NomCom 2020 Announcement of Selections

2021-01-15 Thread NomCom Chair 2020
All candidates selected by NomCom have been confirmed by the appropriate 
confirming body and have consented to this confirmation. Please join me
in congratulating them. The quality of nominees NomCom had to choose from 
was extremely high this year.

I'm sending out this single announcement for all selections.

=== IESG =
The confirmed candidates are:

Chair: Lars Eggert (NetApp)
ART AD: Francesca Palombini (Ericsson)
INT AD: Éric Vyncke (Cisco) (incumbent)
OPS AD: Warren Kumari (Google) (incumbent)
RTG AD: Alvaro Retana (Futurewei) (incumbent)
RTG AD: John Scudder (Juniper)
SEC AD: Roman Danilyw (CERT) (incumbent)
TSV AD: Zaheduzzaman (Zahed) Sarker (Ericsson)

They will join the following ADs in the middle of their 2 year terms:
ART AD: Murray Kucherawy (Facebook)
INT AD: Erik Kline (Loon)
OPS AD: Robert Wilton (Cisco)
RTG AD: Martin Vigoureux (Nokia)
SEC AD: Benjamin Kaduk (Akamai)
TSV AD: Martin Duke (F5 Networks)

Current IESG members (including liaisons and ex-officio members) 
are listed on
with links to their biographies.

=== IETF Trust ==
The confirmed candidate is:

Joel Halpern

Joel is a re-appointed incumbent. 
See for a page
that shows lovely pictures of the current trustees and indicates
their terms and who appointed them. Note the member appointed by
ISOC is also up in 2021. 

== IETF LLC Board =
The confirmed candidate is:

Maja Andjelkovic

Maja is a re-appointed incumbent. 
See for the list
of current members, their current terms, and who appointed them.
Note the member appointed by the IESG is also up in 2021.

= IAB =
The confirmed candidates are:

Jari Arkko (Ericsson) (incumbent)
Wes Hardaker (USC's Information Sciences Institute) (incumbent)
David Schinazi (Google)
Deborah Brungard (AT)
Zhenbin (Robin) Li (Huawei) (incumbent)
Russ White (Juniper)

They will join the following NomCom-appointed IAB members 
in the middle of their 2-year terms:

Ben Campbell (independent consultant)
Cullen Jennings (Cisco)
Mirja Kühlewind (Ericsson)
Jared Mauch (Akamai)
Tommy Pauly (Apple)
Jiankang Yao 姚健康 (CNNIC, China Internet Network Information Center)

You can find the full list of IAB members at:
Note the IETF Chair is also a member, and there are several liaison
and ex-officio members.

IETF-Announce mailing list

NomCom needs your feedback!

2020-11-10 Thread NomCom Chair 2020
NomCom is considering nominees for AD positions, IETF Chair, IAB, LLC 
Board, and IETF Trust. We need more input from the community both on 
specific nominees and on over-arching topics regarding what the 
community wants from these specific groups and wants from its 
leadership in general. We need *your* input.

** Deadline for community feedback is Friday November 20. **

We've paid attention to discussions on the ietf list. Issues raised there 
have been brought up in interviews.

We've also asked questions of nominees based on feedback received, 
and based on the "Topics" that people said were important.
We're listening to you. 

But most of the input to date has come from a few consistently vocal 
people. We need to hear from more of you.

I scheduled our office hours during the 2 weeks before next week's IETF, 
because IETF week is so busy. We have one more left (18:00-19:00 UTC 
November 11). No-one but NomCom members showed up for our first 3. ☹ 
If there is demand for more office hours, I'll schedule them; but this 
really doesn't seem to be the preferred format for input.

Most input is coming in as either 
 - email to
 - feedback on
On the feedback page, the specific nominees are all listed at the top. 
General Topics are at the bottom.
We pay attention to all the comments we get through these channels.

