Third and final call for volunteers

2022-07-19 Thread NomCom Chair 2022
Do you want to help select the new IETF leadership -- the IESG, the IAB, the 
IETF LLC and the IETF Trust?

The LLC and the Trust each have one opening for their multi-year terms. The IAB 
has six openings, and the IESG will have eight Area Director positions to fill 

Volunteer for the NomCom!  This is the first and final call for volunteers, 
which will end Saturday with the start of the Hackathon.

One click is all it takes:

IETF-Announce mailing list

NomCom 2017-2018 Third and FINAL Call for Volunteers

2017-06-20 Thread NomCom Chair 2017
The IETF NomCom appoints folks to fill the open slots on the IAOC, the IAB, and 
the IESG.

Ten voting members for the NomCom are selected in a verifiably random way from 
a pool of volunteers. The more volunteers, the better chance we have of 
choosing a random yet representative cross section of the IETF population.

The details of the operation of the NomCom can be found in RFC 7437 (BCP 10), 
and RFC 3797 details the selection algorithm.

Volunteers must have attended 3 of the past 5 IETF meetings.  As specified in 
RFC 7437, that means three out of the five past meetings up to the time this 
email announcement goes out to start the solicitation of volunteers. The five 
meetings out of which you must have attended *three* are:

IETF = 94 (Yokohama)  \
   95 (Buenos Aires)   \
   96 (Berlin)  -*** ANY THREE!
   97 (Seoul)  /
   98 (Chicago)   /

You can check your eligibility at:

If you qualify, please volunteer. Before you decide to volunteer, please 
remember that anyone appointed to this NomCom will not be considered as a 
candidate for any of the positions that the 2017 - 2018 NomCom is responsible 
for filling.

Some 201 people have already volunteered by ticking the box on the IETF 96 
through 98 registration forms. I will contact all of these volunteers shortly. 
Thank you for volunteering!

The list of people and posts whose terms end with the March 2018 IETF meeting, 
and thus the positions for which this NomCom is responsible, are


Leslie Daigle


Ted Hardie
Joe Hildebrand
Lee Howard
Erik Nordmark
Martin Thomson
Brian Trammell


Alia Atlas (RTG)
Benoit Claise (OPS)
Suresh Krishnan (INT)
Mirja Kühlewind (TSV)
Alexey Melnikov (ART)
Kathleen Moriarty (SEC)
Adam Roach (ART)

All appointments are for 2 years. The ART and Routing areas have 3 ADs and the 
General area has 1; all other areas have 2 ADs.  Thus, all areas have at least 
one continuing AD.

The primary activity for this NomCom will begin in July 2017 and should be 
completed in January 2018.  The NomCom will have regularly scheduled conference 
calls to ensure progress. There will be activities to collect requirements from 
the community, review candidate questionnaires, review feedback from community 
members about candidates, and talk to candidates.

While being a NomCom member does require some time commitment it is also a very 
rewarding experience.

As a member of the NomCom it is very important that you be able to attend IETF 
100 (Singapore) to conduct interviews.  Being at IETF 99 (Prague) is useful for 
orientation.  Being at IETF 101 (London) is not essential.

Please volunteer by sending me an email before 23:59 UTC June 26, 2017, as 

To: nomcom-chair-2017 at ietf dot org
Subject: NomCom 2017-18 Volunteer

Please include the following information in the email body:

Your Full Name: __
// as you write it on the IETF registration form

Current Primary Affiliation:
// Typically what goes in the Company field
// in the IETF Registration Form

Emails: ___
   // All email addresses used to register for the past 5 IETF meetings
   // Preferred email address first

Telephone: ___
// For confirmation if selected

You should expect an email response from me within 5 business days stating 
whether or not you are qualified.  If you don't receive this response, please 
re-send your email with the tag "RESEND"" added to the subject line.

If you are not yet sure if you would like to volunteer, please consider that 
NomCom members play a very important role in shaping the leadership of the 
IETF.  Questions by email or voice are welcome. Volunteering for the NomCom is 
a great way to contribute to the IETF!

You can find a detailed timeline on the NomCom web site at:

I will be publishing a more detailed target timetable, as well as details of 
the randomness seeds to be used for the RFC 3797 selection process, within 
short order.

Thank you!

Peter Yee
peter at akayla dot com
nomcom-chair-2017 at ietf dot org

Third and FINAL call for volunteers, Nomcom 2016-2017

2016-06-15 Thread NomCom Chair 2016
***Reminder: Deadline for volunteering for Nomcom is June 22 2016 ***

The IETF nomcom appoints folks to fill the open slots on the IAOC, the IAB,
and the IESG.

