I have to say something to all this. Maybe people should go back to horse  
and buggy? It's not the size of the vehicle that is a problem, it's a lack of  
education of people before getting their license. I've seen guys driving 
tractor  trailers making turns while talking on cell phones. They know they 
80,000  pounds when empty and that they have a 53 foot trailer behind them. 
not  all, tractor trailer drivers are professionals and considerate. If you 
see one  that is being stupid, call the number on the trailer or find the 
company on the  trailer and call them with the trailer or truck number if you 
do that, get  their tag number. Companies want to be notified of bad drivers. 
I've made my  fair share of calls.
People that get their car only license have probably never been on a  
motorcycle and therefore don't know what it's like to be the smallest thing on  
road. They've probably never been in the front seat of a tractor trailer  
either. I've had my fair share of motorcycle accidents, as well as car  
I had a woman do a U-turn in front of me like I wasn't even there!  She was an 
older woman and when I asked if she saw me, her response was, "I only  look 
out for cars"! Talk about being blind. The person that handles a SUV like  it's 
a smaller car would have to be very aware of their vehicle as well as the  
surroundings. You can kill someone with any size car. Oh, and SUV's have been  
around a very long time, it's just that there are more of them, as well as more 
 cars in general. The irony is the 3 safest forms of transportation per 
passenger  mile are elevators, nobody ever has a head on collision with one, 
airplanes, and  then motorcycles believe it or not. That is based on per 
Something else, when you have a multi passenger SUV filled to capacity, it  
is more efficient per passenger mile than an economy car that only seats 2 or 4 
 that gets better gas mileage. e
That accident was truly sad, and could have been tragic had the baby died.  
It wasn't the size of the vehicle that was the problem, it was what the driver  
was doing that really mattered. She wasn't paying attention, which is how 
most  collisions happen. Accidents are things that nobody could have fore seen 
done  anything to prevent it. Collisions are preventable.
I was a motorcycle courier in Washington DC a very long time ago, so I know  
how stupid people can be in cars that don't look. 
In a message dated 2/24/2009 1:21:19 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
macso...@brightok.net writes:

./aal wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 4:45  PM, Charles Lenington 
> <macso...@brightok.net  <mailto:macso...@brightok.net>>  wrote:
>     >
>   > and finally. suv's should be illegal or at least require a  CDL
>     to purchase
>     >  they are NOT safer, they are more dangerous
>      >
>     I must take offense at that!  I want a  suv for the climate protected
>     cargo area. But can I  justify the cost of suv and insurance? No
>     way.  The
>     last vehicle a S10 extended cab was pricey  enough for me.
>     Maybe illegal for a teenager  or under 25. As to cdl, why would I
>     want  to
>     go to truck driving school to get a  cdl?
> why?
> so you could drive one

So you  are saying that I should buy a 1 and 1/2 ton or bigger truck to 
haul 10  computers in.
> no one WANTS any lic
> but if you dont have one,  you are punished by the law
> suv are not cars, they dont handle like  cars, they dont fit in traffic 
> like cars, they dont stop like cars,  they should not be licensed like cars

So in other words my 1/2 or 3/4  ton (or 1 ton) pickup should have a 
special license also, which is what a  American made suv is based on. I 
drove p/ups around San Francisco bay for  15+ years. I would prefer the 
ride, protection and view in traffic. Boy  this will make a lot of senior 
citizens, farmers, contractors, etc upset.  A p/up is hard to work out of 
if you have a shell on it. I suppose you  also think cargo vans, 
conversion vans etc should have special license  also.
> that is why there are special lic for  motorcycles...DUH
> I have seen plenty 25+ "drivers"  scoot their suv as if it was a 
> compact  hatchback
> why "must" you take  offense?
> are you who I am talking about?
> the world was  fine without suvs for many decades
> the escalation of car size  is getting out of hand. bigger is not 
> safer, well the suv driver will  survive so at least they can be sued 
> by the deceadants family and  live to be sentanced for veh  manslaughter

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