Re: IETF mission boundaries (Re: IESG proposed statement on the IETF mission )

2003-10-23 Thread Michael Richardson

> "Harald" == Harald Tveit Alvestrand <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Harald> In the discussions leading up to this document, we actually had 3
Harald> different other levels of "inclusivity" up for consideration:

  okay, I very much like these descriptions.

Harald> - "Everything that runs over the Internet is appropriate for IETF
Harald> standardization". 

Harald> - "Everything that needs open, documented interoperability and
Harald> runs over the Internet is appropriate for IETF
Harald> standardization". 

Harald> - "Everything that builds infrastructures on the Internet that
Harald> needs to be open and interoperable is appropriate for IETF
Harald> standardization". 

  These are three levels that I understand, and each seems to enclose
the next.

Harald> - "Everything that can seriously impact the Internet is
Harald> appropriate for IETF standardization". 

  This is very much more nebulous, because "seriously impact" is a question
of very open judgement.

] Collecting stories about my dad: |  firewalls  [
]   Michael Richardson, Sandelman Software Works, Ottawa, ON|net architect[
] [EMAIL PROTECTED] |device driver[
] panic("Just another Debian/notebook using, kernel hacking, security guy");  [
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Re: IETF mission boundaries (Re: IESG proposed statement on the IETF mission )

2003-10-19 Thread Spencer Dawkins
 > The number of application protocols with the oomph to "break" the
> Internet is quite small

OK, I've gotta ask - how many times do we break the Internet before we
reverse this reasoning? (How many times is "too many"?)

(signed) curious

Re: IETF mission boundaries (Re: IESG proposed statement on the IETF mission )

2003-10-19 Thread Keith Moore
> The number of application protocols with the oomph to "break" the 
> Internet is quite small

however, it's not safe to assume that it's zero.  any new killer app that were
poorly designed could do it.

also, you might be underestimating the damage done by HTTP (1.0 or later).

RE: IETF mission boundaries (Re: IESG proposed statement on the IETF mission )

2003-10-17 Thread Harald Tveit Alvestrand

we might be looking through opposite ends of this tunnel.

--On 16. oktober 2003 15:15 -0700 Christian Huitema 

I think this point is one of the critical causes of conflict when
about the IETF mission - and unless we lance the boil, actually talk
it, and attempt to *resolve* the issue, we will go on revisiting the
forever, with nothing but wasted energy to show for it.
Well, to paraphrase a well known leader, "the IETF, how many divisions?"
The gist of this comment is that someone developing a network
application protocol ought to somehow get a blessing from the IETF.
Reality check. Who got the IETF approval to deploy ICQ, Kazaa, or for
that matter HTTP?
For application protocols, I view it in the opposite direction - if someone 
comes to the IETF and *asks* for the IETF's advice, blessing or ownership, 
what are the conditions under which we say "yes"? Or "no"?

For those that never ask, and never become important, I say "not my 
problem". The number of application protocols with the oomph to "break" the 
Internet is quite small - offhand, I'd say that HTTP/1.0 probably was the 
closest try.

If the Internet is so fragile that a poorly developed application can
break it, then the IETF response should not be to try control each
application. It has to be, design checks that can be implemented by
cooperating hosts and routers so that their neck of the Internet is in
good health!
Now there's an idea. :-)

The flipside is of course with those things that are *already* under IETF 
control, or critical for our infrastructure, for some reason. The 
abstracted version of the fights over MIME types, URI schemes, SIP 
extension etcetera seems to be "don't extend until you've talked to us 
about what you're doing, and if we don't like it, don't try to pretend that 
we did" (the P-headers, vnd. MIME types and the proposed faceted URI 
schemes); I'm not certain what the abstracted version of the fights over 
COPS, CR-LDP, RSVP-TE and so on are.

The IETF has got fewer divisions than the Pope, of course. Anyone is free 
to ignore us. And we need to remember that, sometimes.

Re: IETF mission boundaries (Re: IESG proposed statement on the IETF mission )

2003-10-17 Thread Harald Tveit Alvestrand

--On 16. oktober 2003 13:15 -0400 Eric Rosen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

- "For the Internet" - only the stuff that is directly involved in
making  the Internet work is included in the IETF's scope.
In other words, routing,  DNS, and Internet operations/management.
Adopting this as  the IETF's mission  would be a  very radical change
I erred in describing that category. I should have used something else - it 
was not what the IESG thought it was saying in its proposed mission 
statement, so me recycling the term "for the Internet" in the bulleted list 
I made added confusion rather than clarifying. Sorry!

