Re: I-D ACTION: draft-ash-alt-formats-01.txt

2006-01-31 Thread John Levine
>We propose an experiment based on RFC 3933 allowing, in addition to
>ASCII text as a normative input/output format, PDF as an additional
>normative output format.

There are a lot of different formats called PDF.  There are PDF 1.1,
1.2, 1.3, and 1.4.  There's the new PDF/A archival profile along with
a variety of other industry-specific PDF/x profiles .  And there are a
whole lot of files produced by alleged PDF generators that don't
actually conform to any version of the PDF spec.  (Often they depend
on non-standard fonts that happened to be installed on the author's

Among valid PDFs, do you include PDFs that are coded to prohibit text
extraction?  How about PDFs that are just bitmap scans of printed
documents, like the PDF versions of some early RFCs from the 1970s?

As we all know, one of the reasons that ASCII text has stood the test
of time is that its definition is stable and well-understood, so it is
at no risk of becoming unreadable due to losing the programs needed to
decode it.  I think that PDF/A may be well enough defined to be an
adequate archival format, but just "PDF" is way too vague.


Ietf mailing list

Re: I-D ACTION: draft-ash-alt-formats-01.txt

2006-01-31 Thread Anthony G. Atkielski
John Levine writes:

> Among valid PDFs, do you include PDFs that are coded to prohibit text
> extraction?  How about PDFs that are just bitmap scans of printed
> documents, like the PDF versions of some early RFCs from the 1970s?

Use the most conservative (and thus probably the earliest) version of
PDF.  Later versions are designed mostly to make money for Adobe, and
they are scarcely needed for documents that contain only formatted
text and diagrams.  Using an early version of PDF also guarantees that
the document can be opened with (almost?) any version of Acrobat
Reader or other software.

I still use Acrobat 4.x, and I have it set to generate Acrobat 3.x
documents, and I've yet to generate any document that requires a more
recent version of the software.  If you limit yourself to the text and
simple artwork that has sufficed for the printed page for the past few
centuries, you don't need anything more recent, and you shouldn't be
using anything more recent.

Be conservative in what you require, and liberal in what you accept.

Ietf mailing list

Re: I-D ACTION: draft-ash-alt-formats-01.txt

2006-01-31 Thread John Levine
>First and foremost, if the input format is PDF, how will the RFC Editor 
>edit the document?  PDF documents are not editable.

Well, this particular proposal only makes PDF an output format, but
the question is still a good one.  Without an editorial process to
create the PDFs, it's not much of an experiment.

I think I understand many of the issues here, and they don't strike me
as being amenable to solution by wiggling the back end.  If the goal
is to allow prettier output while still maintaining the stability and
reusability of plain text, that practically demands an input format
that is plain text underneath (for the stability and reusability) but
structured enough that it can be converted mechanicically to PDF or
whatever.  The obvious candidate is an XML profile with some tools to
render it into output formats.  But now we have to face questions
about which version is authoritative (the XML, presumably) and whether
the PDF version is any more than a convenience for people who don't
like to read XML.  I could easily envision a system that archives the
XML along with renderings into PDF, HTML, or whatever else people like
to read, adding new translators as desired to offer them in whatever
trendy new format (podcast?) is popular next.

None of this is is a technical stretch.  What's hard is making sure
the processes work, for the people who write drafts and RFCs, the
people who do the editorial work, and the people who use the results.
So I have to ask, what part of this problem does an experiment that
just permits PDF output solve?


Ietf mailing list

RE: I-D ACTION: draft-ash-alt-formats-01.txt

2006-02-02 Thread Yaakov Stein
> If the goal is to allow prettier output while still maintaining the
stability and reusability of plain text, that practically demands an
input format that is plain text underneath 

No, the goal (as stated in the ID) is to enable normative drawings and
equations that are
not possible or extremely inelegant in plain text.


Ietf mailing list

Re: I-D ACTION: draft-ash-alt-formats-01.txt

2006-02-02 Thread Spencer Dawkins

Hi, Yaakov,

OK, yeah, we got that part. The question is, will the use of this format 
prevent people from starting with the plain text in an ID?

The ID you published is in both txt and pdf, so if someone wanted to start 
with the plain text in your ID, they could just start with the txt format. 
If I understood John's question, it was, can we count on having plain text 
that anyone can start with?

(and if I misunderstood John's question, I'm sure he'll post the real one 



From: "Yaakov Stein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "John Levine" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 
Sent: Thursday, February 02, 2006 3:34 AM
Subject: RE: I-D ACTION: draft-ash-alt-formats-01.txt

If the goal is to allow prettier output while still maintaining the

stability and reusability of plain text, that practically demands an
input format that is plain text underneath

No, the goal (as stated in the ID) is to enable normative drawings and
equations that are
not possible or extremely inelegant in plain text.


Ietf mailing list

Ietf mailing list

RE: I-D ACTION: draft-ash-alt-formats-01.txt

2006-02-02 Thread Yaakov Stein
> OK, yeah, we got that part. The question is, will the use of this
format prevent people from starting with the plain text in an ID?

The idea is to have normative equations and diagrams.

Probably at first people will leave SOME text in the pure ASCII version,
but as time goes on and we get used to using diagrams more and more,
the text will probably vestigial.

> The ID you published is in both txt and pdf, so if someone wanted to
start with the plain text in your ID, they could just start with the txt

Absolutely, although it would be harder for them to understand the point
without seeing the real diagrams and equations.


Ietf mailing list

RE: I-D ACTION: draft-ash-alt-formats-01.txt

2006-02-02 Thread Gray, Eric

While I support the general idea behind the experiment 
advocated in this draft, in fairness, your statement below is
just your version of what John said.

To see how complex a set of equations might be easily
shown in text, see
Rocket science, I believe they call it.  :-)

So your statement boils down to "extremely inelegant"
which is just another way to say "uglier."


--> -Original Message-
--> On Behalf Of Yaakov Stein
--> Sent: Thursday, February 02, 2006 3:34 AM
--> To: John Levine;
--> Subject: RE: I-D ACTION: draft-ash-alt-formats-01.txt
--> > If the goal is to allow prettier output while still 
--> maintaining the
--> stability and reusability of plain text, that practically demands an
--> input format that is plain text underneath 
--> No, the goal (as stated in the ID) is to enable normative 
--> drawings and
--> equations that are
--> not possible or extremely inelegant in plain text.
--> Y(J)S
--> ___
--> Ietf mailing list

Ietf mailing list

RE: I-D ACTION: draft-ash-alt-formats-01.txt

2006-02-02 Thread Yaakov Stein

The equations you link to are so simple 
that linearizing them is no problem.

However, there are equations somewhat harder to linearize
that x = x0 + vt + 1/2 a t^2.

As I have said before, a few years back I was attempting to write an ID
packet loss concealment for TDMoIP.  

After trying a few integral signs and matrices I gave up (and the work
was never disclosed to the WG).

We put a much simpler equation into the text of the ID,
but even is unwieldly in linearized form.

Yes, I guess it is always POSSIBLE to write every equation and diagram, 
e.g. by telling the user to spread out the next 25 pages as a 5 by 5
and then to stand on a ladder to view the result, but I don't see the
point in so doing. 

At some point "impractical" becomes "impossible for all intents and
and "ugly" becomes "meaningless".


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