Re: RFC5378 alternate procedure (was: Re: IPR Questions Raised by Sam Hartman at the IETF 73 Plenary)

2008-12-16 Thread Harald Alvestrand

Material comments:

- Section 3: RFC 5378 expected the date on which 5378 was effective to 
be set by the Trust (section 2.1), and explicitly did not want to cast 
into RFC stone the procedure by which the changeover date was determined.

- I disagree with the decision to allow *all* of a submission, including 
new text, to be 3978-boilerplated. As I've said before, my preferred 
resolution mechanism is to have a mechanism available (probably 
front-page disclaimer + details in the Contributors section) for listing 
pre-5378 sources from which material was copied without 5378 permission 
being granted by the authors.
I believe the continued production of material that is licensed under 
3978 only will be long-term harmful to the state of the IETF's IPR 


John C Klensin wrote:


I've just reposted this draft as
draft-klensin-rfc5378var-01.txt.  I didn't removing the material
I indicated I was going to remove because this version follows
too quickly on the previous one.

There are only two sets of changes, but the first seemed
sufficiently important to be worth a quick update:

(1) Alfred Hoenes caught several places in which I had
transposed digits or otherwise fouled up RFC numbers to which I
was making reference.  This type of work is sufficiently
confusing without that sort of stupid problem, for which I
apologize -- I thought I had proofread it carefully enough but
obviously did not.  They have been fixed.

(2) I realized that it was necessary for completeness to
un-obsolete 3948 and 4748 if they were going to be referenced,
or material from them picked up and copied into, documents, so I
have inserted a paragraph to take care of that.

Anyone who has successful read the -00 version and understood it
can safely ignore this one.  Anyone who has not yet read -00, or
who tried to read it and was confused by the numbering errors,
may find this version more helpful.

Comments are, of course, welcome on either one.


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Re: RFC5378 alternate procedure (was: Re: IPR Questions Raised by Sam Hartman at the IETF 73 Plenary)

2008-12-16 Thread John C Klensin
(in the interest of efficiency, I'm going to respond to Harald's
and Simon's comments in a single note and pick up one of
Hector's remarks in the process)


--On Tuesday, 16 December, 2008 09:53 +0100 Harald Alvestrand wrote:

 Material comments:
 - Section 3: RFC 5378 expected the date on which 5378 was
 effective to be set by the Trust (section 2.1), and explicitly
 did not want to cast into RFC stone the procedure by which the
 changeover date was determined.

I understand that.  I even believe that the WG decision in that
regard, reflected in 5378, was correct in that regard.   But we
have ended up in a situation in which reasonable people,
apparently even practicing attorney-type reasonable people,
disagree on the actual effective changeover date and its
validity.  Except as an example of we don't do this at all
well (see below), why that happened is not particularly
interesting compared to the importance of properly identifying
and solving, or at least working around, the problem.

 - I disagree with the decision to allow *all* of a submission,
 including new text, to be 3978-boilerplated. As I've said
 before, my preferred resolution mechanism is to have a
 mechanism available (probably front-page disclaimer + details
 in the Contributors section) for listing pre-5378 sources from
 which material was copied without 5378 permission being
 granted by the authors.
 I believe the continued production of material that is
 licensed under 3978 only will be long-term harmful to the
 state of the IETF's IPR confusion.

I tried to say this in the document, but obviously not clearly
enough.   I believe that the right long-term strategy is some
sort of hybrid in which earlier text is somehow grandfathered
and newer text falls under the newer rules.  That is desirable
not only for the reason you cite but because, as Simon points
out, 3978 has its own set of problems that we should not
perpetuate any longer or more than necessary.

_However_ there are two problems with a hybrid strategy.  The
first is that I see almost no chance that we could develop that
necessary model, plan, and documentation quickly and get it
right (see below).  I believe that, if 5378 is taken seriously
and is the only permitted posting mode after today, that a
number of document and WG efforts are simply going to come to a
halt until we get a workaround in place.   The just use 3978
until we get this sorted out model of the I-D is a proposal for
that (I hope temporary) workaround; it is not a suggestion for a
permanent solution.  