I'll also try to hang out in Gather.Town during IETF breaks next week. 
I'm not going to have a specific NomCom area in Gather.Town, because it 
was really lonely hanging out there during IETF 108.
But please feel free to hunt me down and bend my ear -- on NomCom 
issues or just to chat.
I miss seeing all of y'all!

Barbara Stark
NomCom 2020 Chair

IETF-Announce mailing list

Upcoming NomCom Office Hours

2020-10-28 Thread NomCom Chair 2020
Hi IETFers,
I've posted the upcoming NomCom office hours on our datatracker site 

We've scheduled 4 hours over the next 3 weeks:

  Wednesday, November 4, 11:00-12:00 UTC:
  Thursday, November 5, 21:00-22:00 UTC:
  Tuesday, November 10, 16:00-17:00 UTC:
  Wednesday, November 11, 18:00-19:00 UTC:

If these don't suit you and you need to chat, let me know and we can schedule 

We've been receiving some excellent and thoughtful feedback on our site 
at In addition to 
nominee-specific feedback, we can accept input on "Topics" at the bottom
of that page. There exist Topics for general feedback on all the I* groups,
if you want to provide that sort of input.

We've scheduled interviews for all the nominees over the next 3 weeks 
(mostly the 2 weeks before IETF 109). So we're on track to meet our 
timeline and expecting to deliver some excellent candidate slates to 
confirming bodies after we complete deliberations. 

If you have any questions about NomCom, please feel free to contact 
me. If you have questions on anything else, please don't bother me. I've 
got no time for anything else. ;)

NomCom 2020 Chair

IETF-Announce mailing list

NomCom is Open for Community Feedback

2020-10-15 Thread NomCom Chair 2020

Your friendly NomCom is currently accepting feedback on nominees for 
IAB, IESG Area Directors, IETF Chair, IETF Trust and LLC Board.

You can see the list of nominees for the 2020-21 nomination cycle at

You may provide feedback using the web form there; it is secure and
encrypted with a key I created and gave to NomCom members only.  
Without this key, your feedback cannot be seen by the secretariat, the 
tools people, or any of the management.

Your feedback through the web form is not anonymous when shown to
NomCom members as you need an IETF login to provide it.

If you want to give more anonymous feedback, please contact one 
of the NomCom members that you trust directly, and ask him/her to
relay the feedback anonymously to the NomCom.

You can also submit feedback via email to nomcom-chair-2020 at and I will enter it in the datatracker. One email per 
candidate, please. Please indicate if I should share your identity
with the full NomCom.

Next week, I will announce office hours. These office hours will be spread
across November 1 - 19.

The positions to be filled and the desired expertise are listed at:

Thanks in advance for your feedback - we really value it and 
appreciate your time taken to submit it.


Barbara Stark
NomCom Chair 2020
nomcom-chair-2020 at

IETF-Announce mailing list

NomCom Requesting Topic Input and Feedback

2020-10-07 Thread NomCom Chair 2020
Hi IETFers,
NomCom has entered a "quiet" week where nominations are now closed 
and feedback on nominees hasn't started (the nominees have through 
October 13 to accept nominations and provide questionnaire responses; 
NomCom opens up for nominee feedback on Oct 14).

But "quiet" is boring. So I'd like to use this opportunity to encourage input 
on "Topics". 

We've received input and feedback on some broader IETF issues from 
some people. To get a better sense of where the community stands 
on these Topics (and to know if there are other Topics we should think 
about when interviewing nominees and selecting candidates), we need 
more community input. These Topics are intended to help provide 
NomCom with guidance and prioritization on what values and 
competencies the community would like to see represented in both the 
individual and the holistic composition of its leadership.

Topics received so far are listed on

They are: 
- IESG expectations of Proposed Standard
- IESG and IAB as servants of the community

In case you're wondering, these were taken from Brian Carpenter's open 
letter to NomCom 
We also received some similar input (not from Brian) during IETF 108 
NomCom office hours.

