Application: CompizConfig Settings Manager

What it is:

CCSM, short for CompizConfig Settings Manager, is a configuration tool
for Compiz Fusion. It is used to configure the many plugins included
in Compiz and Compiz Fusion, as well as the use of various profiles
and intergrating better with existing desktop settings. CCSM uses the
CompizConfig compiz configuration system.



The plugins are divided into 8 categories:

    *    General
          o This contains the core options
    *    Accessibility
          o This category contains plugins to make your desktop easier
to use, especially if you have a reading or viewing disability
    *    Desktop
          o This category contains plugins to configure how your
desktop behaves, like the Desktop Cube and Desktop Wall
    *    Effects
          o This category contains plugins to configure various
animations and effects, such as the 'Wobbly Windows' plugins or the
'Animation' plugin
    *   Extras
          o This category contains plugins that serve a minor or
ambiance purpose, like water and annotate
    *   Image Loading
          o This category contains plugins that allow various image
formats to be loaded
    *   Utility
          o This category contains plugins that provide internal
functionality, or small but useful features, like DBUS and Resize
    *   Window Management
          o This category contains plugins that provide basic to
advanced window management functionality, like moving windows to
grouping and tabbing windows.

To know more about:

To install:

sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager
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