Re: Let's move on - Let's DNSCurve Re: DNSSEC is NOT secure end to end

2009-06-15 Thread Phillip Hallam-Baker
So we have totally abandoned the idea of doing DNSSEC in the end point client?

Trust roots have to be valid for at least a decade to be acceptable to
the application vendor community.

And even though the current model of network administration is to
constantly fiddle with everything, I think that is going to have to

On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 8:48 PM, Mark wrote:

 In message, 
 ip Hallam-Baker writes:
 OK, how do you do that if the ICANN root is baked into your broadband
 router? How about a light switch?

        Given that the ICANN root servers have a history of changing
        address I would not expect any vendor to not provide a
        mechanism for changing them.  We build in the ICANN root
        servers in our products but we also provide mechanisms to
        change them.

 2328.   [maint]         Add  addresses for A.ROOT-SERVERS.NET,
                        F.ROOT-SERVERS.NET, H.ROOT-SERVERS.NET,
                        J.ROOT-SERVERS.NET, K.ROOT-SERVERS.NET and
 2255.   [maint]         L.ROOT-SERVERS.NET is now
 1567.   [maint]         B.ROOT-SERVERS.NET is now
 1397.   [maint]         J.ROOT-SERVERS.NET is now

        The same thing will have to be provided for and DNSKEY's
        embedded in software as the expectation is that these will
        change relatively often, much more often than CA certs.

 Yes in theory I can reverse engineer the code. In practice this is not
 practical. In theory the music industry could set up their own
 alternative to iTunes, in practice they have no choice but to deal
 with Apple.

        Governments are not private companies.  Governments often do
        things no sane company would do.

 Most cell phones ship with only a small number of SSL roots and the
 end user has no ability to change them.

 You can change the signing key, but distributing and embedding the
 verification key is a whole different issue. The reason that VeriSign
 can charge a premium for certs is because its verification roots are
 the most widely embedded.

 You may disagree with my arguments here, but you do not have the
 standing to call them 'specious'.
 Mark Andrews, ISC
 1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
 PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742                 INTERNET:

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Re: Let's move on - Let's DNSCurve Re: DNSSEC is NOT secure end to end

2009-06-15 Thread Phillip Hallam-Baker
I agree the resources are non-trivial

But it creates a put-up or shut-up point for the non-US objectors to
the sole US controlled root. What it does not do is to address the
state dept concerns that the root is a liability. And the cost of
setting up an apex authority are much less than the cost of fracturing
the root.

Given the complete lack of interest that the DNSSEC community has had
in consultation with deployment stakeholders, the quorate approach
might well be important as a way to co-opt the existing Domain
Validated SSL cert providers to seed a DNSSEC deployment in a DLV

One of the administrative parts of the puzzle that nobody seems to
have thought out is why the registrars are going to play ball. Or for
that matter what the charge for a DNSSEC zone entry is going to be.

On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 8:35 PM, Stephen wrote:
 The examples you give about backed-in trust anchors are valid, but they
 point to decisions by vendors to simplify their designs at the cost of
 secruity and functionality. I've been told that it is very hard, if not
 impossible, to permanently remove some vendor-supplied TAs in a popular
 browser.  These are not fundamental results of architectural decisions of
 the sort the IETF makes, but vendor choices that lead to possible problems
 for user.
 I think I understand the multi-party, RP-centric threshold approach to
 managing the DNSSEC root that you outlined. But, in a DNSSEC environment,
 IANA performs two roles:
     - it coordinates the info from the gTLDs and ccTLDs and constructs
       the authoritative root zone file
     - it signs the records of that file
 Any scheme that allows multiple entities to confirm the content of the
 root zone file also has to include a means for these entities to
 independently acquire and verify the master file data and to create a
 separate, distinct master file if they disagree.  This is a lot more complex
 that what you outlined in your message (from an from an administrative vs.
 crypto perspective). It also raises questions about how complex RP software
 has to be in dealing with multiple sets of quasi-authoritative root
 authorities.  All experience to date suggests that RPs fare poorly when
 trying to deal with much less complex trust anchor situations in other PKI
 environments today.
 It is conceivable (under the new administration) that ICANN will stop being
 under the control of the U.S DoC, but it also is not clear that such a
 change would ameliorate the concerns of all governments with regard to this
 issue. I think the set of folks who feel a need to use other than the
 current, proposed model (IANA as the DNSSEC root) are a very small minority
 of the set of public Internet users and thus they should bear the burden of
 dealing with the resulting costs and complexity for managing alternative
 root schemes. I don't think that such costs and complexity should be borne
 by the vast majority of Internet users. Its also not clear how long one
 might spend debating the question of whether any single scheme would satisfy
 all of the players who are not comfortable with the current model.


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Re: Let's move on - Let's DNSCurve Re: DNSSEC is NOT secure end to end

2009-06-15 Thread Phillip Hallam-Baker
On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 10:34 PM, Mark wrote:

 In message, 
 ip Hallam-Baker writes:
 So we have totally abandoned the idea of doing DNSSEC in the end point clie=

 Trust roots have to be valid for at least a decade to be acceptable to
 the application vendor community.

        That's a unproved assumption.

It is an observation backed by fifteen years of experience and direct
conversations with the principals for cryptographic security at the
major platform vendors.

Moreover, I note that far from soliciting opinion from these groups,
the DNSEXT working group has done everything it can to drive such folk

Every single time a real world deployment constraint has been raised,
the response of the group has been fingers in ears 'LA-LA-LA NOT
LISTENING'. It took two years of argument before the zone walking
issue was accepted as a legal requirement, it took five to get support
for opt-in.

At each stage in the proceedings, the length of time that the process
has taken is used to avoid considering real world deployment

You think that you are finished. All you have done so far is to build
PEM. PEM got to the exact stage that DNSSEC has got to thus far in a
quarter the time. They had a complete set of RFCs specified that
described a scheme that nobody could deploy. Their excuse was that
nobody understood the deployment constraints.

 And even though the current model of network administration is to
 constantly fiddle with everything, I think that is going to have to

        Lots companies already use private roots.  Equipment
        manufactures are not going to build equipment that can't
        be used by those markets.

Manufacturers are quite capable of producing only checklist compliance
for features that have no customer demand.

I talked to analysts from Gartner, Burton and others at RSA this year,
none considered DNSSEC to be a major security issue. They write the
RFPs that drive feature support.
Ietf mailing list

Re: Let's move on - Let's DNSCurve Re: DNSSEC is NOT secure end to end

2009-06-15 Thread Phillip Hallam-Baker
These are assertions, not facts.

PKI is demonstrated to be effective in the reduction and management of
risk, that is what it is designed to do and that is how I define the
term 'security'.

On Fri, Jun 12, 2009 at 8:19 AM, Masataka wrote:
 Phillip Hallam-Baker wrote:

Trust roots have to be valid for at least a decade to be acceptable to
the application vendor community.

? ? ? ?That's a unproved assumption.

 It is an observation backed by fifteen years of experience and direct
 conversations with the principals for cryptographic security at the
 major platform vendors.

 PKI, including DNSSEC, is NOT secure cryptographically, but secure
 socially or, in other word, weakly secure, subject to social and
 other forms of attacks.

 PKI, however, is not so insecure, in a sense that plain old DNS
 (specified in 1987) is not so insecure and has been valid for
 more than a decade to be acceptable to the application vendor

 That is the observed fact.

 If the broken security model of bailiwick is thrown away,
 plain old DNS is made secure enough.

 Moreover, plain old DNS is a lot easier to manage than PKI.

                                                Masataka Ohta

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Re: Let's move on - Let's DNSCurve Re: DNSSEC is NOT secure end to end

2009-06-15 Thread Phillip Hallam-Baker
Past history is no guarantee of future performance.

A pattern we see repeated over and over again is that a new control on
some form of Internet crime leads to a dramatic short term reduction
even though the control merely increases the cost of crime, not
eliminates the capability. This is the displacement effect. The
criminals attack weaker targets instead. Once the criminals have
exhausted the supply of easy targets the original targets see a sudden
increase in the crime rate, often orders of magnitude in a few days.

On Fri, Jun 12, 2009 at 9:16 AM, Masataka wrote:
 Phillip Hallam-Baker wrote:

 These are assertions, not facts.

 The fact is that since 1987, DNS has been mostly secure.

 that is what it is designed to do and that is how I define the
 term 'security'.

 You did not simply say security but said cryptographic security.

                                                Masataka Ohta

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Re: Let's move on - Let's DNSCurve Re: DNSSEC is NOT secure end to end

2009-06-15 Thread Phillip Hallam-Baker
Past history is a good indicator of problems that may arise.

Past history is a very bad guarantee that problems will not arise in the future.

On Fri, Jun 12, 2009 at 7:54 PM, Masataka wrote:
 Phillip Hallam-Baker wrote:

 Past history is no guarantee of future performance.

 Is your argument applicable to the following statement you just made

 : Trust roots have to be valid for at least a decade to be acceptable to
 : the application vendor community.

 A pattern we see repeated over and over again is that a new control on
 some form of Internet crime leads to a dramatic short term reduction
 even though the control merely increases the cost of crime, not
 eliminates the capability. This is the displacement effect. The
 criminals attack weaker targets instead. Once the criminals have
 exhausted the supply of easy targets the original targets see a sudden
 increase in the crime rate, often orders of magnitude in a few days.

 Note that, given dynamically generated zones, signature generation
 mechanisms of DNSSEC is rather weaker targets.

                                                        Masataka Ohta

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Re: Let's move on - Let's DNSCurve Re: DNSSEC is NOT secure end to end

2009-06-15 Thread Phillip Hallam-Baker
Or alternatively,

Be liberal in anticipating repeat of past problems, be conservative in
your expectation that new problems will not arise.

On Fri, Jun 12, 2009 at 8:21 PM, Phillip wrote:
 Past history is a good indicator of problems that may arise.

 Past history is a very bad guarantee that problems will not arise in the 

 On Fri, Jun 12, 2009 at 7:54 PM, Masataka wrote:
 Phillip Hallam-Baker wrote:

 Past history is no guarantee of future performance.

 Is your argument applicable to the following statement you just made

 : Trust roots have to be valid for at least a decade to be acceptable to
 : the application vendor community.

 A pattern we see repeated over and over again is that a new control on
 some form of Internet crime leads to a dramatic short term reduction
 even though the control merely increases the cost of crime, not
 eliminates the capability. This is the displacement effect. The
 criminals attack weaker targets instead. Once the criminals have
 exhausted the supply of easy targets the original targets see a sudden
 increase in the crime rate, often orders of magnitude in a few days.

 Note that, given dynamically generated zones, signature generation
 mechanisms of DNSSEC is rather weaker targets.

                                                        Masataka Ohta

 New Website:
 View Quantum of Stupid podcasts, Tuesday and Thursday each week,

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Re: Let's move on - Let's DNSCurve Re: DNSSEC is NOT secure end to end

2009-06-15 Thread Phillip Hallam-Baker
It is very clear that at least part of this discussion is due to your
unfamiliarity with English.

Looking at past failures is a very good way to predict the possibility
of similar failures in the future. History is a very good guide to
setting a lower bound on risk.

History is a very poor guide to setting a lower bound on risk, not
least because people have a habit of only looking at the past events
that give them good news.

Most of us know that the typical business cycle lasts 7-10 years.
However the geniuses behind 'Long Term Capital Management' only
reviewed six years of the business cycle ending entirely. When one of
the principals behind LTM is interviewed on TVfor his opinions on the
bailout he is invariably tagged as 'Nobel Laureate', and never 'The
fool who caused the last major fiscal crisis'.

I have fifteen years experience in this business area. I am the only
participant in this debate so far who can claim any direct knowledge
of the business of embedding roots. It is on that basis and on the
basis of direct conversations with my peers in the industry that I
believe that the current DNSSEC specs do not meet the needs of

Given that DNSSEC has not achieved deployment in fifteen years and
given that the only deployment momentum that can be seen at the moment
is in the form of 'top-down' edicts from ICANN, Vint Cerf and co, I
think that the onus of proof falls on those who assure us that DNSSEC
does in fact meet deployment requirements.

On Sat, Jun 13, 2009 at 5:25 AM, Masataka wrote:
 Phillip Hallam-Baker wrote:

 Past history is a very bad guarantee that problems will not arise in the 

 So, you mean your statement:

 : Trust roots have to be valid for at least a decade to be acceptable to
 : the application vendor community.

 hardly guarantee anything.

 Be liberal in anticipating repeat of past problems,


 Unnoticeable cache poisoning by glues is repeated even with
 bailiwick and once again with DNSSEC.

 be conservative in
 your expectation that new problems will not arise.

 The protection is to make protocols as simple as possible.

 The following paper discusses about it to some extent.

                                                Masataka Ohta

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Re: Let's move on - Let's DNSCurve Re: DNSSEC is NOT secure end to end

2009-06-14 Thread Florian Weimer
* Phillip Hallam-Baker:

 OK, how do you do that if the ICANN root is baked into your broadband
 router? How about a light switch?

Nowadays, there are software update protocols for broadband routers,

 You can change the signing key, but distributing and embedding the
 verification key is a whole different issue. The reason that VeriSign
 can charge a premium for certs is because its verification roots are
 the most widely embedded.

No, Verisign's pricing is based on branding.  Verisign is just the
most valuable brand, so certificates associated with it cost the most.
Verisign also issues certificates under a root called Equifax, which
are far cheaper but functionally equivalent.
Ietf mailing list

Re: Let's move on - Let's DNSCurve Re: DNSSEC is NOT secure end to end

2009-06-13 Thread Masataka Ohta
Phillip Hallam-Baker wrote:

 Past history is a very bad guarantee that problems will not arise in the 

So, you mean your statement:

: Trust roots have to be valid for at least a decade to be acceptable to
: the application vendor community.

hardly guarantee anything.

 Be liberal in anticipating repeat of past problems,


Unnoticeable cache poisoning by glues is repeated even with
bailiwick and once again with DNSSEC.

 be conservative in
 your expectation that new problems will not arise.

The protection is to make protocols as simple as possible.

The following paper discusses about it to some extent.

Masataka Ohta

Ietf mailing list

Re: Let's move on - Let's DNSCurve Re: DNSSEC is NOT secure end to end

2009-06-13 Thread Florian Weimer
* Joe Baptista:

 DNSCurve encrypts all DNS packets.

Ahem, this part of the protocol has not been specified so far.
Encryption is not mentioned on the pages, only key
exchange, and even that is not fully disclosed.
Ietf mailing list

Re: Let's move on - Let's DNSCurve Re: DNSSEC is NOT secure end to end

2009-06-13 Thread Masataka Ohta
Phillip Hallam-Baker wrote:

 It is very clear that at least part of this discussion is due to your
 unfamiliarity with English.

As you said

: Please learn to express your opinions in a manner that is appropriate
: to a professional forum rather than a bar room brawl.

: You are entitled to your opinion but not to converse in the abusive
: and insulting manner you have chosen to use if you wish to receive a
: reply.

Thank you again for demonstrating a perfect manner for a
professional forum.

However, you should consider a possibility that your poetry
skill in English, if any, can not, in this professional forum
not on poetry but on engineering, make up for your lack of
expertise in protocol design.

 Most of us know that the typical business cycle lasts 7-10 years.
 However the geniuses behind 'Long Term Capital Management' only
 reviewed six years of the business cycle ending entirely. When one of
 the principals behind LTM is interviewed on TVfor his opinions on the
 bailout he is invariably tagged as 'Nobel Laureate', and never 'The
 fool who caused the last major fiscal crisis'.

Though you obviously don't know much about LTCM, it is merely that
business model of LTCM has been broken from the beginning, just as
authority model of DNSSEC has been broken from the beginning.

Initial success of LTCM is due to not technical but poetry skill
of people involved, because economy is not very technical.

As for DNSSEC in highly technical world, after years of unsuccessful
experimental deployment, most of the problems of authority model,
all of which was pointed out by me from the beginning, was fixed.

The only remaining problem of DNSSEC is that it is not very secure.

It is not cryptographically but weakly secure, which is the security
of plain old DNS.

 I have fifteen years experience in this business area.

I thought you shun businesses.

: The link you gave was to a paywalled version of the paper. I did not
: bother to read the authors once I discovered it was paywalled.