There are many good ways for you to provide input to NomCom on 
broader (not nominee-specific) topics:
1. Discussion on the ietf email list (for those who feel comfortable doing so)
2. Go to , click on 
one of the Topics listed at the right, and enter your thoughts (an excellent 
mechanism for those not fully comfortable with the ietf list)
3. An email to (also an excellent mechanism for 
those not comfortable with the ietf list, and can be used to suggest new 
topics as well as comment on existing topics)
4. Attend our Office Hours (dates and times in November to be announced)

NomCom is expected to represent the IETF community. We need your 
thoughtful input and feedback to do this well.

Next week I'll send an announcement calling for nominee feedback. 

IETF NomCom Chair 2020-2021

Barbara Stark
nomcom-chair-2020 at ietf dot org

IETF-Announce mailing list

NomCom 2020: Second Call for nominations

2020-09-15 Thread NomCom Chair 2020

It's been brought to my attention that my formal NomCom 
announcements are boring and few people read them. I blame my 
predecessor NomCom chairs, whom I have freely plagiarized. To try
something new, I've created this email all by myself.

This is my 2nd email asking for nominations for IESG, IAB, LLC, and IETF
Trust positions. I won't repeat all the things said in the first call. If you 
want to read it, it's here:

To see who has currently accepted nominations for positions, go to:

If you take a look at this page, you'll see there are no accepted 
nominations for Transport AD, and only 1 each for Ops AD and IETF 
Chair. While the listed Ops AD and Chair nominees are decidedly 
wonderful people, it's very difficult for NomCom to have heated argument
and debate under such conditions.  A complete absence of nominees 
is even more challenging. Please help us rectify this situation.

Below is a list of people currently in the open positions, with an
asterisk next to the names of people who have stated they will not
run for that position this year. You'll note there are several people
without an asterisk but not on the list of people who have accepted
a nomination. That's ok. For now. Since we're all experts at quantum 
computing (right?), we should have no problem with this. This 
state of principled uncertainty *will* end by the October 13 deadline, 
when all who wish to be considered MUST have provided acceptance and 
a questionnaire response. 

LLC Board (3-year term)
Maja Andjelkovic

IETF Trust (3-year term)
Joel Halpern

IAB (2-year term)
Jari Arkko
Jeff Tantsura
Mark Nottingham *
Stephen Farrell
Wes Hardaker
Zhenbin Li

IESG (2-year term)
Alissa Cooper, IETF Chair/GEN AD *
Alvaro Retana, RTG AD
Barry Leiba, ART AD *
Deborah Brungard, RTG AD
Éric Vyncke, INT AD
Magnus Westerlund, TSV AD *
Roman Danyliw, SEC AD
Warren Kumari, OPS AD

IETF NomCom Chair 2020-2021

Barbara Stark
nomcom-chair-2020 at ietf dot org

IETF-Announce mailing list

NomCom 2020: Call for nominations

2020-08-25 Thread NomCom Chair 2020
The 2020-21 IETF Nominating Committee (NomCom) is seeking nominations 
from now until October 6, 2020. The open positions being considered by this
year's NomCom can be found at the end of this email and also on this year's
NomCom website: 

Nominations may be made by selecting the Nominate link at the top of the
NomCom 2020 home page, or by visiting the following URL:

Note:  Nominations made using the web tool require an datatracker 
account. You can create a datatracker account if you don't have one 
already by visiting the following URL:

If you are unable to use the web form, nominations may instead be made by email 
to nomcom-20 at ietf dot org. If using email, please include the word 
in the Subject and indicate in the email who is being nominated, their email 
address (to confirm acceptance of the nomination), and the position for which 
are making the nomination. If you are nominating someone other than yourself, 
please tell us if we may tell the nominee that you were the one who made the 
nomination. If you wish to nominate someone via email for more than one 
position, please use separate emails to do so.

Self-nomination is welcome! 

Willing nominees will be asked to fill out a questionnaire specific to the 
for which they are nominated. The questionnaires will be available no later 
September 1, 2020 and have a submission deadline of October 13, 2019. Most are
already posted.

