Re: I-D nroff macros

2000-01-04 Thread Rodent of Unusual Size

I maintain my drafts (such as they are) in HTML, and I use
a couple of Perl scripts to turn the Lynx output into something
digestible for the I-D directories, including TOC generation and


Ken Coarhttp://Web.Golux.Com/coar/
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Re: I-D nroff macros

2000-01-04 Thread Matt Crawford


  I'll send you my internet-draft nroff macros under separate cover.
(There's probably some internet obscenity law forbidding the
unsolicited transmission of nroff source.)


Re: I-D nroff macros

2000-01-04 Thread Glen Zorn

Alan Blount [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I've been using the simple set of nroff macros, as described by

 While this works, I'd like to be able to autogenerate section numbers
 and table of contents entries.  This draft doesn't give any guidance.
 I tried the -ms macros, as described by

 but the header macro .NH creates the header in boldface, which is a
 no-no according to RFC 2223.

 I imagine there is a way to do this, but I am ignorant of the
 necessary kung-fu.  Does anyone have a sample nroff file, perhaps a
 draft they've written, that generates heading numbers and a toc?

There are a couple of ways to do it, either by rolling your own macros or by
making a minor change to the ms macros themselves (the approach I took).  I
can send you my macro package if you like; however, it doesn't do automatic
TOC processing.

 Alan Blount

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