Re: [Ietf-dkim] Misuse of antiforgery protocols

2022-12-25 Thread Michael Deutschmann
On Sun, 25 Dec 2022, you wrote:
>> It's easy to sort wanted mail between forwards/mailing-lists and normal
>> narrow-casted mail.  Spam can masquerade as either; but if possible a
>> spammer would want to look like narrow-casted mail as that is the only
>> kind that could be expected to arrive from a stranger.  To use this
>> exploit, they must give that up.
> If you're talking about replay, I don't understand "must".  The replay
> attack under discussion works fine if it's unicast.

The spammer wants it to *look* unicast, not actually be unicast.  That
means the From: and To: align with MAIL FROM: and RCPT TO:, and that the
single From: address passes all available forgery checks.

The To: header is covered by DKIM, hence the spammer *has* to use a
generic To: that can be correct for at most a single intended victim.

While in theory he could do the trick once for each victim, that's silly
as it means one pass through the singer-victim's smarthost *per* spam
victim. He's giving up the advantage of blinding his signer-victim's
Abuse Desk to the true "fan-out" of his e-mail, which is the only reason
to consider this hack.

 Michael Deutschmann 

Ietf-dkim mailing list

Re: [Ietf-dkim] Misuse of antiforgery protocols

2022-12-24 Thread Michael Deutschmann
On Mon, 12 Dec 2022, you wrote:
> > Blind-carbon-copy is already a sign of spam.
> Except when it's not, like this very mailing list.

Only if you don't whitelist *all* forwarders you set up and mailing lists
you have joined first, overriding the Bcc filter on a match.

This does mean Bcc-blocking is an anti-spam trick that most ISPs are
absolutely incapable of using because they do not know their users well.
But it's not the first anti-spam technique to have this problem.

DCC also requires mailing list whitelisting.

So does a recieverside SPF implementation that actually has an effect on
deliverabilty, is correct, and not Baka.  (It's Baka to give any attention
to a Pass without an explicit whitelist of the sender, it is incorrect to
give any attention to a Fail when you don't have a complete forwarder

It's easy to sort wanted mail between forwards/mailing-lists and normal
narrow-casted mail.  Spam can masquerade as either; but if possible a
spammer would want to look like narrow-casted mail as that is the only
kind that could be expected to arrive from a stranger.  To use this
exploit, they must give that up.

The way I look at it, up to now there have been two main approaches to
spamming, and this trick may add a third.

1. First, the old-school chickenboner tactics where you forge everything
you can get away with, and often try to exploit systems you don't own to
conceal your true ISP.

2. Second, the approach that tries to exploit Baka recieverside
deployments by actually buying a domain and pretending to be a
newly-minted vanity domain sending narrow-casted mail with perfect
SPF/DKIM/alignment credentials.  The mail still is broadcast, but in one
transaction per victim so it's not obvious to an automated system.

3. Finally, the new trick.  It also lets you exploit the Baka, but locks
you in to pretending to be a mailing list.

All along, it looks to me that #2 is still pareto superior to #3 for the
bad guys.

Although one thing that might explain the fuss; maybe the point of sealing
this hole is that the big e-mail providers would like to agree to
whitelist each other in a top-down fashion without user input, rather than
bottom-up whitelisting of one email address at a time by user request.

If a provider was silly enough to make such an arrangement, then they
could be vulnerable to #3 alone, because vanity domains (both friendly and
spammer) aren't part of the cartel.

 Michael Deutschmann 

Ietf-dkim mailing list

Re: [Ietf-dkim] Misuse of antiforgery protocols

2022-12-11 Thread Michael Deutschmann
On Sun, 11 Dec 2022, Murray S. Kucherawy wrote:
> Then from that other account I can spray it to as many recipients as I
> want so long as the only thing I change is the envelope.

Since the ISP is doing the signing, you can't stop them from using a
signature that protects the To: and Cc: from modification, and in practice
everyone already does that.  That means the bonus messages you get to
send via the hack will have mismatched 822 and 821 recipients, equivalent
to a blind-carbon-copy.

