Re: [Ifeffit] XAS viewer unit detection during data reading

2023-02-28 Thread Welter, Edmund
Dear Siebe, 

did you try to change the data type from "raw" to XAS. If you click on the 
small arrow on the right you should have the choice between xas and raw. On my 
computer that works and after that I can choose the unit for the X-axis. For 
some reason "raw" seems to be the preset choice. Maybe Matt could change that, 
I fell into this trap several times. 


From: "van der Veer, Siebe"  
To: "XAFS Analysis using Ifeffit"  
Sent: Tuesday, 28 February, 2023 13:16:18 
Subject: [Ifeffit] XAS viewer unit detection during data reading 

Dear all, 
I am not sure if this mailing list is the correct medium for this question. 
Apologies, if not. 

I am looking to import files in XAS viewer, which worked fine in ATHENA, but in 
XAS viewer the correct units of the data are not detected and I cannot manually 
change them. I can get a plot of the data, but the data is not recognized by 
the software as XAS data, i.e. a lot of plotting/conversion options do not 

I hope the following screenshots provide sufficient information to illustrate 
my issue. 

Reading in a .dat file of fluorescence data. I can't change the units in the 
marked area. 

The data can be read into the XAS viewer, but I don't have the regular plotting 
options in these dropdown menus. 

Any advice would be much appreciated. 

Kind regards, 

Siebe van der Veer | PhD student 
Nanostructures of Functional Oxides | Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials 
University of Groningen | Nijenborgh 4, 9747 AG Groningen | The Netherlands 
Email: [ | ] | 

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Re: [Ifeffit] Installation of Athena on Linux Ubuntu

2019-03-07 Thread Welter, Edmund
Dear Mohamed, 

you will find instructions how to install the software under Linus on Bruce's 
[ | 
Look out for "David Hughes' guide to Demeter Installation on Ubuntu" 

Don't use the version from the Ubuntu repositories, it is very old. You have to 
compile the software on your computer. If you follow the instructions you will 
(finally) be able to do so. Please be aware, that the instructions are for 
older Linux/Ubuntu versions and that some libraries are meanwhile updated. 
Well, you have to read all the stuff that is written in the terminal when you 
install the dependencies, some will not be installed with the version numbers 
in the instructions, you must identify the correct version numbers and install 
these newer versions. 

Best of luck, 

Sent: Thursday, 7 March, 2019 14:05:45 
Subject: [Ifeffit] Installation of Athena on Linux Ubuntu 

Dear All, 

I would like to install Athena in my Linux Ubuntu 16.04 OS. Any idea on how to 
and if there is already a software develloped for Linux OS. 
I searched but didn't find it and I'm wondering if someone has already 
developed it. 

Thank you 

Mohamed Naji 


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Re: [Ifeffit] Transmission EXAFS sample

2010-11-22 Thread Welter, Edmund

Dear Jatin,

the optimum mued of 2.x is not just derived by simple photon counting 
statistics. As Matt pointed out, for transmission measurements at a 
synchrotron beamline in conventional scanning mode this is seldom a 
matter. Nevertheless, one should avoid to measure subtle changes of 
absorption at the extreme ends, that is, transmission near 0 % or 100 %. 
In optical photometry this is described by the more or less famous 
Ringbom plots which describe the dependency of the accuracy of 
quantitative analysis by absorption measurements (usually but not 
necessarily in the UV/Vis) from the total absorption of the sample.

This time the number is only near to 42, the optimum transmission is 
36.8 % (mue = 1). So, to achieve the highest accuracy in the 
determination of small Delta c (c = concentration) you should try to 
measure samples with transmissions near to this value (actually the 
minimum is broad and transmissions between 0.2 and 0.7 are ok). In our 
case, we are not interested in the concentration of the absorber, but we 
are also interested in (very) small changes of the transmission resp. 
absorption in our samples. Or, using Bouger, Lambert Beer's law, in our 
case mue (-ln(I1/I0) is a function of the absorption coefficient (mue0). 
The concentration of the absorber and the thickness (d) of the sample 
are constant.

