Re: [Ilugc] Some shell scripting

2012-12-25 Thread Chandrashekar Babu
>  I was reading the OpenBSD install script for something and I found
>  that the simple pdksh script
>  itself was somewhat ...complex.

Slackware Linux installer and package management tools and 
the plethora of rc scripts on most Linux distros do still use 
shell scripts.

Most modern Linux distros however use systemd or upstart 
instead of old rc-style shell scripts for performance and 
scalability reasons. The installers of most modern Linux 
distros are either based on Python or Ruby scripts for 
maintainability and scalability reasons.
>  So if you want to write cool software shell scripting is not a bad idea.

That was back in the '90s. Today, shell scripting is a *very* bad idea 
if portability, maintainability and performance are concerned. Shell
scripting is not recommended for anything greater than a 10 line
script. For anything bigger and complex than that - you should 
use Python, Ruby or any other modern scripting language instead. 

>  The advantage shell scripts have over perl scripts is that with shell
>  you have all the UNIX toolkit programs
>  along with even C code you write for use.

That's why Larry Wall created perl so that you do not have to 
depend on 'C code'  (binary executable programs) of your 
underlying system. Try porting a sophisticated shell script 
from Solaris to OpenBSD or Linux and you'll understand why 
shell scripting is a bad idea for writing medium-to-large scale 

Shell and old generation Perl emphasize glue-scripting (gluing 
together other programs written largely in C/C++) mainly because
they lacked features on their own. Today, things are different. 
Modern scripting languages (Python, Ruby and also Perl) are 
full-featured and glue-scripting today can be fully avoided except
for a few one-liners.

Chandrashekar Babu.
ILUGC Mailing List:

Re: [Ilugc] Some shell scripting

2012-12-26 Thread Mohan R
On Wed, 2012-12-26 at 10:54 +0530, Chandrashekar Babu wrote:
> Most modern Linux distros however use systemd or upstart 
> instead of old rc-style shell scripts for performance and 
> scalability reasons.

I differ, If you consider Gentoo is a modern distro, then your statement
is wrong. Gentoo as well as its childs still use openRC, not

> That was back in the '90s. Today, shell scripting is a *very* bad idea 
> if portability, maintainability and performance are concerned. Shell
> scripting is not recommended for anything greater than a 10 line
> script. For anything bigger and complex than that - you should 
> use Python, Ruby or any other modern scripting language instead. 

I still differ, People who want performance don't consider Python/Ruby.
A careful design can make scalability easier by writing it in C and do a
glue-scripting, rather than Ruby/Python.

I'm not an architect who can talk about scalability/performance of a big
or enterprise level application, just an amateur programmer, but in my
opinion, whatever complex the problem, a well defined split-up and
writing tools for each split can scale whatever level we want.

Want a proof? just look at git. It doesn't suck!! because it was not
written in Python/Ruby, its a bunch of C programs which can be used as
commands in bash (as well as in any language). what you say about this?
with your so called Python/Ruby scalability?

Just my opinion, it doesn't mean, all applications in the world should
be written in C. but, I'm saying beautiful applications are all written
in C.

Mohan R

ILUGC Mailing List:

Re: [Ilugc] Some shell scripting

2012-12-26 Thread Suraj Kumar
On Thu, Dec 27, 2012 at 2:01 AM, Mohan R  wrote:

> I still differ, People who want performance don't consider Python/Ruby.
> A careful design can make scalability easier by writing it in C and do an
> glue-scripting, rather than Ruby/Python.

When we talk performance, let's talk about what exactly we mean by it. Most
applications are never bottlenecked on the CPU and are most of the time
waiting for I/O. In such cases, the so-called "overhead" of running a
dynamic language like perl/python/ruby far outweighs the drawbacks. Writing
good code in C is probably twice as hard as writing good code in perl (and
probably 10x as hard as writing good code in python / ruby).

By "good", I mean, maintainable, readable and modular code.

