A few minor things have come up since the list was announced.

Gunter van de Velde has withdrawn.  I will leave Gunter in the list, but 
immediately select a replacement if he is selected.  The same applies to those 
who might be ineligible, such as the two that were added late, whose status is 
still unknown to me.  If any others choose to withdraw, given the imminence of 
the first lottery draw, I will have to treat that as declining to serve instead.

On affiliations, as in the past, subsidiaries are regarded as the same 
affiliation as their parent company.  There are also a number of people who 
have unclear affiliation such that it might be difficult to easily (a blank 
field, "independent", or similar).  In all cases that are unambiguous, I will 
disqualify a selection as necessary and immediately select the next volunteer.

If affiliations are ambiguous, such that I need to make an inquiry, I will 
regard that person as having been selected and not replace them immediately.  
If the inquiry results in disqualification, their replacement will be selected 
using the process outlined in earlier mails, as if the disqualification were 
due to the person declining.

As always, if you believe an error was made, decisions can be challenged.  Any 
challenges will be announced and a redraw will occur with newly chosen random 

Martin Thomson

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