Re: [ietf-dkim] The Total Solution is an Integrated One.

2010-11-04 Thread Hector Santos
Charles Lindsey wrote:
> On Thu, 04 Nov 2010 02:04:16 -, Hector Santos  wrote:
>> It is (A) that is most important here and this is where the corrective
>> text should be added.  The original ISSUE Posting included proposed
>> text to follow the "last header" paragraph in Section 5.4:
>> Special Consideration for Verifying and Signing From: Header
>> As an exception, header hash verification MUST be done for all
>> 5322.From fields and not just the last one.  Signing MUST be done
>> for all 5322.From fields found, even though RFC5322 recommends
>> only one 5322.From should be used. This will mitigate any
>> replay that prepends a new 5322.From header to a DKIM signature
>> valid message.  Some MUAs have shown to display only the first
>> 5322.From header found.
> + 1/2
> You seem to imply that hash verification MUST be done for all From 
> fields both during signing AND verification. Fine! You say exactly what 
> is to be done when signing, but leave it unclear what to do if a 
> verifier hashes all the From:s it can find, but finds there are 
> insufficient of them listed in the 'h=' tag.
> So I suggest you add the following:
>   Verification MUST check that all 5322.From fields found have been
>   included in the signature. This will mitigate any deliberate omission
>   to sign some 5322.From (such as the first, which might be the only
>   one displayed by some MUA) by a malicious signer.


I guess I as a bit bias because the DKIM API I was using had already 
resolve this issue with an option:

 Allow Unsigned From Headers

which was an extra option and by default is zero (OFF, FALSE,
DISABLED) hence each 5322.From header found were checked against the
h= list of tag values.

Think of how a verifier migh parse this stuff. While there could be
different methods, a typical model is a streaming line parser:

while ReadNextLine(line) do

As it reads the headers line by line, it checks the h= tags to do the
hashing. The method used in this DKIM API is to remove the h= tag
value as it matched and rehashed the header as it rebuilding the
signature hash.

So when it found the first 5322.From, it checked, hashed and removed
the "from" tag from the list of tags in h=.

If another 5322.From was streamed in, the special IF statement for
"Allow Unsigned From Headers" checked to make sure there was still a
h=from tag for it. If not, an invalid signature result was immediately

Think of this option as a "plug and play" extra requirement which
allowed an operator to revert to the original 4871 described behavior
if the option was enabled.  When enabled, the presence of a 2nd
5322.From did not violate the 4871 Section 5.4 logic.

My text was basically trying to keep with the idea that its
(erroneously) possible to have an extra 5322.From header but the DKIM
protocol "extra requirement" would enforce only one to be hashed.  So
by saying "header hash verification MUST be done for all
5322.From fields and not just the last one," it will help keep with
the current logic in Section 5.4 but also help create the invalid
signature we are looking for from a "plug and play" aspect.

> And furthermore, I would suggest replacing "5322.From fields" by 
> "once-only fields" (where "once-only" is defined as some explicit list 
> of headers derived from RFCs 5322, 4045 and maybe others - precise 
> contents to be discussed separately).

True. I'm on the fence with that though to the extent here required as
I think the main focus should be with the security issue here which is
mostly with 5322.from since it is the only required DKIM binding for
headers and arguably the #1 Display Header to be concern about.

But sure, even if generic text is used here, it should probably have
an i.e, or e.g, for 5322.from to make sure the prime focus is the main
security reason for these extra considerations.

Hector Santos, CTO

NOTE WELL: This list operates according to

[ietf-dkim] The Total Solution is an Integrated One.

2010-11-03 Thread Hector Santos
John R. Levine wrote:

>>> Presumption of RFC5322 compliance is the mistake made in DKIM and ADSP.
>> 50% agreed.  This mistake is only in DKIM, IMHO.
> At this point, it would be helpful if you could propose specific language 
> for 4871bis.  And if it's not presuming 5322 compliance, it would also be 
> helpful if you could say in detail what a DKIM signer and verifier should 
> do if presented with, say, a Windows executable file.  Not a MIME encoded 
> message body containing one, just an EXE file.  If you don't require 5322 
> compliance or something close to it, that's as legitimate a signing 
> candidate as anything.

Based on the discussions, providing the proper technical does not seem 
to be problem, but rather how it conflicts with satisfying IETF RFC 
passage guidelines to avoid yet another WG review cycle.

All that aside..

IMV, it was not a mistake to presume 5322 compliance. All mail 
processing components begins with that basic design presumption.

But it was mistake to presume specific DKIM related input requirements 
can be violated or incorrect and yet be ignored or not checked due to 
the subjective software engineering idea that it a protocol Layer 
violation and thus isn't a DKIM technical responsibility to make sure 
these DKIM related specific input parts are correct.

In other words, since a RFC5322 presumed compliance carries over a 
concept that there MUST be only one 5322.From, there is a solid 
Software Engineering (SE) design consideration for the DKIM input 
requirement protocol to take this into account.  A robust function 
generators will check for its boundary conditions and the mistake is 
in the failure to recognize this SE design consideration.

While it is a valid SE consideration to avoid this is an optimization 
or lower overhead consideration, but that should not preclude the idea 
that the SE design semantics not be part of the functional specification.

For example:

Section 5.4 speaks in generic terms regarding signing the last 
instance (from the top, with the presumption that this last instance 
is the first introduction of the header) only but failed to highlight 
the design requirement for a specific single field only 5322.From 
requirement as it relates to a) RFC5322 correct DKIM signature output 
and b) RFC 5322 compliance itself.

It is (A) that is most important here and this is where the corrective 
text should be added.  The original ISSUE Posting included proposed 
text to follow the "last header" paragraph in Section 5.4:

Special Consideration for Verifying and Signing From: Header

As an exception, header hash verification MUST be done for all
5322.From fields and not just the last one.  Signing MUST be done
for all 5322.From fields found, even though RFC5322 recommends
only one 5322.From should be used. This will mitigate any
replay that prepends a new 5322.From header to a DKIM signature
valid message.  Some MUAs have shown to display only the first
5322.From header found.

With all the WG participant since then, the above can be better 
clarified, but my main point here is that Section 5.4 is where the 
reader is learning how to implement the logic related multiple headers 
and it is here where the reader should be quickly made aware of the 
RFC5322 compliance reminder and exception to the "Last Header" guideline.

I think a new security Section 8.14 is needed to further describe the 
"reason" for the exception in 5.4.  I think my version is better than 
Murray's but I don't really care about that.

Probably, what is also needed that will really help implementators are 
"tips" and "methods" to address this with an eye to how realistically 
DKIM components are added or integrated to a system. But I believe 
this can be done first by simply stating:

 DKIM implementators can mitigate this issue by adding 5322.From 
 in their verifiers and signers.  The 5322.From checking can also 
be done
 at the integration points such as MTA receivers.

The problem is the next statement because it appears to have IETF 

 It is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED for all DKIM verifiers to ALWAYS perform a
 multiple 5322.From header check and return an invalid signature when
 two or more 5322.From headers are found.

Putting aside the IETF conflicts, by making this a new fundamental 
4871bis requirement for DKIM verifiers to perform this check, it would 
be begin to address the problem to a very high degree.

But at the end of the day, it is an integrated solution.  DKIM can not 
work by itself.  It works when integrated with other parts; MSA, MDA, 
MTA, MLS/MLM and MUAs both online and offline.

As a generic protocol, DKIM can offer a solution for this specific 
multiple 5322.From header fault at the verification and signing 
process and we should provide DKIM software writers the insight to 
consider it when providing tools to the DKIM integrators.  It will be 
the DKIM integrators who will decide how