On March 18th, the Project JXTA <http://www.jxta.org> Board of Directors invites you to attend a Project JXTA Engineering Meeting to be held at Hilton San Francisco, 333 O'Farrell Street, San Francisco, CA 94102 from 7pm to 10pm PST in room Continental 8/9.  This meeting has been scheduled coincide with the Internet Engineering Task Force meeting being held the week of March 16th.(*)

The purpose of this meeting is to provide a forum for face to face technical discussions related to the future of the JXTA Peer-to-Peer Protocols and the Project JXTA Reference Implementations.  Over the last year we have made significant progress in stablizing the JXTA Reference Implementations and improving the performance.  The J2SE Reference Implementation is now in a state upon which real world applications can be deployed with a signficant amount of confidence in the robustness of the environment.  During the course of this work many ideas for improvement have been put forward and much experience has been gained.  It is hoped that this meeting we be the beginning of a new round of active discussion within the Project JXTA engineering community over the next steps to be taken.

This meeting will not replace discussion on the mailing lists <http://www.jxta.org/project/www/maillist.html>.  In fact, it is hoped that with network access available in the meeting space that we will be able to involve interested community members who are unable to attend in person.  All presentations will be posted to the JXTA.ORG web site prior to the meeting via a link from the home page.

The forum of the meeting will be a series of short presentations on a set of related topics by one or more experts drawn from the community and the Sun engineering team.  After each set of presentations the floor will be opened for questions and discussion.  After the meeting the discussions will be continued on the [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list.

Proposed topics for include:
  • Review: Where are we now? (J2SE, J2ME, C, ...)
  • Formalizing the JXTA Protocol Specification Process
  • Security implementations
  • Alternative Peer Group implementations to demonstrate the flexibility of the JXTA architecture.  (One size does not fit all needs.)
  • Quality of Service extensions
  • Simplifying the Application level JXTA API to ease adoption.  (perhaps by wrapping JXTA with the BSD Sockets API and/or Java Sockets API.)
  • JXTA Peer Groups without Rendezvous Peers
  • JXTA and Web Services
  • JXTA and IPv6
  • Performance enhancements
Please contact Jeffrey Altman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> if you wish to speak on one of the listed topics.  A final agenda will be posted on Monday, March 17th on the JXTA.ORG website.

We hope you will join us.

 - The Project JXTA Board

(*) This meeting is not an IETF event.  The meeting is being held in conjunction with IETF 56 <http://www.ietf.org/meetings/IETF-56.html> to provide an opportunity for cross-participation between the Project JXTA and IETF communities.

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