[Ilugc] Students Project - suggestions

2008-09-27 Thread Raman.P
Dear luggies
Consequent to the interest ILUGC has generated among students, I am getting lot 
of request for suggesting proects.

In some colleges, they have decided out-and-out FOSS based projects.

Please suggest projects ideas.

Please keep in mind the constraints

a. The projects are not fulltime for B.E students
b. Most will have only preliminary knowledge - but can pickup fast.
c. Should point out resources available on net


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Re: [Ilugc] Students Project - suggestions

2008-09-27 Thread technocraze

Dear luggies
Consequent to the interest ILUGC has generated among students, I am getting lot 
of request for suggesting proects.

In some colleges, they have decided out-and-out FOSS based projects.

Please suggest projects ideas.

Please keep in mind the constraints

a. The projects are not fulltime for B.E students
b. Most will have only preliminary knowledge - but can pickup fast.
c. Should point out resources available on net

This is a welcome move in our LUG.  I too had lot of enquiries from lot 
of students, but could not give an effective help.  Discussing in this 
list can bring some positive outcome.

Some of criterias that i feel are important:

1. The academic project should be done for some real life requirements.  
No matter, what it is.  If it solves a real life problem, then this 
project is worth while doing it.
2. The basic skills needed for doing the project is very important.  We 
cannot guide project at the 8th semester, if the students dont know even 
the basic.

3. Even MCA students can be included in FOSS projects.

The FOSS project that is being undertaken should be fullfilling, and 
should be towards implementing in a common life scenario.  For example, 
if the student are doing an ecommerce project, they have to work towards 
implementing it in real life, and atleast deal some 2 or 3 prodcuts 
through that software.  Only then, both the project experience and the 
software would be useful for the students.

Secondly, as we have seen, no single matured foss project is short 
term.  For example, wordpress has been started before 2006 and still its 
evolving.  So, we should have a setup, so that, we build a student 
community of contributors across colleges under a common platform, so 
that the project they do evolve in to a mature one over the period of time.
But for that, we need to have a strong platform, a vibrant community, 
and the open source development model. 

By platform, i mean, a site that contains the SVN, Wiki, project 
management, IRC etc.

By Vibrant community, i mean, the contributors should be passionate 
about it, and should not do it for academic sake.

By Open source model, i mean, the concrete process to commit source 
code, and a workable model, where different team takes different tasks 
towards the common objective.  Its a model or process that should be 
finalised before starting project and should be strictly followed by the 

To achieve those, there are some basic requirements to be fulfilled.  
The students should be trained in using svn, and other tools to be used 
for project management.  Only then they will be able to maintain, manage 
and take control of their development work.
Secondly, regular meetings and conferences is to be held both in person, 
and over IRC, so that they would be able to discuss each and everypart 
of the project.

As everyone knows, a foss project is NOT merely a coding.  Infact coding 
contributes only minor part of the development.  What is required is a 
solid concept, with optimal architecture for the project to start with.  
So the students should finalise on a concept, and start periodical 
discussion on various aspects of the project and document it.

*FOSS Project that i undertook

*I have been taken an initiative on my own, to guide 4 students from 
Mahendra engineering college.  I would seek the opinion of the group 
members over it.

The project i suggested to them was "College ERP".  To develop a basic 
module for the college to manage their administrative and academic 
tasks.  This is essentially for the college management, and would 
greatly improve the management capability and decision making ability 
for the college.
I am aware that this is too big a project for a BE student to take it as 
academic project.  However, i thought, that we would be covering only 
basic and essential modules for the college, and it can be continued as 
a long term project with next batch of students taking up from where 
they left.

The advantage i feel is that the current student can involve in the 
project till they get a suitable job, and in turn train a batch of their 
junior to work on it.  Even after getting a job, they can very well 
guide their juniors with their technical skills.