NomCom 2020-21 will follow the policy for "Open Disclosure of Willing 
Nominees" described in BCP 10/RFC 8713: "The list of 
nominees willing to be considered for positions under review in the current 
NomCom cycle is not confidential". Willing nominees for each position will be 
listed in a publicly accessible way, e.g., anyone with a datatracker account 
access the lists. Additionally, the nomination form asks if we may share your 
name with the nominee. In all other ways, the confidentiality requirements of 
10 remain in effect. All feedback and all NomCom deliberations will remain 
confidential and will not be disclosed.

There is a field on the form you can mark in order to allow the NomCom to tell 
the nominee that you were the one who made the nomination. This defaults to 
“no” - so if you don't mark the field we won’t tell.

In order to ensure time to collect sufficient community feedback about each of 
the willing nominees, nominations must be received by the NomCom on or before 
October 6, 2020.

Please submit your nominations as early as possible for the sake of your 
nominees. Note that nominations should not wait for management permission, as 
it is easier to decline the nomination than put one in late.

The NomCom appoints individuals to fill open slots on the IAB, IESG, the IETF 
Trust and the LLC Board.  The list of people and posts whose terms end with the 
March 2021 IETF meeting, and thus the positions for which this NomCom is 
responsible, follows:

LLC Board
- Maja Andjelkovic

IETF Trust
- Joel Halpern

- Jari Arkko
- Jeff Tantsura
- Mark Nottingham *
- Stephen Farrell
- Wes Hardaker
- Zhenbin Li

- Alissa Cooper, IETF Chair/GEN AD *
- Alvaro Retana, RTG AD
- Deborah Brungard, RTG AD
- Magnus Westerlund, TSV AD
- Roman Danyliw, SEC AD
- Warren Kumari, OPS AD

* - have indicated that they do not intend to accept a renomination. This 
information is always up to date on

Please be resourceful in identifying possible candidates for these positions, 
developing our talent is a very crucial requirement for the IETF, and also, 
consider accepting a nomination. You'll find extensive information about 
positions, in individual tabs at: 

In addition to nominations, the NomCom seeks community input on the positions 
themselves. We need and welcome the community's views and input on the jobs 
within each organization. If you have ideas on the positions’ responsibilities 
(more, less, different), please let us know.

Please send suggestions and feedback about this to nomcom-20 at ietf dot org. 

Thank you for your help in identifying qualified nominees! 


IETF NomCom Chair 2020-2021

Barbara Stark
nomcom-chair-2020 at ietf dot org

IETF-Announce mailing list

NomCom 2020-2021: Composition of IETF Nomination Committee

2020-07-20 Thread NomCom Chair 2020
Please welcome NomCom 2020-2021!

The challenge period has ended with no additional challenges following the 
update posted July 13, 2020 (

I'd like to thank the following individuals who have prioritized this service 
to the IETF Community.

Name,   Affiliation
Chris Bowers, Juniper Networks 
Pablo Camarillo, Cisco Systems 
Xuesong Geng, Huawei 
Luigi Iannone, Huawei
Dirk Kutscher, University of Applied Sciences Emden/Leer 
Gabriel Montenegro, Independent 
Tony Przygienda, Juniper
Ketan Jivan Talaulikar, Cisco Systems, India 
Rüdiger Volk, no affiliation 
Christopher Wood, Cloudflare

Details on how we got here are found in Announcements at

Barbara Stark
nomcom-chair-2020 at ietf dot org

IETF-Announce mailing list

Updated List of volunteers for the 2020-2021 NomCom

2020-07-02 Thread NomCom Chair 2020
This list has been updated by removing names of "107" people who did not reply 
to me that they were still interested, some people who explicitly asked to be 
removed, and adding 1 person who volunteered via the 108 checkbox and *is* 
eligible according to the tool (after accounting for the fact he 
registered in 108 with different spelling of his name and different email 
address). In addition, affiliation has been added to all names from the IETF 
107 list of volunteers.

