Re: [Ilugc] [fosscomm] Hacking and Activism

2012-07-15 Thread kenneth gonsalves
On Sun, 2012-07-15 at 11:02 +0530, Arun Khan wrote:
> As has been suggested, please do not cross post topics that are going
> to generate talk back.  Most of the  members of the *lists* you have
> cross posted to are not likely members of *all/some* of the same lists
> and therefore responses are going to be disjointed in each of those
> mailing list.
> Please post them individually and summarize the discussion from each
> of the lists in one final post. 

I agree - I pressed reply to his post and got some bounce from some
other list.
Kenneth Gonsalves

ILUGC Mailing List:

Re: [Ilugc] [fosscomm] Hacking and Activism

2012-07-14 Thread Arun Khan
@ Mani

As has been suggested, please do not cross post topics that are going
to generate talk back.  Most of the  members of the *lists* you have
cross posted to are not likely members of *all/some* of the same lists
and therefore responses are going to be disjointed in each of those
mailing list.

Please post them individually and summarize the discussion from each
of the lists in one final post.

On Sun, Jul 15, 2012 at 2:46 AM, A. Mani  wrote:
> The term "ethical hacking" usually makes no sense because "ethics" is
> part of "hacking".
> Cracking is reserved for "actual methods for illegally subverting the
> security of computer systems".
> Terms like "ethical cracking" may make sense in complex
> corporate-political scenarios

Explain this to the CTO, CSO of most  IT shops; most likely you will
get a glazed look.

> But the FSMK people have decided to use the term "ethical hacking" for
> "hacking + Activism" and possibly beyond.
> Is this a good move?

FOSS or no FOSS,  FSMK needs to get the message across to a larger
audience than those who do differentiate between "hacking" and
"cracking"  - marketing reality.

Perhaps in the workshop content they can highlight this point across
to the attendees.

My 11.2 paise.

Arun Khan
"As a layman, I would say we have it, but as a scientist I have to
say, 'What do we have?'"
Rolf Heuer, Director General CERN on the announcement of Higgs Boson particle.
ILUGC Mailing List:

Re: [Ilugc] [fosscomm] Hacking and Activism

2012-07-14 Thread satyaakam goswami
> But the FSMK people have decided to use the term "ethical hacking" for
> "hacking + Activism" and possibly beyond.
> Is this a good move?

time will tell , so far the users of the term have had made money , also
the motive of FSMK is not clear may be they wanted to catch the attention
as in publicity since the spin web doctors and media have done so much to
register the term in people 's mind it  makes it so much more easier to
sell something than  just old philosophical and moral high ground points.

etymologically speaking there is some research to be done to find how this
word came into being , a quick web search just could find one such paper on
the term but alas that too
was not accessible to me it looks like lots of terms like spam,hacker which
have made it to the urban language then to the dictionaries , so may be
this term will be as acceptable to you as spam is over period of time.

this was the most interesting one did not know that RMS was a whithat till
i read this , as i said
this one and many more like these have used and abused the term.

so overall it speaks of changing times and desperation of certain
organizations to have themselves heard you should be writing to the
organizations and the individuals in order to understand what the motives
has been if you have an issue with them.

but yes i agree it does make a case to study and publish something about
what the term really means wrt to free software , open source etc..  now i
think i am getting into an area where most people here are not comfortable
with like researching with these terms itself , i think it will soon become
OT :-) because of the etymological research we are talking about.

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