(I still think it's a valid point on the scale. It leaves us with a much 
smaller IETF. But some people tend to think that's a positive side.)


RE: IETF mission boundaries (Re: IESG proposed statement on the IETF mission )

2003-10-17 Thread Christian Huitema

> > According to you, this has nothing to  do with the IETF.  It might
> result
> > in the congestive collapse of the Internet,  but who cares, the IETF
> > doesn't do street  lights.  I would  like  to see  the  criteria
> > determine  that telephones belong on the Internet but street lights
> don't!
> thanks for making the most concise statement of the conflict here in
> discussion so far!
> I think this point is one of the critical causes of conflict when
> about the IETF mission - and unless we lance the boil, actually talk
> it, and attempt to *resolve* the issue, we will go on revisiting the
> forever, with nothing but wasted energy to show for it.

Well, to paraphrase a well known leader, "the IETF, how many divisions?"
The gist of this comment is that someone developing a network
application protocol ought to somehow get a blessing from the IETF.
Reality check. Who got the IETF approval to deploy ICQ, Kazaa, or for
that matter HTTP?

If the Internet is so fragile that a poorly developed application can
break it, then the IETF response should not be to try control each
application. It has to be, design checks that can be implemented by
cooperating hosts and routers so that their neck of the Internet is in
good health!

-- Christian Huitema

Re: IETF mission boundaries (Re: IESG proposed statement on the IETF mission )

2003-10-17 Thread Eliot Lear

The example I'm thinking about involved predecessors to OpenGL. 
As this example  doesn't even involve communication over  a network, I would
agree that it is out of scope.   ...
[OpenGL example]
It's not that other examples such as X couldn't have used more network knowledge to
avoid problems (e.g. the mouse stuff), but that the network stuff is
the tail of that and many other dogs.  Because of my employement
history, I may know a little more about how to do graphics in general
or over IP networks than many IETF participants, but I know that I'm
abjectly completely utterly incompetent for doing exactly what the
IETF started to do in that case.
Great scope example.  The issue for OpenGL, however, demonstrates a gap 
in as much as the developers would probably have liked something like 
dccp so that they could use a library to get Nagle, backoff, etc.  While 
we're a wire protocol sort of a group, we all should realize the 
importance of generality and good library support ;-)

If "out of scope" were removed as an acceptable reason to not do things,
then you would never squelch bad efforts.
An effort isn't bad because it's out of scope.  An effort is bad because 
it's bad, and we invest our faith in the IESG that they will use good 
judgment to catch bad efforts.

If anyone on the IESG does not feel empowered to say "no" they should 
not be on the IESG.  WG chairs need to vet their own group's work first, 
of course.  And we could certainly do a better job on that.


Re: IETF mission boundaries (Re: IESG proposed statement on the IETF mission )

2003-10-17 Thread mark seery
Scoping is certainly used successfully as an argument at the WG level, 
through the more common pronnouncement "that would require a change 
to the charter.." Scoping aids WGs in being able to move the ball 
forward in the direction of predfined goals, and hence is a process aid. 
This is scoping at a micro level. I would think that the role of mission 
is to provide scoping at a macro level, the kind of scoping that 
determines whether a WG is established in the first place or not.

More importantly I would suggest, the simple requirement for making 
binary decisions about whether something is in scope or not is necessary 
but not sufficient. An institution surely needs some way to guide its 
priorities as well. So one could for example agree with Eric's 
definition of what the IETF's mission is, but once that is done, what 
then guides the priorities of the IETF? I think you will find this to be 
at the heart of the debate:

scoping=>smaller workload=>focused differentiation in the standards 
marketplace+better quality output.

Every entity must decide what it is going to do uniquly better than any 
other entity. This is the purpose of mission. Generic catchall missions 
do not help entities keep the eye on that particular ball.

Re: IETF mission boundaries (Re: IESG proposed statement on the IETF mission )

2003-10-17 Thread Vernon Schryver
> From: Eric Rosen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> ...
> > Sheesh!--next you'll be telling us that you never heard the phrase
> > "out of scope" before last week. 
> Sure I have.  There's  hardly a piece of work done by  the IETF that someone
> hasn't claimed to  be out of scope.   It's just that the phrase  is not used
> consistently.  

That's true.

>If  we look at the  historical facts about the  work that the
> IETF has traditionally taken on, it's hard to draw any conclusion other than
> that anything  is in  scope which  promotes and facilitates  the use  of the
> Internet and of IP infrastructure.  And I think that's exactly what the IETF
> should be doing.

