WG Action: RECHARTER: Multiparty Multimedia Session Control (mmusic)

2008-04-15 Thread The IESG
The Multiparty Multimedia Session Control (mmusic) working group in the
Real-time Applications and Infrastructure Area of the IETF has been
rechartered.  For additional information, please contact the Area
Directors or the working group Chairs.

Multiparty Multimedia Session Control (mmusic)


Last Modified: 2008-3-27

Current Status: Active Working Group

Jean-Francois Mule ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Real-time Applications and Infrastructure Area Director(s):
Jon Peterson ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Cullen Jennings ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Real-time Applications and Infrastructure Area Advisor:
Cullen Jennings ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Mailing Lists:

General Discussion: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
In Body: subscribe your_email_address
Archive: http://www.ietf.org/mail-archive/web/mmusic/index.html

Description of Working Group:

The Multiparty MUltimedia SessIon Control (MMUSIC) Working Group was
chartered to develop protocols to support Internet teleconferencing and
multimedia communications. These protocols are now reasonably mature,
and many have received widespread deployments. The group has revised
some of these protocols in the light of implementation experience and
additional demands that have arisen from other WGs (such as AVT, SIP,
and SIPPING). It is focused on using and negotiating mechanisms such
STUN and TURN in order to enable media sessions to traverse Network
Address Translators NATs, and on new means to exchange SDP capabilities.

Multimedia communications protocols use a common platform to express
media and session descriptions: the Session Description Protocol, SDP.
The many uses of SDP have led to (requests for) numerous extensions and
have led to recognition of several flaws in the protocol design, some of
which were addressed in the revision of SDP. In spite of these, it is
widely deployed.

The current aims of the working group include the following:

- To support the establishment of multi-party multimedia sessions across
NATs, MMUSIC will define an Internet Connectivity Establishment
protocol (ICE). This will define several SDP extensions to work with
NATs for media sessions carried over both UDP and TCP.

- Various extensions to SDP will be pursued to remedy the most urgent of
SDP's shortcomings. These will be limited and include adding support
for limited but generic capability negotiations in SDP, defining the
means to select QoS mechanisms to use for a particular media stream,
enabling file transfer via the SDP Offer/Answer model, and support
for media loopback.

With the exception of these specific items, only extensions within the
existing SDP framework will be done (e.g. registering new codecs and
defining parameters for them, extending SDP to include new address

- to maintain and revise the specification of the Real Time Streaming
Protocol (RTSP), including fixes and clarifications based on
implementation experience. The revised RTSP specification will be
re-issued as a Proposed Standard RFC. We will also document how RTSP
can be used in the presence of NAT boxes.

The MMUSIC work items will be pursued in close coordination with other
IETF WGs including AVT, SIP, SIPPING, SIMPLE, XCON, and BEHAVE, as well
as others where appropriate such as NSIS.

Goals and Milestones:

Done Submit SDP to the IESG for consideration as a Proposed
Done Submit RTSP to IESG for consideration as a Proposed
Done Submit SIP Internet-Draft to IESG for consideration as a
Proposed Standard.
Done Submit SAP Internet-Draft to IESG for consideration as a
Proposed Standard.
Done Submit SAP Security Internet-Draft to IESG for
consideration as a Proposed Standard.
Done Submit IPv6 Extensions to SDP for Proposed Standard
Done Submit SIP's offer/answer use of SDP for Proposed Standard
Done Submit SDP source filter extensions for Proposed Standard
Done Submit draft on SDPng motivations, comparisons with
current SDP capabilities.
Done Submit SDP security extension for Proposed Standard
Done Submit IMG requirements and framework for Informational
Done Submit revised SDP spec for Proposed (or Draft) Standard
Done Submit SDP Offer/Answer examples for Informational
Done Submit SDP connection-oriented media draft for Proposed
Cancelled Submit SDPng transition scenarios for Informational
Done Submit updated SDP Offer/Answer examples draft for
Done Submit Security preconditions for SDP for Proposed
Done Submit ICE draft as a Proposed Standard

February 2008 Submit SDP Capability Negotiations to Proposed Standard
February 2008 Submit QoS Mechanism Selection in SDP as a Proposed Standard
February 2008 Submit SDP Offer/Answer exchange for enabling file transfer
as a Proposed Standard
March 2008 Submit SDP extensions for Media Loopback for Proposed Standard
March 2008 Submit Source-Specific Media Attributes in SDP as Proposed
March 2008 Submit Considerations fo

WG Action: RECHARTER: Multiparty Multimedia Session Control (mmusic)

2004-07-29 Thread The IESG
The charter of the Multiparty Multimedia Session Control (mmusic) working group 
in the Transport Area of the IETF has been updated. For additional information, 
please contact the Area Directors or the working group Chairs. 