Ten voting members for the nomcom are selected in a verifiably random
way from a pool of volunteers. The more volunteers, the better chance we
have of choosing a random yet representative cross section of the IETF

The details of the operation of the nomcom can be found in RFC 7437,
and BCP10/RFC3797 details the selection algorithm.

Volunteers must have attended 3 of the past 5 IETF meetings.  As specified 
in RFC 7437, that means three out of the five past meetings up to the time
this email announcement goes out to start the solicitation of volunteers.
The five meetings out of which you must have attended *three*

IETF = 91 (Honolulu)  \
   92 (Dallas) \
   93 (Prague)  -*** ANY THREE!
   94 (Yokohama)   /
   95 (Buenos Aires)  /

If you qualify, please volunteer.   However, much as we want this, before
you decide to volunteer, please be sure you are willing to forgo appointment
to any of the positions for which this nomcom is responsible.

As of today, we have 115 confirmed volunteers. 126 of those who ticked the
box on the registration form for Buenos Aires have not yet responded.

If you believe you have volunteered, and your name is NOT below, please
contact me as soon as possible.

Thank you for volunteering!

The list of people and posts whose terms end with the March 2017 IETF
meeting, and thus the positions for which this nomcom is responsible, are


Lou Berger


Ralph Droms*
Russ Housley*
Robert Sparks
Andrew Sullivan
Dave Thaler*
Suzanne Woolf


Jari Arkko (GEN)
Deborah Brungard (RTG)
Ben Campbell (ART)
Spencer Dawkins (TSV)
Stephen Farrell (SEC)*
Joel Jaeggli (OPS)*
Terry Manderson (INT)
Alvaro Retana (RTG)

All appointments are for 2 years. The ART and Routing areas have 3 ADs and
the General area has 1; all other areas have 2 ADs. Thus, all areas (with
the exception of GEN) have at least one continuing AD. Current members
tagged with a * have indicated that they will not accept another nomination
to serve in their current role.

The primary activity for this nomcom will begin in July 2016 and should be
completed in January 2017.  The nomcom will have regularly scheduled
conference calls to ensure progress. There will be activities to collect
requirements from the community, review candidate questionnaires, review
feedback from community members about candidates, and talk to candidates.

While being a nomcom member does require some time commitment it is also a
very rewarding experience.

As a member of the nomcom it is very important that you be able to attend
IETF97 (Seoul) to conduct interviews. Being at IETF96 (Berlin) is useful for
orientation.  Being at IETF98 is not essential.

Please volunteer by sending me an email before 23:59 UTC June 20, 2016, as

Subject: Nomcom 2016-17 Volunteer

Please include the following information in the email body:

Your Full Name: __
// as you write it on the IETF registration form
Current Primary Affiliation:
// Typically what goes in the Company field
// in the IETF Registration Form
Emails: ___
   // All email addresses used to register for the past 5 IETF meetings
   // Preferred email address first
Telephone: ___
// For confirmation if selected

You should expect an email response from me within 5 business days stating
whether or not you are qualified.  If you don't receive this response,
please re-send your email with the tag "RESEND"" added to the subject line.

If you are not yet sure if you would like to volunteer, please consider that
nomcom members play a very important role in shaping the leadership of the
IETF. Questions by email or voice are welcome. Volunteering for the nomcom
is a great way to contribute to the IETF!

You can find a detailed timeline on the nomcom web site at:

I will be publishing details of the randomness seeds to be used for the 
RFC 3797 selection process at the end of next week.

Thank you!

Lucy Lynch

=  qualified volunteers so far, in alphabetical order by last name

Bernard Aboba
Cengiz Alaettinoglu
Ignas Bagdonas
Fred Baker
Vishnu Pavan Beeram
Marc Blanchet
John Bradley
John Brzozowski
Randy Bush
Ross Callon
Ross Callon
Daniele Ceccarelli
Hao Chen
Huaimo Chen
Mach Chen
Uma Chunduri
Laurent Ciavaglia
David Conrad
Mike Davison
Dhruv Dhody
Andrew Dolganow
Jie Dong
Linda Dunbar
Donald Eastlake 3rd
Charles Eckel
Toerless Eckert
Nalini Elkins
Mehmet Ersue
Aaron Falk
Ross Finlayson
Hannes Gredler
Wassim Haddad
Joel Halpern
Susan Hares
Niel Harper
Robert Hinden
Paul Hoffman
Christer Holmberg
Christian Hopps
Yihong Huang

Third and FINAL call for volunteers, Nomcom 2015-2016

2015-06-15 Thread NomCom Chair 2015
***Reminder: Deadline for volunteering for Nomcom is in ONE WEEK.***

The IETF nomcom appoints folks to fill the open slots on the IAOC, the IAB,
and the IESG.

