Re: [Ifeffit] Ifeffit Digest, Vol 51, Issue 26

2007-05-30 Thread Bruce Ravel
On Wednesday 30 May 2007, Jun Lin wrote:
 Before you load dos style(Windows use it) apj file, you should translate
 it into Linux style.
 It is easy in Linux system by using dos2unix.

That's not a very good idea.  The apj file is actually a normal zip
file.  If you run it through dos2unix or something similar, it will
almost certainly become irretrievably corrupted.

You could unzip the apj file, run the text files through dos2unix (but
not every file inside is a text file!), zip it back up and then fire
up Artemis.  But that seems way more inconvenient than just hitting
the big green button when you first open the project on a unix


 Bruce Ravel  -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Molecular Environmental Science Group, Building 203, Room E-165
 MRCAT, Sector 10, Advance Photon Source, Building 433, Room B007

 Argonne National Laboratory phone and voice mail: (1) 630 252 5033
 Argonne IL 60439, USAfax: (1) 630 252 9793

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Ifeffit mailing list

Re: [Ifeffit] the brand new Athena User's Guide

2007-05-30 Thread Stefano Ciurli
Hi Bruce,
thanks a lot for your efforts to provide a detailed documentation!

Stefano Ciurli
Professor of Chemistry
Laboratory of Bioinorganic Chemistry
Department of Agro-Environmental Science and Technology
University of Bologna
Viale Giuseppe Fanin, 40
I-40127 Bologna
Phone:  +39-051-209-6204

Fatti non foste a viver come bruti,
ma per seguir virtute e canoscenza
Dante Alighieri - Inferno - Canto XXVI

Ihr seid bestimmt, nicht Tieren gleich zu leben,
Nein, Tugend zu erringen und Erkenntnis
Ye were not form'd to live the life of brutes,
But virtue to pursue and knowledge high
Ifeffit mailing list

Re: [Ifeffit] Using windows apj files on linux

2007-05-30 Thread Ravel, Bruce D.

Hi all,

I spent some time on an airplane this morning fixing this problem that Josh 
reported.  It should be fixed in the next release.  In light of this being a 
linux-only problem, I will probably make a source code release before the new 
windows executables are ready.


P.S.  In case you are curious, \x is perl's way of explicitly specifying a 
unicode character and the argument in braces is the character number expressed 
in hex.  \x{d} is, therefore, the carriage return character, sometimes 
written \r.  So basically, perl was trying to tell me that I was handling the 
dos/unix end of line issue incorrectly, but it was telling me in a really 
obfuscated way.  Fascinating stuff ... not!

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of joshua jason kas
Sent: Tue 5/29/2007 12:13 PM
Subject: [Ifeffit] Using windows apj files on linux
I recently updated to redhat 4. I am running:
artemis 0.8.009
perl 5.8.5

I have an artemis project file that I 
started on my win xp machine and would like to use on the linux machine. 
When I open the apj file on linux, some of the information about the fits 
seems to be scrambled. Here are some of the symptoms.

1) The raw logs seem to have aquired the following
escape character at the end of each line: \x{d}
   This shows up as a carriage return or end of line on this screen.

2) Quick summary of selected fits gives 0 for all reported values
   (chisq, rfactor, nidp, etc) and does not report any guessed

Here is one of the quick summaries. Note that the \x{d} do not show up 
here, but they do in the artemis message palette. I am also attatching the 
project file.
Thanks for any help,
Josh Kas

Project title   : Fitting pt1_amine_165_he_573.chi

Comment : fer dw, constant delr, ei=0, kw=1, kmin=2.0, rmin=1.2

Figure of merit : 17

Fitting statistics
   Number of independent points : 0
   Number of variables  : 0
   Chi-square   : 0
   Reduced chi-square   : 0
   R-factor : 0
   Measurement uncertainty (k)  : 0
   Measurement uncertainty (R)  : 0

Guess parameters


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