That's wrong.  At best it's meaningless.  For example it supports
lobbying Congress.

> > The example I'm thinking about involved predecessors to OpenGL. 
> As this example  doesn't even involve communication over  a network, I would
> agree that it is out of scope.   ...

It was out of scope, but not because it did not involve putting graphics
stuff over UDP or TCP, because it did.  My fellow employees in SGI's
network group and I breathed a sigh of releaf when Ron returned from
an IETF meeting to report that "out of scope" had carried the day
against other IETF participants who thought that knowing people who
knew about Nagle and congestion control and avoidance was enough to
design graphics remote procedure calls or similar.  It's not that
other examples such as X couldn't have used more network knowledge to
avoid problems (e.g. the mouse stuff), but that the network stuff is
the tail of that and many other dogs.  Because of my employement
history, I may know a little more about how to do graphics in general
or over IP networks than many IETF participants, but I know that I'm
abjectly completely utterly incompetent for doing exactly what the
IETF started to do in that case.

> > Often the brutal  WG chairs say they don't think the  WG knows enough, but
> > it's the scope arguments that carry the day. 
> I've never had  much luck myself with scope arguments,  unless they could be
> backed up with an argument either that the center of expertise is elsewhere,
> or that the topic has no bearing on IP.  Of course, people will sometimes be
> willing  to  agree  that  the  center  of  expertise  is  elsewhere  without
> necessarily agreeing that they themselves aren't experts ;-) Sometimes scope
> arguments are merely  face-saving ways of saying "we don't  know what we are
> doing".  Other times, scope arguments are merely "polite" ways of saying "we
> don't think  you know what  you are doing".   You almost never  hear someone
> saying "that sounds like a really  good idea, but unfortunately it is out of
> scope". 

Yes, with the proviso that you mean you usually don't hear people really
meaning that last sentence.  You certainly hear those words a lot.

If "out of scope" were removed as an acceptable reason to not do things,
then you would never squelch bad efforts.

I suspect the whole effort of defining IETF charters or missions is
a very bad idea.  It's often better to not spell things out, but to
rely on the good judgement of the people running the show.

Vernon Schryver[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: IETF mission boundaries (Re: IESG proposed statement on the IETF mission )

2003-10-17 Thread Eric Rosen

> The gist of this comment is that someone developing a network
> application protocol ought to somehow get a blessing from the IETF. 
> Reality check. Who got the IETF approval to deploy ICQ, Kazaa, or for
> that matter HTTP? 

The fact  that someone  did something without  the IETF's approval  does not
imply that  what they did is  outside the scope of  the IETF, or  that it is
beyond the IETF's mission. 

Re: IETF mission boundaries (Re: IESG proposed statement on the IETF mission )

2003-10-17 Thread Eric Rosen

> Sheesh!--next you'll be telling us that you never heard the phrase
> "out of scope" before last week. 

Sure I have.  There's  hardly a piece of work done by  the IETF that someone
hasn't claimed to  be out of scope.   It's just that the phrase  is not used
consistently.  If  we look at the  historical facts about the  work that the
IETF has traditionally taken on, it's hard to draw any conclusion other than
that anything  is in  scope which  promotes and facilitates  the use  of the
Internet and of IP infrastructure.  And I think that's exactly what the IETF
should be doing.

> The example I'm thinking about involved predecessors to OpenGL. 

As this example  doesn't even involve communication over  a network, I would
agree that it  is out of scope.   But that's a rather extreme  case, most of
the contentious areas do involve communications over an IP infrastructure.

> Often the brutal  WG chairs say they don't think the  WG knows enough, but
> it's the scope arguments that carry the day. 

I've never had  much luck myself with scope arguments,  unless they could be
backed up with an argument either that the center of expertise is elsewhere,
or that the topic has no bearing on IP.  Of course, people will sometimes be
willing  to  agree  that  the  center  of  expertise  is  elsewhere  without
necessarily agreeing that they themselves aren't experts ;-) Sometimes scope
arguments are merely  face-saving ways of saying "we don't  know what we are
doing".  Other times, scope arguments are merely "polite" ways of saying "we
don't think  you know what  you are doing".   You almost never  hear someone
saying "that sounds like a really  good idea, but unfortunately it is out of

Re: IETF mission boundaries (Re: IESG proposed statement on the IETF mission )

2003-10-16 Thread Vernon Schryver
> From: Eric Rosen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> > That is wrong or at least a gross overstatement. 
> If  that's  what  you think,  I  invite  you  to  make  a list  of  all  the
> IETF-standardized protocols and explain how  they are all (or even more than
> 50% of them) needed to make the Internet work.