The second is an issue on which I think we need advice from the
Trustees and from Counsel and then time to consider and discuss
that advice.  To a first approximation, the IPR in a document
completely created under 5378 rules is extremely easy to
understand and administer: the Trust owns the thing and all
rights to use it, even for IETF development purposes, derive
from licenses granted by the Trust.  Similarly, and again to a
first approximation, the IPR in the document completely created
under 3978 or its predecessors is easy to understand and
administer: the IETF can use the document any way it needs/wants
to, anyone can copy, distribute, etc.,  and anyone with another
use must seek out the authors for permission.   

A document that contains both 3978 (or earlier) material and
5378 material is a much more complex proposition.   Obviously,
the Trust can't grant rights it doesn't have.  Probably a grant
from the Trust that says you can do X with any part of the
document we control, but for anything else you have to have to
contact the authors, and we can't tell you which is which is
the worst of both worlds... one in which anyone who is being
conservative will feel a need to obtain both a license from the
Trust _and_ licenses from the authors/ Contributors.   Does that
mean that, to do a hybrid document, we will have to label each
paragraph with its authorship/ 5378 status?   I don't know, and
that is where consultation with Counsel is needed.  One we get
those answers, we can start figuring out the tradeoffs and what
we _really_ want.But I am certain we won't be able to figure
that out and get it right this week, or even this year.


--On Tuesday, 16 December, 2008 15:03 +0100 Simon Josefsson wrote:

 Thanks for trying to do something about this problem.  I've
 read the -01 document.  It describes a solution that would be
 very far from a good copyright situation -- even further away
 than RFC 5378 alone, given that RFC 3978 is seriously flawed
 in some ways.  However, I think your draft is likely to be one
 of few approaches that can gain consensus quickly enough to be
 an effective solution to the problem you describe.  It could
 be a stop-gap measure for the next year or so, until better
 copyright policies can be developed.

That is really all I intend -- something that can get us out of
this hole, that could be adopted and implemented 

Re: RFC5378 alternate procedure (was: Re: IPR Questions Raised by Sam Hartman at the IETF 73 Plenary)

2008-12-16 Thread Thomas Narten
Cullen Jennings writes:

 I believe it would allow us to continue work where the text had been  
 provided under the 3978 rules. Without something like this, I don't  
 know how I can submit new versions of  the WG internet drafts that I  
 am an co-author of. I can not even figure out who are all the people  
 that contributed significant text to the WG drafts much less imagine  
 how I will get permission from all of them to submit the draft under  
 the the 5378 rules.

Question. It is my understanding/assumption that the ONLY parties that
one must clearance from are the actual listed authors of the
document. Specifically, one does NOT need to go back to everyone who
might have contributed text. That, at least, is how we seem to have
been operating for a long time, i.e, it is only the listed authors
that matter.
Having said that, things might be murkier than that if one looks at an
acknowledgment section to find everyone who might have contributed
significant text.

I.e., when incorporating comments from individuals in WGs, those
contributions are covered by the NOTE WELL. Does the NOTE WELL also
need to be extended to cover the expanded rights case?  Please say no!

Ietf mailing list

RFC5378 alternate procedure (was: Re: IPR Questions Raised by Sam Hartman at the IETF 73 Plenary)

2008-12-15 Thread John C Klensin

In an attempt to get this discussion unstuck and to provide a
way forward for those of us whose reading of 5378 (or advice
from counsel) have convinced us that we cannot post most
documents that contain older text written by others under the
new rules, I've posted a new I-D,

It would be very helpful if people would actually read the draft
before commenting on it -- it isn't very long, and the key
section that contains the new procedure (Section 4) is under 40
lines of text -- but the intent is to make sure we don't get
stuck or that we get unstuck as quickly as possible.

While the draft reviews the history and context of the
situation, the elevator summary of the proposal is that, if an
author/ contributor is working on a document that contains old
text and concludes that he or she cannot reasonably comply with
the provisions of 5378, then it is permitted to post the
document with IPR rules that are strictly in conformance with
RFC 3978.  

In deference to the ever-patient and underappreciated
maintainers of tools, I note that this would require no changes
other than disabling (or later un-enabling) the 5378-only check
that I assume the Secretariat is going to turn on tomorrow.

A different possibility would be to create an exception
procedure in which such an author would have to request an
exemption from the IESG or the Trustees (or for the IESG to
conclude that the variance procedure of RFC 2026 could be used
for these cases).   My personal opinion is that those approaches
would add to the workload of people who are already too busy and
further bog us down.

