Brian E Carpenter wrote:

Okay, let's nail this, I like to see 2195 and 3464 as DS,
what exactly can I do ?

3464 is already DS according to the RFC Index.

For 2195, write and publish an interoperability report,

SASL WG is revision it (draft-ietf-sasl-crammd5-07.txt).
And no, this document is not going to make it to DS due to security concerns.


if {all mandatory and optional features shown to interoperate}
    then {send a request to reclassify RFC 2195 to the IESG}
else {publish a draft-ellermann-2195bis with non-interoperable features removed};
         {send a request to approve it as DS to the IESG}

It's better if you find a willing AD first, and work with him or her instead
of the IESG as group.


For RFC 2195 (an extension to IMAP), you'd probably need to bring IMAP to DS first.
RFC 2195 predates formalization of the SASL framework (RFC 2222, recently replaced by RFC 4422). These days one has to bring RFC 4422 to DS instead. However this point is moot due to the comment above.

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