There's a progression here:
  1. ad hoc network interoperability group forms.
  2. it has some success and gains some fame.
  3. it is besieged by people eager to borrow its printing press
  4. it is besieged by people who know everything about everything and
have a duty to write or at least control all standards on
everything including what people perversions do in the privacy
of their own networks.

I've been complaining about #3 for many years.  Examples of #4 include
some of the more vigorous combatants in the IPv6 site local arena
and the notion that notion that nothing is out of scope.

> > There have been many things that the IETF has chosen to step away from but
> > that  ran  and  run  over  the Internet.   Some  graphics  standards  come
> > immediately to my  mind ... Those graphics standards were  kept out of the
> > IETF not  because the  working groups involved  thought they  didn't think
> > they were experts, but because the subject was out of scope for the IETF." 
> I'm not  familiar with this particular  case, but I don't  see why protocols
> for distributing graphics would be thought  to fall outside the scope of the
> IETF, any more  than protocols for distributing voice  or video.  Of course,
> graphics standards  that have nothing  do with distribution of  the graphics
> over IP would be out of scope.

The example I'm thinking about involved predecessors to OpenGL.
People who know about network stuff know enough to stuff bits into
wires, but that's the earier part of things like OpenGL, Microsoft's
alternative whose name eludes me, JPEG, MPEG, and so forth.

> > No committee is ever able to limit itself on grounds of insufficient
> > expertise.  
> Now, there  is a  gross overstatement!  For  everyone who  proclaims himself
> (rightly or  wrongly) to be  an expert on  some topic, there are  always two
> other people who claim  that he is clueless. 

The other two base their claims on their own greater expertise and
wouldn't dream of suggesting that they are not well suited for
standardizing whatever it is.

>   It's not uncommon  for a WG to
> refuse  to  pick up  a  topic  because the  consensus  is  that the  topic's
> proponents are clueless.  

Please name an example of such a case.  I have seen WG chairs and
others use brute force and out-of-scope arguments to halt nonsense,
but I've never seen "we don't know enough" work.  Often the brutal WG
chairs say they don't think the WG knows enough, but it's the scope
arguments that carry the day.

Sheesh!--next you'll be telling us that you never heard the phrase
"out of scope" before last week.

Vernon Schryver[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: IETF mission boundaries (Re: IESG proposed statement on the IETF mission )

2003-10-16 Thread Eric Rosen

> That is wrong or at least a gross overstatement. 

If  that's  what  you think,  I  invite  you  to  make  a list  of  all  the
IETF-standardized protocols and explain how  they are all (or even more than
50% of them) needed to make the Internet work.

> There have been many things that the IETF has chosen to step away from but
> that  ran  and  run  over  the Internet.   Some  graphics  standards  come
> immediately to my  mind ... Those graphics standards were  kept out of the
> IETF not  because the  working groups involved  thought they  didn't think
> they were experts, but because the subject was out of scope for the IETF." 

I'm not  familiar with this particular  case, but I don't  see why protocols
for distributing graphics would be thought  to fall outside the scope of the
IETF, any more  than protocols for distributing voice  or video.  Of course,
graphics standards  that have nothing  do with distribution of  the graphics
over IP would be out of scope.

> No committee is ever able to limit itself on grounds of insufficient
> expertise.  

Now, there  is a  gross overstatement!  For  everyone who  proclaims himself
(rightly or  wrongly) to be  an expert on  some topic, there are  always two
other people who claim  that he is clueless.  It's not uncommon  for a WG to
refuse  to  pick up  a  topic  because the  consensus  is  that the  topic's
proponents are clueless.  

Re: IETF mission boundaries (Re: IESG proposed statement on the IETF mission )

2003-10-16 Thread Vernon Schryver
> From: Eric Rosen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> > - "For the Internet" - only the stuff that is directly involved in making 
> > the Internet work is included in the IETF's scope. 
> In other words, routing,  DNS, and Internet operations/management.  Adopting
> this as  the IETF's mission  would be a  very radical change  indeed!  While
> this particular  mission statement does seem  to reflect the  interests of a
> certain notorious IESG member, let's not pretend that this has ever been the
> limit of the IETF's mission.  The IETF has always been concerned with things
> that make the Internet more useful,  and with things that expand the utility
> of the IP protocol suite.  There's never been a time when "for the Internet"
> was an accurate representation of the IETF's concerns.

