IETF 114 Preliminary Agenda

2022-06-24 Thread IETF Agenda
IETF 114
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
July 23-29, 2022
Hosted By: Comcast and NBCUniversal

The IETF 114 Preliminary Agenda has been posted. The final agenda will be 
published on Friday, July 1, 2022.

The preliminary agenda includes all planned WG, RG, and BoF sessions. We are 
still finalizing details for a few of our usual meeting-adjacent events. 
Information about side meetings will be available when the final agenda is 


IETF 114 Information:
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Don’t forget to register for these exciting IETF 114 events!

Social Event
Date: Tuesday, 26 July, 2022
Time: 18:30 - 22:30
Cost: $25 USD per ticket, limit two per attendee 
Hosted by: Comcast and NBCUniversal
Location: Barnes Foundation

More information regarding the social event:

Purchase tickets through your meeting registration dashboard!

Onsite signup:
Remote signup:  
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Code Sprint
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Last Call: (DHCP and Router Advertisement Options for the Discovery of Network-designated Resolvers (DNR)) to Proposed Standard

2022-06-24 Thread The IESG

The IESG has received a request from the Adaptive DNS Discovery WG (add) to
consider the following document: - 'DHCP and Router Advertisement Options for
the Discovery of Network-
   designated Resolvers (DNR)'
   as Proposed Standard

The IESG plans to make a decision in the next few weeks, and solicits final
comments on this action. Please send substantive comments to the mailing lists by 2022-07-08. Exceptionally, comments may
be sent to instead. In either case, please retain the beginning
of the Subject line to allow automated sorting.


   The document specifies new DHCP and IPv6 Router Advertisement options
   to discover encrypted DNS resolvers (e.g., DNS-over-HTTPS, DNS-over-
   TLS, DNS-over-QUIC).  Particularly, it allows a host to learn an
   authentication domain name together with a list of IP addresses and a
   set of service parameters to reach such encrypted DNS resolvers.

The file can be obtained via

The ADD WG has another document, which should probably be 
reviewed at the same time.

No IPR declarations have been submitted directly on this I-D.

IETF-Announce mailing list

Last Call: (Discovery of Designated Resolvers) to Proposed Standard

2022-06-24 Thread The IESG

The IESG has received a request from the Adaptive DNS Discovery WG (add) to
consider the following document: - 'Discovery of Designated Resolvers'
   as Proposed Standard

The IESG plans to make a decision in the next few weeks, and solicits final
comments on this action. Please send substantive comments to the mailing lists by 2022-07-08. Exceptionally, comments may
be sent to instead. In either case, please retain the beginning
of the Subject line to allow automated sorting.


   This document defines Discovery of Designated Resolvers (DDR), a
   mechanism for DNS clients to use DNS records to discover a resolver's
   encrypted DNS configuration.  This mechanism can be used to move from
   unencrypted DNS to encrypted DNS when only the IP address of a
   resolver is known.  This mechanism is designed to be limited to cases
   where unencrypted resolvers and their designated resolvers are
   operated by the same entity or cooperating entities.  It can also be
   used to discover support for encrypted DNS protocols when the name of
   an encrypted resolver is known.

The file can be obtained via

This document also relies on and the ADD WG has 
another document, which 
should probably be reviewed at the same time.

No IPR declarations have been submitted directly on this I-D.

IETF-Announce mailing list

Last Call: (Service Binding Mapping for DNS Servers) to Proposed Standard

2022-06-24 Thread The IESG

The IESG has received a request from the Adaptive DNS Discovery WG (add) to
consider the following document: - 'Service Binding Mapping for DNS Servers'
   as Proposed Standard

The IESG plans to make a decision in the next few weeks, and solicits final
comments on this action. Please send substantive comments to the mailing lists by 2022-07-08. Exceptionally, comments may
be sent to instead. In either case, please retain the beginning
of the Subject line to allow automated sorting.


   The SVCB DNS resource record type expresses a bound collection of
   endpoint metadata, for use when establishing a connection to a named
   service.  DNS itself can be such a service, when the server is
   identified by a domain name.  This document provides the SVCB mapping
   for named DNS servers, allowing them to indicate support for
   encrypted transport protocols.

The file can be obtained via

This document is referred to by and the ADD WG has another 
document, which should 
probably be reviewed at the same time. The SVCB itself is, currently in the 
RFC Editor queue.

No IPR declarations have been submitted directly on this I-D.

IETF-Announce mailing list

Clarification on NomCom volunteer mail

2022-06-24 Thread NomCom Chair 2022
Some people noticed that one instance of the link to volunteer for NomCom had a 
typo. The correct link is this:

After clicking on the link, the reponse will be your Datatracker profile page, 
which will acknowledge that you volunteered. Note that you might have to scroll 
down to see it. Subsequent clicks will let you know that you have already 
volunteered, so if you're not sure, click again. :)

Subsequent calls for volunteers will probably include those who have already 
signed up, in the hope that this will encourage other people to do so (without 
commenting an their reasons). There will be an explicit challenge period for 
the community to raise issues about volunteers.

IETF-Announce mailing list