My idea can mostly be a unfeasible one, but my guess is that if the 
project kicks off, it would become a active foss project, else, it would 
become a normal academic project.  So any way, there is no loss for the 

*My Suggestion:

*If any of the members are convinced of my idea above, we can work 
together and convert it in to an active FOSS project, involving students 
from various projects, working on different modules.  For credibility, a 
brand name can be created by starting a community enterprise, or atleast 
by maintaining a fullfledged website, so that students can always refer 
to, when they submit their project to their management.
This can be done

Re: [Ilugc] Students Project - suggestions

2008-09-27 Thread Venkatraman S
On Sun, Sep 28, 2008 at 5:52 AM, Raman.P <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Dear luggies
> Consequent to the interest ILUGC has generated among students, I am getting
> lot of request for suggesting proects.
> In some colleges, they have decided out-and-out FOSS based projects.
> Please suggest projects ideas.
> Please keep in mind the constraints
> a. The projects are not fulltime for B.E students
> b. Most will have only preliminary knowledge - but can pickup fast.
> c. Should point out resources available on net

There are two kinds of projects here :
1) An Enterprise application which primarily does not have any intelligence
in it, and is purely form driven. The design aspects of an application would
be reflected here, and might not require much R&D.
2) A 'research' project - something like Face/Speech recognition et al - now
this requires a much deeper understanding of the subject and a significant
timeline for research and then the subsequent implementation. ( i remember i
started off my final year thesis in mid-second year)

Now, it all depends on the aptitude and go-getter attitude of the student to
choose either of the above. Though, #1 sounds boring, building a mini-ERP
system or an Order-processing workflow is NOT 'trivial'.

For #1, i have been thinking of an COMPLETE OfficeSuite - which encompasses
Calendar, Booking COnf Rooms , Timecards, project mgmt, defect tracking,
Transport mgmt, Employee DB and search, simple HR system etc etc.  I am
aware of 'independant' applications that cater to the above, but there is NO
SINGLE product which caters to above. Though trivial, this would be a boon
for small entrprises ; and if the students can afford to 'support' it after
college, they can also monetize it by targetting the SMEs - whose market cap
is huge.

For #2, there are loads and loads - depends on the research interests of the

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Re: [Ilugc] Students Project - suggestions

2008-09-27 Thread Parthan SR

Raman.P wrote:

Dear luggies
Consequent to the interest ILUGC has generated among students, I am getting lot 
of request for suggesting proects.

In some colleges, they have decided out-and-out FOSS based projects.

Please suggest projects ideas.
So the October season has started. I wait for the day when the season 
starts with a mail "I am interested to do this project and I have the 
following ideas to go about doing it..".

Please keep in mind the constraints

a. The projects are not fulltime for B.E students
b. Most will have only preliminary knowledge - but can pickup fast.
c. Should point out resources available on ne
Though I tend to say that the students should typically start looking at 
ToDos, Wishlists and Unresolved open bugs of FOSS projects, get in touch 
with the contributors/devels and try to put their effort on something 
which is there and to be made better, I am myself wonder whether their 
college is going to encourage them to take those as Final Year projects 
as their definition of such things still remain to be mostly tangled in 
IEEE papers. If the college permits such endeavours, them as sure that 
there is enough work to be done for another 3-4 years just from the 
existing pile of work to be done. Almost every famous project has half a 
dozen things which new contributors can take up and try it out. There 
are lots of people in this list itself who are someway or other 
associated with FOSS projects and would be able to provide the needed 
feed to much on for a season or two. I know we are tired of asking them 
to start early, learn the art and the tool, have some plan by the start 
of the season so they have more clue of what to do during the season.

I still remember students who I happen to meet somewhere during the last 
few days of the year (read December end) when they had 30 days or so 
left and weren't even having a working Linux distribution running at 
their boxes. There were some who wanted to do Qt based interface but 
didn't even have the inclination to go through the Qt tutorials, which 
were the fact are very good for starters. I hope things have improved 
since then, but I don't expect it to have completely changed.

With Regards,

Parthan "technofreak"

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Re: [Ilugc] Students Project - suggestions

2008-09-28 Thread Srikanth M R
> Dear luggies
> Consequent to the interest ILUGC has generated among students, I am getting
> lot of request for suggesting proects.
> In some colleges, they have decided out-and-out FOSS based projects.
> Please suggest projects ideas.
> Please keep in mind the constraints
> a. The projects are not fulltime for B.E students
> b. Most will have only preliminary knowledge - but can pickup fast.
> c. Should point out resources available on net

I would like to refer http://www.gnomebangalore.org/ , an initiative by Novell 
for open source projects.
[But I would emphasize on strong fundas even though the mentors (there) will 
help you out to an extent.]


