The CHINESE market, India, Brazil, etc will determine what develops, because they are the expanding market of the future.. like by 2012. And judging by the way that the Chinese do their OWN companies to overmatch the American companies -- with blow away pricing and maybe questionable quality by our own standards, the future of MACs could be radically off the trendlines. American fatcats moving their operations to those expanding markets may have a rude awakening when the all-Chinese competitors eat them up. TTYL, and preparing to HOLD ON TIGHT TO MY MACS, Snow iMac and G4, not to mention the string of Windows ancestry from Windows98Aptiva to the Chrome/Windows8/Gateway and in between.. all customized to their special matched needs/abilities.

On Fri, Oct 29, 2010 at 6:31 AM, Mystic Prowler <> wrote: That isn't too far away you know. 2016 is only 5 years from now, and 2014 is only 13. It's almost 2011, the year of the touchscreen and touchpad. let's see what will go on.

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