The list contains 143 people. All have been checked by me against the 
tool. I will now ask the Secretariat to formally verify these 143 people are 
qualified, according to BCP 10.

The challenge period is still underway and ends on Monday, July 6, 2020. If 
anyone thinks that a name on the numbered list below is NOT qualified for some 
reason, please send me mail at: 

nomcom-chair-2020 at ietf dot org

The next steps are listed on

The qualified volunteers are:
1. Melchior Aelmans, Juniper Networks
2. Zafar Ali, Cisco Systems
3. Ignas Bagdonas, Equinix
4. Frederick Baker, ISC
5. Sarah Banks, Corelight, Inc.
6. Vishnu Pavan (Pavan) Beeram, Juniper Networks
7. Louis (Lou) Berger, LabN Consulting, L.L.C.
8. Vittorio Bertola, Open-Xchange GmbH
9. Henk Birkholz, Fraunhofer SIT
10. Michael Bishop, Akamai
11. Matthew Bocci, Nokia
12. Ronald Bonica, Juniper Networks
13. Chris Bowers, Juniper Networks
14. Stewart Bryant, Futurewei
15. Luc André Burdet, Cisco
16. Randy Bush, Internet Initiative Japan & Arrcus, Inc
17. Italo Busi, Huawei
18. Pablo Camarillo, Cisco Systems
19. Daniele Ceccarelli, Ericsson AB
20. Tommy Charles, NCSC
21. Mach CHEN, Beijing Huawei Digital Technologies Co., Ltd.
22. Huaimo Chen, Futurewei
23. Uma Chunduri, Futurewei Inc
24. Laurent Ciavaglia, Nokia
25. Alexander (Alex) Clemm, Futurewei Technologies, Inc.
26. Spencer Dawkins, Tencent America
27. Dhruv Dhody, Huawei
28. Jie Dong, Huawei Technologies
29. Linda Dunbar, Futurewei
30. Donald E. Eastlake, 3rd, Futurewei Technologies, Inc.
31. Charles Eckel, Cisco Systems
32. Toerless Eckert, Futurewei USA
33. Lars Eggert, NetApp
34. Theresa Enghardt, Netflix
35. David (Dawei) Fan, Huawei
36. Adrian Farrel, Old Dog Consulting
37. Liang Geng, China Mobile
38. Xuesong Geng, Huawei
39. Jogebeth (Joey) Gomez Salazar, ARTICLE 19
40. Bron Gondwana, Fastmail
41. James Gruessing, British Broadcasting Corporation
42. Jeffrey Haas, Juniper Networks
43. Brian Haberman, Johns Hopkins University
44. Wassim Haddad, Ericsson
45. Phillip M. Hallam-Baker, Threshold Secrets LLC.
46. Dick Hardt, no affiliation at present
47. Susan Hares, Huawei
48. Nick Harper, Google
49. Leif Hedstrom, Apple
50. SHRADDHA HEGDE, Juniper Networks
51. Bob Hinden, Check Point Software
52. Marco (Maarten) Hogewoning, RIPE NCC
53. Christian Hopps, LabN Consulting, L.L.C.
54. Russ Housley, Vigil Security, LLC
55. Daniel Huang, ZTE
56. Christian Huitema, Private Octopus Inc.
57. Geoff Huston, APNIC
59. Jaehoon Jeong, Sungkyunkwan University
60. Yuanlong Jiang, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
61. Jaime Jimenez, Ericsson
62. Michael Jones, Microsoft
63. Georgios Karagiannis, Huawei Technologies Dusseldorf GmbH
64. Daniel King, Lancaster University
65. Dirk Kutscher, University of Applied Sciences Emden/Leer
66. David Lawrence, Salesforce
67. Eliot Lear, Cisco Systems
68. Edward (Ted) Lemon, Apple, Inc.
69. Cheng Li, Huawei
70. Guangpeng Li, Huawei
71. Yizhou Li, Huawei Technologies
72. Tony Li, Arista Networks
73. Bing Liu (Remy), Huawei Technologies
74. Julien Maisonneuve, Nokia
75. Kiran Makhijani, Futurewei Technologies
76. Allison Mankin, Salesforce
77. Scott Mansfield, Ericsson
78. Mark McFadden, internet policy advisors
79. Patrick McManus, Fastly
80. George Michaelson, APNIC
81. Matthew A. Miller, Mozilla
82. Gregory (Greg) Mirsky, ZTE TX, Inc.
83. Mankamana Mishra, Cisco Systems
84. Sanjay Mishra, Verizon
85. Tal Mizrahi, Huawei
86. Gabriel Montenegro, Independent
87. Marie-Jose Montpetit,
88. Anthony Nadalin, Microsoft
89. Yoav Nir, Dell Technologies (formerly Dell-EMC)
90. Benno Overeinder, NLnet Labs
91. Kirsty Paine, NCSC
92. Wei Pan, Huawei
93. Shuping Peng, Huawei
94. Tony Przygienda, Juniper
95. Yingzhen Qu,  Futurewei Technologies
96. Reshad Rahman, Cisco
97. Eric Rescorla, Mozilla
98. Pete Resnick, Episteme Technology Consulting LLC
99. Michael C.  Richardson,  Sandelman Software Works Inc.
101. Simon Romano, Meetecho/University of Napoli
102. Kyle Rose, Akamai
103. Brian Rosen, Unaffiliated
104. David Schinazi, Google LLC
105. Benjamin Schwartz, Google / Jigsaw
106. John G. Scudder, Juniper Networks
107. Göran Selander, Ericsson
108. Yaron Sheffer, Intuit
109. Yimin Shen, Juniper Networks
110. Valery Smyslov, ELVIS-PLUS
111. Job Snijders, NTT, OpenBSD
112. Haoyu Song, Futurewei Technologies
113. Michael StJohns, NthPermutation Security

