Re: 128 bits should be enough for everyone, was: IPv6 vs. Stupid NAT tricks: false dichotomy? (Was: Re: StupidNAT tricks and how to stop them.)

2006-03-31 Thread Iljitsch van Beijnum

On 31-mrt-2006, at 6:11, Steven M. Bellovin wrote:

You're absolutely right about the /3 business -- this was a very
deliberate design decision.  So, by the way, was the decision to use
128-bit, fixed-length addresses -- we really did think about this
stuff, way back when.

I reviewed some old IPng mail archives last year and it was very  
illuminating to see people worry both about stuff that is completely  
a non-issue today and stuff that's still as big a problem as ever  
today. However, a lot has changed in over a decade, and even if fixed  
length addresses was the right answer then (which I'm not necessarily  
conceding), that doesn't necessarily make it the right answer today.

When the IPng directorate was designing/selecting what's now IPv6,
there was a variable-length address candidate on the table: CLNP.

I'm no OSI expert, but what I gather is that within a domain, all  
addresses must be the same length, so variable length addressing  
doesn't really work out in practice.

It was strongly favored by some because of the flexibility; others  

out how slow that would be, especially in hardware.

I guess that argument can be made for the traditional this address  
is X bits and here are enough bytes to hold them type of variable  
length address encoding that we also use in BGP, for example. But  
there are other ways to do this that are more hardware-friendly:

There was another proposal, one that was almost adopted, for something
very much like today's IPv6 but with 64/128/192/256-bit addresses,
controlled by the high-order two bits.  That looked fast enough in
hardware, albeit with the the destination address coming first in the
packet.  OTOH, that would have slowed down source address checking
(think BCP 38), so maybe it wasn't a great idea.

On the other hand having a protocol chain in IPv6 makes checking TCP/ 
UDP ports a nightmare, so there's more than enough precedent for  
that. That's one lesson we can learn from the OSI guys: the port  
number should really be part of the address.

A way to encode variable length addresses that would presumably be  
even easier to implement in hardware is to split the address in  
several fields, and then have some bits that indicate the presence/ 
absence of these fields. For instance, the IPv6 address could be 8 16- 
bit values. The address 3ffe:2500:0:310::1 would be transformed into  
3ffe-2500-0310-0001 (64 bits) with the control bits 11010001  
indicating that the first, second, fourth and eighth 16-bit values  
are present but the third and fifth - seventh aren't. It should be  
fairly simple to shift the zero bits in and out in hardware so the  
full maximum length version of the address can be available in places  
where that's convenient.

And in reaction to other posts: there is no need to make the maximum  
address length unlimited, just as long as it's pretty big, such as  
~256 bits. The point is not to make the longest possible addresses,  
but to use shorter addresses without shooting ourselves in the foot  
later when more address space is needed. For instance, I have a /48  
at home and one for my colocated server. For that server, I could use  
the /48 as the actual address for the server, or add a very small  
number of bits. At home, stateless autoconf is useful so 94 bits  
would be sufficient (/48 + 46 bit MAC address), maybe add a couple of  
bits for future subnetting. So the server address would be 7 bytes  
(with the length field) rather than 16 and the laptop address 13,  
saving 12 bytes per packet between the two over today's IPv6...

I'm carefully not saying which option I supported.  I now think,  

that 128 bits has worked well.

It would be rather disastrous if 128 bits didn't work well at this  
stage.  :-)

Ietf mailing list

Re: 128 bits should be enough for everyone, was: IPv6 vs. Stupid NAT tricks: false dichotomy? (Was: Re: StupidNAT tricks and how to stop them.)

2006-03-31 Thread Anthony G. Atkielski
Iljitsch van Beijnum writes:

 And in reaction to other posts: there is no need to make the maximum
 address length unlimited, just as long as it's pretty big, such as  
 ~256 bits.

But there isn't much reason to not make it unlimited, as the overhead
is very small, and specific implementations can still limit the actual
address length to a compromise between infinity and the real-world
network that the implementation is expected to support.

 The point is not to make the longest possible addresses,
 but to use shorter addresses without shooting ourselves in the foot
 later when more address space is needed.

Use unlimited-length addresses that can expand at _either_ end, and
the problem is solved.  When more addresses are needed in one
location, you add bits to the addresses on the right; when networks
are combined and must have unique addresses, you add bits on the left.

Ietf mailing list

Re: 128 bits should be enough for everyone, was: IPv6 vs. Stupid NAT tricks: false dichotomy? (Was: Re: StupidNAT tricks and how to stop them.)