This draft is not intended as a long term solution.   Long-term,
I think we will need to revise 5378 to make explicit provision
for new documents that contain older material for which having
the IETF Trust obtain additional rights is not feasible.  The
draft discusses that situation further.   But I don't believe
that we should even attempt to make that sort of change quickly,
especially since I am very sensitive to Simon's comment from
earlier today that I would generalize as every time a new issue
comes up, we respond by making things more complex and harder to
understand and work with.

So, in the short term, I hope this document will either provide
a basis for the new BCP that Russ indicated that the Trustees
need or at least can focus enough discussion that someone else
can generate such a BCP draft.


Ietf mailing list

Re: RFC5378 alternate procedure (was: Re: IPR Questions Raised by Sam Hartman at the IETF 73 Plenary)

2008-12-15 Thread Cullen Jennings


I like the draft. It looks like a fairly pragmatic approach to solve  
the problem.

I believe it would allow us to continue work where the text had been  
provided under the 3978 rules. Without something like this, I don't  
know how I can submit new versions of  the WG internet drafts that I  
am an co-author of. I can not even figure out who are all the people  
that contributed significant text to the WG drafts much less imagine  
how I will get permission from all of them to submit the draft under  
the the 5378 rules.


On Dec 15, 2008, at 1:27 PM, John C Klensin wrote:


In an attempt to get this discussion unstuck and to provide a
way forward for those of us whose reading of 5378 (or advice
from counsel) have convinced us that we cannot post most
documents that contain older text written by others under the
new rules, I've posted a new I-D,

It would be very helpful if people would actually read the draft
before commenting on it -- it isn't very long, and the key
section that contains the new procedure (Section 4) is under 40
lines of text -- but the intent is to make sure we don't get
stuck or that we get unstuck as quickly as possible.

While the draft reviews the history and context of the
situation, the elevator summary of the proposal is that, if an
author/ contributor is working on a document that contains old
text and concludes that he or she cannot reasonably comply with
the provisions of 5378, then it is permitted to post the
document with IPR rules that are strictly in conformance with
RFC 3978.

In deference to the ever-patient and underappreciated
maintainers of tools, I note that this would require no changes
other than disabling (or later un-enabling) the 5378-only check
that I assume the Secretariat is going to turn on tomorrow.

A different possibility would be to create an exception
procedure in which such an author would have to request an
exemption from the IESG or the Trustees (or for the IESG to
conclude that the variance procedure of RFC 2026 could be used
for these cases).   My personal opinion is that those approaches
would add to the workload of people who are already too busy and
further bog us down.

This draft is not intended as a long term solution.   Long-term,
I think we will need to revise 5378 to make explicit provision
for new documents that contain older material for which having
the IETF Trust obtain additional rights is not feasible.  The
draft discusses that situation further.   But I don't believe
that we should even attempt to make that sort of change quickly,
especially since I am very sensitive to Simon's comment from
earlier today that I would generalize as every time a new issue
comes up, we respond by making things more complex and harder to
understand and work with.

So, in the short term, I hope this document will either provide
a basis for the new BCP that Russ indicated that the Trustees
need or at least can focus enough discussion that someone else
can generate such a BCP draft.


Ietf mailing list

Ietf mailing list

Re: RFC5378 alternate procedure (was: Re: IPR Questions Raised by Sam Hartman at the IETF 73 Plenary)

2008-12-15 Thread John C Klensin

I've just reposted this draft as
draft-klensin-rfc5378var-01.txt.  I didn't removing the material
I indicated I was going to remove because this version follows
too quickly on the previous one.

There are only two sets of changes, but the first seemed
sufficiently important to be worth a quick update:

(1) Alfred Hoenes caught several places in which I had
transposed digits or otherwise fouled up RFC numbers to which I
was making reference.  This type of work is sufficiently
confusing without that sort of stupid problem, for which I
apologize -- I thought I had proofread it carefully enough but
obviously did not.  They have been fixed.

(2) I realized that it was necessary for completeness to
un-obsolete 3948 and 4748 if they were going to be referenced,
or material from them picked up and copied into, documents, so I
have inserted a paragraph to take care of that.

Anyone who has successful read the -00 version and understood it
can safely ignore this one.  Anyone who has not yet read -00, or
who tried to read it and was confused by the numbering errors,
may find this version more helpful.

Comments are, of course, welcome on either one.


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