Randomness sources for the IETF 2020-2021 Nomcom Selection

2020-06-28 Thread NomCom Chair 2020
As per RFC 8713 and using RFC 3797 (Publicly Verifiable Nominations Committee 
(NomCom) Random Selection), the following are the seed selection that will be 
used on July 6, 2020 (2020-07-06).

** Random Source 1 - EuroMillions Lottery **
** Date - Friday July 3, 2020 **
EuroMillions Lottery Results
Friday, July 3, 2020 Results:
  (7 numbers, in drawn order, including the star balls: 5 numbers between 1 and 
50 and 2 star balls between 1 and 12)  

** Random Source 2 - US Power Ball **
** Date - Saturday July 4, 2020 **
Powerball Lottery Results 
Saturday, July 4, 2020 results: 
  (5 numbers, in drawn order, between 1 and 69 plus 1 number between 1 and 26) 

** Random Source 3 - Australian TattsLotto **
** Date - Saturday July 4, 2020 **
TattsLotto Results 
Saturday July 4, 2020 results:
(6 winning numbers, in drawn order, between 1 and 45; no Supps numbers)

** Random Source 4 - Emirates Loto **
** Date - Saturday July 4, 2020 **
Saturday July 4 results:
(6 winning numbers, in drawn order, between 1 and 49)

Barbara Stark
NomCom Chair 2020-21
nomcom-chair-2020 at ietf dot org

IETF-Announce mailing list

List of volunteers for the 2020-2021 NomCom

2020-06-28 Thread NomCom Chair 2020
This is a preliminary list of qualified volunteers for NomCom 2020-2021.

Because I only received the volunteer list from IETF 108 a few days ago and 
told people today whether 
considered them eligible, it's possible some of those who appeared ineligible 
may choose to fix errors in prior registrations and become eligible. If that 
happens, I will add them to the next iteration of this list and note their 

I also did get a list from IETF 107. I've asked people from IETF 107 
registrations who passed the attendance eligibility test to explicitly let me 
know if they're still interested in volunteering. But since I need to get on 
with this process, I'm including them in this preliminary list and will delete 
them in the next iteration if they ask to be removed. I've noted them with 
"(107)" next to them. I'll also need to get an affiliation from some of these. 
I did not send email to IETF 107 volunteers who did not pass the attendance 
eligibility check. There were too many of those.