Masataka Ohta

Ietf mailing list

Re: Let's move on - Let's DNSCurve Re: DNSSEC is NOT secure end to end

2009-06-12 Thread Stephen Kent

At 10:32 PM -0400 6/11/09, David Conrad wrote:


On Jun 11, 2009, at 8:35 PM, Stephen Kent wrote:

But, in a DNSSEC environment, IANA performs two roles:
- it coordinates the info from the gTLDs and ccTLDs and constructs
  the authoritative root zone file
- it signs the records of that file

Nope.  Just to clarify things:

IANA (well, ICANN as the IANA functions operator) receives and 
validates root zone changes.

VeriSign constructs and publishes the root zone to the root server operators.

In the context of DNSSEC, as documented at, 
VeriSign will have operational responsibility for the zone signing 
key and ICANN will manage the key signing process.


Thanks for the clarification.  I just wanted to emphasize the two 
distinct functions that IANA performs in the DNSSEC context, without 
getting into the ZSK/KSK details and the current proposed split of 
responsibility between IANA and VeriSign (which is outside the IETF 
DNSSEC architecture, right?).

Ietf mailing list

Re: Let's move on - Let's DNSCurve Re: DNSSEC is NOT secure end to end

2009-06-12 Thread Masataka Ohta
Phillip Hallam-Baker wrote:

Trust roots have to be valid for at least a decade to be acceptable to
the application vendor community.

? ? ? ?That's a unproved assumption.

 It is an observation backed by fifteen years of experience and direct
 conversations with the principals for cryptographic security at the
 major platform vendors.

PKI, including DNSSEC, is NOT secure cryptographically, but secure
socially or, in other word, weakly secure, subject to social and
other forms of attacks.

PKI, however, is not so insecure, in a sense that plain old DNS
(specified in 1987) is not so insecure and has been valid for
more than a decade to be acceptable to the application vendor

That is the observed fact.

If the broken security model of bailiwick is thrown away,
plain old DNS is made secure enough.

Moreover, plain old DNS is a lot easier to manage than PKI.

Masataka Ohta

Ietf mailing list

Re: Let's move on - Let's DNSCurve Re: DNSSEC is NOT secure end to end

2009-06-12 Thread Masataka Ohta
Phillip Hallam-Baker wrote:

 These are assertions, not facts.

The fact is that since 1987, DNS has been mostly secure.

 that is what it is designed to do and that is how I define the
 term 'security'.

You did not simply say security but said cryptographic security.

Masataka Ohta

Ietf mailing list

Re: Let's move on - Let's DNSCurve Re: DNSSEC is NOT secure end to end

2009-06-12 Thread Masataka Ohta
Phillip Hallam-Baker wrote:

 Past history is no guarantee of future performance.

Is your argument applicable to the following statement you just made

: Trust roots have to be valid for at least a decade to be acceptable to
: the application vendor community.

 A pattern we see repeated over and over again is that a new control on
 some form of Internet crime leads to a dramatic short term reduction
 even though the control merely increases the cost of crime, not
 eliminates the capability. This is the displacement effect. The
 criminals attack weaker targets instead. Once the criminals have
 exhausted the supply of easy targets the original targets see a sudden
 increase in the crime rate, often orders of magnitude in a few days.

Note that, given dynamically generated zones, signature generation
mechanisms of DNSSEC is rather weaker targets.

Masataka Ohta

Ietf mailing list

Re: Let's move on - Let's DNSCurve Re: DNSSEC is NOT secure end to end

2009-06-11 Thread Stephen Kent

At 10:41 AM +1000 6/11/09, Mark Andrews wrote:

In message p06240803c65430cf6...@[], Stephen Kent writes:


 You have argued that DNSSEC is not viable because it requires that
 everyone adopt IANA as the common root.

Which isn't even a requirement.  Alternate root providers just need
to get copy of the root zone with DS records and sign it with their
own DNSKEY records for the root.

ISP's that choose to use alternate roots might get complaints however
from their customers if they are validating the answers using the
trust-anchors provided by IANA.  This however should be seen as a
good thing as the ISP can no longer tamper with the DNS without
being detected.  If a ISP can convince all their customers that the
alternate roots are a good thing then this won't become a issue.

Fair point, although I think we all want to avoid the sort of 
Balkionization that this suggests.

Ietf mailing list

Re: Let's move on - Let's DNSCurve Re: DNSSEC is NOT secure end to end

2009-06-11 Thread Richard Barnes


That's a specious argument.  As several others have noted on this list, 
it's perfectly feasible for any relying parties (sovereign nations or 
otherwise) to not use the IANA root, simply by creating their own root. 
 This is a little more complicated than just redirecting IP traffic, 
but not by much.

To quote from Mark's earlier message:

Mark Andrews wrote:
 Stephen Kent writes:

 You have argued that DNSSEC is not viable because it requires that
 everyone adopt IANA as the common root.

 Which isn't even a requirement.  Alternate root providers just need
 to get copy of the root zone with DS records and sign it with their
 own DNSKEY records for the root.


Phillip Hallam-Baker wrote:


The sovereign nations that object to US control of the root are
willing to accept the current status quo preciely because they have an
exit option. Should the US defect on its obligations and order ICANN
to drop Cuba or Palestine out of the root or to take any other action
that was considered to be abusive, the countries that objected could
simply direct their local ISPs to redirect all IP traffic to the A
thru M root servers to another set of servers of their choice.

At the moment the ICANN has the theoretical ability to defect, but can
only do so at the cost of becomming irrelevant. The global DNS outside
the US would swiftly pass to the ITU.

With the proposed root arrangement for DNSSEC, this changes. Not only
does the US have effective control, it has perpetual control of any
apparatus that chains to the ICANN root of trust.

This is bad for the US, bad for ICANN and bad for other sovereign
states. First, consider the likely source of a defection, some idiot
member of Congress from Florida grandstanding for votes. Such a move
is going to give the career civil service a fit, particularly the
diplomats who prefer to end rather than begin international crises. I
have spoken to very enior members of this administration on this
topic, they had come to the exact same conclusion themselves.

Now consider ICANN. Let us imagine that they do hold the master root
key. What is then to stop some armed terrorist nut cases laying siege
to the key repository? Their objective might not be to drop a country
out, they might want to insert some irredentist domain of their own.

Ordinary PKIs are not subject to this type of pressure, because they
are not the lynchpin of the global communication system.

While the various splinter-roots may appear to be complete jokes, they
have had one significant result, they have drawn attention to the
issue. In particular very much doubt that the Turkish secret service
are too amused at the whole process given some of their experiences.

On Wed, Jun 10, 2009 at 1:11 PM, Stephen wrote:


You have argued that DNSSEC is not viable because it requires that everyone
adopt IANA as the common root.  I agree that under the current IANA
management situation many folks may be uncomfortable with IANA as the root.
 However, in practice, the world has lived with IANA as the root for the
non-secure version of DNS for a long time, so it's not clear that a
singly-rooted DNSSEC is not viable based on this one concern.  Moreover,
DNSSEC is a form of PKI, an din ANY PKI, it is up to the relying parties to
select the trust anchors they recognize.  In a hierarchic system like DNS,
the easiest approach is to adopt a single TA, the DNS root. But, it is still
possible for a relying party to do more work and select multiple points as
TAs. I would expect military organizations in various parts of the world to
adopt a locally-managed TA store model for DNSSEC, to address this concern.
However the vast majority of Internet users probably are best served by the
single TA model.

As for DNSCurve, I agree with the comments that several others have made,
i.e., it doe snot provide the fundamental security one wants in DNS, i.e.,
an ability to verify the integrity and authenticity of records as attested
to by authoritative domains, din the face of caching.

Ietf mailing list

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Re: Let's move on - Let's DNSCurve Re: DNSSEC is NOT secure end to end

2009-06-11 Thread Phillip Hallam-Baker
It is possible for people set their own roots, but it is not very
practical to maintain them. And this is going to be particularly
difficult if we ever get DNSSEC deployed in platform distributions and
end-entities are configured to check their own DNS chains up to a
baked-in ICANN root.

It is not a sustainable model. Here is what I propose instead, it is a
variation of ideas Carl Ellison and Phil Zimmerman have proposed in
the past, it is thus entirely unencumbered:

1) There are multiple public signers for the apex zone signing key.
These are moderately serious entities employing trustworthy hardware,
secure facilities etc. They publish a CPS describing their practices.

2) Each relying party selects the subset of apex signers they are
willing to trust and the conditions for accepting a signature. This
may be 3 out of 5 or 4 out of 7 or anything the relying party decides.

3) Applications, Servers, etc. ship with default quorum conditions
configured but these can be over-ridden.

This has a number of interesting effects:

1) We have eliminated the incentive to default, not just placed
controls that make it difficult to default. While an apex signatory
can defect, they cannot profit unless they can persuade others to
collude with them. Relying parties can make this rather unlikely by
choosing apex signers that are entirely unlikely to collude (Cuba,
France and the US).

2) Parties that feel that the US has too much influence in the DNS
have something that they can do to counter that influence. Instead of
sitting on the sidelines and throwing spanners into the works, the
countries concerned about their sovereignty being infringed can start
their own apex signatory authority.

3) The system can be stable over very long periods of years, centuries
even, even if the apex signer authorities are not stable. This makes
it viable for a corporation to be a signer. While it is most unlikely
that Google will disappear in the next 5 years, any company can go
bust over a course of decades, as GM and Chrysler are demonstrating.

The same approach can be extended to support long term repositories of
digital data. So imagine that we wanted to set up a long term
repository of academic journal articles in electronic form. Most
people who propose these things understand the necessity of physical
duplication of the data storage, but not the need for failsafe design
of the management institutions.

On Wed, Jun 10, 2009 at 8:41 PM, Mark wrote:

 In message p06240803c65430cf6...@[], Stephen Kent writes:

 You have argued that DNSSEC is not viable because it requires that
 everyone adopt IANA as the common root.

 Which isn't even a requirement.  Alternate root providers just need
 to get copy of the root zone with DS records and sign it with their
 own DNSKEY records for the root.

 ISP's that choose to use alternate roots might get complaints however
 from their customers if they are validating the answers using the
 trust-anchors provided by IANA.  This however should be seen as a
 good thing as the ISP can no longer tamper with the DNS without
 being detected.  If a ISP can convince all their customers that the
 alternate roots are a good thing then this won't become a issue.

 I agree that under the
 current IANA management situation many folks may be uncomfortable
 with IANA as the root.  However, in practice, the world has lived
 with IANA as the root for the non-secure version of DNS for a long
 time, so it's not clear that a singly-rooted DNSSEC is not viable
 based on this one concern.  Moreover, DNSSEC is a form of PKI, an din
 ANY PKI, it is up to the relying parties to select the trust anchors
 they recognize.  In a hierarchic system like DNS, the easiest
 approach is to adopt a single TA, the DNS root. But, it is still
 possible for a relying party to do more work and select multiple
 points as TAs. I would expect military organizations in various parts
 of the world to adopt a locally-managed TA store model for DNSSEC, to
 address this concern. However the vast majority of Internet users
 probably are best served by the single TA model.

 As for DNSCurve, I agree with the comments that several others have
 made, i.e., it doe snot provide the fundamental security one wants in
 DNS, i.e., an ability to verify the integrity and authenticity of
 records as attested to by authoritative domains, din the face of

 Ietf mailing list
 Mark Andrews, ISC
 1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
 PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742                 INTERNET:
 Ietf mailing list

New Website:
View Quantum of Stupid podcasts, Tuesday and Thursday each week,

Re: Let's move on - Let's DNSCurve Re: DNSSEC is NOT secure end to end

2009-06-11 Thread Phillip Hallam-Baker
OK, how do you do that if the ICANN root is baked into your broadband
router? How about a light switch?

Yes in theory I can reverse engineer the code. In practice this is not
practical. In theory the music industry could set up their own
alternative to iTunes, in practice they have no choice but to deal
with Apple.

Most cell phones ship with only a small number of SSL roots and the
end user has no ability to change them.

You can change the signing key, but distributing and embedding the
verification key is a whole different issue. The reason that VeriSign
can charge a premium for certs is because its verification roots are
the most widely embedded.

You may disagree with my arguments here, but you do not have the
standing to call them 'specious'.

On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 10:28 AM, Richard wrote:

 That's a specious argument.  As several others have noted on this list, it's
 perfectly feasible for any relying parties (sovereign nations or otherwise)
 to not use the IANA root, simply by creating their own root.  This is a
 little more complicated than just redirecting IP traffic, but not by much.

 To quote from Mark's earlier message:

 Mark Andrews wrote:
 Stephen Kent writes:

 You have argued that DNSSEC is not viable because it requires that
 everyone adopt IANA as the common root.

 Which isn't even a requirement.  Alternate root providers just need
 to get copy of the root zone with DS records and sign it with their
 own DNSKEY records for the root.


 Phillip Hallam-Baker wrote:


 The sovereign nations that object to US control of the root are
 willing to accept the current status quo preciely because they have an
 exit option. Should the US defect on its obligations and order ICANN
 to drop Cuba or Palestine out of the root or to take any other action
 that was considered to be abusive, the countries that objected could
 simply direct their local ISPs to redirect all IP traffic to the A
 thru M root servers to another set of servers of their choice.

 At the moment the ICANN has the theoretical ability to defect, but can
 only do so at the cost of becomming irrelevant. The global DNS outside
 the US would swiftly pass to the ITU.

 With the proposed root arrangement for DNSSEC, this changes. Not only
 does the US have effective control, it has perpetual control of any
 apparatus that chains to the ICANN root of trust.

 This is bad for the US, bad for ICANN and bad for other sovereign
 states. First, consider the likely source of a defection, some idiot
 member of Congress from Florida grandstanding for votes. Such a move
 is going to give the career civil service a fit, particularly the
 diplomats who prefer to end rather than begin international crises. I
 have spoken to very enior members of this administration on this
 topic, they had come to the exact same conclusion themselves.

 Now consider ICANN. Let us imagine that they do hold the master root
 key. What is then to stop some armed terrorist nut cases laying siege
 to the key repository? Their objective might not be to drop a country
 out, they might want to insert some irredentist domain of their own.

 Ordinary PKIs are not subject to this type of pressure, because they
 are not the lynchpin of the global communication system.

 While the various splinter-roots may appear to be complete jokes, they
 have had one significant result, they have drawn attention to the
 issue. In particular very much doubt that the Turkish secret service
 are too amused at the whole process given some of their experiences.

 On Wed, Jun 10, 2009 at 1:11 PM, Stephen wrote:


 You have argued that DNSSEC is not viable because it requires that
 adopt IANA as the common root.  I agree that under the current IANA
 management situation many folks may be uncomfortable with IANA as the
  However, in practice, the world has lived with IANA as the root for the
 non-secure version of DNS for a long time, so it's not clear that a
 singly-rooted DNSSEC is not viable based on this one concern.  Moreover,
 DNSSEC is a form of PKI, an din ANY PKI, it is up to the relying parties
 select the trust anchors they recognize.  In a hierarchic system like
 the easiest approach is to adopt a single TA, the DNS root. But, it is
 possible for a relying party to do more work and select multiple points
 TAs. I would expect military organizations in various parts of the world
 adopt a locally-managed TA store model for DNSSEC, to address this
 However the vast majority of Internet users probably are best served by
 single TA model.

 As for DNSCurve, I agree with the comments that several others have made,
 i.e., it doe snot provide the fundamental security one wants in DNS,
 an ability to verify the integrity and authenticity of records as
 to by authoritative domains, din the face of caching.


Re: Let's move on - Let's DNSCurve Re: DNSSEC is NOT secure end to end

2009-06-11 Thread Mark Andrews

In message, Phill
ip Hallam-Baker writes:
 OK, how do you do that if the ICANN root is baked into your broadband
 router? How about a light switch?

Given that the ICANN root servers have a history of changing
address I would not expect any vendor to not provide a
mechanism for changing them.  We build in the ICANN root
servers in our products but we also provide mechanisms to
change them.

2328.   [maint] Add  addresses for A.ROOT-SERVERS.NET,
2255.   [maint] L.ROOT-SERVERS.NET is now
1567.   [maint] B.ROOT-SERVERS.NET is now
1397.   [maint] J.ROOT-SERVERS.NET is now
The same thing will have to be provided for and DNSKEY's
embedded in software as the expectation is that these will
change relatively often, much more often than CA certs.