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Re: [Ilugc] Students Project - suggestions

2008-09-28 Thread LinuXpert Academy

Dear luggies
>Consequent to the interest ILUGC has generated among students, I am getting 
>lot of request for suggesting proects.
>In some colleges, they have decided out-and-out FOSS based projects.
>Please suggest projects ideas.
>Please keep in mind the constraints
>a. The projects are not fulltime for B.E students
>b. Most will have only preliminary knowledge - but can pickup fast.
>c. Should point out resources available on net

The following list of OSS projects could be useful for students to learn and  
implement the technologies for real-life situations.

http://backuppc.sourceforge.net/  (For Storage/Remote Backups)

BackupPC is a high-performance, enterprise-grade system for backing up Linux, 
WinXX and MacOSX PCs and laptops to a server's disk.

http://cult-thinclient.sf.net (For Network Computing)

Cult is an Open Source software-only network bootable thinclient Operating 
System that provides a complete solution for thin clients, PCs or virtualized 

http://www.gnokii.org/ (For Mobile Communication)

gnokii provides tools and a user space driver for use with mobile phones under 
various operating systems (most testing is done under Linux but also Solaris, 
*BSD family and MS Windows families are known to work).

http://beagleboard.org/ (For Embedded Systems)

Beagle Board is an ultra-low cost, high performance, low power OMAP3 based 
platform designed by BeagleBoard.org community members for embedded development

And finally, I have downloaded Fedora-9 Everything Source Repository (more than 
6000+ software packages) as Source RPMS, and if  students were interested in 
getting this, pl write to 


S. Baskar
CEO/LinuXpert Systems

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Re: [Ilugc] Students Project - suggestions

2008-09-29 Thread Srinivasan Sundararajan
I understand that many colleges are asking / allowing the students to
project in the college itself.
Of course, many students have their own systems and tend to work from them.

Some of the issues :
a) installation of the distro and the relevant additional packages.
-- while it is desirable to let the students do it themselves, a helping
hand / guidance could be useful
if the immediate goal is to get the project going.
   [as Parthan pointed out, the last minute rush will be there.]

b) official letters / certificates : colleges generally need that from the
guiding agency
(for project acceptance, attendance
and completion)
LinuXpert Systems, Linus Academy and other "established setups" could
issue one.
NRCFOSS could provide the platform for unattached mentors (if they
desire it).

c) While the students are enthusiastic, there may be some resistance at the
college level for FOSS projects. Even in one FOSS enabled college, some
students were discouraged. We could do something about it -- using official
/ personal channels.

d) Publicity helps. Can we have a list of "successfully completed" FOSS
student projects.
NRCFOSS, of course, has a vested interest in publicising this list. An
official letter could also be written to all the principals / HoDs
highlighting the availability of FOSS projects and the support offered by

e) Evaluation Certificate / Prize
I have refrained (for various opeational reasons --as I see them) from
proposing Prizes for student projects at NRCFOSS. But ILUG-C can announce a
schema. NRCFOSS (and/or others) could provide the funds.

There can also be issues like monitoring the students regularly, helping
them with bandwidths for heavy downloads, etc.

We have to be realise that students might not respond with the same
enthusiasm / effort / basic knowledge.
option 1 : offer project ideas, mentor services to everyone who is regularly
responding (with work or more queries !!),. be prepared that a sizeable
number will drop out.

option 2 : use some criterion (more on commitment than on "top of the class"
variety) to identify  student groups, attach atleast one LUG member as
godfather (any godmother??) and get things going.

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Re: [Ilugc] Students Project - suggestions

2008-09-29 Thread kish
option 2 : use some criterion (more on commitment than on "top of the class"
variety) to identify  student groups, attach atleast one LUG member as
godfather (any godmother??) and get things going.

nice one.
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Re: [Ilugc] Students Project - suggestions

2008-10-15 Thread Gourav Shah
I had a talk with folks back at my organization, and we do have a few
interesting  projects that we want to work on, but don't have enough
time  due to our other engagements. I have put togather a list of those
projects as well as few personal hobby projects, that we would love to
see taken up by students and getting it done. The students will get to
learn on few of the  interesting and practical technologies. We might be
able to have them intern at Efficient Frontier(www.efrontier.com)
subject to our availibilty to mentor them.