The list contains 160 members, all of whom have been verified by me (and not 
yet officially by the Secretariat) as qualified for the position of voting 
member of NomCom by virtue of having attended 3 of IETF 102-106 meetings, and 
none of whom are known to me to be a member of any body that the NomCom will be 
selecting people for. But I could have missed a few. I'm expecting people to 
find some errors in this list.

We now enter the challenge period, which lasts until Monday, July 6, 2020. If 
anyone thinks that a name on the numbered list below is NOT qualified for some 
reason, please send me email before July 6 at: 

nomcom-chair-2020 at ietf dot org 

The Secretariat will also be doing the official qualification check. The next 
steps are listed on and I will be 
announcing random seed selections for the RFC 3797 process shortly.

The preliminary list of qualified volunteers are:

1. Melchior Aelmans, Juniper Networks
2. Zafar Ali, Cisco Systems
3. Ignas Bagdonas, Equinix
4. Frederick Baker,  (107)
5. Sarah Banks, Corelight, Inc.
6. Vishnu Pavan (Pavan) Beeram, Juniper Networks
7. Louis (Lou) Berger, LabN Consulting, L.L.C.
8. Vittorio Bertola, Open-Xchange GmbH
9. Henk Birkholz, Fraunhofer SIT
10. Michael Bishop, Akamai
11. Matthew Bocci, Nokia
12. Ronald Bonica, Juniper Networks
13. Stéphane Bortzmeyer,  (107)
14. Chris Bowers, Juniper Networks
15. Bob Briscoe,  (107)
16. Stewart Bryant, Futurewei
17. Luc André Burdet, Cisco
18. Randy Bush, Internet Initiative Japan & Arrcus, Inc
19. Italo Busi, Huawei
20. Pablo Camarillo, Cisco Systems
21. David Carrel, Cisco Systems, Inc. (107)
22. Daniele Ceccarelli, Ericsson AB
23. Tommy Charles, NCSC
24. Mach CHEN, Beijing Huawei Digital Technologies Co., Ltd.
25. Huaimo Chen, Futurewei
26. Uma Chunduri, Futurewei Inc
27. Laurent Ciavaglia, Nokia
28. Alexander (Alex) Clemm, Futurewei Technologies, Inc.
29. Spencer Dawkins, Tencent America
30. Dhruv Dhody, Huawei
31. Jie Dong, Huawei Technologies
32. Linda Dunbar, Futurewei
33. Donald E. Eastlake, 3rd, Futurewei Technologies, Inc.
34. Charles Eckel, Cisco Systems
35. Toerless Eckert, Futurewei USA
36. Lars Eggert, NetApp
37. Theresa Enghardt, Netflix
38. David (Dawei) Fan, Huawei
39. Adrian Farrel, Old Dog Consulting (107)
"40. Bill Fenner, Arista Networks, Inc  U (107)"
41. Maximilian Franke, TU Berlin (107)
42. Rakesh Gandhi, Cisco Systems (107)
43. Liang Geng, China Mobile
44. Xuesong Geng, Huawei
45. Bron Gondwana, Fastmail
46. James Gruessing, British Broadcasting Corporation
47. Yunan Gu, Huawei (107)
48. Jeffrey Haas, Juniper Networks (107)
49. Brian Haberman, Johns Hopkins University
50. Wassim Haddad, Ericsson
51. Phillip M. Hallam-Baker, Threshold Secrets LLC.
52. Dick Hardt, no affiliation at present
53. Susan Hares, Huawei
54. Nick Harper, Google
55. Leif Hedstrom, Apple
56. SHRADDHA HEGDE, Juniper Networks
57. Bob Hinden, Check Point Software
58. Bernie Hoeneisen,  (107)
59. Marco (Maarten) Hogewoning, RIPE NCC
60. Christian Hopps, LabN Consulting, L.L.C.
61. Russ Housley, Vigil Security, LLC
62. Daniel Huang, ZTE
63. Christian Huitema, Private Octopus Inc.
64. Geoff Huston, APNIC
66. Jaehoon Jeong, Sungkyunkwan University
67. Yuanlong Jiang, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
68. Jaime Jimenez, Ericsson
69. Michael Jones, Microsoft
70. Georgios Karagiannis, Huawei Technologies Dusseldorf GmbH
71. Daniel King, Lancaster University
72. Dirk Kutscher, University of Applied Sciences Emden/Leer (107)
73. David Lawrence, Salesforce
74. Eliot Lear, Cisco Systems
75. Edward (Ted) Lemon, Apple, Inc.
76. Henrik Levkowetz, 
77. Cheng Li, Huawei
78. Guangpeng Li, Huawei
79. Yizhou Li, Huawei Technologies
80. Tony Li, Arista Networks
81. Bing Liu, Huawei Technologies
82. Julien Maisonneuve, Nokia
83. Kiran Makhijani, Futurewei Technologies
84. Allison Mankin, Salesforce
85. S