 Yes in theory I can reverse engineer the code. In practice this is not
 practical. In theory the music industry could set up their own
 alternative to iTunes, in practice they have no choice but to deal
 with Apple.

Governments are not private companies.  Governments often do
things no sane company would do.
 Most cell phones ship with only a small number of SSL roots and the
 end user has no ability to change them.
 You can change the signing key, but distributing and embedding the
 verification key is a whole different issue. The reason that VeriSign
 can charge a premium for certs is because its verification roots are
 the most widely embedded.
 You may disagree with my arguments here, but you do not have the
 standing to call them 'specious'.
Mark Andrews, ISC
1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742 INTERNET:
Ietf mailing list

Re: Let's move on - Let's DNSCurve Re: DNSSEC is NOT secure end to end

2009-06-11 Thread Stephen Kent


The examples you give about backed-in trust anchors are valid, but 
they point to decisions by vendors to simplify their designs at the 
cost of secruity and functionality. I've been told that it is very 
hard, if not impossible, to permanently remove some vendor-supplied 
TAs in a popular browser.  These are not fundamental results of 
architectural decisions of the sort the IETF makes, but vendor 
choices that lead to possible problems for user.

I think I understand the multi-party, RP-centric threshold approach 
to managing the DNSSEC root that you outlined. But, in a DNSSEC 
environment, IANA performs two roles:

- it coordinates the info from the gTLDs and ccTLDs and constructs
  the authoritative root zone file
- it signs the records of that file

Any scheme that allows multiple entities to confirm the content of 
the root zone file also has to include a means for these entities to 
independently acquire and verify the master file data and to create a 
separate, distinct master file if they disagree.  This is a lot more 
complex that what you outlined in your message (from an from an 
administrative vs. crypto perspective). It also raises questions 
about how complex RP software has to be in dealing with multiple sets 
of quasi-authoritative root authorities.  All experience to date 
suggests that RPs fare poorly when trying to deal with much less 
complex trust anchor situations in other PKI environments today.

It is conceivable (under the new administration) that ICANN will stop 
being under the control of the U.S DoC, but it also is not clear that 
such a change would ameliorate the concerns of all governments with 
regard to this issue. I think the set of folks who feel a need to use 
other than the current, proposed model (IANA as the DNSSEC root) are 
a very small minority of the set of public Internet users and thus 
they should bear the burden of dealing with the resulting costs and 
complexity for managing alternative root schemes. I don't think that 
such costs and complexity should be borne by the vast majority of 
Internet users. Its also not clear how long one might spend debating 
the question of whether any single scheme would satisfy all of the 
players who are not comfortable with the current model.

Ietf mailing list

Re: Let's move on - Let's DNSCurve Re: DNSSEC is NOT secure end to end

2009-06-11 Thread David Conrad


On Jun 11, 2009, at 8:35 PM, Stephen Kent wrote:

But, in a DNSSEC environment, IANA performs two roles:
- it coordinates the info from the gTLDs and ccTLDs and  

  the authoritative root zone file
- it signs the records of that file

Nope.  Just to clarify things:

IANA (well, ICANN as the IANA functions operator) receives and  
validates root zone changes.

VeriSign constructs and publishes the root zone to the root server  

In the context of DNSSEC, as documented at 
, VeriSign will have operational responsibility for the zone signing  
key and ICANN will manage the key signing process.


Ietf mailing list

Re: Let's move on - Let's DNSCurve Re: DNSSEC is NOT secure end to end

2009-06-11 Thread Mark Andrews

In message, Phill
ip Hallam-Baker writes:
 So we have totally abandoned the idea of doing DNSSEC in the end point clie=

No. Recursive nameserver need to validate the answers
returned from the DNS for their own uses.  This doesn't
preclude other applications also validating answers.  Having
recursive nameserver validate answers is not the end point
in DNSSEC deployment.  It's just a good first step which
is good enough is some operational envionments.  There are
however lots of operational envioronments where this would
not be good enough and the validation really needs to be
performed in the application.

For your light switch example a validating recursive resolver
is probably all you need.

For laptops you most probably want to move the validation
onto the laptop either in the application or by a running
a validation recursive nameserver on the laptop which may
or may not use the nameservers in the DHCP response as
forwarders.  I do this today.

 Trust roots have to be valid for at least a decade to be acceptable to
 the application vendor community.

That's a unproved assumption.
 And even though the current model of network administration is to
 constantly fiddle with everything, I think that is going to have to

Lots companies already use private roots.  Equipment
manufactures are not going to build equipment that can't
be used by those markets.


Mark Andrews, ISC
1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742 INTERNET:
Ietf mailing list

Re: [Asrg] DNSSEC is NOT secure end to end

2009-06-10 Thread Andrew Sullivan
On Wed, Jun 10, 2009 at 09:18:22AM +0900, Masataka Ohta wrote:

  With DNSSEC, a security aware resolver will want to check the signature.
 Except for glue A.

That's not a vector for attack.  Glue records from the parent side of
the cut are not authoritative data in the parent zone, because the
zone in question has been delegated away.  They're only to be used to
stick the two sides of the cut together.  (Indeed, treating the
parent-source glue data as authoritative and reusing it as answer data
is in fact a source of poison attacks, as you have quite cogently
pointed out more than once.)  If you are validating data, why would
you not follow the chain to the glue record (secured on each side of
_that_ cut by the DS/DNSKEY pairs) and validate the signature on the
authoritative data you get?  You'll get a signature over the A record
from the child server, and that signature will either pass or fail
validation according to the same rules as before.  (Glue records on
the child side do, of course, come with RRSIGs which can be validated
just like anything else.)

I think people have already heard enough from me on this topic, so I
won't post on it any more.  But if you have a real attack that
actually works against DNSSEC in the cases you keep insisting it does,
please show it.  Otherwise, please stop insisting DNSSEC is broken.
You haven't shown that it is, and you seem to be making no effort to
provide such a demonstration.  There's no question that DNSSEC is
complicated, and that it provides a whole new pile of ways for zone
administrators to screw things up: new features provide a new
opportunity for mistakes.  But that's nowise a proof that DNSSEC
itself does not do what it says it does.

Best regards,


Andrew Sullivan
Shinkuro, Inc.
Ietf mailing list

Re: Let's move on - Let's DNSCurve Re: DNSSEC is NOT secure end to end

2009-06-10 Thread Stephen Kent


You have argued that DNSSEC is not viable because it requires that 
everyone adopt IANA as the common root.  I agree that under the 
current IANA management situation many folks may be uncomfortable 
with IANA as the root.  However, in practice, the world has lived 
with IANA as the root for the non-secure version of DNS for a long 
time, so it's not clear that a singly-rooted DNSSEC is not viable 
based on this one concern.  Moreover, DNSSEC is a form of PKI, an din 
ANY PKI, it is up to the relying parties to select the trust anchors 
they recognize.  In a hierarchic system like DNS, the easiest 
approach is to adopt a single TA, the DNS root. But, it is still 
possible for a relying party to do more work and select multiple 
points as TAs. I would expect military organizations in various parts 
of the world to adopt a locally-managed TA store model for DNSSEC, to 
address this concern. However the vast majority of Internet users 
probably are best served by the single TA model.

As for DNSCurve, I agree with the comments that several others have 
made, i.e., it doe snot provide the fundamental security one wants in 
DNS, i.e., an ability to verify the integrity and authenticity of 
records as attested to by authoritative domains, din the face of 

Ietf mailing list

Re: Let's move on - Let's DNSCurve Re: DNSSEC is NOT secure end to end

2009-06-10 Thread Phillip Hallam-Baker

The sovereign nations that object to US control of the root are
willing to accept the current status quo preciely because they have an
exit option. Should the US defect on its obligations and order ICANN
to drop Cuba or Palestine out of the root or to take any other action
that was considered to be abusive, the countries that objected could
simply direct their local ISPs to redirect all IP traffic to the A
thru M root servers to another set of servers of their choice.

At the moment the ICANN has the theoretical ability to defect, but can
only do so at the cost of becomming irrelevant. The global DNS outside
the US would swiftly pass to the ITU.

With the proposed root arrangement for DNSSEC, this changes. Not only
does the US have effective control, it has perpetual control of any
apparatus that chains to the ICANN root of trust.

This is bad for the US, bad for ICANN and bad for other sovereign
states. First, consider the likely source of a defection, some idiot
member of Congress from Florida grandstanding for votes. Such a move
is going to give the career civil service a fit, particularly the
diplomats who prefer to end rather than begin international crises. I
have spoken to very enior members of this administration on this
topic, they had come to the exact same conclusion themselves.

Now consider ICANN. Let us imagine that they do hold the master root
key. What is then to stop some armed terrorist nut cases laying siege
to the key repository? Their objective might not be to drop a country
out, they might want to insert some irredentist domain of their own.

Ordinary PKIs are not subject to this type of pressure, because they
are not the lynchpin of the global communication system.

While the various splinter-roots may appear to be complete jokes, they
have had one significant result, they have drawn attention to the
issue. In particular very much doubt that the Turkish secret service
are too amused at the whole process given some of their experiences.

On Wed, Jun 10, 2009 at 1:11 PM, Stephen wrote:

 You have argued that DNSSEC is not viable because it requires that everyone
 adopt IANA as the common root.  I agree that under the current IANA
 management situation many folks may be uncomfortable with IANA as the root.
  However, in practice, the world has lived with IANA as the root for the
 non-secure version of DNS for a long time, so it's not clear that a
 singly-rooted DNSSEC is not viable based on this one concern.  Moreover,
 DNSSEC is a form of PKI, an din ANY PKI, it is up to the relying parties to
 select the trust anchors they recognize.  In a hierarchic system like DNS,
 the easiest approach is to adopt a single TA, the DNS root. But, it is still
 possible for a relying party to do more work and select multiple points as
 TAs. I would expect military organizations in various parts of the world to
 adopt a locally-managed TA store model for DNSSEC, to address this concern.
 However the vast majority of Internet users probably are best served by the
 single TA model.

 As for DNSCurve, I agree with the comments that several others have made,
 i.e., it doe snot provide the fundamental security one wants in DNS, i.e.,
 an ability to verify the integrity and authenticity of records as attested
 to by authoritative domains, din the face of caching.

 Ietf mailing list

New Website:
View Quantum of Stupid podcasts, Tuesday and Thursday each week,
Ietf mailing list

Re: [Asrg] DNSSEC is NOT secure end to end

2009-06-10 Thread Masataka Ohta
Andrew Sullivan wrote:

With DNSSEC, a security aware resolver will want to check the signature.

Except for glue A.
 That's not a vector for attack.

Glue is the vector for most, if not all, attacks including
Kaminsky's and DNSSEC with forged certificates.

 If you are validating data, why would
 you not follow the chain to the glue record (secured on each side of
 _that_ cut by the DS/DNSKEY pairs) and validate the signature on the
 authoritative data you get?

Following the chain over a forged certificate to confirm
forged data have valid signatures?

Or, what if the glue is inside a grand child zone on which no
nameservers are responding?

When DNSSEC was designed, I pointed out several detailed
but fatal problems including that glue can not be secured.
The WG had a different fantasy. The WG wasted about 10 years
for experimental deployment only to confirm that I have been
perfectly correct and the protocol was modified.

So, you don't have to waste yet another 10 years only to
reconfirm it.

Just accept the current DNSSEC protocol:

With DNSSEC, a security aware resolver will want to check the signature.
Except for glue A.

which makes DNSSEC as insecure as plain old DNS.

Masataka Ohta

Ietf mailing list

Re: Let's move on - Let's DNSCurve Re: DNSSEC is NOT secure end to end

2009-06-10 Thread Mark Andrews

In message p06240803c65430cf6...@[], Stephen Kent writes:
 You have argued that DNSSEC is not viable because it requires that 
 everyone adopt IANA as the common root.

Which isn't even a requirement.  Alternate root providers just need
to get copy of the root zone with DS records and sign it with their
own DNSKEY records for the root.

ISP's that choose to use alternate roots might get complaints however
from their customers if they are validating the answers using the
trust-anchors provided by IANA.  This however should be seen as a
good thing as the ISP can no longer tamper with the DNS without
being detected.  If a ISP can convince all their customers that the
alternate roots are a good thing then this won't become a issue.

 I agree that under the 
 current IANA management situation many folks may be uncomfortable 
 with IANA as the root.  However, in practice, the world has lived 
 with IANA as the root for the non-secure version of DNS for a long 
 time, so it's not clear that a singly-rooted DNSSEC is not viable 
 based on this one concern.  Moreover, DNSSEC is a form of PKI, an din 
 ANY PKI, it is up to the relying parties to select the trust anchors 
 they recognize.  In a hierarchic system like DNS, the easiest 
 approach is to adopt a single TA, the DNS root. But, it is still 
 possible for a relying party to do more work and select multiple 
 points as TAs. I would expect military organizations in various parts 
 of the world to adopt a locally-managed TA store model for DNSSEC, to 
 address this concern. However the vast majority of Internet users 
 probably are best served by the single TA model.
 As for DNSCurve, I agree with the comments that several others have 
 made, i.e., it doe snot provide the fundamental security one wants in 
 DNS, i.e., an ability to verify the integrity and authenticity of 
 records as attested to by authoritative domains, din the face of 
 Ietf mailing list
Mark Andrews, ISC
1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742 INTERNET:
Ietf mailing list

Re: [Asrg] DNSSEC is NOT secure end to end

2009-06-09 Thread Andrew Sullivan

[ASRG removed, since I cannot see even a little bit how this is
on-topic there.  But if you think it is, feel free to republish this
as you like.]

On Tue, Jun 09, 2009 at 08:54:48AM +0900, Masataka Ohta wrote:
 As has been discussed in the thread, DNSSEC is NOT a protection
 against cache poisoning, because caches poisoned with forged
 certificate breaks the security.

To beat the stain on the ground that betokens the long-since-passed
equine presence, you haven't answered the question, posed to you
several times, how this poison-with-forged-certificate is supposed to

If I have a validating resolver, and I get data from a poisoned cache,
then I attempt to validate the signature over that data, checking
the chain of signatures from that data all the way back to some trust
anchor I have configured.  Therefore, in order to poison a cache with
a forged certificate, one of two things has to have happened:

1.  The forger managed to forge keys and inject them in the
poisoned cache such that one of those keys will be valid according
to the trust anchor I have installed.  Is this the threat you
claim?  If so, and assuming you're not saying that the crypto is
weak (in which case we have way bigger problems than forged DNS
data), that just seems to be a claim that the signing procedures
can be subverted.  And yes, of course, a security system is
possibly subverted by poor operation.  I'm not sure what the
surprise is supposed to be here.  You can argue just as easily
that the DNS is badly secured because it's possible to convince a
registrar to publish the wrong data for a domain (a problem we've
certainly seen in action more than once).  It is indeed possible
to get bad data into the system, and DNSSEC doesn't completely
protect against such bad data coming in; but that is no criticism

2.  The forger managed to forge data that is not validatable in a
chain from any trust anchor I have, and managed to convince me to
trust it anyway.  If this is the threat you claim, I want to know
how this works.  If you're right, then DNSSEC is indeed completely
broken.  We need to know that now, before more deployment goes on.

If neither of (1) or (2) happens, then my attempt to validate the data
will fail, marking the data bogus.  It is true that this is a vector
for denial of service: I won't connect to a site with invalid DNS
data.  I'm having a hard time coming up with a reason why that is
worse than I go to the site controlled by Dr Evil.  

Best regards,


Andrew Sullivan
Shinkuro, Inc.
Ietf mailing list

Re: [Asrg] DNSSEC is NOT secure end to end

2009-06-09 Thread David Wilson
On Tue, 2009-06-09 at 08:54 +0900, Masataka Ohta wrote:
  DNSSEC provides two things. Firstly, it provides the means to
  sign RRsets. This provides data origin authentication and data
 The provision is through hops of certificate authorities,

As I clearly stated, the actual signing is end to end, and if the
receiver has chosen to trust the explicit key used to sign, there is no
involvement of PKI. The presence of a valid digital signature is good
evidence that the data originated in that form from the owner of the
private key corresponding to the public key used for verification.

 which is what is discussed in latter paper of David Clark published in
 2001. Read it.

I have, and I cannot find any explicit sentence which uses the phrase
hops of certificate authorities. Nor can I find any statement which
states anything to the effect PKI is not end to end and is therefore
bad. If these are present, please point them out. He does state Each
interaction is nominally ... but its robustness depends on the larger
context composed of the whole sequence.

