Re: [Ifeffit] iXAFS 3.0.3 for Mac OS X (Brandon Reese)

2010-09-22 Thread Brugger, Joel (SAM)
Hi Brandon,

Did you actually test the python module (i.e. Use python scripting to control 

On 10.6.4, I've obtain the following error:

bash-3.2$ python
  Python 2.6.1 (r261:67515, Dec 17 2009, 00:59:15)
  [GCC 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5646)] on darwin
  Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import math
>>> import Ifeffit
>>> iff = Ifeffit.Ifeffit()
 failed to load ifeffit library  libifeffit.dylib
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in 
  File "/Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/Ifeffit/", line 80, in 
raise ImportError('Cannot load ifeffit library')
ImportError: Cannot load ifeffit library

. /Applications/ is in my 
.profile and is loaded. Indeed, invoking libifeffit.dylib from the command line 

bash-3.2$ libifeffit.dylib
bash: /Applications/ 
cannot execute binary file

bash-3.2$ ls -l libifeffit.dylib
-rwxr-xr-x  1 joelb  admin  1500676 12 Sep 00:07 libifeffit.dylib

So close!

Godd news last: we did not try python scripting on another machine, but IFEFFIT 
appears to run perfectly on 10.5 now - thanks Matt (champagne cork noise).

Joel & Barbara
Ifeffit mailing list

[Ifeffit] iXAFS & python scripting

2010-09-09 Thread Brugger, Joel (SAM)
Hi Matt,

Actually we did run . 
/Applications/ (I was just 
wondering if it was still required).

Hopefully the following output will be clearer than my prose. Line 5 in "iff = 
Ifeffit.Ifeffit()". The problem seems to be access to 
"/Users/Newville/Codes/ifeffit/local/share/ifeffit" while running 


Joel + Barb

Last login: Fri Sep 10 08:14:26 on ttys004
JoelMacBook-Silver:~ joelb$ echo $PATH

JoelMacBook-Silver:~ joelb$ . 

JoelMacBook-Silver:~ joelb$ echo $PATH

JoelMacBook-Silver:~ joelb$ cd 

JoelMacBook-Silver:python joelb$ python 
 failed to load ifeffit library  libifeffit.dylib
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 5, in 
iff = Ifeffit.Ifeffit()
  File "/Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/Ifeffit/", line 79, in 
raise ImportError('Cannot load ifeffit library')
ImportError: Cannot load ifeffit library

JoelMacBook-Silver:python joelb$ echo $PATH


Message: 4
Date: Thu, 9 Sep 2010 10:12:09 -0500
From: Matt Newville 
To: XAFS Analysis using Ifeffit 
Cc: ""

Subject: Re: [Ifeffit] IXAFS3.0.2 and python scripting

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Hi Joel and Barb,

Ah, sorry.  I believe you need to do
   . /Applications/

in the shell prior to running python, or add this to your bash .profile file.

It would be better if the setup procedure detected that it was on a
Mac and set the environment up automatically.
I'll work on that (and on the build for10.5).


> Works great on 10.6 for us too. Thanks a million times, and fingers crossed 
> for finding the error in 10.5 !
> We tried the python scripting, but apparently a /Users/Newville still lurks 
> in there.
> Running the ?script
> 1. #!/usr/bin/python
> 2.
> 3. import math
> 4. import Ifeffit
> 5. iff = Ifeffit.Ifeffit()
> gives the following error:
> bash-3.2$ python
> ?failed to load ifeffit library ?libifeffit.dylib
> /Users/Newville/Codes/ifeffit/local/share/ifeffit:/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:/opt/pgi/osx86/10.4/bin:/Users/joelb/Public/XDS/XDS-OSX_Intel:/Applications/
> Dynamics/moldy-2.16e:/Users/joelb/Public/XDS/XDS-OSX_Intel:/Users/joelb/Desktop/fdmnes:/usr/local/lib:/Users/joelb/Desktop/FitYK/:/usr/local/lib/:/sw/lib/:/sw/include/readline/:/unix/Molecular
> Dynamics/moldy-2.16e:/Users/joelb/Public/XDS/XDS-OSX_Intel:/Users/joelb/Desktop/fdmnes:/Applications/
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> ?File "", line 5, in 
> ? ?iff = Ifeffit.Ifeffit()
> ?File "/Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/Ifeffit/", line 79, in 
> __init__
> ? ?raise ImportError('Cannot load ifeffit library')
> ImportError: Cannot load ifeffit library
> I tried to add /Applications/ to PATH 
> (there's a libifeffit.dylib there), but that did not help.
> Also notice that my PATH variables have been duplicated. This happens because 
> I still have '. 
> /Applications/' in my 
> '.profile'. Do I need to keep this? If so, it would be nice to fix 
> too :-)
> Thanks,
> Joel + Barb

Ifeffit mailing list

[Ifeffit] IXAFS3.0.2 and python scripting

2010-09-09 Thread Brugger, Joel (SAM)
Dear Matt,

Works great on 10.6 for us too. Thanks a million times, and fingers crossed for 
finding the error in 10.5 !