Nomcom 2020-2021 Final Call For Volunteers

2020-06-18 Thread NomCom Chair 2020
 addresses used to register for the past 5 IETF meetings
   // Preferred email address first

// For confirmation if selected

You should expect an email response from me within 5 business days stating 
whether or not you are qualified.  If you don't receive this response, please 
re-send your email with the tag "RESEND"" added to the subject line.

If you are not yet sure if you would like to volunteer, please consider that 
NomCom members play a very important role in shaping the leadership of the 
IETF.  Questions by email or voice are welcome. Volunteering for the NomCom is 
a great way to contribute to the IETF!

You can find a detailed timeline on the NomCom web site at:

I will be publishing a more detailed target timetable, as well as details of 
the randomness seeds to be used for the RFC 3797 selection process, within the 
next few weeks.

Thank you!

Barbara Stark
bs7652 at att dot com
nomcom-chair-2020 at ietf dot org

IETF-Announce mailing list

Nomcom 2020-2021 Second Call For Volunteers

2020-06-10 Thread NomCom Chair 2020

Your Full Name: 
// as you write it on the IETF registration form

Current Primary Affiliation:
// Typically what goes in the Company field
// in the IETF Registration Form

   // All email addresses used to register for the past 5 IETF meetings
   // Preferred email address first

// For confirmation if selected

You should expect an email response from me within 5 business days stating 
whether or not you are qualified.  If you don't receive this response, please 
re-send your email with the tag "RESEND"" added to the subject line.

If you are not yet sure if you would like to volunteer, please consider that 
NomCom members play a very important role in shaping the leadership of the 
IETF.  Questions by email or voice are welcome. Volunteering for the NomCom is 
a great way to contribute to the IETF!

You can find a detailed timeline on the NomCom web site at:

I will be publishing a more detailed target timetable, as well as details of 
the randomness seeds to be used for the RFC 3797 selection process, within the 
next few weeks.

Thank you!

Barbara Stark
bs7652 at att dot com
nomcom-chair-2020 at ietf dot org

IETF-Announce mailing list

Nomcom 2020-2021 Call For Volunteers

2020-05-27 Thread NomCom Chair 2020
ke to volunteer, please consider that 
NomCom members play a very important role in shaping the leadership of the 
IETF.  Questions by email or voice are welcome. Volunteering for the NomCom is 
a great way to contribute to the IETF!

You can find a detailed timeline on the NomCom web site at:

I will be publishing a more detailed target timetable, as well as details of 
the randomness seeds to be used for the RFC 3797 selection process, within the 
next few weeks.

Thank you!

Barbara Stark
bs7652 at att dot com
nomcom-chair-2020 at ietf dot org

IETF-Announce mailing list