It does state, in effect, PKI is difficult (particularly because of
the revocation problem) but that is well known. But it also gives me the
impression that it says that this kind of thing is necessary, because of
the trust issue on the modern Internet.

I'm not sure of the reason for your insisting that DNSSEC is not end to

I must apologise to the Asrg list for continuing this discussion, which
seems to have just gone down a pointless semantic hole.

Ietf mailing list

Re: [Asrg] DNSSEC is NOT secure end to end

2009-06-09 Thread David Wilson
On Tue, 2009-06-09 at 08:54 +0900, Masataka Ohta wrote:
  This origin authentication and integrity is precisely what is
  to avoid the DNS cache poisoning which is the kind of vulnerability
  which prompted this discussion.
 As has been discussed in the thread, DNSSEC is NOT a protection
 against cache poisoning, because caches poisoned with forged
 certificate breaks the security.
I think you need to explain how this happens in detail. For instance, an
attacker wishes to poison the cache of some ISP's DNS server for
' Currently, it gets the server to request information
about from its authoritative server, and sends information
that purports to be from that server. It needs to guess some properties
of the original request, but there have been and are various features of
DNS servers which make this easier than you might think. Without DNSSEC,
the attacked DNS resolver simply accepts the information.

With DNSSEC, a security aware resolver will want to check the signature.
The information is only accepted if the signature checks out, and the
key is trusted. If the key is a trust anchor, then the check is
complete. If not, then the resolver needs to get the DS RR for from com's DNS server. This information is itself signed
with com's signing key. So, it will not accept that unless it verifies.
If com's signing key is not a trust anchor, then it will get com's DS RR
from the root. Also signed by root, and the root key is probably a trust

If any of this information is not available, or is not signed, then the
trust chain is not present, and the original information is not accepted
by the security aware resolver.

So, perhaps you can explain how an attacker can get a security aware
resolver to accept information which will subvert this?

I think you have proposed that an attacker might explicitly subvert the
chain. In this case it would involve getting the com DNS server to
accept a DS RR for This is altogether harder problem for
the attacker, and is of a significantly different character than cache
poisoning, as it involves actual changes to the DNS servers, rather than
just persuading resolvers to accept incorrect information.

But, perhaps this mechanism would better be reported to people other
than the asrg.

Ietf mailing list

Re: DNSSEC is NOT secure end to end

2009-06-09 Thread Phillip Hallam-Baker

Please learn to express your opinions in a manner that is appropriate
to a professional forum rather than a bar room brawl.

You are entitled to your opinion but not to converse in the abusive
and insulting manner you have chosen to use if you wish to receive a

The link you gave was to a paywalled version of the paper. I did not
bother to read the authors once I discovered it was paywalled.

On Mon, Jun 8, 2009 at 1:22 AM, Masataka wrote:
 Phillip Hallam-Baker wrote:

 I was at a dinner with Dave Clarke last week. Those who invoke his
 name in these arguments rarely seem to have read his paper on the end
 to end principle IN NETWORKING.

 Which paper is, are you saying, his paper? The original one or
 latter one (published in 2001) which includes discussion on PKI,
 which I referred in previous mails.

 As you say IN NETWORKING, I'm afraid you haven't read his original
 paper END-TO-END ARGUMENTS IN SYSTEM DESIGN, which is on system
 design in general and not necessarily in networking. For example,
 in the original paper, RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer) is
 given as an example of end to end design.

 Depending on your level of abstraction you choose to work at you can
 argue that anything is an end.

 Apparently, he taught you basic points in his original paper
 but not beyond.

 It is discussed in the original paper that:

        Identifying the ends
        Using the end-to-end argument sometimes requires subtlety
        of analysis of application requirements.
        one must use some care to identify the end points to which
        the argument should be applied.

 Beyond the original paper, the application of the end to end
 argument to PKI including DNSSEC is discussed in his latter
 paper in 2001 with PROPERLY IDENTIFIED end points. In the
 paper, certificate authorities are identified to be third

 With the discussion, there is no point denying DNSSEC is NOT
 secure end to end.

 It would be nice if the paper was available in unencumbered form.

 Both of the papers are freely downloadable.

 The original paper:

 The paper in 2001:

 You should have read both of them to make the dinner more valuable.

 Publication in ACM does not help anything but the author's academic

 I gave a link to the paper in 2001 through ACM because it has DOI,
 assuming that anyone can use search engines and that all the people
 who talks about the end to end principle should have read the
 original paper in advance.

                                                Masataka Ohta

New Website:
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Re: [Asrg] DNSSEC is NOT secure end to end

2009-06-09 Thread Masataka Ohta
David Wilson wrote:

As has been discussed in the thread, DNSSEC is NOT a protection
against cache poisoning, because caches poisoned with forged
certificate breaks the security.

 I think you need to explain how this happens in detail.

In detail??? See below.

 With DNSSEC, a security aware resolver will want to check the signature.

Except for glue A.

Masataka Ohta

Ietf mailing list

Re: [Asrg] DNSSEC is NOT secure end to end

2009-06-09 Thread Masataka Ohta
David Wilson wrote:

The provision is through hops of certificate authorities,

 As I clearly stated,

As we are discussing on concepts described in two papers, your
own statement without proper quotation from the papers does
not mean anything.

 the actual signing is end to end,

The security hole is located not between certificate authorities
but within certificate authorities.

To quote from the 2001 paper,

Transactions based on a wellknown public key can be rather
simple two-party interactions that fit well within the end
to end paradigm. However, there is a key role for a third
party, which is to issue a Public Key Certificate and
manage the stock of such certificates; such parties are
called certificate authorities.

the first sentence roughly corresponds to your statement the
actual signing is end to end, however...

And the third parties of certificate authorities constitute
a chain, a channel, hops or whatever terminology you might
use, which is not end to end.

Masataka Ohta

Ietf mailing list

Re: DNSSEC is NOT secure end to end

2009-06-08 Thread Simon Josefsson
Andrew Sullivan writes:

 On Fri, Jun 05, 2009 at 08:10:55AM +0900, Masataka Ohta wrote:

 In general, registries welcome DNSSEC, no matter how secure it is,
 as long as its complicated operation works as an excuse to increase
 (or not to reduce) registration charge and registries' revenue.

 That is a serious charge.  I've seen no evidence that DNSSEC
 represents a revenue opportunity for registries.  On the contrary, so
 far as I've seen, most registries are introducing it without any fee,
 even though it represents a substantial additional operational cost.

The organization operating .SE charges for DNSSEC.  According to [1] it
costs 250 SEK annually (~22 EUR or ~30 USD) extra per year to protect a
domain name with DNSSEC.


Ietf mailing list

Re: DNSSEC is NOT secure end to end

2009-06-08 Thread Masataka Ohta
Shane Kerr wrote:

If you mean COM zone, it is not necessary to inject any data into
the zone.

You, instead, can inject a forged certificate into some cache used
by your victim.

 You said transport security can help. How can it in this case?

With plain old DNS, zone administrators have to make master
zone files secure not to include forged data.

Other administrators take care of transport security, for example,
to make port numbers randomized, which makes plain old DNS
reasonably secure.

With DNSSEC, however, a new administration mechanism to generate
signatures is mandated, which is NOT automagically secure and
introduces new administrative security holes.

Thus, even if master zone files are administrated as secure as
plain old DNS administration, the signature generation mechanisms
may be hacked.

Unlike forgery on master zone files, which is published and
detected by periodic checking by thid parties, attack by
unpublished forged signature will not be noticed until a victim
is attacked, the victim noticed the (resulting loss by successful)
attack and the victim has sufficient knowledge on DNSSEC.

Still, the victim may be protected, if the victim can not be
injected forged signature through transport.

 Also, how can you create a forged certificate?

By attacking signature generation mechanisms, which is a security
hole specific to DNSSEC not shared by plain old DNS.

Note that DNSSEC does not give any cryptographical protection
against attacks on the signature generation mechanisms.

Masataka Ohta

Ietf mailing list

Re: DNSSEC is NOT secure end to end

2009-06-08 Thread Mans Nilsson
Subject: Re: DNSSEC is NOT secure end to end Date: Mon, Jun 08, 2009 at 
11:25:36AM +0200 Quoting Simon Josefsson (
 The organization operating .SE charges for DNSSEC.  According to [1] it
 costs 250 SEK annually (~22 EUR or ~30 USD) extra per year to protect a
 domain name with DNSSEC.
Not anymore; it is included with the registration since .SE went to a
registry-registrar model a year ago. However, the registrar may choose
to charge for the work associated with doing DNSSEC.

Måns Nilsson

Ietf mailing list

Re: DNSSEC is NOT secure end to end

2009-06-08 Thread Masataka Ohta
Simon Josefsson wrote:

 Andrew Sullivan writes:

In general, registries welcome DNSSEC, no matter how secure it is,
as long as its complicated operation works as an excuse to increase
(or not to reduce) registration charge and registries' revenue.

That is a serious charge.

 The organization operating .SE charges for DNSSEC.  According to [1] it
 costs 250 SEK annually (~22 EUR or ~30 USD) extra per year to protect a
 domain name with DNSSEC.

That is the serious charge.

Thank you for the information.

Are there anyone who is not working for registries and is still
interested in deploying DNSSEC for the extra charge despite the
lack of cryptographic security?

If not, let's conclude the thread with a consensus to abandon DNSSEC.

Masataka Ohta

Ietf mailing list

Re: DNSSEC is NOT secure end to end

2009-06-08 Thread Simon Josefsson
Mans Nilsson writes:

 Subject: Re: DNSSEC is NOT secure end to end Date: Mon, Jun 08, 2009 at 
 11:25:36AM +0200 Quoting Simon Josefsson (
 The organization operating .SE charges for DNSSEC.  According to [1] it
 costs 250 SEK annually (~22 EUR or ~30 USD) extra per year to protect a
 domain name with DNSSEC.
 Not anymore; it is included with the registration since .SE went to a
 registry-registrar model a year ago. However, the registrar may choose
 to charge for the work associated with doing DNSSEC.

That is good to hear.  It would be better if the web pages would reflect
the new order.

Ietf mailing list

Re: DNSSEC is NOT secure end to end

2009-06-08 Thread Phillip Hallam-Baker
I was at a dinner with Dave Clarke last week. Those who invoke his
name in these arguments rarely seem to have read his paper on the end
to end principle IN NETWORKING.

The end to end security argument came earlier, it is referenced as an
antecedent to lend support to the then novel idea of applying it to a
network. And it is an argument about the best place to manage

No internet security is end to end, no internet security protocol can
be end to end as the ends of the security relationship are PEOPLE and

Depending on your level of abstraction you choose to work at you can
argue that anything is an end.

It would be nice if the paper was available in unencumbered form.
Publication in ACM does not help anything but the author's academic
career. There are real problems with DNSSEC but not those that tend to
gain advancement there,

On Sat, May 30, 2009 at 7:27 PM, Masataka wrote:
 Francis Dupont wrote:

 = not only this is very arguable (for instance about the resource
 exhaustion) but no hop-by-hop/channel security, even something as
 strong as TSIG, can provide what we need, i.e., end-to-end/object
 security (*).

 Unless your meaning of end-to-end differs from that of David Clark,
 the following argument of his paper is applicable to DNSSEC.
        Rethinking the design of the Internet:
        The end to end arguments vs. the brave new world

        The certificate is an assertion by that (presumably
        trustworthy) third party that the indicated public key
        actually goes with the particular user.

        These certificates are principal components of essentially
        all public key schemes,

 That is, security of DNSSEC involves third parties and is not end
 to end.

 PS (*): I use the common meaning of end-to-end, not Masataka Ohta's one.

 I'm afraid you don't know who David Clark is and how he is related
 to the end to end argument.

 However, all the people who are qualified to discuss end to end do
 know him and his argument.

                                                        Masataka Ohta

 Ietf mailing list

New Website:
View Quantum of Stupid podcasts, Tuesday and Thursday each week,
Ietf mailing list

Re: DNSSEC is NOT secure end to end

2009-06-08 Thread Shane Kerr

On Sat, 2009-06-06 at 12:04 +0900, Masataka Ohta wrote:
 Shane Kerr wrote:
 I think we all understand that it is possible to inject bad data into
 the DNS at the parent.
  I the parent in the same sense as in RFC 1034 - the delegating level.
  So, for EXAMPLE.COM this would be COM.
 If you mean COM zone, it is not necessary to inject any data into
 the zone.

 You, instead, can inject a forged certificate into some cache used
 by your victim.

You said transport security can help. How can it in this case?

Also, how can you create a forged certificate?


Ietf mailing list

Re: [Asrg] DNSSEC is NOT secure end to end

2009-06-08 Thread David Wilson
On Sat, 2009-06-06 at 13:09 +0900, Masataka Ohta wrote:
 David Wilson wrote:
  However, I think there is some difference in the way people are using
  some terms.
 According to the terminology of David Clark, PKI including DNSSEC
 is not secure end to end.

DNSSEC provides two things. Firstly, it provides the means to digitally
sign RRsets. This provides data origin authentication and data
integrity. As this operates at the DNS application layer, this is
clearly end to end within David Clark's terminology. It does not rely
on any security services in the lower communication layers (in the way
that, for instance, relying on TCP would).

This origin authentication and integrity is precisely what is required
to avoid the DNS cache poisoning which is the kind of vulnerability
which prompted this discussion.

This aspect of DNSSEC does not require the use of any PKI. A security
aware resolver can obtain by some out-of-band means the public signing
key for some island of security, and choose to trust that key.

However, such bilateral arrangements do not scale to the Internet. So,
DNSSEC provides a means for an Authentication Chain, to use the specific
DNSSEC term. A signed zone can authenticate the key of a child zone.
There is a chain here. However, it is of a significantly different
character to a communication network. Whether it is end to end or not,
is for a different discussion.

  End-to-end security means that the security of that data item does not
  depend on the trustworthiness of any intermediate node, or channel.
 According to the terminology of David Clark, certificate authorities
 are intermediate nodes.
 If you have different terminology, use it outside of the Internet
 community but not within.

I get the impression from you that DNSSEC is to be disregarded because
it is not end to end. However, the opinion of the Internet community
as regards DNSSEC has been made clear in the last few days, given these

If the Internet community agrees with you that DNSSEC is not end to
end, then this does not seem to divert them from implementing it.

best regards


Ietf mailing list

Re: [Asrg] DNSSEC is NOT secure end to end

2009-06-08 Thread David Wilson
On Mon, 2009-06-08 at 14:22 +0900, Masataka Ohta wrote:

 As you say IN NETWORKING, I'm afraid you haven't read his original
 paper END-TO-END ARGUMENTS IN SYSTEM DESIGN, which is on system
 design in general and not necessarily in networking. For example,
 in the original paper, RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer) is
 given as an example of end to end design.

Er, no. The article states:

The arguments that are used in support of reduced instruction set
computer (RISC) architecture are similar to end-to-end arguments.

I.e. the arguments for end to end are similar to the arguments for RISC.
This is not the same as saying that RISC is an example of end to end

 Both of the papers are freely downloadable.
 The original paper:
 The paper in 2001:
 You should have read both of them to make the dinner more valuable.

[Interesting articles, which took me back to discussions 20 years ago as
regards connectionless vs. connection oriented networks.]

It is clear from both of these that the basic subject is data
communication over a communication system. Thus the second article
quotes from the first article thus:

The function in question can completely and correctly be implemented
only with the knowledge and help of the application standing at the
endpoints of the communications system. Therefore, providing that
questioned function as a feature of the communications systems itself is
not possible.

So the basic object under consideration here is a communication

It is clear from the first article that what is envisaged is a layered
model, (c.f. the conclusion). I would not be surprised if this kind of
thinking was input to the development of the OSI model for data
communications, which does set out to assign to each layer an
appropriate function.

The basic thesis of the article is that functions concerned with, for
instance, security and reliability are best done in the upper layers,
even the top (application) layer, as the application cannot rely
entirely on the lower layers to do their stuff.

Thus end to end is about communication from one application layer to
the peer application layer down through the layers at one system, and
then up through the layers at the other system. So, I would paraphrase
the end to end design principle as the application to application
design principle.

I note that in models like the OSI model, only the lowest layer have
intermediate systems. (That's why layer 3 is called the network layer).
The article in no way implies that it is the existence of intermediate
systems which is the deciding factor in the design. End to end is not
in contrast to hop by hop.