We tried the python scripting, but apparently a /Users/Newville still lurks in 

Running the  script

1. #!/usr/bin/python
3. import math
4. import Ifeffit
5. iff = Ifeffit.Ifeffit()

gives the following error:

bash-3.2$ python 
 failed to load ifeffit library  libifeffit.dylib
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 5, in 
iff = Ifeffit.Ifeffit()
  File "/Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/Ifeffit/", line 79, in 
raise ImportError('Cannot load ifeffit library')
ImportError: Cannot load ifeffit library

I tried to add /Applications/ to PATH 
(there's a libifeffit.dylib there), but that did not help.

Also notice that my PATH variables have been duplicated. This happens because I 
still have '. /Applications/' 
in my '.profile'. Do I need to keep this? If so, it would be nice to fix too :-)


Joel + Barb

Today's Topics:

   1. Re: iXAFS3.0.2 (Matt Newville)


Message: 1
Date: Wed, 8 Sep 2010 11:36:06 -0500
From: Matt Newville 
To: XAFS Analysis using Ifeffit 
Subject: Re: [Ifeffit] iXAFS3.0.2

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252

Hi Brandon,

Thanks for the report.   I've seen the same errors on the only system
I have access to running 10.5.something: All the executable programs
(perl, ifeffit) report the same dyld error.I thought these
messages were perhaps because I had built a "universal binary" that
included x86_64 and i386, so I rebuilt for i386 but not x86_64, hoping
that would solve the problem.  But it didn't.

I've looked into a little bit more (if anyone knows more, please let
me know!!), and believe the issue may be solved by adding compiler
flags of-mmacosx-version-min=10.5 -isysroot
I have not tried this yet, but will try to get this rebuilt in the
next day or two.

Sorry for the trouble.

FWIW, I still get results I don't understand on PPC, where ifeffit and
artemis run but hephaestus are artemis do not isn't that amazing?


Ifeffit mailing list

[Ifeffit] iXAFS3.0 - not much luck so far

2010-09-06 Thread Brugger, Joel (SAM)
Hi Matt,

Not much luck with iXAFS3.0 so far. 

Under 10.5.8 (two macbooks), iXAFS crashes at startup.

Under 10.6.4 (macbook pro), IXAFS opens, but clicking on 
athena/Artemis/Hephaestus only opens an X11 terminal.

I think that somehow the installer expects perl to live in /Users/Newville/:

$ pwd
b$ artemis
-bash: /Applications/ 
/Users/Newville/Codes/ifeffit/local//bin/perl: bad interpreter: No such file or 

I also tried to install python, but something must be wrong with since 
files are copied to /Users/Newville. I now have such an inhabitant on my HD 
thanks to sudo, but even then the install failed. See details below.

Hope it’s nothing traumatic!

Thanks, JOEL

JoelMacBook-Silver:IfeffitPython-2.0.0 joelb$ python install
running install
running build
running build_py
creating build
creating build/lib
creating build/lib/Ifeffit
copying lib/ -> build/lib/Ifeffit
copying lib/ -> build/lib/Ifeffit
copying lib/ -> build/lib/Ifeffit
copying lib/ -> build/lib/Ifeffit
running install_lib
creating /Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/Ifeffit
copying build/lib/Ifeffit/ -> 
copying build/lib/Ifeffit/ -> 
copying build/lib/Ifeffit/ -> 
copying build/lib/Ifeffit/ -> /Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/Ifeffit
byte-compiling /Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/Ifeffit/ to 
byte-compiling /Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/Ifeffit/ to 
byte-compiling /Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/Ifeffit/ to 
byte-compiling /Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/Ifeffit/ to shell.pyc
running install_data
creating /Users/Newville
error: could not create '/Users/Newville': Permission denied

Running as SUDO:

JoelMacBook-Silver:IfeffitPython-2.0.0 joelb$ sudo python install
running install
running build
running build_py
running install_lib
running install_data
creating /Users/Newville
creating /Users/Newville/Codes
creating /Users/Newville/Codes/ifeffit
creating /Users/Newville/Codes/ifeffit/local
creating /Users/Newville/Codes/ifeffit/local/bin
error: can't copy '': doesn't exist or not a regular file

Ifeffit mailing list

Re: [Ifeffit] PYTHON scripting on MacOS & XP (Joel Brugger)

2010-08-15 Thread Brugger, Joel (SAM)
Hi Matt, 

Thanks for the update. We had trouble getting the XP version to work.

We're running Win XP under parallels on the Mac. Ifeffit (1.2.11), python
(2.5) and the wrapper installed successfully. The shell (in the
python/scripts directory) does not recognise any python commands. And
opening python in the ifeffit directory - it does not recognise ifeffit in
the "import ifeffit" command.

What are we doing wrong?


Joel & Barbara

Ifeffit mailing list

[Ifeffit] PYTHON scripting on MacOS & XP

2010-08-12 Thread Brugger, Joel (SAM)
We used python scripting in 2005 (Win XP). However trying to get back into it 
we ran into trouble:

- We're now using MacOS X, but could not find a python wrapper in the current 
iXAFS or IFEFFIT installs; is python scripting supported on the mac at all?
- We then tried to get back to the PC version, only to discover that the 
wrapper also seems to be absent from the latest install.

Can you please help us to get going again with python scripting? If this option 
is not supported anymore, can you recommend an alternative?


Joel & Barbara
Ifeffit mailing list