was this address meant to be on this friday... today?


On Fri, 25 Feb 2005 21:21:03 +0530, Mayank Jain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> There is an article in Hindustan Times (25th feb, 2005), page 15
> (lower half) titled
> "Kalam to use Laptop for joint address".
> Read it on & you will find it mentioning "Power-Point" presentation.
> He shall be using the laptop instead printed material as his hand is injured.
> I wonder how our President (with all due respects), who favoured Open
> Source so openly, could use MS stuff when it comes to his personal
> usage... ???
> OR
> Is it that his staff is not trained enough to "install & use Win32
> binaries of OpenOffice"???
> BTW, I think, its not even a remotest posibility that his lappy may be
> running GNU stuff when he addresses the house!
> So? Can't we all, members of ILUGD, atleast forward him a signed
> petition (or some sort of request) to give GNU a fair chance to prove
> itself before the house :-)
> what ya say?

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