2006-03-30 Thread Stephen Sprunk

Thus spake Anthony G. Atkielski [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Iljitsch van Beijnum writes:

However, since that time I've learned to appreciate
stateless autoconfiguration and the potential usefulness of having
the lower 64 bits of the IPv6 address as a place to carry some
limited security information (see SEND and shim6 HBA).

Once it's carrying information, it's no longer just an address, so
counting it as pure address space is dangerous.

An IPv4/6 address is both a routing locator and an interface identifier. 
Unfortunately, the v6 architects decided not to separate these into separate 
address spaces, so an address _must_ contain routing information until that 
problem is fixed.  It doesn't seem to be likely we'll do so without having 
to replace IPv6 and/or BGP4+, and there's no motion on either front, so 
we're stuck with the locator/identifier problem for quite a while.

Building in space means not allocating it--not even _planning_ to
allocate it.  Nobody has any idea what the Internet might be like a
hundred years from now, so why are so many people hellbent on
planning for something they can't even imagine?

That's why 85% of the address space is reserved.  The /3 we are using (and 
even then only a tiny fraction thereof) will last a long, long time even 
with the most pessimistic projections.  If it turns out we're still wrong 
about that, we can come up with a different policy for the next /3 we use. 
Or we could change the policy for the existing /3(s) to avoid needing to 
consume new ones.

If IPv6 is supposed to last 100 years, that means we have ~12.5 years to 
burn through each /3, most likely using progressively stricter policies. 
It's been a decade since we started and we're nowhere near using up the 
first /3 yet, so it appears we're in no danger at this point.  Will we be in 
50 years?  None of us know, which is why we've reserved space for the folks 
running the Internet then to make use of -- provided IPv6 hasn't been 
replaced by then and making this whole debate moot.

Unfortunately, at the time IPv6 was created variable length addresses
weren't considered viable.

Variable-length addresses are the only permanent solution, unless IP
addresses are assigned serially (meaning that all routing information
has to be removed).

Variable-length addresses work very well for the telephone system, and
they'd work just as well for the Internet, if only someone had taken
the time to work it out.

Variable-length addresses only work if there is no maximum length.  E.164 
has a maximum of 15 digits, meaning there are at most 10^15 numbers.  Here 
in +1 we only use eleven digit numbers, meaning we're burning them 10^4 
times as fast as we could.  That's not a great endorsement.

Also, telephone numbers have the same locator/identifier problem that IPv4/6 
addresses do.  In fact, IPv6's original addressing model looked strikingly 
similar to the country codes and area/city codes (aka TLAs and NLAs) that 
you're apparently fond of.

Even OSI's variable length addresses had a maximum length, and most 
deployments used the maximum length; they degenerated into fixed-length 
addresses almost immediately.

The only thing I'm not too happy about is the current one address /
one subnet / /48 trichotomy. Ignoring the single address for a
moment, the choice between one subnet and 65536 isn't a great one, as
many things require a number of subnets that's greater than one, but
not by much.

It's a good example of waste that results from short-sightedness.  It
happened in IPv4, too.

The difference is that in IPv6, it's merely a convention and implementors 
are explicitly told that they must not assume the above boundaries.  In 
IPv4, it was hardcoded into the protocol and every implementation had to be 
replaced to move to VLSM and CIDR.

Conventions are for human benefit, but they can be dropped when it becomes 
necessary.  Folks who use RFC 1918 space almost always assign /24s for each 
subnet regardless of the number of hosts; folks using public addresses used 
to do the same, but instead now determine the minimum subnet that meets 
their needs.  Hopefully the conventions in IPv6 won't be under attack for a 
long time, but if they need to go one day we can drop them easily enough.

The thing that is good about IPv6 is that once you get yourself a /
64, you can subdivide it yourself and still have four billion times
the IPv4 address space.

It sounds like NAT.

Not at all.  You'd still have one address per host, you'd just move the 
subnet boundary over a few bits as needed.  With the apparent move to random 
IIDs, there's no reason to stick to /64s for subnets -- we could go to /96s 
for subnets without any noticeable problems (including NAT).

The RIRs could also change policies so that /32 and /48 are not the default 
allocation and assignment sizes, respectively.  That is also another 
convention that we could easily dispense with, but it saves us a lot of 
paperwork to abide by it as 

Re: 128 bits should be enough for everyone, was: IPv6 vs. Stupid NAT tricks: false dichotomy? (Was: Re: StupidNAT tricks and how to stop them.)

