Hi Lorenzo

Answers below


De : v6ops-boun...@ietf.org [mailto:v6ops-boun...@ietf.org] De la part de 
Lorenzo Colitti
Envoyé : mercredi 4 septembre 2013 10:04
Cc : v6...@ietf.org WG; IETF Discussion
Objet : Re: [v6ops] Last Call: <draft-ietf-v6ops-mobile-device-profile-04.txt> 
(Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) Profile for 3GPP Mobile Devices) to 
Informational RFC

On Wed, Sep 4, 2013 at 3:31 PM, 
<mohamed.boucad...@orange.com<mailto:mohamed.boucad...@orange.com>> wrote:

it is about ** a ** profile for mobile devices.

But wait... if it's just *a* profile, then why is the IETF publishing this 
particular profile, and not any other profile? Is this an IETF recommended 
profile? If, so then the document should state why. If not, then the document 
should state that this is just one possible profile, and that the IETF does not 
recommend for or against it.
[[david]] It is a profile proposed by several operators and supported by other 
ones. Maybe you have some other proposition for mobile profile but as 
operators, this list of requirements fits our needs.

I think the fundamental problem with this document is that it does not provide 
solid reasons for why all 34 requirements need to be implemented (and 
personally, I think that's because it just can't - there *are* no solid 
[[david]] Did you mention that not all requirements are mandatory ? It gives 
flexibility to operators to define what they are expecting from vendors.
 The draft seems implies that all these requirements must be met to deploy IPv6 
on mobile devices, but that's not true. A great example is the statement in the 
abstract which says that this document "lists the set of features a 3GPP mobile 
device is to be compliant with to connect to an IPv6-only or dual-stack 
wireless network". This statement is false: there are tens of millions of 
mobile devices using IPv6 every day, and none of them meet more than a minority 
of the requirements in this document.
[[david]] Do you mean that the current status regarding IPv6 support in devices 
is fine and that there is no need for other features in mobile devices ? Some 
devices have been connected to IP networks for tens of years now and it does 
not mean we should not add new features to these devices to enable new 
services. We are considering, as operators, that current IPv6 features in 
mobile devices do not satisfy all our needs as mentioned in the document.

I know we've already gone over this in the WG, but since this is IETF last 
call, I think the rest of the community should see this discussion so that we 
collectively know what the arguments for and against this proposal and can 
reach informed consensus.
[[david]] OK

Oh, and I know it's a bit out of fashion, but: what happened to "running code"? 
Are there *any* implementations of all this?
[[david]] We expect some implementations and we are thinking that such kind of 
document may be useful to get some.


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