So, applying this to DNSSEC's PKI, this is clearly an application layer
security system. The system does not depend upon the security or
reliability of any lower layers (or, indeed, intermediate systems). So,
it would seem to fit the end to end design of this article.

The second article is a discussion about how the end-to-end design
principle might need to be modified in the light of the realities of the
modern Internet. In the present context of DNSSEC, the discussion of
trust is important.

best regards


Ietf mailing list

Re: [Asrg] DNSSEC is NOT secure end to end

2009-06-08 Thread Masataka Ohta
David Wilson wrote:

According to the terminology of David Clark, PKI including DNSSEC
is not secure end to end.

 DNSSEC provides two things. Firstly, it provides the means to digitally
 sign RRsets. This provides data origin authentication and data

The provision is through hops of certificate authorities, which
is what is discussed in latter paper of David Clark published in
2001. Read it.

 As this operates at the DNS application layer, this is
 clearly end to end within David Clark's terminology. It does not rely
 on any security services in the lower communication layers (in the way
 that, for instance, relying on TCP would).

If you read the paper, you can find the lower layer of PKI consists
of communication with or between certificate authorities.

Compromising a certificate authority in the lower communication
layer breaks the security of data origin authentication and data

 This origin authentication and integrity is precisely what is required
 to avoid the DNS cache poisoning which is the kind of vulnerability
 which prompted this discussion.

As has been discussed in the thread, DNSSEC is NOT a protection
against cache poisoning, because caches poisoned with forged
certificate breaks the security.

 This aspect of DNSSEC does not require the use of any PKI.

Read the 2001 paper on why PKI not end to end and why DNSSEC no
exception. The paper explains why scale breaks the end to end

 I get the impression from you that DNSSEC is to be disregarded because
 it is not end to end.

Being end to end has practical advantages.

See above on how useless DNSSEC is to avoid cache poisoning, which
was the motivation to deploy it.

Masataka Ohta

Ietf mailing list

RISC is end to end (was Re: [Asrg] DNSSEC is NOT secure end to end)

2009-06-08 Thread Masataka Ohta
David Wilson wrote:

As you say IN NETWORKING, I'm afraid you haven't read his original
paper END-TO-END ARGUMENTS IN SYSTEM DESIGN, which is on system
design in general and not necessarily in networking. For example,
in the original paper, RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer) is
given as an example of end to end design.

 Er, no. The article states:

The paper states:

any attempt by the computer designer to anticipate the
client's requirements for an esoteric feature will
probably miss the target slightly and the client will end
up reimplementing that feature anyway

which is an end to end argument where communication is at high
level between computer designers and their clients.

 It is clear from both of these that the basic subject is data
 communication over a communication system.

That is true only with the widest meaning of communication. However,
IN NETWORKING by Phillip has a lot narrow meaning and even the
original paper says:

A version of the end-to-end argument in a non-communication
application was developed in the 1950's by system analysts
whose responsibility included reading and writing files on
large numbers of magnetic tape reels.

 So, applying this to DNSSEC's PKI, this is clearly an application layer

If you want to draw some conclusion from the 2001 paper, quote
text from the paper. There is no point to reiterate it with
your subtly modified terminology only to give a subtly modified
impression on the content of the paper.

 The second article is a discussion about how the end-to-end design
 principle might need to be modified in the light of the realities of the
 modern Internet.

That is an explanation on the motivation to write the paper and
the conclusion of the paper is:

We argue that the open, general nature of the Net, which
derived from the end to end arguments, is a valuable
characteristic that encourages innovation, and this
flexibility should be preserved.

which means the end to end argument is not modified.

Instead, the paper, for example, says for regulations to be
realistic, they should follow the end to end principle.

Masataka Ohta

Ietf mailing list

Re: DNSSEC is NOT secure end to end

2009-06-08 Thread Masataka Ohta
Phillip Hallam-Baker wrote:

 Please learn to express your opinions in a manner that is appropriate
 to a professional forum rather than a bar room brawl.

 The link you gave was to a paywalled version of the paper. I did not
 bother to read the authors once I discovered it was paywalled.

Thank you for demonstrating a perfect manner for a professional
forum to deny a reference to an ACM article because it is paywalled.

So, we, professionals, should, of course, not discuss about DNS,
because domain registration is not free but badly monopolized.

Before closing the discussion, cloud you teach me the name and
location of the restaurant you have had dinner with David Clark
obviously free of charge?

Free dinner is better than free lunch.

Masataka Ohta

Ietf mailing list

Re: DNSSEC is NOT secure end to end

2009-06-07 Thread Masataka Ohta
Phillip Hallam-Baker wrote:

 I was at a dinner with Dave Clarke last week. Those who invoke his
 name in these arguments rarely seem to have read his paper on the end
 to end principle IN NETWORKING.

Which paper is, are you saying, his paper? The original one or
latter one (published in 2001) which includes discussion on PKI,
which I referred in previous mails.

As you say IN NETWORKING, I'm afraid you haven't read his original
paper END-TO-END ARGUMENTS IN SYSTEM DESIGN, which is on system
design in general and not necessarily in networking. For example,
in the original paper, RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer) is
given as an example of end to end design.

 Depending on your level of abstraction you choose to work at you can
 argue that anything is an end.

Apparently, he taught you basic points in his original paper
but not beyond.

It is discussed in the original paper that:

Identifying the ends
Using the end-to-end argument sometimes requires subtlety
of analysis of application requirements.
one must use some care to identify the end points to which
the argument should be applied.

Beyond the original paper, the application of the end to end
argument to PKI including DNSSEC is discussed in his latter
paper in 2001 with PROPERLY IDENTIFIED end points. In the
paper, certificate authorities are identified to be third

With the discussion, there is no point denying DNSSEC is NOT
secure end to end.

 It would be nice if the paper was available in unencumbered form.

Both of the papers are freely downloadable.

The original paper:

The paper in 2001:

You should have read both of them to make the dinner more valuable.

 Publication in ACM does not help anything but the author's academic

I gave a link to the paper in 2001 through ACM because it has DOI,
assuming that anyone can use search engines and that all the people
who talks about the end to end principle should have read the
original paper in advance.

Masataka Ohta

Ietf mailing list

Re: DNSSEC is NOT secure end to end (more tutorial than debating)

2009-06-05 Thread Masataka Ohta
Mark Andrews wrote:

Thus, we must, anyway, protect cache.

Then, where is the point to introduce DNSSEC only to have another
possibility of security holes?

 We still lock doors and windows despite the possiblity of people
 breaking in by lifting tiles.

I'm afraid DNSSEC people have been arguing against SCTP saying
DNSSEC is good enough.

Worse, though I have been warning for these 15 years that cached
glue may be used only for glue with same refferal, a broken
concept of bailiwick was introduced only to enable so called
Kaminsky attack.

 Attacks at the registry level are the
 equivalient of lifting tiles.  It happens sometimes. 

Protection of DNSSEC at the registy level is equivalent
to protection against lifting tiles. Not practical at all.

 Locking the doors and windows stops most attacks however.

Then, let's lock the doors and windows first, before working on

Masataka Ohta

Ietf mailing list

DNSSEC is NOT secure end to end

2009-06-05 Thread Masataka Ohta
Bill Manning wrote:

 If you are so interested in transport layer security, then
 by all means, encourage, promote, and develop solutions.

The discussion of the paper of David Clark about public key is not
on a transport but on an administrative layer.

The paper says:

However, there is a key role for a third party, which is to
issue a Public Key Certificate and manage the stock of such
certificates; such parties are called certificate authorities.

and the issuance and management of certificates, which is the key,
involves no transportation of the certificates and is not transport
but local (local to zone) administrative issues.

Or, if you insist the paper discusses on transport layer security
of public key cryptography, please feel free to quote the relevant
part of the paper.

I mention transport security merely because it is still required
with DNSSEC, because administrative security of DNSSEC is
cryptographically weak.

So, let's throw away DNSSEC and the broken-from-the-beginning
idea of bailiwick. Let's move on to lock the doors and windows.

Masataka Ohta

Ietf mailing list

Re: DNSSEC is NOT secure end to end

2009-06-05 Thread Andrew Sullivan
On Fri, Jun 05, 2009 at 08:10:55AM +0900, Masataka Ohta wrote:

 In general, registries welcome DNSSEC, no matter how secure it is,
 as long as its complicated operation works as an excuse to increase
 (or not to reduce) registration charge and registries' revenue.

That is a serious charge.  I've seen no evidence that DNSSEC
represents a revenue opportunity for registries.  On the contrary, so
far as I've seen, most registries are introducing it without any fee,
even though it represents a substantial additional operational cost.
(Indeed, some of us were at times under the impression that the
practical inability to charge anything in order to offset this
additional cost was one of the biggest barriers to DNSSEC deployment.)
What registries are you thinking of that are charging extra for DNSSEC
delegations (i.e. for accepting a DS record)?


Andrew Sullivan
Shinkuro, Inc.
Ietf mailing list

Re: DNSSEC is NOT secure end to end

2009-06-05 Thread Masataka Ohta
Shane Kerr wrote:

 I think we all understand that it is possible to inject bad data into
 the DNS at the parent.

What do you mean the parent?

Do you mean master zone file of the parent or some caching server
expected by a client to have parent data?

 What I do not understand about this comment is how transport security
 can help in that case. Can you please explain?

Explanation depends on your definition of the parent.

Masataka Ohta

Ietf mailing list

Let's move on - Let's DNSCurve Re: DNSSEC is NOT secure end to end

2009-06-05 Thread Joe Baptista
On Fri, Jun 5, 2009 at 8:32 AM, Masataka Ohta wrote:

 So, let's throw away DNSSEC and the broken-from-the-beginning
 idea of bailiwick. Let's move on to lock the doors and windows.

Words of wisdom.  I however propose we do not throw it away.  I propose it
be allowed to wither on the vine until DNSSEC life signs show it as being
dead.  Then the IETF can then do it's job and give it the proper burial it

I propose all developers simply secure the DNS.  A transparent solution tha
is available NOW - is DNSCurve.  Will ensure the end to end transport of DNS
UDP packets is secure.  And that basically fixes once and for all the
insecurity we have in the UDP transport.

DNSCurve encrypts all DNS packets.  DNSSEC does not.

DNSCurve cryptographically authenticates all DNS responses, eliminating
forged DNS packets.  DNSSEC does not.

DNSCurve very quickly recognizes and discards forged packets, so attackers
have much more trouble preventing DNS data from getting through. DNSSEC does

so I ask you - who wins the cookie in this race?

joe baptista

Joe Baptista
PublicRoot Consortium

The future of the Internet is Open, Transparent, Inclusive, Representative 
Accountable to the Internet community @large.

 Office: +1 (360) 526-6077 (extension 052)
Fax: +1 (509) 479-0084

Ietf mailing list

Re: [Asrg] DNSSEC is NOT secure end to end

2009-06-05 Thread David Wilson
On Tue, 2009-06-02 at 22:38 +0900, Masataka Ohta wrote:
 Yes, security of DNSSEC is totally hop by hop.

I am nervous of adding to this debate (and should it really be on ASRG?)
However, I think there is some difference in the way people are using
some terms. My understanding of the terms hop-by-hop and end-to-end is

A data item traverses a number of nodes within a network. (E.g. a UDP
datagram moving through an inter-network, or a Email message from its
submitting UA via a sequence of MTAs to the recipient's UA).

End-to-end security means that the security of that data item does not
depend on the trustworthiness of any intermediate node, or channel.

Hop-by-hop security means that you do rely on the trustworthiness of
the intermediate nodes and channels. (E.g. CRC provides no defence
against deliberate tampering, TLS for email is only as trustworthy as
the least trusted intermediate MTA).

PKI establishes a chain of trust between the signing certificate (i.e.
the certificate containing the public key corresponding to the private
key used to generate the signature) and your trust anchors (which you
choose). This is not really hop-by-hop as data is not hopping. Like a
real chain, it is only as strong as its weakest link. However, the chain
operates in a different 'space' from that used to transfer the data
being protected. 

As far as I understand, the key thing which DNSSEC gives you is data
origin authentication (although that by itself without data integrity
would be useless). The DNS attacks which were the start of the
discussion are all based on the attacker sending false data to the
system under attack. Having an effective means for determining from whom
data comes is necessary to overcome this kind of attack.

best regards

David Wilson

Ietf mailing list

RE: DNSSEC is NOT secure end to end

2009-06-05 Thread Christian Huitema
  Yes, security of DNSSEC is totally hop by hop.
 Thus, you imply a definition of hop by hop along digital signature
 relationships. Indeed, DNSSEC security is limited to the weakest link
 along the chain from the bottom to the top of the DNS hierarchy. Nothing
 new there. I don't think any DNSSEC expert ever claimed differently.

Even in the presence of the attack by a trusted party, there are still huge 
differences between DNSSEC and transport-hop-by-transport-hop security. 
Transport based solution, SCTP or TCP, are open to attacks by any party in the 
path between two hops -- NAT routers come to mind. DNSSEC is immune to such 
attacks, a big advantage in practice.

Also, it is actually possible to improve on DNSSEC by introducing additional 
knowledge. If two domains have an establish relation, their servers can 
memorize the relevant public keys. If a host has a relation with a domain, it 
can memorize that domain's public key. This kind of peer-to-peer improvement 
makes the domain-to-domain or host-to-domain DNSSEC service immune to attacks 
by nodes higher in the hierarchy.

-- Christian Huitema

Ietf mailing list

Re: DNSSEC is NOT secure end to end

2009-06-05 Thread Shane Kerr

On Fri, 2009-06-05 at 21:32 +0900, Masataka Ohta wrote:
 I mention transport security merely because it is still required
 with DNSSEC, because administrative security of DNSSEC is
 cryptographically weak.

I think we all understand that it is possible to inject bad data into
the DNS at the parent.

What I do not understand about this comment is how transport security
can help in that case. Can you please explain?



Ietf mailing list

Re: DNSSEC is NOT secure end to end

2009-06-05 Thread Shane Kerr

On Fri, 2009-06-05 at 22:15 +0900, Masataka Ohta wrote:
  I think we all understand that it is possible to inject bad data into
  the DNS at the parent.
 What do you mean the parent?
 Do you mean master zone file of the parent or some caching server
 expected by a client to have parent data?

I the parent in the same sense as in RFC 1034 - the delegating level.
So, for EXAMPLE.COM this would be COM.

  What I do not understand about this comment is how transport security
  can help in that case. Can you please explain?
 Explanation depends on your definition of the parent.


Ietf mailing list

RE: DNSSEC is NOT secure end to end

2009-06-05 Thread Paul Wouters

On Wed, 3 Jun 2009, Christian Huitema wrote:

Also, it is actually possible to improve on DNSSEC by introducing additional knowledge. 
If two domains have an establish relation, their servers can memorize the relevant public 
keys. If a host has a relation with a domain, it can memorize that domain's public key. 
This kind of peer-to-peer improvement makes the domain-to-domain or 
host-to-domain DNSSEC service immune to attacks by nodes higher in the hierarchy.

How do you handle key changes? How do you determine if the key change
is performed by the domain holder or an attacker?

There is no reason for such a leap of faith caching. In fact, with
SSHFP records, we can also nail down that leap of faith for ssh finally :)

Ietf mailing list

Re: DNSSEC is NOT secure end to end

2009-06-05 Thread Doug Otis

On Jun 3, 2009, at 12:23 AM, Christian Huitema wrote:

Yes, security of DNSSEC is totally hop by hop.

Thus, you imply a definition of hop by hop along digital signature  
relationships. Indeed, DNSSEC security is limited to the weakest  
link along the chain from the bottom to the top of the DNS  
hierarchy. Nothing new there. I don't think any DNSSEC expert ever  
claimed differently.

Even in the presence of the attack by a trusted party, there are  
still huge differences between DNSSEC and transport-hop-by- 
transport-hop security. Transport based solution, SCTP or TCP, are  
open to attacks by any party in the path between two hops -- NAT  
routers come to mind. DNSSEC is immune to such attacks, a big  
advantage in practice.

Also, it is actually possible to improve on DNSSEC by introducing  
additional knowledge. If two domains have an establish relation,  
their servers can memorize the relevant public keys. If a host has a  
relation with a domain, it can memorize that domain's public key.  
This kind of peer-to-peer improvement makes the domain-to-domain  
or host-to-domain DNSSEC service immune to attacks by nodes higher  
in the hierarchy.