That said, when it comes to shell there is one problem I've faced a lot:
Since shell scripts leverage external utilities (like cat/sort/cut/etc.,)
that can be realized only after a 'fork()' and since most people today
prefer to run stuff on VMs, the performance of fork system call on certain
VM hosts is unpredictable and bad. Sometimes it may take several seconds
for a seemingly harmless process like cat to instantiate.

> I'm not an architect who can talk about scalability/performance of a big
> or enterprise level application, just an amateur programmer, but in my
> opinion, whatever complex the problem, a well defined split-up and
> writing tools for each split can scale whatever level we want.
> Want a proof? just look at git. It doesn't suck!! because it was not
> written in Python/Ruby, its a bunch of C programs which can be used as
> commands in bash (as well as in any language). what you say about this?
> with your so called Python/Ruby scalability?

git is a fairly limited and well defined problem area that involves mostly
string manipulation. Also, its open source (and open source software
quality _usually_ is better than enterprise grade software, IMHO). Consider
something more complex and event driven, like your typical enterprise grade
HTTP application that is under a constant pressure of meeting deadlines and
people whose, shall we say, social conditioning is not necessarily wired
for the most elegant solutions but instead for those that just work and
those that give them recognition in their social circle (read: "career").



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ILUGC Mailing List:

Re: [Ilugc] Some shell scripting

2012-12-26 Thread Chandrashekar Babu

>  I differ, If you consider Gentoo is a modern distro, then your statement
>  is wrong. Gentoo as well as its childs still use openRC, not
>  systemd/upstart.

I used the word "Most"; not "All". Gentoo, Slackware and a couple of 
other distros do not use systemd or upstart yet. Having said that, 
on Gentoo today, systemd is just an 'emerge' away.   
>  I still differ, People who want performance don't consider Python/Ruby.
>  A careful design can make scalability easier by writing it in C and do a
>  glue-scripting, rather than Ruby/Python.

Wrong. People who want performance prefer Perl/Python/Ruby or the likes in
comparison to C programs + Shell. It is obvious that you have no first hand
exposure at maintaining a 25,000+ line shell script (which I did in the late
90s) - so you have no clue on what I'm talking about.

As an exercise, try writing a Linux installer and package manager with 
features and capability of Redhat's installer (anaconda) and their package
manager (RPM/YUM) using just shell scripts and existing bare-bones
Linux tools (tar, cpio, bzip2, etc). You'll understand immediately why 
people chose Python/Ruby over shell :-)  

>  I'm not an architect who can talk about scalability/performance of a big
>  or enterprise level application, just an amateur programmer, but in my
>  opinion, whatever complex the problem, a well defined split-up and
>  writing tools for each split can scale whatever level we want.

I am a technology mentor - and I train architects on how software must
not be built in the first place. I can talk at length about scalability

In the 80s and early 90s, traditional UNIX paradigms emphasized on 
splitting complex problems into smaller problem sets that could be 
addressed by carefully written tools and utilities in C and then 
glued-up together using the shell (just like LEGO(tm) building blocks). 
This worked well during at that time. 

But the problem with shell is in its architectural design - it was never
meant for solving complex problems - the overhead of forking multiple
process (to run different programs), its lack of built-in functions
for rich data-types (hashes, objects, resizable vector-based arrays) and
algorithms (map, reduce, sort, search), and its extensive dependency 
on external tools and commands (like cut, grep, sed, etc) for trivial 
tasks makes it slower, unintuitive and unattractive for solving 
"complex" problems. 

Today, we have a better design - rather can creating hundreds and 
thousands of binary programs using C, we have most performance-critical
and low-level functions written in C and bundled into libraries. And we 
use smart programming languages like Python/Ruby/Perl that wrap these 
libraries as extension modules. That's how Python/Ruby/Perl perform better 
and are more scalable. For example, a python program made up of 
Python + C library extension is a lot faster than a shell script made up 
of Shell + C program binary (as there is no fork-dup-exec involved in 
the former). 