That is wrong or at least a gross overstatement.

> ...
> The  formulation   I  like  is  "Everything  that   needs  open,  documented
> interoperability  and  runs  over  the  Internet  is  appropriate  for  IETF
> standardization".  This is  much truer to the IETF's  current and historical
> practice.  

That is also wrong or at least a gross overstatement.  There have been
many things that the IETF has chosen to step away from but that ran
and run over the Internet.  Some graphics standards come immediately
to my mind.

> That doesn't  necessarily mean that  the IETF has to  standardize everything
> that falls within  its mission.  For instance, a  particular area might fall
> within the mission, but the IETF  might not have the expertise to tackle it.
> A WG  in that area  could then be  rejected on the grounds  of "insufficient
> expertise".  Such decisions  would have to be made  on a case-by-case basis.
> Again, this is the way such decisions have always been made in the IETF.

No committee is ever able to limit itself on grounds of insufficient
expertise.  The people who join committees are predisposed to think
that they're sufficiently expert to deal with the subject matter.

Those graphics standards were kept out of the IETF not because the
working groups involved thought they didn't think they were experts,
but because the subject was out of scope for the IETF.  That most of
participants had no clues about computer graphics was incomprehensible
to most of the participants, and unfortunately irrelevant.

Vernon Schryver[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: IETF mission boundaries (Re: IESG proposed statement on the IETF mission )

2003-10-16 Thread Eric Rosen

> - "For the Internet" - only the stuff that is directly involved in making 
> the Internet work is included in the IETF's scope. 

In other words, routing,  DNS, and Internet operations/management.  Adopting
this as  the IETF's mission  would be a  very radical change  indeed!  While
this particular  mission statement does seem  to reflect the  interests of a
certain notorious IESG member, let's not pretend that this has ever been the
limit of the IETF's mission.  The IETF has always been concerned with things
that make the Internet more useful,  and with things that expand the utility
of the IP protocol suite.  There's never been a time when "for the Internet"
was an accurate representation of the IETF's concerns.

You are  of course welcome  to propose such  a radical change to  the IETF's
mission.  But  if you are  going to circulate  a document under  the subject
line "IESG proposed statement on the IETF mission", you should make it clear
that the  IESG is proposing to make  a complete change in  the IETF mission.
Instead,  you  give  the impression  that  the  IESG  thinks that  "for  the
Internet" is and has always been the IETF's mission. 

The  formulation   I  like  is  "Everything  that   needs  open,  documented
interoperability  and  runs  over  the  Internet  is  appropriate  for  IETF
standardization".  This is  much truer to the IETF's  current and historical

That doesn't  necessarily mean that  the IETF has to  standardize everything
that falls within  its mission.  For instance, a  particular area might fall
within the mission, but the IETF  might not have the expertise to tackle it.
A WG  in that area  could then be  rejected on the grounds  of "insufficient
expertise".  Such decisions  would have to be made  on a case-by-case basis.
Again, this is the way such decisions have always been made in the IETF.

Re: IETF mission boundaries (Re: IESG proposed statement on the IETF mission )

2003-10-16 Thread Bill Manning
% --On 15. oktober 2003 12:57 -0400 Eric Rosen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
% > Well, let's test this assertion.  Suppose a consortium of electric
% > companies develops a UDP-based protocol  for monitoring and controlling
% > street lights. It turns  out that  this protocol generates  an unbounded
% > amount  of traffic (say,  proportional to  the square  of the  number of
% > street lights  in the world), has no  congestion control, and no
% > security, but  is expected to run over the Internet.
% >
% > According to you, this has nothing to  do with the IETF.  It might result
% > in the congestive collapse of the Internet,  but who cares, the IETF
% > doesn't do street  lights.  I would  like  to see  the  criteria  which
% > determine  that telephones belong on the Internet but street lights don't!
% thanks for making the most concise statement of the conflict here in the 
% discussion so far!
% I think this point is one of the critical causes of conflict when talking 
% about the IETF mission - and unless we lance the boil, actually talk about 
% it, and attempt to *resolve* the issue, we will go on revisiting the issue 
% forever, with nothing but wasted energy to show for it.
% In the discussions leading up to this document, we actually had 3 different 
% other levels of "inclusivity" up for consideration:
% - "Everything that runs over the Internet is appropriate for IETF 
% - "Everything that needs open, documented interoperability and runs over 
% the Internet is appropriate for IETF 
% - "Everything that builds infrastructures on the Internet that needs to be 
% open and interoperable is appropriate for IETF standardization". 
% - "Everything that can seriously impact the Internet is appropriate for 
% IETF standardization". 