Private ad-hoc caching of keys would make DNS fairly fragile.   While  
the trust anchor issue for DNSSEC looms, DNS will remain prone to  
inadvertently cached unsigned content.   Benefits obtained by using  
DNS over SCTP would be significant protection from out-of-path  
poisoning, whether information is signed or not.  Once DNSSEC is fully  
implemented and trust anchor issues are resolved, information  
contained within DNS would not depend upon transport protections.   
When that might happen remains unknown.  However, once DNSSEC becomes  
widely adopted, the Internet may need protection from UDP/EDNS0 source  
spoofing.  For this, SCTP would offer protection from source spoofing  
that DNSSEC does not prevent.  EDNS0 should also have min/max limits  
imposed, where packets of a greater size should  be handled by SCTP.

The brute force strategy that allows DNS over UDP to cope with source  
spoofing and misuse, also makes DNSSEC over UDP a greater risk.  UDP  
does not lend itself to being moderated or flow controlled, as some  
suggest.  Although TCP permits flow control, TCP is much more  
vulnerable to resource exhaustion, creating significant costs when  
defending TCP services compared to those using UDP or SCTP.   
Reliability, performance and DDoS immunity makes SCTP an attractive  
solution over TCP.  SCTP should perform well as a transport for either  
DNS or DNSSEC.  SCTP would also provide improved security and  
performance for HTTP as well. :^)


Ietf mailing list

Re: DNSSEC is NOT secure end to end

2009-06-05 Thread Masataka Ohta
Shane Kerr wrote:

I think we all understand that it is possible to inject bad data into
the DNS at the parent.

 I the parent in the same sense as in RFC 1034 - the delegating level.
 So, for EXAMPLE.COM this would be COM.

If you mean COM zone, it is not necessary to inject any data into
the zone.

You, instead, can inject a forged certificate into some cache used
by your victim.

It will be extremely easy if people are deceived that DNSSEC were
so secure that no proteciton on cache were necessary.

Masataka Ohta

Ietf mailing list

Re: [Asrg] DNSSEC is NOT secure end to end

2009-06-05 Thread Masataka Ohta
David Wilson wrote:

 However, I think there is some difference in the way people are using
 some terms.

According to the terminology of David Clark, PKI including DNSSEC
is not secure end to end.

 End-to-end security means that the security of that data item does not
 depend on the trustworthiness of any intermediate node, or channel.

According to the terminology of David Clark, certificate authorities
are intermediate nodes.

If you have different terminology, use it outside of the Internet
community but not within.

Masataka Ohta

Ietf mailing list

Re: DNSSEC is NOT secure end to end (more tutorial than debating)

2009-06-04 Thread Andrew Sullivan
On Wed, Jun 03, 2009 at 03:27:42PM +0900, Masataka Ohta wrote:

 Though we have to trust the zone administration put correct referral
 and glue data in a master zone file, unless we use DNSSEC, we don't
 have to trust the zone administration never issue certificates over
 forged keys of child zones.
 You know, the former operation is much simpler, thus more secure,
 than the latter.

If an attacker can get its bogus data into the referring zone, who
cares whether it's NS data or DS data?  One of the important things we
are trying to add with DNSSEC is some means of assuring ourselves that
the referral we got was the one that comes from the actual authority
for that referall, rather than some other agent spoofing the response.
DNSSEC appears to provide that assurance, and so far you have provded
not one jot of evidence that it does not.

I fail completely to see how it is easier to put the wrong DS record
in the parent than it is to inject bad NS data in there.  If you can
put illegitimate data in, there are two possibilities:

1.  You put it in via some legitimized mechanism (e.g. via SQL
injection, you manage to get data that wasn't intended to be in
the zone into the zone).  This causes that illegitimate data to be
treated as legitimate, and probably signed and such.  This is a
bad attack, of course, but it is available today.  This is no
different than being able to plant some evil file on the corporate
file server inside the VPN: the security is breached not by
failure of its mechanisms, but by failure of authentication.
DNSSEC doesn't solve this, I agree; that's because the
_provisioning_ of data is beyond the scope of the DNS protocol
itself.  In any case, surely a more effective attack in this case
is to get phony NS or A data (or whatever) into the zone than to
put phony DS data.  The latter will get you at best a DoS, whereas
the former allows you to take control of the target zone.

2.  You put it in via some illegitimate mechanism (e.g. by
intercepting the wire transmission and adding the data to the
stream).  Unless the keys are somehow compromised, this
vulnerability is exactly what DNSSEC aims to stop.  I don't see
any argument from you that this DNSSEC capability is not
effective.  If you have such an argument, it'd be nice to hear it
before we continue with the efforts at deployment.


Andrew Sullivan
Shinkuro, Inc.
Ietf mailing list

Re: DNSSEC is NOT secure end to end

2009-06-04 Thread Marc Manthey

So, there is no point to deploy DNSSEC.

no ?



Les enfants teribbles - research / deployment

Marc Manthey
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D - 50823 Köln - Germany
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PGP/GnuPG: 0x1ac02f3296b12b4d
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Opinions expressed may not even be mine by the time you read them, and  
certainly don't reflect those of any other entity (legal or otherwise).

Please note that according to the German law on data retention,  
information on every electronic information exchange with me is  
retained for a period of six months.

Description: Signierter Teil der Nachricht
Ietf mailing list

Re: DNSSEC is NOT secure end to end

2009-06-04 Thread Masataka Ohta
Marc Manthey wrote:

 So, there is no point to deploy DNSSEC.

 no ?

No, no point.

FYI, JPRS, which is a commercial entity to administrate JP domain,
is commercially motivated not to admit it merely an untrustworthy
third party.

In general, registries welcome DNSSEC, no matter how secure it is,
as long as its complicated operation works as an excuse to increase
(or not to reduce) registration charge and registries' revenue.

Masataka Ohta

Ietf mailing list

Re: DNSSEC is NOT secure end to end (more tutorial than debating)

2009-06-04 Thread Masataka Ohta
Andrew Sullivan wrote:

Though we have to trust the zone administration put correct referral
and glue data in a master zone file, unless we use DNSSEC, we don't
have to trust the zone administration never issue certificates over
forged keys of child zones.

 If an attacker can get its bogus data into the referring zone,

I never said such a thing.

I said issue certificates over forged keys of child zones.

The attack is possible by those who have access to signature
generation mechanisms and the attack is not visible until the
false certificates are used later.

People introduced DNSSEC believing DNSSEC makes cache poisoning
not a problem, are ready to accept false certificates through
unprotected cache.

Thus, we must, anyway, protect cache.

Then, where is the point to introduce DNSSEC only to have another
possibility of security holes?

Masataka Ohta

Ietf mailing list

Re: DNSSEC is NOT secure end to end

2009-06-04 Thread Doug Otis

On Jun 3, 2009, at 8:35 PM, Masataka Ohta wrote:

The problem is that the accuracy and integrity of DNSSEC is not  
cryptographically, but socially secure.

DNS over UDP is prone to port/transaction-id guessing,  where  
cryptography could play a protective role.  The risk of these values  
being guessed increases whenever NATs reduce port diversity, or  
operate in a predictable manner.  Protocols such as SPF that embed  
macros into DNS, allow hundreds of transactions to be chained.  The  
entire chain might result from the local-parts of a single email.  
These transactions can target otherwise uninvolved victims or evil  
domains.  When an evil domain is the target of SPF transactions,  
attackers can discover the nature of the resolver.  Afterwords, with  
only one transaction targeting the evil domain, and others targeting  
their victim, the guesswork for injecting poison is reduced, where  
even ACLs offer no protection.  The growing speed of today's Internet  
makes this an ever growing concern.

While DNSSEC might prevent caches from being poisoned, EDNS0 creates  
new concerns also aggravated by SPF.  Since the 512 byte DNS message  
size did not accommodate RSA signatures, EDNS0 is required to adjust  
message limits.  EDNS0 allows bad actors to further leverage DNS  
transactions, such as those that might emanate from cached SPF records  
to initiate more than 20 TXT record transactions when a recipient  
evaluates a single email.  The TXT records might be policy documents  
not intended for machine consumption or wildcard SPF records  
enumerating address authorizations for outbound MTAs.  The flexibility  
sought by SPF has created a sizable list of concerns, where caution  
was often countered with distain for DNS.

It might have been better to have specified limits for EDNS0, such as  
a minimum message size of 1280 and a maximum at 1424, where  
transactions that don't comply are refused.  UDP allows source  
spoofing, which could allow bad actors a means to create packet  
fragmentation by incorrectly setting message.  If addition, when  
fragmentation does occur, DNS transactional-ids offer little  
protection for packet fragments that may contained unsigned  
information.  DNS will need to be become pedantic about confirming  
information, perhaps also enforcing the use of checksums and message  

While DNSSEC may not require channel security at some point when a  
trust anchor can be safely found, DNS over UDP remains a brute.  When  
an SPF process sequence prematurely times out, rather than waiting for  
exponential back-off, SPF simply begins another sequence, ignoring  
congestion avoidance.

SCTP carrying either DNS or DNSEC packets would ensure DNS remains  
tame despite much of the abuse.  Unlike TCP, SCTP does not commit  
resources without return of a cookie, but can start data exchanges  
sooner.  SCTP can carry simultaneous DNS messages and can can keep a  
large number of sparse connections per port active.  Perhaps recursive  
resolvers might be more responsive with SCTP than with UDP.   
Importantly, the source of abusive DNS behavior can be identified and  
thereby avoided.  This is not true for either TCP or UDP.

Ietf mailing list

Re: DNSSEC is NOT secure end to end (more tutorial than debating)

2009-06-04 Thread Mark Andrews

In message, Masataka Ohta writes:
 Andrew Sullivan wrote:
 Though we have to trust the zone administration put correct referral
 and glue data in a master zone file, unless we use DNSSEC, we don't
 have to trust the zone administration never issue certificates over
 forged keys of child zones.
  If an attacker can get its bogus data into the referring zone,
 I never said such a thing.
 I said issue certificates over forged keys of child zones.
 The attack is possible by those who have access to signature
 generation mechanisms and the attack is not visible until the
 false certificates are used later.
 People introduced DNSSEC believing DNSSEC makes cache poisoning
 not a problem, are ready to accept false certificates through
 unprotected cache.
 Thus, we must, anyway, protect cache.
 Then, where is the point to introduce DNSSEC only to have another
 possibility of security holes?

We still lock doors and windows despite the possiblity of people
breaking in by lifting tiles.  Attacks at the registry level are the
equivalient of lifting tiles.  It happens sometimes.  Locking the
doors and windows stops most attacks however.
   Masataka Ohta
 Ietf mailing list
Mark Andrews, ISC
1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742 INTERNET:
Ietf mailing list

Re: DNSSEC is NOT secure end to end (more tutorial than debating)

2009-06-03 Thread Masataka Ohta
Mark Andrews wrote:

A problem of blindly believing a zone administration is that it is
only as secure as blindly believing an ISP administration.

Attacking a router of a large ISPs is as easy/difficult as attacking
a signature generation mechanism of a large zone.

   The difference is we *have* to trust the zone administration.

Zone administration involves multiple operations.

Though we have to trust the zone administration put correct referral
and glue data in a master zone file, unless we use DNSSEC, we don't
have to trust the zone administration never issue certificates over
forged keys of child zones.

You know, the former operation is much simpler, thus more secure,
than the latter.

Masataka Ohta

Ietf mailing list

Re: DNSSEC is NOT secure end to end

2009-06-03 Thread Masataka Ohta
Christian Huitema wrote:

 NAT routers come to mind. DNSSEC
 is immune to such attacks, a big advantage in practice.

I'm afraid DNSSEC and some NAT interact terribly.

 Also, it is actually possible to improve on DNSSEC by introducing
  additional knowledge. If two domains have an establish relation,
 their servers can memorize the relevant public keys. If a host
 has a relation with a domain, it can memorize that domain's
 public key. This kind of peer-to-peer improvement makes the
 domain-to-domain or host-to-domain DNSSEC service immune to
 attacks by nodes higher in the hierarchy.

Do you know that the paper particularly discusses on revocation?

It is written in the paper that:

It can happen that a user loses his private key (the value
that goes with the given public key) through inadvertence or
theft; alternatively, a user may become unworthy in some way
relevant to the purpose for which the certificate has been
issued. Under such circumstances, the certificate authority
(third party) would want to revoke the certificate. How can
this be known?

Your improvement makes the entire system more complex only to
introduce new difficulties for revocation.

Masataka Ohta

Ietf mailing list

Re: DNSSEC is NOT secure end to end

2009-06-03 Thread Bill Manning
On Tue, Jun 02, 2009 at 10:38:28PM +0900, Masataka Ohta wrote:
 Christian Huitema wrote:
 That is, security of DNSSEC involves third parties and is not end
 to end.
  That is indeed correct. An attacker can build a fake hierarchy of
  secure DNS assertions and try to get it accepted. The attack can
  succeed with the complicity of one of the authorities in the
  hierarchy. It is a classic attack by a trusted party.
 Yes, the hierarchy has hops.
 For my domain:, hierarechy of zones
 have hops of ., jp,, and The authority hops are IANA, JPNIC, my
 university, and my lab. Though you may have direct relationship
 with IANA, JPNIC is the third party for both you and me.
  If an intermediate authority has
  been compromised, it can just as well insert a fake NS record --
  that's not harder than a fake record signature.
 So, with a compromised hop of an intermediate authority, record
 signature on the faked next hop key can be generated.
 Then, with a private key corresponding to the faked next hop key,
 record signature on the faked second next hop key can be generated.
 Then, with a private key corresponding to the faked second next
 hop key, record signature on the faked third next hop key can be
 Yes, security of DNSSEC is totally hop by hop.
   Masataka Ohta

i think the distinction here might be characterised by 
the use of terms:

-channel security
-data integrity

DNSSEC - the signing of the data, provides a means to ensure the
accuracy and integrity of the data, the payload.  Given the design
of the DNS, that data can come from an authoritative source or a cache.
there is no expectation that the data will emerge from or through any
given path/source.  Once the data is received, it is possible to 
if the data is a) intact, and b) untampered with. There is no hop/hop at
the transport level cause DNS really doesn't work that way today.  

Channel Security - hop/hop can be done a couple of different ways. 
TSIG, SIG(0), DNSCurve  From a resolver point of view, this type
of security is usually done only one hop away, to the prefered cache or 
(small) set of authoritative servers.  It could be possible, but 
to do complete channel security.  But to what end?  

Opinions expressed may not even be mine by the time you read them, and
certainly don't reflect those of any other entity (legal or otherwise).

Ietf mailing list

Re: DNSSEC is NOT secure end to end

2009-06-03 Thread Masataka Ohta
Bill Manning wrote:

   i think the distinction here might be characterised by 
   the use of terms:
   -channel security

Don't try to confuse the terminology.

With the terminology of channel, the paper addresses the issue
that security by channels between zones or zone administrators
depends on security of intermediate zones and is not end to end.

   -data integrity

Date integrity is maintained through the channels between zones
hop by hop.

   DNSSEC - the signing of the data, provides a means to ensure the
   accuracy and integrity of the data, the payload.

The problem is that the accuracy and integrity of DNSSEC is not
cryptographically but socially secure.

So is plain old DNS.

So, there is no point to deploy DNSSEC.

Masataka Ohta

Ietf mailing list

Re: DNSSEC is NOT secure end to end

2009-06-02 Thread Masataka Ohta
Christian Huitema wrote:

That is, security of DNSSEC involves third parties and is not end
to end.

 That is indeed correct. An attacker can build a fake hierarchy of
 secure DNS assertions and try to get it accepted. The attack can
 succeed with the complicity of one of the authorities in the
 hierarchy. It is a classic attack by a trusted party.

Yes, the hierarchy has hops.

For my domain:, hierarechy of zones
have hops of ., jp,, and The authority hops are IANA, JPNIC, my
university, and my lab. Though you may have direct relationship
with IANA, JPNIC is the third party for both you and me.

 If an intermediate authority has
 been compromised, it can just as well insert a fake NS record --
 that's not harder than a fake record signature.

So, with a compromised hop of an intermediate authority, record
signature on the faked next hop key can be generated.