2006-03-30 Thread Stephen Sprunk

Thus spake Anthony G. Atkielski [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Iljitsch van Beijnum writes:

So how big would you like addresses to be, then?

It's not how big they are, it's how they are allocated.  And they are
allocated very poorly, even recklessly, which is why they run out so
quickly.  It's true that engineers always underestimate required
capacity, but 128-bit addresses would be enough for anything ... IF
they were fully allocated.  But I know they won't be, and so the
address space will be exhausted soon enough.

I once read that engineers are generally incapable of designing anything 
that will last (without significant redesign) beyond their lifespan. 
Consider the original NANP and how it ran out of area codes and exchanges 
around 40 years after its design -- roughly the same timeframe as the 
expected death of its designers.  Will IPv6 last even that long?  IMHO we'll 
find a reason to replace it long before we run out of addresses, even at the 
current wasteful allocation rates.

We currently have 1/8th of the IPv6 address space set aside for
global unicast purposes ...

Do you know how many addresses that is? One eighth of 128 bits is a
125-bit address space, or


addresses. That's enough to assign 735 IP addresses to every cubic
centimetre in the currently observable universe (yes, I calculated
it). Am I the only person who sees the absurdity of wasting addresses
this way?

It doesn't matter how many bits you put in an address, if you assign
them this carelessly.

That's one way of looking at it.  The other is that even with just the 
currently allocated space, we can have 35,184,372,088,832 sites of 65,536 
subnets of 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 hosts.  Is this wasteful?  Sure.  Is 
it even conceivable to someone alive today how we could possibly run out of 
addresses?  No.

Will someone 25 years from now reach the same conclusion?  Perhaps, perhaps 
not.  That's why we're leaving the majority of the address space reserve for 
them to use in light of future requirements.

... with the idea that ISPs give their customers /48 blocks.

Thank you for illustrating the classic engineer's mistake.  Stop
thinking in terms of _bits_, and think in terms of the _actual number
of addresses_ available.  Of better still, start thinking in terms of
the _number of addresses you throw away_ each time you set aside
entire bit spans in the address for any predetermined purpose.

Remember, trying to encode information in the address (which is what
you are doing when you reserve bit spans) results in exponential (read
incomprehensibly huge) reductions in the number of available
addresses.  It's trivially easy to exhaust the entire address space
this way.

If you want exponential capacity from an address space, you have to
assign the addresses consecutively and serially out of that address
space.  You cannot encode information in the address.  You cannot
divided the address in a linear way based on the bits it contains and
still claim to have the benefits of the exponential number of
addresses for which it supposedly provides.

Why is this so difficult for people to understand?

And sequential assignments become pointless even with 32-bit addresses 
because our routing infrastructure can't possibly handle the demands of such 
an allocation policy.  The IETF has made the decision to leave the current 
routing infrastructure in place, and that necessitates a bitwise allocation 

Railing against this decision is pointless unless you have a new routing 
paradigm ready to deploy that can handle the demands of a non-bitwise 
allocation model.

Why is this so difficult for you to understand?

That gives us 45 bits worth of address space to use up.

You're doing it again.  It's not 45 bits; it's a factor of

But rest assured, they'll be gone in the blink of an eye if the
address space continues to be mismanaged in this way.

I take it you mean the blick of an eye to mean a span of decades?  That is 
not the common understanding of the term, yet that's how long we've been 
using the current system and it shows absolutely no signs of strain.

It's generally accepted that an HD ratio of 80% should be reachable
without trouble, which means we get to waste 20% of those bits in
aggregation hierarchies.

No. It's not 20% of the bits, it's 99.9756% of your address space that
you are wasting.

Do engineers really study math?

To achieve bitwise aggregation, you necessarily cannot achieve better than 
50% use on each delegation boundary.  There are currently three boundaries 
(RIR, LIR, site), so better than 12.5% address usage is a lofty goal. 
Again, if you want something better than this, you need to come up with a 
better routing model than what we have today.

(And then throw in the /64 per subnet and you're effectively wasting 100% of 
the address space anyways, so none of this matters until that's gone)

This gives us 36 bits = 68 

Re: 128 bits should be enough for everyone, was: IPv6 vs. Stupid NAT tricks: false dichotomy? (Was: Re: StupidNAT tricks and how to stop them.)

2006-03-30 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
On Thu, 30 Mar 2006 20:43:14 -0600, Stephen Sprunk

 That's why 85% of the address space is reserved.  The /3 we are using (and 
 even then only a tiny fraction thereof) will last a long, long time even 
 with the most pessimistic projections.  If it turns out we're still wrong 
 about that, we can come up with a different policy for the next /3 we use. 
 Or we could change the policy for the existing /3(s) to avoid needing to 
 consume new ones.

