTED], you canNOT have multiple roots, because
something (the root) will have to decide who manages
.travel. Otherwise, you will not arrive in Paris for the next IETF

It would not be the root, it would be the trust chain you build in your 

[You can compare with distributed file systems or distributed
databases: you typically have to give in some requirments.]

I have not seem trust chain management in any type of DFS... but I am not 
a specialist in DFS... though I cannot wait to see the day that Ethernet 
interfaces start to ship for SATA drives...


Ietf mailing list

Re: Multiple roots E2E PKI trust discovery, chain management capabilities exchange

2005-07-22 Thread Francois Menard

On Sat, 23 Jul 2005, Masataka Ohta wrote:

PKI has nothing to do with E2E.
As CAs and DNS servers are intermediate systems, neither PKI nor
DNS are E2E.
As intermediate systems, they don't have any information on
ongoing transaction that they can't give any real guarantee.

Masataka-San, your NOTASIP ID still rings in my mind after all these years 
and I see that your approach at providing consistency to a discussion 
continues to be as thoughtful as it ever has been.

This being said, in my question, I did knowingly imply that PKI as we know 
it from CAs is not end-to-end as CAs are intermediate systems.

In your opinion, what do you see as the latest state of the art thinking 
towards PKI that is true-er to an E2E environment, knowing that I am 
looking for an answer in the context of my need to catch up quick so that 
I can better defend the need for a multiple roots at the NXX level in the 
ENUM environment - my true goal being to tell carriers to screw it with 
Carrier-ENUM.  My argument is that you cannot subdomain a telephone number 
which can remain reachable from a telephone keypad, thus the need for 
competition at the registry level (if not, innovation will be restricted 
by the transaction costs of registering entries in Tier1B).

I have described my proposed Tier1C here in details:

If pursuing this discussion gets too wild on IETF-discuss, I will agree to 
defer the ongoing discussion to the E2E-interest mailing list on and refer back once I have a better idea how stable is the 
ground.  However, true here is my ambition to frame the discussion in such 
a way that I can know how to tackle my Tier1C proposed framework into the 
broader perspective of where the IETF has been, where it can go and where 
it does not or no longer wants to go (at least in the short term).

819 692 1383

Ietf mailing list

Re: Need for an open access IPv6 working group at the IETF

2005-07-18 Thread Francois Menard

On Mon, 18 Jul 2005, Brian E Carpenter wrote:

In 1999 you asked my predecessor's predecessor:

I wonder if we should not have a new working group within the IETF that
would issue informational RFC's on the topics of equal access
using Internet Protocol technologies. 

Well, I'm quite sure the answer is no. That is a business model, policy and
governance question, and these are not areas within the IETF's mission.

I am in agreement that open access issues as they relate to business 
models, policy or governance, are not areas within the IETF mission.

However, you have avoided giving consideration to the technical guts of my 
proposal: re: IPv6 flow field range partitioning, IPv6 prefix propagation 
and MPLS LSP to v6 flow mapping (as they emerge from DOCSIS SIDs).  I am 
not proposing an open access working group per se, but I would like to 
know what the IETF-ers think about how best to support multiple 
simultaneous ISPs in an IETF-standardized sort of way.  Do not ask me to 
have these discussions at Cablelabs... they do not want it. So where else?

I've been out of touch for a while, so if anybody can bring me up to speed 
in a manner that is a bit more enthusiastic, I would appreciate deeply.

Discussion of specific vendor's products is also outside our scope, except
when they directly illustrate technical discussions.

Can one at least tell me whether Multi-VRF is known to be an IETF 
standard? What is the RFC?

It's clear that producing technical standards that are fair and open is
in the IETF's mission, and that is where we should focus. If you have
technical proposals that tackle this, they are most welcome, in Paris,
Vancouver, or on-line.

I should propose an ID in the IPv6 working group?

You might, however, be interested by RFC 4084.

I do not see the relevance of this RFC.  Anything else?

819 692 1383

Ietf mailing list

Need for an open access IPv6 working group at the IETF

2005-07-17 Thread Francois Menard


With the positive result in Lafayette a few hours ago, and the increased 
reliance on non-standard Multi-VRF in CMTS for cable modem open access in 
Canada (which is finally being turned on as we speak), I think it is 
finally time to get my July 17, 1999 proposal out of the drawer (making it 
its 6th anniversary today by pure coincidence... proving again that things 
never change... or at least take forever to change...).

What process should I follow to make this happen from a distance if I 
cannot manage to travel onsite at an IETF meeting? (Vancouver is as far 
from here as Paris!, but I am tempted to go.)

Can anyone comment about whether I should be able to expect getting an 
MPLS LSP straight out of a Cisco CMTS into my own provider edge router as 
an ISP rather than rely on this being done internally by the cable carrier 
to a 7206 acting as the PE, but then running policy routing on the source 
IP address to select the right interface towards the ISP and then require 
to run the DHCP server on behalf of the ISP?

Does anybody know whether this:

is known to be standardized and interoperable at the MPLS level with other 
provider hardware?

I know some people my think that I should ask these questions to Cisco 
directly, but really, this is not the case... In Canada the CMTS hardware 
that cable carriers use might be cisco, but ISPs are free to select the PE 
hardware of their choice... So there is cause for concern that the cable 
carriers might be able to get LSPs straight out of the CMTS devices into 
PEs running at the ISP premises, but are refusing to do so, to restrict 
the cable modem unbundling framework in a manner which is not going to 
stand up for 2 seconds in a complaint at the CRTC (and I'm getting quite 
good at those).

Has anybody got a better architecture to propose?  Do not say PPPoE 
please... I want something that is IPv6 friendly.