Then, with a private key corresponding to the faked next hop key,
record signature on the faked second next hop key can be generated.

Then, with a private key corresponding to the faked second next
hop key, record signature on the faked third next hop key can be

Yes, security of DNSSEC is totally hop by hop.

Masataka Ohta

Ietf mailing list

Re: DNSSEC is NOT secure end to end

2009-06-02 Thread Thierry Moreau

Masataka Ohta wrote:

Christian Huitema wrote:

That is, security of DNSSEC involves third parties and is not end
to end.

That is indeed correct. An attacker can build a fake hierarchy of
secure DNS assertions and try to get it accepted. The attack can
succeed with the complicity of one of the authorities in the
hierarchy. It is a classic attack by a trusted party.

Yes, the hierarchy has hops.

For my domain:, hierarechy of zones
have hops of ., jp,, and The authority hops are IANA, JPNIC, my
university, and my lab. Though you may have direct relationship
with IANA, JPNIC is the third party for both you and me.

This is exactly like a chain of PKI CA's (replacing the path from bottom 
to top of zone hierarchy):

  For my [end-user administrative units], [chain of CA's] have hops of 
[CA run by IANA], [CA run by JPNIC], [CA run by my university], and [CA 
run by my lab].

I don't know what is meant by a direct relationship with IANA.

If an intermediate authority has
been compromised, it can just as well insert a fake NS record --
that's not harder than a fake record signature.

So, with a compromised hop of an intermediate authority, record
signature on the faked next hop key can be generated.

Exactly the same with a compromised intermediate CA.

Then, with a private key corresponding to the faked next hop key,
record signature on the faked second next hop key can be generated.

Exactly the same with a private key corresponding to the next 
intermediate CA along the chain (i.e. the one certified by the 
compromised CA).

Then, with a private key corresponding to the faked second next
hop key, record signature on the faked third next hop key can be

Same thing.

Yes, security of DNSSEC is totally hop by hop.

Thus, you imply a definition of hop by hop along digital signature 
relationships. Indeed, DNSSEC security is limited to the weakest link 
along the chain from the bottom to the top of the DNS hierarchy. Nothing 
new there. I don't think any DNSSEC expert ever claimed differently.


- Thierry Moreau

Masataka Ohta

Ietf mailing list

Re: DNSSEC is NOT secure end to end

2009-06-02 Thread Richard Barnes

This debate has nothing to do with the security properties of DNSSEC.

A basic assumption of the DNS is that what the authoritative server for 
zone says is, well, authoritative.  The structure of DNS itself entitles 
JPNIC to point wherever they want; by using a name within the .jp 
domain, you are agreeing to act within JPNIC's domain of control.  JPNIC 
could set up an authoritative server for completely 
independently of you, regardless of DNSSEC, and from the perspective of 
the DNS, that would be the right answer.

All DNSSEC does is make the assertions made in the DNS reliable -- it 
does nothing to change the locus of control.

On the other hand, you can certainly use the DNSSEC protocol elements to 
do peer-to-peer security, just like you can use private DNS servers, and 
just like you can use TLS without trust anchors (i.e., with self-signed 
certs).  Just hand out the public half of your ZSK to people you want to 
be able to verify names within your zone.


Masataka Ohta wrote:

Christian Huitema wrote:

That is, security of DNSSEC involves third parties and is not end
to end.

That is indeed correct. An attacker can build a fake hierarchy of
secure DNS assertions and try to get it accepted. The attack can
succeed with the complicity of one of the authorities in the
hierarchy. It is a classic attack by a trusted party.

Yes, the hierarchy has hops.

For my domain:, hierarechy of zones
have hops of ., jp,, and The authority hops are IANA, JPNIC, my
university, and my lab. Though you may have direct relationship
with IANA, JPNIC is the third party for both you and me.

If an intermediate authority has
been compromised, it can just as well insert a fake NS record --
that's not harder than a fake record signature.

So, with a compromised hop of an intermediate authority, record
signature on the faked next hop key can be generated.

Then, with a private key corresponding to the faked next hop key,
record signature on the faked second next hop key can be generated.

Then, with a private key corresponding to the faked second next
hop key, record signature on the faked third next hop key can be

Yes, security of DNSSEC is totally hop by hop.

Masataka Ohta

Ietf mailing list

Ietf mailing list

Re: DNSSEC is NOT secure end to end (more tutorial than debating)

2009-06-02 Thread Thierry Moreau

Richard Barnes wrote:

This debate has nothing to do with the security properties of DNSSEC.

A basic assumption of the DNS is that what the authoritative server for 
zone says is, well, authoritative.  The structure of DNS itself entitles 
JPNIC to point wherever they want; by using a name within the .jp 
domain, you are agreeing to act within JPNIC's domain of control.  JPNIC 
could set up an authoritative server for completely 
independently of you, regardless of DNSSEC, and from the perspective of 
the DNS, that would be the right answer.

I guess what Masataka was referring to is a different source of 
variance, i.e. an impersonation of JPNIC's authority over its domain of 
control (using a compromised JPNIC's private key).

All DNSSEC does is make the assertions made in the DNS reliable -- it 
does nothing to change the locus of control.

Reliable through a chain fo digital signatures. Reliable to the extent 
an impersonation attack (on the locus of control) does not occur based 
on a compromised private signature key.

On the other hand, you can certainly use the DNSSEC protocol elements to 
do peer-to-peer security, just like you can use private DNS servers, and 
just like you can use TLS without trust anchors (i.e., with self-signed 
certs).  Just hand out the public half of your ZSK to people you want to 
be able to verify names within your zone.

Then you reduce the chain of digital signatures to a single one, raising 
confidence level at the cost of more key management hindrance.

Indeed, this thread seems to be another attempt to understand the basic 
DNSSEC properties.

- Thierry


Ietf mailing list

Re: DNSSEC is NOT secure end to end (more tutorial than debating)

2009-06-02 Thread Thierry Moreau

Richard Barnes wrote:

(That is: You already trust the zones above you to maintain the 
integrity of the zone on the *server*;

This assumption does not stand universally. For some DNS users/usage, 
DNSSEC signature verification will be a must. The discussion implicitly 
referred to such uses.

Then, it is legitimate to appraise the overall confidence in the DNSSEC 
chain of signatures, and to pinpoint the weakest link (e.g. the zone 
manager having the greatest likelihood of lousy private key protection 
in place).

Indeed, DNS+DNSSEC is no different from plain DNS for those who are 
satisfied with the plain DNS. For those awaiting DNS+DNSSEC for some 
uses, it is useful to understand DNSSEC chains of digital signatures.

Accesssorily, the zones above you means nothing to a relying party 
that is not validating its own domain.



- Thierry Moreau

Ietf mailing list

Re: DNSSEC is NOT secure end to end

2009-06-02 Thread Paul Wouters

On Tue, 2 Jun 2009, Masataka Ohta wrote:

For my domain:, hierarechy of zones
have hops of ., jp,, and The authority hops are IANA, JPNIC, my
university, and my lab. Though you may have direct relationship
with IANA, JPNIC is the third party for both you and me.

Yes, security of DNSSEC is totally hop by hop.

Just as DNS was designed to work. hierarchical. If you want to
add additional protection because you don't trust your parents,
no one stops you from using a DNSSEC capable resolver that has
DNSSEC zones configured directly, without relying on the parent.

I can't preload 50 million keys. I cannot build trust relations
with 50 millions domains. Just like we could not preload 50
million nameserver pointers.

Hierarchy is the strength of DNS, not its weakness. DNSSEC allows
you to specifically bypass the hierarchy for whatever zone you
want. The only real question is, how does Masataka Ohta scale?

My suspicion is that you don't scale to 50M domains, and that
you will be forced to outsource some of that trust. DNSSEC
does the outsourcing of trust distributed to the same people
who are already responsible for the data you're about to trust.

And note that even if you scale to 50M domains, I don't, so don't expect
me to setup a trust relationship with you specifically.

Ietf mailing list

Re: DNSSEC is NOT secure end to end

2009-06-02 Thread Masataka Ohta
Thierry Moreau wrote:

 That is, security of DNSSEC involves third parties and is not end
 to end.

 This is exactly like a chain of PKI CA's (replacing the path from bottom 
 to top of zone hierarchy):

 Exactly the same with a compromised intermediate CA.

 Exactly the same with a private key corresponding to the next 
 intermediate CA along the chain (i.e. the one certified by the 

The paper of David Clark says PKI is not secure end to end.

Some tried to argue against by saying DNSSEC is so special that
it is secure end to end.

But, as you can observe, DNSSEC is no special and not secure end
to end.

 I don't think any DNSSEC expert ever claimed differently.

I am the DNSSEC expert and see some people having a lot less
expertise than me says DNSSEC secure end to end.

They are incorrect or using different terminology on end to end
not acceptable to the Internet community.

Masataka Ohtqa

Ietf mailing list

Re: DNSSEC is NOT secure end to end (more tutorial than debating)

2009-06-02 Thread Masataka Ohta
Thierry Moreau wrote:

 (That is: You already trust the zones above you to maintain the 
 integrity of the zone on the *server*;

 This assumption does not stand universally. For some DNS users/usage, 
 DNSSEC signature verification will be a must. The discussion implicitly 
 referred to such uses.

A problem of blindly believing a zone administration is that it is
only as secure as blindly believing an ISP administration.

Attacking a router of a large ISPs is as easy/difficult as attacking
a signature generation mechanism of a large zone.

Moreover, administration of LAN of a local organization (my universty,
for example) is as secure as administration of a zone local to the organization.

You can, for example, bribe a personnel or two, against which there
is no cryptographical protection, which means PKI is weakly secure.

Masataka Ohta

Ietf mailing list

Re: DNSSEC is NOT secure end to end

2009-06-02 Thread Masataka Ohta
Paul Wouters wrote:

 I can't preload 50 million keys. I cannot build trust relations
 with 50 millions domains. Just like we could not preload 50
 million nameserver pointers.

That is the essential point of the paper of David Clark:

These certificates are principal components of essentially
all public key schemes, except those that are so small in
scale that the users can communicate their public keys to
each other one to one, in an ad hoc way that is mutually

A credit card brand (VISA, for example) may manage more than
50 million PIN numbers. But, it uses agents to do so. The security
of the system depends on not only (cryptographical) security between
the brand holder and agents but also social security of the agents.

Though 4 digit PIN or 16 bit message ID of DNS is cryptographically
not very secure, it is a cryptographical issue of each hop, having
nothing to do with social security between hops, introduction of
which is inevitable for large infrastructures.

Masataka Ohta

Ietf mailing list

Re: DNSSEC is NOT secure end to end (more tutorial than debating)

2009-06-02 Thread Paul Wouters

On Wed, 3 Jun 2009, Masataka Ohta wrote:

You can, for example, bribe a personnel or two, against which there
is no cryptographical protection, which means PKI is weakly secure.

You have never heard of a Hardware Security Module?

Ietf mailing list

Re: DNSSEC is NOT secure end to end (more tutorial than debating)

2009-06-02 Thread Mark Andrews

In message, Masataka Ohta writes:
 Thierry Moreau wrote:
  (That is: You already trust the zones above you to maintain the 
  integrity of the zone on the *server*;
  This assumption does not stand universally. For some DNS users/usage, 
  DNSSEC signature verification will be a must. The discussion implicitly 
  referred to such uses.
 A problem of blindly believing a zone administration is that it is
 only as secure as blindly believing an ISP administration.
 Attacking a router of a large ISPs is as easy/difficult as attacking
 a signature generation mechanism of a large zone.

The difference is we *have* to trust the zone administration.
There is no scalable way to avoid that trust issue.

We don't have to trust the router adminstration or caching
server administration or authoritative server adminstration.
 Moreover, administration of LAN of a local organization (my universty,
 for example) is as secure as administration of a zone local to the organizati

I've been on plenty of LAN's which I would treat as hostile.
 You can, for example, bribe a personnel or two, against which there
 is no cryptographical protection, which means PKI is weakly secure.

Which is not a arguement for not doing DNSSEC.  Knowing
where the risks are is how you do risk management.  If you
arn't willing to accept some risks then don't connect to the
   Masataka Ohta
Mark Andrews, ISC
1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742 INTERNET:
Ietf mailing list

Re: DNSSEC is NOT secure end to end (more tutorial than debating)

2009-06-02 Thread Mark Andrews

In message, Paul Wou
ters writes:
 On Wed, 3 Jun 2009, Masataka Ohta wrote:
  You can, for example, bribe a personnel or two, against which there
  is no cryptographical protection, which means PKI is weakly secure.
 You have never heard of a Hardware Security Module?
HSM doesn't stop the wrong data being signed.  It just stops
it being signed on machines other that the designated servers.


 Ietf mailing list
Mark Andrews, ISC
1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742 INTERNET:
Ietf mailing list

Re: DNSSEC is NOT secure end to end (more tutorial than debating)

2009-06-02 Thread Paul Wouters

On Wed, 3 Jun 2009, Mark Andrews wrote:

You can, for example, bribe a personnel or two, against which there
is no cryptographical protection, which means PKI is weakly secure.

You have never heard of a Hardware Security Module?

HSM doesn't stop the wrong data being signed.  It just stops
it being signed on machines other that the designated servers.

The context was the false security of DNSSEC and the third party  trust.
Obviously changing the raw dns data is possible both with and without DNSSEC.

Ietf mailing list

Re: DNSSEC is NOT secure end to end (more tutorial than debating)

2009-06-02 Thread Mark Andrews

In message, Paul Wou
ters writes:
 On Wed, 3 Jun 2009, Mark Andrews wrote:
  You can, for example, bribe a personnel or two, against which there
  is no cryptographical protection, which means PKI is weakly secure.
  You have never heard of a Hardware Security Module?
  HSM doesn't stop the wrong data being signed.  It just stops
  it being signed on machines other that the designated servers.
 The context was the false security of DNSSEC and the third party  trust.
 Obviously changing the raw dns data is possible both with and without DNSSEC.

If you are bribing personel you need to assume they can
do anything the orginisation they work for can do.  HSM's
don't help in this case.  HSM's have their place but you
need to understand the limitations of the devices.  HSM's
are better than just having the private component of a
public key sitting on a disk somewhere but in most operational
enviornments they don't add that much more security to the

Mark Andrews, ISC
1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742 INTERNET:
Ietf mailing list

Re: DNSSEC is NOT secure end to end (more tutorial than debating)

2009-06-02 Thread Michael StJohns
At 09:09 PM 6/2/2009, Mark Andrews wrote:
are better than just having the private component of a
public key sitting on a disk somewhere but in most operational
enviornments they don't add that much more security to the

It depends on the HSM.  For example, there are HSMs that allow you to program 
just about any policy you want - including the requirement to have at least N 
people agree that something needs to be signed.   The size of N is chosen to 
balance need for accountability with that of usefulness.  I.e. requiring 20 
people to turn the keys to get something signed is probably not useful.  
Permitting 1 person to sign without further oversight is probably not enough 

So saying they don't add much more security is really a statement that might be 
correct under really bad management practices, but mostly isn't.

For example, even a simple version of keeping the set of  HSM PIN holders 
distinct from set of people allowed to physically access the HSM for signing 
provides a substantial amount of operational security.

Ietf mailing list

Re: DNSSEC is NOT secure end to end

2009-06-01 Thread Joe Baptista
On Mon, Jun 1, 2009 at 12:30 AM, Mark Andrews wrote:

If you believe that I have a bridge to sell you.

Keep the bridge - it's all yours.  Remember - in order to sell the bridge
you first have to own it.  Your convenced you have something to sell.  I am

  Totally different from DNSSEC.

You can disagree all you want but it doesn't change the
fact that DNSSEC and DNSCurve both have chains of trusts.
The proponents of DNSCurve even say this.

Note the chain of trust as described on

The correct URL is not

And yet again - it has nothing to do with chains of trust.  It does learn
how to trust and whom to trust.  Thats part of the job.  What DNSCurve does
do is it adds link-level public-key protection to DNS packets therefore
guaranteeing the integrity of the packets end to end.

Totally different from DNSSEC which indeed uses chains of trust - i.e. root
to tld to sld etc.etc.

I am totally amazed at the propaganda that comes out of ISC these days.
When you guys start comparing DNSSEC to DNSCurve - we'll - all I can say is
this - I have this really nice bridge on the Hudson I'd like to sell you
that will compliment the bridge you've already have.

joe baptista

Joe Baptista
PublicRoot Consortium

The future of the Internet is Open, Transparent, Inclusive, Representative 
Accountable to the Internet community @large.