Ten voting members for the nomcom are selected in a verifiably random
way from a pool of volunteers. The more volunteers, the better chance we
have of choosing a random yet representative cross section of the IETF

The details of the operation of the nomcom can be found in RFC 7437,
and BCP10/RFC3797 details the selection algorithm.

Volunteers must have attended 3 of the past 5 IETF meetings.  As specified 
in RFC 7437, that means three out of the five past meetings up to the time
this email announcement goes out to start the solicitation of volunteers.
The five meetings out of which you must have attended *three*

IETF 88 (Vancouver), \
 89 (London),   \
 90 (Toronto), *** ANY THREE!
 91 (Honolulu), /
 92 (Dallas)/

If you qualify, please volunteer.   However, much as we want this, before
you decide to volunteer, please be sure you are willing to forgo appointment
to any of the positions for which this nomcom is responsible.

As of today, we have 151 confirmed volunteers. 72 of those who ticked the
box on the registration form for Hawaii, Dallas and Prague have still not

If you believe you have volunteered, and your name is NOT below, please
contact me as soon as possible.

Thank you for volunteering!

The list of people and posts whose terms end with the March 2016 IETF
meeting, and thus the positions for which this nomcom is responsible, are

No terms expire at this time.

Mary Barnes
Joe Hildebrand
Ted Hardie
Erik Nordmark
Brian Trammell
Marc Blanchet

Alissa Cooper (ART)
Barry Leiba (ART)
Brian Haberman (Internet)
Benoit Claise (Operations and Management)
Alia Atlas (Routing)
Kathleen Moriarty (Security)
Martin Stiemerling (Transport)

The Applications  and Real-Time (ART) area is the expected new area
resulting from the merge of the APP and RAI areas.
All appointments are for 2 years.
The ART and Routing areas have 3 ADs and the General area has 1; all other 
areas have 2 ADs.
Thus, all areas have at least one continuing AD.

The primary activity for this nomcom will begin in July 2015 and should be
completed in January 2016.   The nomcom will have regularly scheduled
conference calls to ensure progress. (We might dogfood WebRTC)
There will be activities to collect requirements from the community, review
candidate questionnaires, review feedback from community members about
candidates, and talk to candidates.

Thus, being a nomcom member does require some time commitment; but it is also
a very rewarding experience.

It is very important that you be able to attend IETF94 (Yokohama) to conduct 
Being at IETF93 (Prague) is useful for orientation.  Being at IETF95 is not 

Please volunteer by sending me an email before 11:59 pm CET (UTC +2 hours)
June 22, 2015, as follows:

Subject: Nomcom 2015-16 Volunteer

Please include the following information in the email body:

Your Full Name: __
// as you write it on the IETF registration form
Current Primary Affiliation:
// Typically what goes in the Company field
// in the IETF Registration Form
Emails: ___
   // All email addresses used to register for the past 5 IETF meetings
   // Preferred email address first
Telephone: ___
// For confirmation if selected

You should expect an email response from me within 3 business days stating
whether or not you are qualified.  If you don't receive this response,
please re-send your email with the tag RESEND added to the subject line.

If you are not yet sure if you would like to volunteer, please consider
that nomcom members play a very important role in shaping the leadership
of the IETF.  Questions by email or voice are welcome.
Volunteering for the nomcom is a great way to contribute to the IETF!

You will find a detailed timeline on the nomcom web site at:

Thank you!
Harald Alvestrand

=  qualified volunteers so far, in alphabetical order by first name
Adam Montville
Adrian Farrel
ANDREW Dolganow
Andrew Newton
Andy Bierman
ANM Zaheduzzaman Sarker
Anoop Ghanwani
Anthony Nadalin
Ari Keranen
Benno Overeinder
Bernard Aboba
Bing Liu
Borje Ohlman
Carl Moberg
Carlos Martinez
Cengiz Alaettinoglu
Charles Eckel
Charles Perkins
Chris Bowers
Christer Holmberg
Christian Huitema
Christian O'Flaherty
Cong Liu
Corinna Schmitt
Cullen Jennings
Damien Saucez
Daniele Ceccarelli
Dapeng Liu
David Conrad
David Lamparter
David Mandelberg
David Sinicrope
Dean Bogdanovic
Derek Atkins
Dhruv Dhody
Dimitri Papadimitriou
Donald Eastlake 3rd
Edward Lemon
Eliot Lear
Emil Ivov
Eric Gray
Eric Vyncke
Fangwei Hu
Fernando Gont
Fred Baker
George Michaelson