Formal IESG Teleconference WebEx and Dial-in Information: 24 August 2023

2023-08-17 Thread IESG Secretary
All members of the community are welcome to attend formal IESG telechats
as observers. Observers are not invited to participate in the

The next formal IESG telechat will be held on Thursday, August 24,  
2023 at 07:00 US/Canada Pacific (14:00 UTC). The meeting is scheduled 
for two hours (07:00-09:00 US/Canada Pacific). Webex and Dial-in information 
is at the bottom of this message.

The agenda for the upcoming telechat can be found at

A calendar of upcoming public telechats can be downloaded or subscribed
to at:

Topic: IESG Formal Telechat
Date: August 24, 2023
Time:   07:00 US/Canada Pacific 
09:00 US/Canada Central
10:00 US/Canada Eastern
14:00 UTC
15:00 United Kingdom
16:00 Germany, France, Belgium, Sweden
17:00 Finland
17:00 Kenya
19:30 India

Meeting number: 2427 431 7054
Meeting password: 12345

1-650-479-3208 Call-in toll number (US/Canada)
Access code: 2427 431 7054

IETF-Announce mailing list

Protocol Action: 'Oblivious HTTP' to Proposed Standard (draft-ietf-ohai-ohttp-09.txt)

2023-08-17 Thread The IESG
The IESG has approved the following document:
- 'Oblivious HTTP'
  (draft-ietf-ohai-ohttp-09.txt) as Proposed Standard

This document is the product of the Oblivious HTTP Application Intermediation
Working Group.

The IESG contact persons are Murray Kucherawy, Paul Wouters and Roman Danyliw.

A URL of this Internet-Draft is:

Technical Summary

   This document describes a system for forwarding encrypted HTTP
   messages.  This allows a client to make multiple requests to an
   origin server without that server being able to link those requests
   to the client or to identify the requests as having come from the
   same client, while placing only limited trust in the nodes used to
   forward the messages.

Working Group Summary

There were a few topics that required in-depth discussion:

1. [Bad Key 
Configuration]( It
was resolved in
2. [Asynchronous Submission Use 
Case]( A new draft 
was created to address this use-case:
3. [Signals from server to proxy or vice 
versa]( being 
handled in a separate draft, and has text around 
proxy responsibilities

Apart from GitHub, these topics were either discussed on-list or during WG
session. Ultimately there was clear consensus on how to resolve these issues.

The draft reached broad agreement, as ascertained through both IETF session
participation and mailing list/GitHub discussion. Quite a few folks raised
[issues on 
Key decisions were surfaced on the mailing list.

Document Quality

There are implementations in [Rust]( and
[Go]( Apple iOS 16 includes OHTTP.
Cloudflare ( and Brave have
implementations as well.

This document interacts with HTTP WG and in general the SEC area. Participants
from the HTTP and security communities were actively involved in the
development of the document.


   Document Shepherd: Shivan Kaul Sahib
   Responsible Area Director: Francesca Palombini

IETF-Announce mailing list

IETF 118 Registration Will Open on Tuesday, August 22, 2023

2023-08-17 Thread IETF Secretariat
Through circumstances beyond our control, we are still awaiting our Czech 
Republic VAT ID and have decided to postpone opening IETF 118 registration. We 
expect this to be resolved within the next couple of days, and we currently 
plan to open IETF 118 registration next Tuesday, August 22.

IETF Secretariat

IETF-Announce mailing list

Last Call: (Privacy Pass Issuance Protocol) to Proposed Standard

2023-08-17 Thread The IESG

The IESG has received a request from the Privacy Pass WG (privacypass) to
consider the following document: - 'Privacy Pass Issuance Protocol'
   as Proposed Standard

The IESG plans to make a decision in the next few weeks, and solicits final
comments on this action. Please send substantive comments to the mailing lists by 2023-08-31. Exceptionally, comments may
be sent to instead. In either case, please retain the beginning
of the Subject line to allow automated sorting.


   This document specifies two variants of the two-message issuance
   protocol for Privacy Pass tokens: one that produces tokens that are
   privately verifiable using the issuance private key, and another that
   produces tokens that are publicly verifiable using the issuance
   public key.

The file can be obtained via

No IPR declarations have been submitted directly on this I-D.

The document contains these normative downward references.
See RFC 3967 for additional information: 
draft-irtf-cfrg-voprf: Oblivious Pseudorandom Functions (OPRFs) using 
Prime-Order Groups (None - Internet Research Task Force (IRTF))
draft-irtf-cfrg-rsa-blind-signatures: RSA Blind Signatures (None - Internet 
Research Task Force (IRTF))
rfc8877: Guidelines for Defining Packet Timestamps (Informational - 
Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF))
rfc5861: HTTP Cache-Control Extensions for Stale Content (Informational - 
Independent Submission)

IETF-Announce mailing list