 Office: +1 (360) 526-6077 (extension 052)
Fax: +1 (509) 479-0084

Ietf mailing list

Re: DNSSEC is NOT secure end to end

2009-06-01 Thread Mark Andrews

In message, Joe 
Baptista writes:
 On Mon, Jun 1, 2009 at 12:30 AM, Mark Andrews wrote:
 If you believe that I have a bridge to sell you.
 Keep the bridge - it's all yours.  Remember - in order to sell the bridge
 you first have to own it.  Your convenced you have something to sell.  I am
   Totally different from DNSSEC.
 You can disagree all you want but it doesn't change the
 fact that DNSSEC and DNSCurve both have chains of trusts.
 The proponents of DNSCurve even say this.
 Note the chain of trust as described on
 The correct URL is not
 And yet again - it has nothing to do with chains of trust.  It does learn
 how to trust and whom to trust.  Thats part of the job.  What DNSCurve does
 do is it adds link-level public-key protection to DNS packets therefore
 guaranteeing the integrity of the packets end to end.

DNSCurve protects authoritative server to iterative resolver
if and only if you can authenticate the names of the
nameservers and that they are supposed to be serving the
zone you are querying against.  If you can't do that then
you are just talking to some random server using a cryptographic
channel and you shouldn't be trusting the results.
 Totally different from DNSSEC which indeed uses chains of trust - i.e. root
 to tld to sld etc.etc.

And DNSCurve uses chains of trust from root servers to tld
servers to sld servers etc. etc.

 I am totally amazed at the propaganda that comes out of ISC these days.
 When you guys start comparing DNSSEC to DNSCurve - we'll - all I can say is
 this - I have this really nice bridge on the Hudson I'd like to sell you
 that will compliment the bridge you've already have.

 joe baptista
 Joe Baptista
 PublicRoot Consortium
 The future of the Internet is Open, Transparent, Inclusive, Representative 
 Accountable to the Internet community @large.
  Office: +1 (360) 526-6077 (extension 052)
 Fax: +1 (509) 479-0084
Mark Andrews, ISC
1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742 INTERNET:
Ietf mailing list

Re: DNSSEC is NOT secure end to end

2009-06-01 Thread Dave Cridland

As a disinterested third party...

On Mon Jun  1 16:09:39 2009, Mark Andrews wrote:
 Totally different from DNSSEC which indeed uses chains of trust -  
i.e. root

 to tld to sld etc.etc.

And DNSCurve uses chains of trust from root servers to tld
servers to sld servers etc. etc.

After skimming DNSCurve to get the general idea, I agree with Mark  
here. I don't see any particular way in which the NS records (which  
specify the keys) from the parent are themselves validated, other  
than by trusting the parent domain's nameservers, which essentially  
means they give equivalent protection to DNSSEC from that standpoint.

I did wonder whether there was additional scope for leap of faith,  
but I'm not sure even that exists.

Moreover, since DNSCurve only operates hop-by-hop, rather than  
end-to-end (in the sense of the DNS resolution process as a whole) it  
relies on a hop-by-hop trust arrangement. In particular, my servers  
here would have to use either a trusted resolver, or no resolver at  

I do note that DNSCurve looks like a neat hack, just one that, on  
closer inspection, turns out to have no obvious benefits in this  
particular respect.

Dave Cridland - -
 - acap://
Infotrope Polymer - ACAP, IMAP, ESMTP, and Lemonade
Ietf mailing list

Appropriate forum? (was: DNSSEC is NOT secure end to end)

2009-06-01 Thread Thierry Moreau

To the IETF mailing list subscribers:

The US government involvement in DNSSEC operations is almost certainly 
not in-scope for the ietf mailing list. Thus, it would be 
counterproductive to start a discussion based on Mr. Baptista comments 
on this topic (hence no in-line comments in the original message below).

However, the question remains: which forum, if any, is appropriate for a 
discussion? I don't have the answer, so I merely share the following 

A) ICANN was specifically requested to abstain from public consultations 
about its proposal to deploy DNSSEC at the root. This is in a letter 
from US Department of Commerce to ICANN, ref (filed 
among other documents in ).

B) The US Department of Commerce issued a public comment notice (the 
deadline is now past), see . 
This forum has been used by Mr. Baptista. I was favourably impressed by 
the material written by NTIA staff (and published in the Federal 
Register), so I would recommend this reading (at ). However, 
this forum is not really interactive.

C) Some other forums on which DNSSEC protocol and operational aspects 
are discussed frequently avoid and/or terminate discussions about US 
government involvement in DNSSEC operations for the DNS root. I do not 
blame their moderator or anybody else, I'm just reporting an observation.

D) If any stakeholder group or representatives see some effectiveness in 
the WSIS, the discussions on DNSSEC deployment would fall under the 
heading critical Internet resources. I don't see much potential for 
active discussion on this front, but it's only my opinion.

So, that's it. Anybody has other suggestions for an appropriate forum 
for DNSSEC deployment at the root *including* US government involvement?


- Thierry Moreau

Joe Baptista wrote:

DNSSEC indeed violates the end to end principle.  It's simply that 
simple.  And it asks us to put our trust in the root a.k.a. ICANN.  I 
don't think governments world wide are going to put their trust and 
faith in ICANN.  The U.S. Government is the only government that has 
been bamboozled into adopting DNSSEC into .gov infrastructure.

I wonder how President Obama would feel about handing over the keys to 
U.S. Government infrastructure to a U.S. contractor.  I'd have trouble 
sleeping at night if that was the case.

I've addressed this at length in my comments to the NTIA.

If the U.S. government wants DNSSEC today then it must nationalize the 
roots.  I don't even trust Vixie with the root.  I remember when he 
hijacked the root with Postel.  Or as they put it we were only running 
an experiment.

In any case the new infrastructure campaign demands U.S. government 
roots be set up to exclusively serve U.S. network infrastructure.

joe baptista

p.s. If you want to secure the DNS end to end - think DNSCurve - not DNSSEC.

On Sat, May 30, 2009 at 7:27 PM, Masataka Ohta wrote:

Francis Dupont wrote:

  = not only this is very arguable (for instance about the resource
  exhaustion) but no hop-by-hop/channel security, even something as
  strong as TSIG, can provide what we need, i.e., end-to-end/object
  security (*).

Unless your meaning of end-to-end differs from that of David Clark,
the following argument of his paper is applicable to DNSSEC.
   Rethinking the design of the Internet:
   The end to end arguments vs. the brave new world

   The certificate is an assertion by that (presumably
   trustworthy) third party that the indicated public key
   actually goes with the particular user.

   These certificates are principal components of essentially
   all public key schemes,

That is, security of DNSSEC involves third parties and is not end
to end.

  PS (*): I use the common meaning of end-to-end, not Masataka
Ohta's one.

I'm afraid you don't know who David Clark is and how he is related
to the end to end argument.

However, all the people who are qualified to discuss end to end do
know him and his argument.

   Masataka Ohta

Ietf mailing list

Joe Baptista
PublicRoot Consortium

The future of the Internet is Open, Transparent, Inclusive, 
Representative  Accountable to the 

Re: DNSSEC is NOT secure end to end

2009-05-31 Thread Francis Dupont
 In your previous mail you wrote:

= not only this is very arguable (for instance about the resource
exhaustion) but no hop-by-hop/channel security, even something as
strong as TSIG, can provide what we need, i.e., end-to-end/object
security (*).
PS (*): I use the common meaning of end-to-end, not Masataka Ohta's one.

= I added it because hop-by-hop and end-to-end can be ambiguous when
hops and ends are not defined. In the context of DNS intermediate
entities are the caching servers so even I agree your argument is
valid it doesn't apply to *this* interpretation of the term end-to-end.


PS: if you'd like to discuss about end-to-end arguments there is a
dedicated mailing list at IRTF. If you'd like to continue about the
trusted third parties as intermediate entities I believe the thread
you initiated is the best place.
Ietf mailing list

DNSSEC is NOT secure end to end

2009-05-31 Thread Joe Baptista
DNSSEC indeed violates the end to end principle.  It's simply that simple.
And it asks us to put our trust in the root a.k.a. ICANN.  I don't think
governments world wide are going to put their trust and faith in ICANN.  The
U.S. Government is the only government that has been bamboozled into
adopting DNSSEC into .gov infrastructure.

I wonder how President Obama would feel about handing over the keys to U.S.
Government infrastructure to a U.S. contractor.  I'd have trouble sleeping
at night if that was the case.

I've addressed this at length in my comments to the NTIA.

If the U.S. government wants DNSSEC today then it must nationalize the
roots.  I don't even trust Vixie with the root.  I remember when he hijacked
the root with Postel.  Or as they put it we were only running an

In any case the new infrastructure campaign demands U.S. government roots be
set up to exclusively serve U.S. network infrastructure.

joe baptista

p.s. If you want to secure the DNS end to end - think DNSCurve - not DNSSEC.

On Sat, May 30, 2009 at 7:27 PM, Masataka Ohta wrote:

 Francis Dupont wrote:

  = not only this is very arguable (for instance about the resource
  exhaustion) but no hop-by-hop/channel security, even something as
  strong as TSIG, can provide what we need, i.e., end-to-end/object
  security (*).

 Unless your meaning of end-to-end differs from that of David Clark,
 the following argument of his paper is applicable to DNSSEC.
Rethinking the design of the Internet:
The end to end arguments vs. the brave new world

The certificate is an assertion by that (presumably
trustworthy) third party that the indicated public key
actually goes with the particular user.

These certificates are principal components of essentially
all public key schemes,

 That is, security of DNSSEC involves third parties and is not end
 to end.

  PS (*): I use the common meaning of end-to-end, not Masataka Ohta's one.

 I'm afraid you don't know who David Clark is and how he is related
 to the end to end argument.

 However, all the people who are qualified to discuss end to end do
 know him and his argument.

Masataka Ohta

 Ietf mailing list

Joe Baptista
PublicRoot Consortium

The future of the Internet is Open, Transparent, Inclusive, Representative 
Accountable to the Internet community @large.

 Office: +1 (360) 526-6077 (extension 052)
Fax: +1 (509) 479-0084


Joe Baptista
PublicRoot Consortium

The future of the Internet is Open, Transparent, Inclusive, Representative 
Accountable to the Internet community @large.

 Office: +1 (360) 526-6077 (extension 052)
Fax: +1 (509) 479-0084

Ietf mailing list

Re: DNSSEC is NOT secure end to end

2009-05-31 Thread Mark Andrews

In message, Joe 
Baptista writes:
 DNSSEC indeed violates the end to end principle.  It's simply that simple.
 And it asks us to put our trust in the root a.k.a. ICANN.  I don't think
 governments world wide are going to put their trust and faith in ICANN.  The
 U.S. Government is the only government that has been bamboozled into
 adopting DNSSEC into .gov infrastructure.
 I wonder how President Obama would feel about handing over the keys to U.S.
 Government infrastructure to a U.S. contractor.  I'd have trouble sleeping
 at night if that was the case.
 I've addressed this at length in my comments to the NTIA.
 If the U.S. government wants DNSSEC today then it must nationalize the
 roots.  I don't even trust Vixie with the root.  I remember when he hijacked
 the root with Postel.  Or as they put it we were only running an
 In any case the new infrastructure campaign demands U.S. government roots be
 set up to exclusively serve U.S. network infrastructure.
 joe baptista
 p.s. If you want to secure the DNS end to end - think DNSCurve - not DNSSEC.

DNSCurve has exactly the same trust issues as DNSSEC does.
You are trusting the parent to give you a secure introduction
to the child.  The introduction is just encoded differently.

Mark Andrews, ISC
1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742 INTERNET:
Ietf mailing list

Re: DNSSEC is NOT secure end to end

2009-05-31 Thread Joe Baptista
I disagree.  DNSCurve has nothing to do with trust.  It simply ensure the
system you are connected to is in fact the system that gives you the
answer.  DNSCurve addresses the UDP issues without the need for a root or
any other third party enjoying any degree of trust.

Totally different from DNSSEC.

joe baptista

On Sun, May 31, 2009 at 9:38 PM, Mark Andrews wrote:

 In message,
 Joe Baptista writes:
  DNSSEC indeed violates the end to end principle.  It's simply that
  And it asks us to put our trust in the root a.k.a. ICANN.  I don't think
  governments world wide are going to put their trust and faith in ICANN.
  U.S. Government is the only government that has been bamboozled into
  adopting DNSSEC into .gov infrastructure.
  I wonder how President Obama would feel about handing over the keys to
  Government infrastructure to a U.S. contractor.  I'd have trouble
  at night if that was the case.
  I've addressed this at length in my comments to the NTIA.
  If the U.S. government wants DNSSEC today then it must nationalize the
  roots.  I don't even trust Vixie with the root.  I remember when he
  the root with Postel.  Or as they put it we were only running an
  In any case the new infrastructure campaign demands U.S. government roots
  set up to exclusively serve U.S. network infrastructure.
  joe baptista
  p.s. If you want to secure the DNS end to end - think DNSCurve - not

 DNSCurve has exactly the same trust issues as DNSSEC does.
You are trusting the parent to give you a secure introduction
to the child.  The introduction is just encoded differently.

 Mark Andrews, ISC
 1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
 PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742 INTERNET:

Joe Baptista
PublicRoot Consortium

The future of the Internet is Open, Transparent, Inclusive, Representative 
Accountable to the Internet community @large.

 Office: +1 (360) 526-6077 (extension 052)
Fax: +1 (509) 479-0084

Ietf mailing list

Re: DNSSEC is NOT secure end to end

2009-05-31 Thread Mark Andrews

In message, Joe 
Baptista writes:
 I disagree.  DNSCurve has nothing to do with trust.  It simply ensure the
 system you are connected to is in fact the system that gives you the
 answer.  DNSCurve addresses the UDP issues without the need for a root or
 any other third party enjoying any degree of trust.

If you believe that I have a bridge to sell you.
 Totally different from DNSSEC.
 joe baptista

You can disagree all you want but it doesn't change the
fact that DNSSEC and DNSCurve both have chains of trusts.
The proponents of DNSCurve even say this.

Note the chain of trust as described on

The root DNS servers can also be protected with DNSCurve. Once a
cache knows DNSCurve server names for the root servers, its packets
to and from those servers are protected, so it securely learns the
DNSCurve server names for .com and other top-level domains, so its
packets to and from the .com servers are protected, so it securely
learns the DNSCurve server names for, etc.

Mark Andrews, ISC
1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742 INTERNET:
Ietf mailing list

DNSSEC is NOT secure end to end

2009-05-30 Thread Masataka Ohta
Mark Andrews wrote:

   In a general PKI you need a third party to validated the
   name to certificate mapping because there is not natual
   method to do this.
   With DNSSEC the naming authority is the introducing authority.

Read the paper.

Your attempt to modify the meaning of the third party does not
affect the following part of the paper and its consequences.
   These certificates are principal components of essentially all
   public key schemes, except those that are so small in scale that
   the users can communicate their public keys to each other one to
   one, in an ad hoc way that is mutually trustworthy.

   This is where DNSSEC differs from a general PKI infrastucture.

Regardless of whether DNSSEC differs from a general PKI or not,
security of DNSSEC is not end to end.

Masataka Ohta

Ietf mailing list

Re: DNSSEC is NOT secure end to end

2009-05-30 Thread Masataka Ohta
Francis Dupont wrote:

 = not only this is very arguable (for instance about the resource
 exhaustion) but no hop-by-hop/channel security, even something as
 strong as TSIG, can provide what we need, i.e., end-to-end/object
 security (*).

Unless your meaning of end-to-end differs from that of David Clark,
the following argument of his paper is applicable to DNSSEC.
Rethinking the design of the Internet:
The end to end arguments vs. the brave new world

The certificate is an assertion by that (presumably
trustworthy) third party that the indicated public key
actually goes with the particular user.

These certificates are principal components of essentially
all public key schemes,

That is, security of DNSSEC involves third parties and is not end
to end.

 PS (*): I use the common meaning of end-to-end, not Masataka Ohta's one.

I'm afraid you don't know who David Clark is and how he is related
to the end to end argument.

However, all the people who are qualified to discuss end to end do
know him and his argument.

Masataka Ohta

Ietf mailing list