Re: [ietf-dkim] Moving to consensus on draft-ietf-dkim-rfc4871-errata

2009-03-21 Thread SM
At 13:42 20-03-2009, Barry Leiba wrote:
>What path we take to publish the errata beyond the ID that it is now,
>and whether the WG is behind publishing it without Pasi's (or the
>IESG's) approval, are things we'll be discussing in San Francisco and
>on the mailing list.  I hope that when we leave SF we'll have most of
>the answer to these, which answer we'll confirm on the mailing list.

Pasi mentioned that the errata should not be marked as "Approved" 
using the errata process.  He proposed getting the changes through 
the normal IETF consensus process, and published using the normal 
mechanisms we use for publishing updates to IETF work.

The agenda for the upcoming meeting has an item of discussion about 
WG-approved errata vs "update" RFC vs "replacement" RFC.  It may be 
better to stop using the term "errata" or "WG-approved errata" unless 
the WG is still considering submitting the ID or a variant of it as a 
proper errata.  Let's call it "RFC update".

We had a long debate over the last month about RFC 4871.  I think 
that it is premature to consider Draft Standard.  I note that SSP and 
the Overview document were set for WGLC in November 2007 according to 
the charter.  The Deployment document is still work in progress.  It 
would be better for the DKIM WG to meet its goals before starting a 
discussion about Draft Standard.


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Re: [ietf-dkim] Reading the entrails, was Moving to consensus

2009-03-21 Thread John R. Levine
>> We seem to have a fairly basic disconnect here.  As far as I'm
>> concerned, an assessor has better things to worry about than the
>> internal details of the signature. ...

> On the other hand, we definitely don't have enough information about
> assessors to know what information they need.  Saying that the SDID is
> the only thing they can depend on getting from the verifier is too
> constraining.

As I said, we have a fairly basic disconnect here.  The whole point of 
defining a standard is to constrain the interface so that multiple parties 
can interoperate.  Every time we leave something optional or vague, it's 
going to cause implementation and operational headaches, as we've already 
seen with the confusion about the semantics of i= and whether to give the 
assessor i= or d= or both.  The more tightly we can constrain the 
interface, the better it's going to work.

If we say that assessors can look inside the signature at, e.g., what 
headers are signed, we are condemning our users to endless haruspicy, 
trying to guess what headers to sign or not to sign in order to make the 
best impression based on what they guess the assessors want. Allowing 
assessors to use whatever bits they want and assuming we'll sort out later 
what we think they mostly do is a recipe for chaos.

We really need to reset our vision from the blacklist model to whitelist. 
With blacklists, there's no fundamental difference between the behavior of 
bad guys and good guys, we're forced to use complicated ever expanding 
heuristics to try to tell the difference, and we constantly have to change 
them as bad guys adapt whatever behavior we attribute to good guys.  But 
with a whitelist model, you say here's what a good guy does, you design it 
in a way that bad guys can't fake, and you're done.  If it's properly 
designed, it doesn't have to change every time there's a slightly 
different attack, and the simpler it is, the less likely actual good guys 
are to screw it up.  Hence simple, constrained interfaces.

> The "worthless signature" may not have been so worthless if one of the 
> header fields in question wasn't present at the time of signing, ... Are 
> you suggesting that whether that header field is signed or not is 
> irrelevant to the assessor?

That's an interesting question, with a multipart answer.  One part is that 
in retrospect, Jon's suggestion is not a great design, and if Doug or 
anyone wants to add extra stuff to a DKIM signature that is intended to be 
passed to the assessor, it'd be a lot better to invent an extra field or 
two, add it to the existing signature, and specifically say that field is 
passed along with the d= to the assessor.  This both avoids the question 
of was it there originally, and also avoids having to match up multiple 
signatures with possible multiple extra info headers.

I have my doubts about the utility of any added output, since I don't 
believe there's anything a sender can say that will inherently increase 
its merit to receivers.  The best you can do is to put in hints of where 
they might find favorable info from credible sources.  Hence the assessor 
uses the d= to look in some local database and see what it thinks of the 
domain.  It's also the way we designed VBR -- it doesn't matter whether 
the VBR-Info header is signed, because the recipient isn't going to 
believe anything it says without checking first.

I'm certainly not opposed to doing experiments, and if we find that it 
will be useful, a possible future DKIM++ that would explicitly export more 
data to the assessor.  But let's not have a freeforall now.

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