Transitional RFC Series Editor recommendations Overview document to be distributed by Wednesday - background document for Monday Plenary

2010-11-03 Thread Glenn Kowack
The Overview of Transitional RFC Editor Recommendations announced
earlier this week is now available at

This document addresses all the high-level recommendations in
draft-kowack-rfc-editor-model-v2-00.  It provides just the right background
for the TRSE recommendations presentation during Monday's Technical
Plenary at IETF 79 in Beijing. The presentation will be from 7:00 to 7:30 in
Valley Ballroom ABC.

I look forward to your comments. For those of you attending
IETF 79, I look forward to seeing and talking to you there.

Transitional RFC Series Editor
Ietf mailing list

Transitional RFC Series Editor recommendations Overview document to be distributed by Wednesday - background document for monday plenary

2010-11-01 Thread Glenn Kowack
Last week I posted the Transitional RFC Series Editor detailed recommendations 
in draft-kowack-rfc-editor-model-v2 (RFC 5620bis).  In preparation for 
discussions in Beijing, I'm writing an overview of those recommendations, which 
I will post to the RSE web page [1] by this coming Wednesday.  If you won’t 
have time to read the full draft, the overview will be more than enough 

The overview is also just the right level to prepare for the Beijing plenary on 
Monday, where I will present my findings and recommendations.

Postings and discussion are at

Transitional RFC Series Editor

Ietf mailing list

rfc series editor (RSE) report archive and RSE web page now available

2010-05-28 Thread Glenn Kowack
As Transitional RFC Series Editor (TRSE), I send a report to the IAB every 4 
The first was produced on 12 April.  My two reports so far are now archived at, exactly as sent to the IAB.

Community engagement and participation is an important component of the RSE
assignment.  I invite your comments on topics that arise as you review these 
reports.  Please send your thoughts to, or directly 
to me 
at  Announcement of new reports will be made to the 
list.  Those wishing to be notified should subscribe to that list.

The RSE web page also gives you access to RSE background, announcements, 
and documents produced by the TRSE.  This page is a work in progress.  I 
welcome comments on its content and structure.

I look forward to exchanging ideas with you.

thank you,
Glenn Kowack
Transitional RFC Series Editor
Ietf mailing list

Re: [rfc-i] Glenn Kowack appointed as Transitional RFC Series Editor

2010-03-01 Thread Glenn Kowack
As the newly appointed Transitional RSE, Olaf asked me to introduce myself to 
the community.

I first got onto the ARPANET in the mid-1970s while studying computer science 
at the University of Illinois.  Since then, I've done networking and operating 
systems (mostly UNIX) RD first as a programmer and later as director of a UNIX 
RD center.  I even managed an ARPANET IMP.  For the past 20 years I've been 
leading networking start-ups in Europe and the US: I was founding CEO of EUnet, 
Europe's first commercial internet service provider, and founding CEO of 
NextHop Technologies, which developed routing software. I've also been on the 
boards of international internet organizations such as Ebone and the Commercial 
Internet Exchange (CIX), and was a VP for Strategy and Planning at ISOC in the 
late 1990s.

I've done a lot of of organizational development in corporations, including 
creating and leading teams of technical writers, and have done my share of 
technical writing.  I've published ACM and IEEE articles on Internet and 
technology history and policy. I worked closely with Jon Postel as IANA's 
delegate to the Policy Oversight Committee, which provided leadership in the 
gTLD debates that led to ICANN's formation.

My association with the 'IETF' began in the late 1970s when I was on Jon 
Postel's mailing lists.  I attended my first IETF in the early 1990s and have 
been a frequent participant since then.  I've led or worked with engineering 
teams that contributed to protocol standards, largely radius and routing.  
However, I've never personally written an RFC.

My experience qualifies me as a long-standing participant in the IETF, and 
gives me an understanding of and appreciation for its history, processes, and 
culture.  However, I have not been intimately involved in administration of the 
RFC editorial process.  This combination affords me a broad perspective, but no 
specific opinions or biases regarding the current situation.  That means I'm 
starting from a blank page, which I will fill by working closely with the 
entire community.  The IAB has made it very clear that I'm to work with 
complete independence of process and analytical method, which I will do.

I am calling for interested community members to contact me to share your 
thinking about the RSE function.  Your input is essential to fulfilling my 
mission.  For at least several weeks, you'll hear me say I don't know - I 
haven't enough information to form an opinion about that yet.  What do you 

I hope you will find me a most open-minded and interested listener.  I look 
forward to working with all of you on this critically important project.

best regards,
Transitional RFC Series Editor

On Feb 26, 2010, at 9:25 AM, IAB Chair wrote:

 Dear Colleagues,
 I am happy to announce that Glenn Kowack will be the Transitional RFC
 Series Editor(RSE).
 Glenn will take up his responsibilities as of March 1.  His main
 responsibility [2] is that of formulating the RSE as defined in
 RFC5620 in practice while critically reviewing all aspects of the
 model and its implementation. Specifically, Glenn will be working with
 the IAB, the RFC Series Advisory Group (RSAG, see RFC5620) as
 appropriate, the IAOC, and the community to refine the definition of
 the role and relationships of the RSE. This involves providing:
 (i) recommendations for changes to the RFC Series model structure, 
 (ii) recommendations for changes to the role and responsibilities of
the RFC Series Editor, and
 (iii) recommendations to effect the acquisition of an RFC Series
 In the cause of the next weeks Glenn will be taking over
 responsibilities from Bob Braden who is acting RSE currently and will
 remain available as a resource of knowledge and experience. The actual
 title will pass between March 1 and April 19.
 During the next few months Glenn will talk to many of us. I hope that
 Glenn can count on your collaboration and frankness. Glenn will
 introduce himself shortly.
 With the appointment of Glenn Kowack as TRSE and the appointment of
 Nevil Brownlee as Inependent Submissions Editor the four pieces of the
 RFC Editor model are now in place.
 The IAB would like to thank the candidates that stepped forward
 between June and December last year.
 The IAB also acknowledges the support of the volunteers that served on
 the the Ad-hoc Advisory Committee (ACEF) and assisted the IAB in their
 selection. They are: Joel Halpern (who took the responsibility for
 coordinating), Bob Hinden, Joe Touch, and Jim Schaad, Craig Partridge
 (who left the committee in October 2009) and Scott Bradner (who
 recused in December 2009). They worked with IAB members John Klensin,
 Russ Housley, and me.
 The ACEF has served its purpose for this appointment cycle and has
 been dismantled.
 For the IAB,
 Olaf Kolkman
 IAB Chair.
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