At 18:29 +0200 29/06/00, Anthony Atkielski wrote:
>I don't understand why so much effort is expended on things like WAP when
>99% of the real world still doesn't have any access at all to the Internet,
>much less wireless access.  And even of those who do, most have such slow
>connections that even download a simple test page is an ordeal.


>I know it's not very sexy to drop the blue-sky toys, but doesn't anyone ever
>work on improving and democratizing existing infrastructure instead of
>widening the gap between what people really have and what looks cool in the

Yes indeed. It would be interesting to know how many of us on this 
list agree with you.

Yet again, as I just mentioned in an earlier post, isn't it a matter 
regarding business models rather than technology?
What looks cool in the lab is quite often related to what is dear to 
WAP is just such a thing, regardless of technical niceties : a closed 
proprietary system built for a closed business model blessed with 
himalayan piles of cash.
Is it healthy ? With the Internet spirit in mind, does anyone need to 
dwell in the intricacies of gateways and so on to answer this 
question ? I would suggest this daring task : when in doubt, reboot 
your mindset.

best to all,

Gilbert Cattoire

+33 (0)6 08 35 15 82

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