>  Want a proof? just look at git. It doesn't suck!! 

Git doesn't suck as long as you are happy with what it provides. 
There's very little scope for customizability here. Every time I tried 
implementing a workflow radically different from what git provides, 
I end up yelling out what Git really meant - "Goddamn IdioT" (as per 
Linus Torvalds, the creator) and move on to mercurial.

>  because it was not
>  written in Python/Ruby, its a bunch of C programs which can be used as
>  commands in bash (as well as in any language). 

And that's why it is rigid, non-flexible and expects you to learn umpteen
commands to manage your source code eventually. 

> what you say about this? with your so called Python/Ruby scalability?

Mercurial is written fully on Python and it is way more scalable and fully
customizable than Git. For example, writing trigger rules for mercurial
expects you to only know python and mercurial library interface. 
In comparison, git expects you to know umpteen commands, shell and a 
plethora of not-so-portable utilities like inotify on Linux - that's not 
what you call scalable.

Mercurial has proven to be much faster than git for large-scale commits
and I have personally benchmarked both myself on server deployments. 
For your reference, look up the following link:

Ubuntu community folks will tell you how bazaar is as fast as (or better 
than) git - and that's written in Python too. The beauty of well-designed
software lies in its extensibility to solve problems pertaining to the user

Lesson for you: merely writing an "application" in C does not make it any 
faster. In most cases, it is counter-productive as it does not emphasize
reusability. Good software design principles revolve around using C/C++ 
to address problems related to system domain - that could be extended as 
libraries by programs written in Python/Ruby/Perl/Haskell/Java or any 

Re: [Ilugc] Some shell scripting

2012-12-26 Thread Mohan R
On Thu, 2012-12-27 at 10:07 +0530, Chandrashekar Babu wrote:

Kind of a response benchmarking which proved that hg is better.

Just one question? did the test used for all
the git call's?

I thought libgit.a is there (or better which
prevents fork-exec. However, the test is talking about gc. So, my point
doesn't count as a valid argument. But I'm just wondering the test is
comparing things which are not in the same level,

If the entire test performed by doing python+hg-with-api and python, then I'll say, the test is
biased towards hg. Well, you can ask "the test is all about garbage
collection, what the hell you are talking about?" well, may be git has
some problem with gc, but I'm saying there is something fishy the way
the test has been performed.

> Lesson for you: merely writing an "application" in C does not make it any 
> faster. In most cases, it is counter-productive as it does not emphasize
> reusability. Good software design principles revolve around using C/C++ 
> to address problems related to system domain - that could be extended as 
> libraries by programs written in Python/Ruby/Perl/Haskell/Java or any 
> high-level language that allows application developers to focus on problems
> related to user domain.

> And yes, get this out of your mind that C is all about "high performance".
> Performance, Scalability, Maturity and Maintainability depends *not* on your
> choice of programming language - but rather the software design and 
> architecture. 

Aahh!! the same old (or modern) advice. Common pundits, I'm not saying C
is the only way and I really say python/javascript is way better on text
processing, no doubt on that, its my personal experience. But saying C
and shell-scripting doesn't belongs to the modern programming is utter

> As another exercise for you, try solving the algorithm problems on 
> using C (with standard C libraries of 
> course). 

Well, I'm solving my own day-to-day problems with C the same problems can be solvable much
easier in other languages, but whats the point of solving my problems in
easier way? I'm not a corporate with deadlines. Programming is fun after
all :)

> Then, try looking up solutions for the same problems solved
> using Python, Haskell, Ruby, Perl (and more languages if you wish) 
> and now prove to us that C programs are beautiful than 
> Python/Ruby/Haskell programs ;-)

Well, beautiful, depends on one's view. I would say thorn is beautiful
than the rose (this is a counter post right? obviously I have to post
like this. sorry for wasting you time).

Mohan R

ILUGC Mailing List: