Dear all,

I want to introduce - where people with Open
Source know-how ( as in this list ) can mentor topics of their interest.
Once you sign up, you have the option to offer a course you are comfortable
with, and feel free to add a brief description and modules for easy

Topics can be as straight-forward as `setting up the LAMP stack` to as
complicated as `building and setting up the LAMP stack` with limitation
only to Open Source topics/skills. Please add the difficulty level
appropriately so that the audience do not feel stuck. Mentoring will happen
online with respect to the mentors ease.

In case you are looking for skills, lists the available
courses as of now.

Giving back to the community is our aim, and do offer courses that can make
a difference.

Tony Thomas <>
ThinkFOSS <>

*"where there is a wifi, there is a way"*
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