Re: [Ifeffit] How to identify Mn Mn Corner edge paths in Artemis

2014-01-07 Thread Matthew Marcus

Corner-sharing octahedra in birnessite-based structure occur either due to 
interlayer Mn, i.e. Mn which is attached on
top of the layer, over a layer vacancy, or octahedra hanging off the edges of 
sheets.  There is a vast litereature on this,
notably from people like Manceau, Bargar and Webb.  Please refer to their 
papers.  You can get Manceau's papers by going to
his website.  They're all available as PDF.

On 1/7/2014 3:51 AM, wrote:

Hi Sathish,

There are no corner sharing paths in your feff calculation as the "perfect" 
birnessite model you are using only has edge sharing octahedra. I am not a 
phyllomanganate expert so can't help with a structure suggestion to try but using google 
I would think you could find a structure with corner sharing MnO6.
Then you could take the corner sharing path from there and the edge sharing 
from your original structure.

In Sam Webb's paper he has refined his model to give shell occupancy numbers as 
he has a non totally crystalline structure. This is effectively the path 
degeneracy from the Feff calculation but you cannot refine this number in 
artemis, you have to refine Nmncor  or some other variable the name is 
irrelevant and then define the path occupancy of the corner as 1 and the S02 
for this path as amp * Nmncor .

Bruce's videos are pretty good in getting started in fitting from scratch, 
which is really not the easiest thing to do, so keep going. I assume you have 
watched some of them.



Ifeffit mailing list

Re: [Ifeffit] How to identify Mn Mn Corner edge paths in Artemis

2014-01-07 Thread fred.mosselmans
Hi Sathish,

There are no corner sharing paths in your feff calculation as the "perfect" 
birnessite model you are using only has edge sharing octahedra. I am not a 
phyllomanganate expert so can't help with a structure suggestion to try but 
using google I would think you could find a structure with corner sharing MnO6. 
Then you could take the corner sharing path from there and the edge sharing 
from your original structure.

In Sam Webb's paper he has refined his model to give shell occupancy numbers as 
he has a non totally crystalline structure. This is effectively the path 
degeneracy from the Feff calculation but you cannot refine this number in 
artemis, you have to refine Nmncor  or some other variable the name is 
irrelevant and then define the path occupancy of the corner as 1 and the S02 
for this path as amp * Nmncor .

Bruce's videos are pretty good in getting started in fitting from scratch, 
which is really not the easiest thing to do, so keep going. I assume you have 
watched some of them.



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[Ifeffit] How to identify Mn Mn Corner edge paths in Artemis

2014-01-07 Thread Sathish Mayanna
Dear all

I am sorry for disturbing you all again, since I am self learning to fit
multiple scattering for biogenic Mn oxides in Artemis, I am quite lost in
understanding the basics of Mn Mn corner sharing path.

All reports are included Mn-Mn Corner at ~ 3.4 A, which I cannot find in my
Feff calcuation for Phyllomanganate layer (Na-Birnessite) model. Below are
the crystallographic information of Na birnessite I used (*also available
in the attachment*), Na is excluded.

A = 5.174 B = 2.850 C = 7.336 and angles 90, 103.18 and 90 for alpha, beta,
gamma respectively
  X  YZ
 Mn 0  00
  O10.37600 00.1330

I have two questions

1) How to identify the Mn Mn corner paths from the Paths result.
2) Where can I find the Coordination Number for Mn Mn Corner, If i see in
eg. Webb et al., 2005 (  the
CN numbers for Mn-Mn Corner is 0.6(1.0) or 0.8(8), what does the number
represent in the brackets?

It will be looking forward for your help.


Description: Binary data

Na_Birnessite_Paths_Feff cal.yaml
Description: Binary data
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