> On Thu, 13 Sep 2007, Mark Andrews wrote:
> >
> >     For the DNS use UPDATE to update the address records.
> Since when did that work for delegation changes?

        The protocol has supported it from day 1.  We've shipped
        clients that supported it since 2000 (all version of BIND
        9 support it).  This was one of the architectual issues
        that was addressed in BIND 9.  We went to seperate databases
        for each zone rather than a single database.

        You can use UPDATE to update *any* record in a zone that
        includes records that are occulted by the a delegating NS

        The only things you can't do with UPDATE (yet) are:
        * provision a server to server a new zone.
        * decomission a zone.

        If we could get the TLD's to accept UPDATE packets I'd
        write the code to do this whenever the master server
        was updated (NS/glue changed) / restarted.  This would
        be a alternative method to going through EPP.

                zone "example.com" {
                        type master;
                        file "master/example.com.db";
                        update-parent yes;
                        update-parent-key keyname;

Mark Andrews, ISC
1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742                 INTERNET: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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