-ln(I1/I0) = mue0 * c * d

But then: If the optimum is a mue between 0.35 and 1.6 why are we all 
measuring successfully (ok, more or less ;-) using samples having a mue 
between 2 and 3? ...and 0.35 seems desperately small to me! Maybe sample 
homogeneity is an issue?

Edmund Welter

Ifeffit mailing list

Re: [Ifeffit] consultation

2010-01-29 Thread Welter, Edmund

Dear Mingliang,

Thanks for your explain. But I am still puzzled. Following your 
instruction, I performed *Self-Absorption *for the samples, choosing 
*XANES(Fluo) *from *algorithm*, but I did not know the real meaning of  
*Formula*. Does it mean the species formula which I wish to detect? Or 
the whole composition of the sample? 
The composition of the whole sample. You do not need to know the 
species, you only need to know thew elemental composition of your 
sample. A hairy task if you don't digest your sample completely and put 
it into an ICP-MS or anything like that. I don't know which precision is 
necessary to yield usable results. Maybe someone else tested or 
calculated it.
In principle the matrix produces just a smooth background absorption and 
knowing the composition it is easy to calculate the amount of this 
absorption using tabulated scattering factors. But it should also be 
possible to determine this background experimentally, for instance 
extrapolating the background before the edge. But for this you would 
need a blank spectrum to calibrate the mued value.
If you follow the link to the document section in Athena a very 
instructive webpage will open and among other things you will find 
citations of the original papers underlying the four different 
algorithms used for the self absorption correction.

I used natural mineral to interact 
with selenite, then I wish to check the speciation of the selenium 
reaction product. For my case, should I fill the blank with Se or FeSe 
or both of them (because currently I do not know the exactly containing 
As said before, the chemical Formula of the entire sample. Chemical 
formula here does not mean you have any kind of chemical bond, it just 
means molar ratio.

For the angles, normally are they 45? Becuase I measured 
the samples in fluorescence mode, and didnot measure the angles between 
sample, incoming beam and detector. I tried to input *Se *in the 
*Formula* entry, and select 45 for the angles, then I got a corrected 
spectra which was higher than the original one. 

45 degrees is the usually used geometry. However, the program asks for 
the geometry which you used not for the usually used geometry! If it was 
45 degrees than its fine. Obviously the algorithm does what it is 
supposed to do, it amplifies the oscillations. But this does not mean 
that the result is correct! It will only be correct if the input 
parameters were correct.

But when I using this 
spectra for LCF analysis, I still could not got overlapping line for the 
fitted spectra with the sample spectra...
Using pure Se in the self absorption correction is definitely wrong, it 
overestimates the effect dramatically. Actually the effect more or less 
disappears for diluted samples. But even if the spectra were properly 
corrected I can not see any reason why the used set of reference spectra 
 MUST fit the spectrum of your sample. There are many possible reasons 
for this, the most likely is that you are missing one or more important 
reference spectrum (Or you are not using enough references/free 
parameters in your fit...;-)

Best regards,
Edmund Welter
Ifeffit mailing list

Re: [Ifeffit] consultation

2010-01-28 Thread Welter, Edmund

Dear Mingliang,

simply because Athena is not normalising the height of the highest peak 
(the white line) but the EXAFS region, that is it starts some 10 eV 
above the edge. You choose the normalisation region in Athenas settings. 
 You can see in your plots that it does this job quite well, the 
spectra oscillate around 1 (at E  E0+40 eV).

Anyway, take care what you do when you try to fit a fluorescence yield 
XAFS spectrum with references which were measured in transmission mode. 
You must at least be sure that you considered the self absorption 
effect which dampens the oscillations (most notably the large 
oscillations in the XANES region). The importance of this effect depends 
on your sample's composition.

Athena contains functions to correct the self absorption. In order to do 
this you need the elemental composition of your sample and the angles 
between sample, incoming beam and detector.

