
Did you collect reference spectra along side the unknown samples?  In that
case just calibrate one of the reference channels and then use align spectra
which shifts the the other selected reference spectrum to the calibrated
one.  Each reference channel will be shifted to the calibrated one along
with corrsponding sample channel.

buena salud,

Chris Patridge

On Thu, Aug 18, 2011 at 8:02 AM, Pieter-Jan Sabbe

> Dear All
> I am trying to do a linear combination fit with Athena. To do that i want
> to first prepare my standard spectra. My unknown sample is (I presume) a
> combination of Cu and Cu(I)O (cuprite)  and Cu(II)O (tenorite). I started
> with calibrating the Cu to 8979 eV as how the Athena manual say how to do it
> (I use the zero crossing point at the second derivative). This provided me
> an E0 and Eshift. I am doubting now for what I should do next: Cuprite and
> Tenorite have different oxidation states, meanin that the binding energies
> of the inner electrons will shift and in that way shifting the absorption
> edge of the compound. Should I look somewhere in a database (does that
> exist, or articles) for the absorption edge of cuprite and tenorite and set
> it like that or should I use the same E0 as i did for Cu?
> Another important thing for me, I have found some old data with some
> standard reference (powder spectra) measured in fluorescence mode, but my
> guess they are from different beamtimes, can I use data from different
> beamtimes/beamlines as standards in a linear combination fit?
> thank you in advance
> Pieter-Jan
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