This list is in order of priority that we want to get done,

*1. Build a complete conferencing system:*
Build a solution to provide a complete voice and video conferencing 
system based on free/open source software.  Build dedicated appliance
based on Asterisk/Freeswitch/Skype to provide a VoIP solution to
interconnect multiple offices of a organization spread across the world .

Topics Touched : Operating Systems, Telecom, Networking,
Scripting/Programming, VoIP

*2. Design and deploy Server Automation and  Virtualization Solution *
Compare various virtualization technologies such as openVZ, kvm, xen,
virtualbox;  identify the most suitable for server virtualization and
provide a solution to setup, automate, manage  server virtualization.

Topics Touched: Operating System Internals, Networking, Virtualization

*3. Framework for  Online Testing*
My organization uses a barebone online testing framework as part of the
recruitment process which is built on Google Apps, Python etc. This has
helped us to carry out hiring in a much efficient manner than earlier
times.  We need someone one to take this framework  and build a very 
intelligent and complete  solution with enhancements such as computer
adaptive tests, streamlined UI etc.

Topics Touched: Python, Google App Engine/ BigTables(google's Db),

*4. Build a Custom Distribution based on OpenSuse:* This is the
requirement for my organization. We have standerdized on opensuse and
build our own distro on top of opensuse. We want to manage our own
distro more effectively and innovatively and also customize, trim,
optimize  host opensuse os according to our needs for both desktops and

Topics Touched: Operating Systems, Kernel Compilation, Optimization, 
Package Maintainance etc.

In addition to these, here are a few  personal hobby projects,

*1. PVR/Home Entertainment/HTPC Appliance*:  Design and develope a
commercially viable  appliance based on linux/embedded linux to work as
a PVR(Personal Video Recorder) and home media/entertainment server.  It
could work as a one stop solution to all home entertainment needs. Do
additional things such as customizing  mythtv to make it manage with set
top boxes available in India, add channel guides, manage
bigflix/seventymm queues etc.

Topics Touched : Operating Systems, Networks, Scripting/Programming,
Embedded Systems, Multimedia Systems

*2. Enhance mobile appl smb4s60 * -  smb4s60 is a mobile smb client
written in python . Currently works in Nokia s60 phone and enables
browsing network shares over the  wireless network.  Written by Premnath
Homepage: http://www.lnkr.net/smb4s60

One can take this as a base and add more functionalities, add support
for wide number of cell phones and handheld devices etc.

Topics Covered:
Python, Nokia S60 platform, SMB/CIFS, Authentication, Networking.

*3. LTSP Benchmarking:*  There are no solid benchmarks available on
which to base  decisions as to what  hardware to use to deploy a LTSP
setup, how to scale it up etc.  This project will involve setting up
LTSP with different hardware and testing it  running  various sets of
applications,  monitoring server and collecting performance data, put
the  stats in a database,   and come up with benchmarks. 

Topics  Touched : Operating Systems, Networking, Performance Testing,
Scripting/Programming, Database

We could spec out the projects if students would like to take it up.

> Dear luggies
> Consequent to the interest ILUGC has generated among students, I am getting 
> lot of request for suggesting proects.
> In some colleges, they have decided out-and-out FOSS based projects.
> Please suggest projects ideas.
> Please keep in mind the constraints
> a. The projects are not fulltime for B.E students
> b. Most will have only preliminary knowledge - but can pickup fast.
> c. Should point out resources available on net
> Raman.P
>   Be the first one to try the new Messenger 9 Beta! Go to 
> http://in.messenger.yahoo.com/win/
> ___
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Re: [Ilugc] Students Project - suggestions

2008-10-15 Thread Girish Venkatachalam
On 10:43:20 Oct 16, Gourav Shah wrote:
> I had a talk with folks back at my organization, and we do have a few
> interesting  projects that we want to work on, but don't have enough
> time  due to our other engagements. I have put togather a list of those
> projects as well as few personal hobby projects, that we would love to
> see taken up by students and getting it done. The students will get to
> learn on few of the  interesting and practical technologies. We might be
> able to have them intern at Efficient Frontier(www.efrontier.com)
> subject to our availibilty to mentor them.


Nice effort. Looks interesting.

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