Please redistribute to appropriate forums.

As I promised in the MIDCOM working group in San Diego, I've created a
mailing list for discussion on diagnostics and discovery of intermediate
devices.  Here are the particulars:

        List name:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        Subscribe:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        Archive:    <none as of yet>

march is short for Middleware ARCHitecture.  All I mean by that is that
how it all fits together: diagnostics, discovery, and communications
with middleware devices is in scope for this list.  So is O&M as relates
to those devices and their end points.  Flaming about intermediate
devices is not in scope.

I'd like to start, however, by focusing discussion on diagnostics and

Please join me on this list to consider how these devices make
themselves known, what the implications of diagnostic messages such as
ICMP errors could be in these cases, and what additional mechanisms are

Eliot Lear

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