Best regards,
Edmund Welter

?? wrote:

I want to to ask a question about using Linear Combination Fitting in 
Athena. I normalized all the references(measured in transmission mode) 
and samples (fuorescence mode) with Athena, and then wish to use LCF to 
quantify each unique component in the samples. But I noted that the 
normalized samples spectra had lower height at the white line peak than 
any references(shown pic-1.emf in annex), thus the fitted spectra 
were also higher than the original sample spectra (shown pic-2 and 
-3.emf in annex). I do not know why? I also attached all the original 
data(before normalization). Wish to obtain guidance from you. Thanks!

Best wishes


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[Ifeffit] Open position at HASYLAB

2009-11-12 Thread Welter, Edmund

Dear XAFS users,

if you are interested or know someone who might be interested in a 
postdoc position in the field of spectroscopy with X-rays, please have a 
look at our recent job advertisement:

Edmund Welter

Ifeffit mailing list

Re: [Ifeffit] Pellet sample preparation

2009-08-21 Thread Welter, Edmund
Hi Dominik,

you can use cellulose powder (Aldrich) it forms very stable pellets and 
does not stick to your pressing tool like BN. Chemically it is 
definitely less inert than PE but I never saw that it reacted with 
samples. An advantage of the cellulose powder over the Uvasol PE is that 
the grain size distribution is much more homogeneous and the particles 
are smaller enabling much more homogeneous samples than the PE (That is 
you must not sieve it before use). If you use BN be sure to have some 
vaseline at hand, otherwise you will not be able to remove the pellet 
from the pressing tool. Some people used PTFE powder, don't know if it 
works but at least F is a heavy element compared to H. When Merck ceased 
to sell the Uvasol PE we tested a all PE powders we could lay our hands 
on but couldn't find one that formed stable pellets.


Dominik Samuelis wrote:
 Dear list,
 for many years, I have used  Merck Uvasol Polyethylene for  
 spectroscopy PE powder as a diluent and binder for pressing  
 self-supporting pellets especially of air-sensitive substances. When I  
 today wanted to order a new bottle, I had to learn that it's not  
 available anymore (actually, since 2002... :-)).
 Does anyone of you know about any other supplier of spectroscopy-grade  
 polyethylene powder? And more general, which binder/diluent do you use  
 for preparing pellets of sensitive substances ?
 Best regards,
Ifeffit mailing list

Re: [Ifeffit] negative amplitude

2007-11-30 Thread Welter, Edmund
Dear Wojciech,

I presume you mean the amp_x value, this topic was discussed in 
January 07 on this list and Scott Calvin and Kelly Shelly gave useful 
hints (The subject was is there a physical meaning to a negative S02) 
It all boils down to the question what happens if you multiply sin(x) 
with -1. So it seems that the model you use in your FEFF calculation is 
off by a half an oscillation.

Edmund Welter

Wojciech Starosta wrote:
  Sorry if it is FAQ. But I spent some time on fitting without
 success and have not found answer to this.
   Does anybody could explain me if negative value of amplitude has any
 sense. I can get beautiful plot after fit, but unfortunately the message
 appear concerning  negative value of amplitude (amplitudes). How to
 avoid it. Any written material will be very helpful.
I know that I can define amplitude as squared value of new variable.
 But sometimes it does not work. Ifeffit stops with message that value of
 this variable cannot be determined
With the best regards
 Wojtek Starosta
 Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology
 03-195 Warsaw, Dorodna 16
 Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology

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[Ifeffit] XAFS postdoc position at HASYLAB

2007-06-27 Thread Welter, Edmund
Dear colleagues,

at the Hamburger Synchrotron Strahlungslabor (HASYLAB) a postdoc 
position in the XAFS business is available. If you or one of your 
colleagues is interested please contact me by e-mail or phone (address 
at the bottom of this mail).

The main task will be the operation of our new XAFS-beamline (beamline 
C). As a postdoc you will have the opportunity to use HASYLAB's 
facilities for your own research. Moreover, you will be a live witness 
of the construction and commissioning of the new high brilliance source 
PETRA III (user operation at PETRA III will start in 2009) and of the 
start phase of the XFEL project.

If you have questions about this mail or the available position please 
do not reply to the mailing list, but contact me directly instead.

Best regards,
Edmund Welter
Ifeffit mailing list