I really shouldn't waste my time on this thread; I really do know

You're absolutely right about the /3 business -- this was a very
deliberate design decision.  So, by the way, was the decision to use
128-bit, fixed-length addresses -- we really did think about this
stuff, way back when.

When the IPng directorate was designing/selecting what's now IPv6,
there was a variable-length address candidate on the table: CLNP.  It
was strongly favored by some because of the flexibility; others pointed
out how slow that would be, especially in hardware.

There was another proposal, one that was almost adopted, for something
very much like today's IPv6 but with 64/128/192/256-bit addresses,
controlled by the high-order two bits.  That looked fast enough in
hardware, albeit with the the destination address coming first in the
packet.  OTOH, that would have slowed down source address checking
(think BCP 38), so maybe it wasn't a great idea.

There was enough opposition to that scheme that a compromise was
reached -- those who favored the 64/128/192/256 scheme would accept
fixed-length addresses if the length was changed to 128 bits from 64,
partially for future-proofing and partially for flexibility in usage.
That decision was derided because it seemed to be too much address
space to some, space we'd never use.

I'm carefully not saying which option I supported.  I now think, though,
that 128 bits has worked well.

--Steven M. Bellovin,

Ietf mailing list

Re: 128 bits should be enough for everyone, was: IPv6 vs. Stupid NAT tricks: false dichotomy? (Was: Re: StupidNAT tricks and how to stop them.)

2006-03-30 Thread Anthony G. Atkielski
Stephen Sprunk writes:

 An IPv4/6 address is both a routing locator and an interface identifier.

And so engineers should stop saying that n bits of addressing provides
2^n addresses, because that is never true if any information is
encoded into the address.  In fact, as soon as any information is
placed into the address itself, the total address space shrinks

 Unfortunately, the v6 architects decided not to separate these into
 separate address spaces, so an address _must_ contain routing
 information until that problem is fixed. It doesn't seem to be
 likely we'll do so without having to replace IPv6 and/or BGP4+, and
 there's no motion on either front, so we're stuck with the
 locator/identifier problem for quite a while.

Then we need to make predictions for the longevity of the scheme based
on the exponentially reduced address space imposed by encoding
information into the address.  In other words, 128 bits does _not_
provide 2^128 addresses; it does not even come close.  Ultimately, it
will barely provide anything more than what IPv4 provides, if current
trends continue.

 That's why 85% of the address space is reserved.  The /3 we are using (and
 even then only a tiny fraction thereof) will last a long, long time even
 with the most pessimistic projections.  If it turns out we're still wrong
 about that, we can come up with a different policy for the next /3 we use.
 Or we could change the policy for the existing /3(s) to avoid needing to
 consume new ones.

Or simply stop trying to define policies for an unknown future, and
thereby avoid all these problems to begin with.

 It's been a decade since we started and we're nowhere near using up the
 first /3 yet, so it appears we're in no danger at this point.

As soon as you chop off 64 bits for another field, you've lost just
under 100% of it.

 Variable-length addresses only work if there is no maximum length.

Ultimately, yes.  But there is no reason why a maximum length must be

 E.164 has a maximum of 15 digits, meaning there are at most 10^15
 numbers. Here in +1 we only use eleven digit numbers, meaning we're
 burning them 10^4 times as fast as we could. That's not a great

Telephone engineers make the same mistakes as anyone else; no natural
physical law imposes E.164, however.

 Also, telephone numbers have the same locator/identifier problem
 that IPv4/6 addresses do. In fact, IPv6's original addressing model
 looked strikingly similar to the country codes and area/city codes
 (aka TLAs and NLAs) that you're apparently fond of.

Maybe the problem is in trying to make addresses do both.  Nobody
tries to identify General Electric by its street address, and nobody
tries to obtain a street address based on the identifier General
Electric alone.

 The difference is that in IPv6, it's merely a convention ...

Conventions cripple society in many cases, so merely a convention
may be almost an oxymoron.

 The folks who designed IPv4 definitely suffered from that problem.  The
 folks who designed IPv6 might also have suffered from it, but at least they
 were aware of that chance and did their best to mitigate it.  Could they
 have done better?  It's always possible to second-guess someone ten years
 later.  There's also plenty of time to fix it if we develop consensus
 there's a problem.

Sometimes the most important design criterion is ignorance.  In other
words, the best thing an engineer can say to himself in certain
aspects of design is I don't know.

Ietf mailing list