% - "For the Internet" - only the stuff that is directly involved in making 
% the Internet work is included in the IETF's scope.
% a discussion argue based on "the mission of the IETF", with conflicting 
% definitions, is not the best thing for the Internet.
%   Harald

I guess for me, I always thought that the IETF and its
precursors were interested in developing engineering 
solutions / designing protocols that would allow "end2end or
any2any" communications, regardless of underlying transport
media, be it seismic wave, avian carrier, radio waves or
the PSTN.  - At no time did I ever truly beleive that 
the systems that used these protocols/solutions would always
be on and fully connected.  Infrastructures that use IETF
products have nearly always been only partially connected
and many systems are not always on.

So while a design goal might have been to support always 
on/fully connected state, the reality is that infrastructres
have nearly always been disjoint/unconnected and endpoints
come and go.  But when they are connectable, they should 
function in a seamless, e2e fashion, at least IMHO.

And then you neglect an unstated presumption in the last 
two bullet points:  As perceived by who?  

Opinions expressed may not even be mine by the time you read them, and
certainly don't reflect those of any other entity (legal or otherwise).

IETF mission boundaries (Re: IESG proposed statement on the IETF mission )

2003-10-16 Thread Harald Tveit Alvestrand

--On 15. oktober 2003 12:57 -0400 Eric Rosen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Well, let's test this assertion.  Suppose a consortium of electric
companies develops a UDP-based protocol  for monitoring and controlling
street lights. It turns  out that  this protocol generates  an unbounded
amount  of traffic (say,  proportional to  the square  of the  number of
street lights  in the world), has no  congestion control, and no
security, but  is expected to run over the Internet.
According to you, this has nothing to  do with the IETF.  It might result
in the congestive collapse of the Internet,  but who cares, the IETF
doesn't do street  lights.  I would  like  to see  the  criteria  which
determine  that telephones belong on the Internet but street lights don't!
thanks for making the most concise statement of the conflict here in the 
discussion so far!
I think this point is one of the critical causes of conflict when talking 
about the IETF mission - and unless we lance the boil, actually talk about 
it, and attempt to *resolve* the issue, we will go on revisiting the issue 
forever, with nothing but wasted energy to show for it.

In the discussions leading up to this document, we actually had 3 different 
other levels of "inclusivity" up for consideration:

- "Everything that runs over the Internet is appropriate for IETF 
standardization". Obviously, that might cause some reactions from 
organizations like the W3C, OMG, ISO, ITU, the power grid standardizers, 
the bank transaction standardizers and others even if the IETF were 
able to gather the required competence, it's hard to see how we could build 
a management structure that could handle "everything".

- "Everything that needs open, documented interoperability and runs over 
the Internet is appropriate for IETF standardization". A bit smaller, but 
still huge, and hard to draw boundaries around. Advantage: Everything we 
currently work on is unquestionably part of the IETF's scope.

- "Everything that builds infrastructures on the Internet that needs to be 
open and interoperable is appropriate for IETF standardization". This would 
place SMTP, DNS and LDAP (in the original vision) inside the IETF's sphere, 
but would leave the traffic lights (and the current way LDAP is used) 
outside it.

- "Everything that can seriously impact the Internet is appropriate for 
IETF standardization". Argues for keeping HTTP and DNS, would include your 
hypothetical traffic lights, but would probably leave POP/IMAP out, and 
leaves people arguing about both SIP and L3VPN.

- "For the Internet" - only the stuff that is directly involved in making 
the Internet work is included in the IETF's scope.

It's far from clear in my mind what the right thing is, or what the 
appropriate path forward is if the IETF regards its purpose as being one or 
the other - we might, for instance, decide that we standardize stuff that 
needs to be open and interoperable, but have different evaluation criteria 
for those things than for those things that "make the Internet work", and 
will dispose our resources accordingly - I don't know. And if we decide 
that certain things we currently do are outside our scope, we've got a 
responsibility to make sure the work effort is handled in a responsible 

But it's relatively clear to my mind that continuing to have both sides of 
a discussion argue based on "the mission of the IETF", with conflicting 
definitions, is not the best thing for the Internet.

So - rather than stating something completely vague, we put out a proposal. 
If it's the wrong proposal, it should be changed. But please be specific 
about what you think it should be changed to.

makes sense?