I still have in the back of my mind the idea of #1) using IPv6, #2) 
partitioning the flow field range and #3) doing admission control on 
certain ranges in combination with peering on an interdomain basis with 
QoS using a specific DSCP profile for peering across (not the Internet), 
but across the PSTN equivalent of a billkeep IMT trunk if you want.

My thinking is of getting an LSP from the CMTS serving the cable modem CPE 
of the third party ISP, straight into the third party ISP.

This would allow a fully bridged dedicaed LAN per third party ISP 
end-customer (one per home, using the DOCSIS session identifier to filter 
out broadcast traffic from neighbours on the same optical node).

The third party ISP would then only need to have an IPv6 router with one 
leg into each LAN of each of its residential customers so that NDP works 

Does anyone make an IPv6 router with say, the capability of 1000 
subinterfaces? I'd like to have an off-list discussion on this topic with 
those who feel their gear is up to the task.

Does anyone make a tunnel stack for Windows XP which supports IPv4 tunnel 
over IPv6? Does anyone make a router which supports an IPv4 tunnel over 
IPv6?  Does anyone make a VoIP ATA which supports IPv6? Does anoyone make 
an ADSL2+ router + H.264 settop box which supports an IPv4 tunnel over 

Anybody in Asia with the genius to make this happen ?

Best regards,


For references, see a copy of my email dating from July 17, 1999:

Date: Sat, 17 Jul 1999 14:13:34 -0400 (EDT)
From: Francois D. Menard [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Equal Access Working Group ...
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Fred, everyone,

I wonder if we should not have a new working group within the IETF that
would issue informational RFC's on the topics of equal access
using Internet Protocol technologies.

Here in Canada, there is a trend in the government mandating shared access
of the high speed Internet access facilities of the incumbent carriers.

This means that instead of mandating shared access to the spectrum, the
government seems to be increasingly satisfied with the incumbents offering
interfaces at Layer 3 to satisfy the pouding requests of the non-facility
based ISP's for a reasonable rate for a connection at the last mile.

Unfortunately, we are already facing a huge problem:

The CATV industry is lining up on variants of Source-Address-Looked
Routing (a.k.a policy routing in Cisco-land) (not to call it source
routing which seems to have more of a meaning for putting the path that
the packet should take in the header of the packet).  This isin't too
bad as long as the CATV operators are confident to be capable of
implementing this in a scaleable manner.  So far, only Regional
Cablesystems of Sudbury/Timmins Ontario has done it and seems to
be satisfied 

Re: IPv6 MTU issues in FTTH applications

2002-02-25 Thread Francois Menard

 I think the compatibility issue is the driver here. As long as there is
 some way to phase in new gear to take advantage of the standard, without
 breaking what is there now, MTU size could be increased to something
 makes sense for the applications.  With streaming media, application
 VoIP, and all the emerging apps, there is a need to increase the
 of the protocols.  The larger the payload, assuming apps can take
 of it, the more efficient the protocol (simplistically and generally

That was my point, with the IEEE looking at a brand new generation of
hardware for fiber to the home applications, if re-consideration of
increasing MTU to something wich would be more optimal for an IPv6 FTTH
world do not happen over the coming weeks, we'll be missing a great
opportunity.  There are no budge cycles here, no hubs to worry about, no
intermediate routers that could not support the higher MTU.

What we have here is a community of FTTH users with brand new gear doing
peer to peer applications like high quality video conferencing.  I'm
trying to validate if the IPv6 routing header could be a good way
to perform constraint-based routing without requiring the use of MPLS to
perform this.


RE: Specification verification tools

2001-10-03 Thread Francois Menard

Hopefully, the venue of XML in the ASN.1 community will result in more
open source PER runtime objects... 


-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Phil
Sent: October 3, 2001 2:45 PM
To: Henning G. Schulzrinne
Subject: Re: Specification verification tools

That note mentioned ASN.1 and several others.

Some language development that might be of interest
that bridges both ASN.1 and XML can be found to
various extents at:

This ASN.1 XML standards work should be completed
next week at an ASN.1 group meeting in Orlando,
FL, then immediately balloted. I understand that
tools support for this work is slated for fourth
quarter 2001 delivery.

There is a free tools list on the first site
listed, which I believe offers several ASN.1 syntax 
checkers as well as pointers to other free and for
sale tools. Some of these are general, others quite specialized.

The new ITU-T ASN.1 Project is in the process of
compiling a list of verified ASN.1 modules that 
are being made freely available to anyone at

Currently these seem to include only ITU-T 
specifications, but I do not know what their
intended scope may be. An on line base of 
correct IETF ASN.1 modules would certainly be
useful. A note to the web master or contact
might reveal more.

And of course, all of the ASN.1 and SDL standards
are now freely available from the ITU-T web site.
A revision of ASN.1 is currently underway that 
will incorporate all of the TCs and amendments 
into a new 2002 edition.

Phil Griffin

Henning G. Schulzrinne wrote:
 Recently, the IESG sent a note describing and encouraging the use of 
 formally verifiable means of protocol specification, in addition to 
 English prose. To facilitate this effort, I will be setting a resource

 web page to provide information on mechanisms and tools. (Unless there

 is a formal IETF effort, of course.)
 For now, please send me pointers to tools and possible languages or 
 other suitable means, including, for example, RFC 2234 (ABNF), ASN.1 
 as used for LDAP and SNMP, or XML schemas. Note that these tools are 
 meant for verification, not for code generation.
 This is a freelance effort, and any statements or listings do not 
 necessarily reflect official IETF or IESG policy or recommendations.
 Thank you.
 Henning Schulzrinne

RE: Nimda virus and whois search...

2001-10-01 Thread Francois Menard

 Seriously, what is the appropriate term: owner, rentee, leaser ?
