Hello Ishpreet, Dhruv n Bhaskar

         i just reinstall the mozilla by "rpm -e
mozilla-1.2.1-26 --nodeps"
        after this i reinstalled mozilla . i did one
thing i worked only in text mode n no GUI mode was
runnin. means i killed the GUI mode by "init 3".

       Thnx all for ur suggestions and support.
        Hi dhruv, 

            ur suggestion was really superb. i enjoyed
it when i was in tension. ha ha ha ha

bye all, thnx everybody

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > Send
ilugd mailing list submissions to
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> Today's Topics:
>    1. Re: Mozilla not workin (Bhaskar Dutta)
>    2. [OT] Fwd: public internet  - wifi on cycle
> (Sandip Bhattacharya)
>    3. Palladium canned (Raj Mathur)
>    4. Hello ishpreet gill Re: Mozilla not workin 
> (puneet loiya)
>    5. RE: Hello ishpreet gill Re: Mozilla not workin
>  (Dhruv Soi)
>    6. Re: Palladium canned (Raj Shekhar)
>    7. What should the LUGs Do (Tarun Dua)
>    8. [Commercial] Job opening for Linux Kernel
> Developers at fast
>       growing startup (Manish K Sinha)
>    9. Red Hat Linux 7.3 is compatible or not with
> Dell Inspiron
>       PIII 800 Laptop (Vivek)
> Message: 1
> Date: Wed, 5 May 2004 18:54:43 +0530
> From: Bhaskar Dutta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [ilugd] Mozilla not workin
> To: The Linux-Delhi mailing list
> Message-ID:
> Content-Type: Text/Plain;  charset="iso-8859-1"
> Hash: SHA1
>   >>> On Wednesday 05 May 2004 5:38 pm, RM <Raj
> Mathur> said:
>     RM> >>>>> "Puneet" == puneet loiya
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>     RM>
>     RM>     Puneet> Hello everybody, I am facing one
> problem . when i try to
>     RM>     Puneet> open Mozilla , it is not opening
> at all. so plz help me
>     RM>     Puneet> frnds wat to do .
>     RM>
>     RM> All u need 2 du is fdjh ewiuew  dlkjd ldsk,
> jweoiudsmn kjl and reoiu
>     RM> da ewuywe.
>     RM>
>     RM> P.S. Nice to run into another Outer
> Mongolian speaker on this list!
>     RM> Hi!
>     RM>
>     RM> -- Raju
>     RM>
> dear friend, do not be disheartened. Mozilla seems
> to be a very moody 
> software. sometimes it refuses to open for days. the
> only solution is to read 
> the following document, at least twice, from end to
> end.
> http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html
> after you finished reading it, open a bash terminal,
> and type:
> $whereis mozilla
> if (reply=="mozilla:") then somehow you dont have
> mozilla on your pc anymore.
> you know what to do next. 
> else post the errors etc (if any) to the list for a
> suggestion.
>               Bhaskar
> - --
> Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)
> Comment:
> sn3T4EUCJ+toNJGX6DtsKEo=
> =5jwK
> ------------------------------
> Message: 2
> Date: Thu, 06 May 2004 02:12:23 +0530
> From: Sandip Bhattacharya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [ilugd] [OT] Fwd: public internet  - wifi
> on cycle
> To: Indian Linux Users Group - Delhi
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252;
> format=flowed
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: public internet  - wifi on cycle
> Date: Wed, 5 May 2004 18:37:07 +0530 (IST)
> From: N Sashikumar
> Newsgroups: gmane.org.telecom.india-gii
> Dear All,
>   I saw this recent news from slashdot.. i forward
> it to
> ongoing discussion in the list on public internet.
> There is lot of
> interesting and funny comments on this topic in
> slashdot.
> http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=04/05/05/012233
> "Yury Gitman is not the average cyclist from
> Brooklyn. His goal is to
> bring more easily accessible free wireless hotspots
> to the masses. To do
> this, he has created what he calls the Magicbike, a
> bicycle equipped with
> a laptop, power supply and antenna. Gitman's bike
> has allowed people in
> NYC to browse the internet freely in local parks and
> gardens. 'I am like
> the ice cream man, but with no music and I deliver
> free wireless access
> and not ice cream'."
> http://magicbike.net/
> >From elsewhere...
> The technology behind this is not complex. Magicbike
> is simply a creative
> configuration, or reconfiguration, of widely
> available computer, bicycle,
> and WiFi gear. WiFi antennas mounted on the bike's
> frame feed into a
> laptop embedded into a specially outfitted bicycle
> side-bag. The bike's
> embedded laptop is configured to be a wireless
> repeater and hotspot. The
> bike receives its uplink connection either from the
> cellular network or
> from far-off WiFi hotspots (with the help of its
> mounted antennas). With
> this uplink connection from any one of various
> sources, the bike is able
> to serve-up its own Internet connection.
> A Magicbike hotspot operates like standard hotspots,
> able to serve up to
> 250 users in a radius of 30 meters indoors and 100
> meters outdoors
> [although its antennas can increase the hotspot’s
> accuracy and range]. A
> group of bikes can repeat and/or bridge the signal
> down a chain of
> wireless bikes. Meaning, a bicycle gang can snake
> into subways stations or
> across hilltops to provide Internet connectivity to
> (fringe but) vital
> communities and spaces ignored by the traditional
> telecommunications
> industry. A grassroots bottom-up wireless
> infrastructure can be formed and
> pedaled to any place accessible by bicycle.
> from another site:
> universality is not lost on Gitman, either. “Let's
> say ten years from now,
=== message truncated === 

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