Blind-carbon-copy is already a sign of spam.  Long ago, it was because the
bad guys were using open relays, and could spam faster by issuing many
RCPT TO:s to the relay in one transaction.  (I remember being puzzled
back then that most of my spam came "To:" rather than
my address at the time.).

In modern times, you still see it from "Nigerian" scammers who seem to be
using real webmail sites and copy-pasting huge address lists into a
literal Bcc: field.

 Michael Deutschmann 

Ietf-dkim mailing list

Re: [Ietf-dkim] Misuse of antiforgery protocols

2022-12-10 Thread Michael Deutschmann
On Wed, 7 Dec 2022, Neil Anuskiewicz wrote:
> I wish that certain widely used distribution list software could do the
> same.

So you admit that most mailing lists are not compatible with an enforcing
DMARC, so my original point stands.

It's a bit annoying that after almost two weeks, the only responses in
this thread have been about this side issue, with my main point

I'm going to try to fight the real problem with a coinage, "Baka-DKIM"
(and its cousin "Baka-SPF").   (In case of any Pop Cultural Osmosis
Failure here, "Baka" means fool in Japanese.)

Baka-DKIM is the error of upscoring messages for being DKIM signed
without caring about *what* the email address being attested actually was.
(The avoided "downscore" when DMARC says to enforce signing doesn't count.
Still, when the mail is from a stranger, that case must not be in total
upscored relative to the no-DKIM and no-DMARC case, everything else

If your configuration is not Baka, then you have nothing to fear from the
replay attack.   The replay attack only allows an attacker to pretend to
*continue* to own an e-mail address they just lost; it never lets them
impersonate someone who already has a good reputation.

If you are Baka but apply a downscore for blind-carbon-copy of
equal-or-greater magnitude than your Baka upscore, you are also immune to
the replay attack.  But you will still be wide open to other spammers.

 Michael Deutschmann 

Ietf-dkim mailing list

[Ietf-dkim] Misuse of antiforgery protocols

2022-11-27 Thread Michael Deutschmann
(I've noticed the "rechartering" thread, but I don't think it should
squelch this since I am speaking meta to the replay exploit, not
suggesting technical measures.)

More than a hundred e-mails have streamed through my in-box lately, all
about a silly exploit in DKIM.  While it is real, I immediately notice
that it can't really do any damage if the recipient is using DKIM

It's important to remember that DKIM/DMARC is an anti-forgery protocol,
not an anti-spam protocol.

There are *two* ways an anti-forgery technique can provide useful input
to an anti-spam system:

First, if the anti-forgery technique can assert that a message *is*
forged, and not just failing the test because the alleged sender isn't
participating, then it is reasonable to ignore any heuristics indicating
the message is not spam, and fail it.

Second, if the anti-forgery technique asserts the message is genuine, and
it is reasonable to ignore any heuristics indicating the message is spam,
and pass it.

Going further is folly. Without trust in the identity claimed, all
anti-forgery-system blessings just become Habeas Haikus (anyone remember

Last I looked, DMARC makes no allowance for the mailing list problem;
either you know none of your users posts to any mailing list or your DMARC
policy has to be inert.

Practically, only an address from a public e-mail provider can be "forged"
by the hack.  And those providers cannot assume they have no users who use
mailing lists, so (if sane) their DMARC will always be inert.  Even if
someone attemped the exploit but accidentally still broke the signature,
the hard-failure case would never apply.

The spammer has to at least momentarily control the address he uses as
From: -- he cannot forge someone his victim trusts (Unless the e-mail
provider is lazy and doesn't check for internal address forgery before
signing, which would be their fault alone).  So the hard-success case will
also never apply on exploit mail.

It's only fools who can't accept the truth that DKIM can only give
anti-spam input for a miniscule proportion of incoming mail, and thus
upscore all signed mail, who have to fear this hack.  And if this hack was
miraculously blocked, they'd still be wide open to more straightforward
spammers.  Ones who pay for their own domain and happily participate in
every antiforgery scheme.

 Michael Deutschmann 

Ietf-dkim mailing list