Multiparty Multimedia Session Control (mmusic)

Current Status: Active Working Group

Colin Perkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Transport Area Directors:
Allison Mankin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Jon Peterson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Transport Area Advisor:
Jon Peterson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Mailing Lists:
General Discussion: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
In Body: subscribe your_email_address
Archive: http://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/mmusic

Description of the Working Group

The Multiparty MUltimedia SessIon Control (MMUSIC) Working Group was
chartered to develop protocols to support Internet teleconferencing
and multimedia communications. These protocols are now reasonably
mature, and many have received widespread deployment. The group is
now focussed on the revisions of these protocols in the light of
implementation experience and additional demands that have arisen
from other WGs (such as AVT, SIP, SIPPING, and MEGACO).

Multimedia communications protocols use a common platform to express
media and session descriptions: the Session Description Protocol, SDP.
The many uses of SDP have led to (requests for) numerous extensions
and have led to recognition of several flaws in the protocol design.
In spite of these, it is widely deployed.

- To support this current deployment, MMUSIC will revise SDP
suitable for publication as a Draft Standard RFC. This will
involve correcting minor bugs and clarifying the current

- Various extensions to SDP will be pursued to remedy the most
urgent of SDP's shortcomings. These will be limited to use of
SDP in conjunction with connection-oriented media such as TCP
and SCTP, offering support to work with NATs and firewalls
(e.g. via the ICE methodology), and exchange of media session
security keys.

With the exception of these specific items, only extensions within
the existing SDP framework will be done (e.g. registering new codecs
and defining parameters for them extending SDP to include new address

To address the more fundamental issues with SDP, a next generation of
SDP, referred to as SDPng, will be needed. An initial proposal is now
available, and will be progressed to Experimental RFC while we gain
experience with implementations. An informational document will be
produced describing how the transition to a new session description
protocol can be managed, to prepare implementors for such a future

MMUSIC will maintain and revise the specification of the Real Time
Streaming Protocol (RTSP), including fixes and clarifications based
on implementation experience. The revised RTSP specification will be
re-issued as a Proposed Standard RFC. We will also document how RTSP
can be used in the presence of NAT boxes.

An Internet Media Guide (IMG) is a collection of multimedia session
descriptions expressed using SDP or some other session description
format. It is used to describe a collection of multimedia sessions
(e.g. television programme schedules). The IMG must be delivered to
a potentially large audience, who use it to join a subset of the
sessions described, and who may need to be notified of changes to the

MMUSIC will investigate delivery mechanisms for IMGs, generalizing
our work on session announcement and discovery protocols (SAP, RTSP,
SIP). We will investigate and document requirements for IMG delivery
mechanisms, and identify the requirements that these delivery
mechanisms impose on the session description formats used by the IMG.
We will then work to produce a framework document outlining the use
of (existing) protocols to create an IMG delivery infrastructure.
After successful completion of these initial milestones for IMG
delivery, the MMUSIC working group will decide whether or not MMUSIC
is the proper place to pursue any needed mechanisms for IMGs, and if
so, recharter accordingly

The MMUSIC work items will be pursued in close coordination with other
IETF WGs related to multimedia conferencing and IP telephony (AVT, SIP,
SIPPING, SIMPLE, XCON, MEGACO and, where appropriate, MIDCOM and NSIS).
Where appropriate, new separate working groups may be split off (as has
happened with the SIP WG).

The Working Group is also charged with addressing security issues
related to the protocols it develops.

Goals and Milestones:

Jun 04 Submit IMG requirements and framework for Informational
Aug 04 Review work on IMGs and update charter accordingly
Aug 04 Submit revised SDP spec for Proposed Standard
Aug 04 Submit SDP Offer/Answer examples for Informational
Sep 04 Submit SDP connection-oriented media draft for Proposed Standard
Nov 04 Submit SDPng transition scenarios for Informational
Nov 04 Submit SDPng base specificati