Re: cvs ls wrapper solution

2000-08-31 Thread Lars-Christian Schulze

On Thu, 24 Aug 2000, Eugene Kramer wrote:

> [...]
> cvs rdiff -s -D 01/01/1970 -r $branch "$@"  2>&1 \
> | sed -e 's/File.//' \
>   -e 's/is new; current revision./  (/' \
>   -e 's/(\([0-9][\.0-9]*\)/(\1)/' \
>   -e 's/cvs server: Diffing/cvs server: Listing/'

This is a really nice trick.  I've been looking for such a feature for a
long time.  But when I use the date "01/01/1970" as shown above, I will
get the error message:

%> cvs rdiff -s -D 01/01/1970 -r HEAD Tools
cvs [rdiff aborted]: Can't parse date/time: 01/01/1970

with cvs 1.10.5 _and_ 1.10.8 on different systems.

"cvs rdiff -s -D 01/02/1970 -r HEAD Tools" or later dates seems to work.
Does anybody know if this is a bug or a feature ?


aerodata Flugmesstechnik GmbH  Email   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Lars-Christian Schulze WWW
Hermann-Blenk-Str. 36  Voice   +49 531 2359-188
D-38108 Braunschweig   Fax +49 531 2359-158

Permission deny ?

2000-08-31 Thread weider_hsu

Dear all:

I have problems in using CVS in Unix. 
my setting:
  CVSROOT=:pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/local/cvs-repository
When I used the following command. 
> cvs login
(Logging in to [EMAIL PROTECTED])
CVS password:xxx
>> pwd
> ls
CHANGELOG   admin   databasefiles   header.php  index.php
README  config.php  docsfooter.php  images  search
> cvs import -m "test" docs testvender testrelease
L docs/search/config/config.php
Permission denied
Why I will get this message ?
But if I use WinCVS , there are no such questions.

Who can tell me why ?

Thanks ..

Weider Hsu, Taiwan

Re: cvs ls wrapper solution

2000-08-31 Thread Larry Jones

Lars-Christian Schulze writes:
> %> cvs rdiff -s -D 01/01/1970 -r HEAD Tools
> cvs [rdiff aborted]: Can't parse date/time: 01/01/1970
> with cvs 1.10.5 _and_ 1.10.8 on different systems.
> "cvs rdiff -s -D 01/02/1970 -r HEAD Tools" or later dates seems to work.
> ^^
> Does anybody know if this is a bug or a feature ?

Yes.  Unix's idea of time starts at 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC.  Since
you're east of the prime meridian, 1970-01-01 00:00:00 local time is
before the begining of time, so CVS rejects it.

-Larry Jones

I stand FIRM in my belief of what's right!  I REFUSE to
compromise my principles! -- Calvin

accessing remote repositories

2000-08-31 Thread Alexandre Florio

Hi all,

i'm trying to access a remote repository using the command:

> cvs -d :ext:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/cvsroot checkout credon_chat

but i got "permission denied" after...

the remote shell is working correctly (i can logon using the "rsh" command without problems).
does anybody knows what do i have to do, maybe in the cvs server, to
access the files?


Alexandre Florio

RE: cvs ls wrapper solution

2000-08-31 Thread Deaver, Carl

If they were to do this:  
cvs rdiff -s -D "01/01/1970 00:00:00 GMT" -r HEAD Tools
would that make it work for people east of GMT?

-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, August 31, 2000 9:05 AM
Subject: Re: cvs ls wrapper solution

Lars-Christian Schulze writes:
> %> cvs rdiff -s -D 01/01/1970 -r HEAD Tools
> cvs [rdiff aborted]: Can't parse date/time: 01/01/1970
> with cvs 1.10.5 _and_ 1.10.8 on different systems.
> "cvs rdiff -s -D 01/02/1970 -r HEAD Tools" or later dates seems to work.
> ^^
> Does anybody know if this is a bug or a feature ?

Yes.  Unix's idea of time starts at 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC.  Since
you're east of the prime meridian, 1970-01-01 00:00:00 local time is
before the begining of time, so CVS rejects it.

-Larry Jones

I stand FIRM in my belief of what's right!  I REFUSE to
compromise my principles! -- Calvin

MOdifying files before commits occur

2000-08-31 Thread Ian Koenig

I have tried to figure out how to get CVS server running via :pserver:
to have the server run a script on a file being committed.  

I am running CVS v 1.10.7

The reason for this request?

We have people jumping between unix & windows in the cvs updates,
commits etc.. on the same working copy.  What ends up happening is we
get A couple too many ^M's in a file which royally screws up CVS
merging etc.. 


Re: cvs ls wrapper solution

2000-08-31 Thread Larry Jones

Deaver, Carl writes:
> If they were to do this:  
> cvs rdiff -s -D "01/01/1970 00:00:00 GMT" -r HEAD Tools
> would that make it work for people east of GMT?

Yep.  So would "01/01/1970 UTC".

-Larry Jones

I can feel my brain beginning to atrophy already. -- Calvin

Re: Write Permission

2000-08-31 Thread HMahaffey

In a message dated 8/30/00 12:35:06 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> > Is there a way to restrict read/write access for a file based on a group
>  > of userids?
>  not exactly -- access control in CVS is only possible (i.e. by default,
>  and in the obvious easy way) on a per-directory basis.
What are the tricks pserver users employ to set, and later change, those 
permissions?  How do you set the owner on "cvs add" or "cvs import"?  How do 
you change them later without driving your CVS admin crazy?  Should there be 
commands like "cvs chown", "cvs chgrp",  

Or should I just switch to SSH?  

:)hal mahaffey

Re: CVS Code Freeze and 1.11 Test Release Available

2000-08-31 Thread Matthias Kranz

On Wed, Aug 30, 2000 at 04:34:25PM -0500, Cameron, Steve wrote:
> Noel Yap wrote:
> > It's interesting that none of "cvs edit -c", "cvs edit -f", and "cvs ci
> -c" made
> > it into this release even though the patches have been out there for quite
> some
> > time (at SourceForge under project RCVS) and many people are already using
> it.
> > IMO, these patches are extremely important in that they satisfy most users
> who
> > want reserved locks while not making irate those who prefer concurrent
> > development -- it's the best of both worlds.
> You aren't surprised, right? Of course this snapshot is just the
> current contents of the CVS repository, the same thing you'd get
> if you did an anonymous checkout.
> I too have a big patch that I'd like to get in there some time.
> (but I still have a little work I need to do on it, testing-wise,
> though there are no problems that I know of with the patch.)
> This talk of a "feature freeze" amuses me somewhat, as it seems
> to me that CVS has been under a "feature freeze" for quite some time 
> already (witness that people are advised to upgrade to 1.10.8 from 1.10,
> since pretty much the only changes in that interval are bug-fixes.)
> The thing I've noticed about CVS development is this: patches like
> mine and Noel's aren't rejected so much as silently ignored.

The problem is probably, that there is no one out there feeling really
responsible for saying "Yes" or "No" or "Please adjust your contribution
in this manner ...". The guys of OpenAv seem to be reserved about
leading the development and who else do you think should accept or deny
the patches?

Matthias Kranz  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again.
 Fail again. Fail better." (Samuel Beckett)

Re: CVS Code Freeze and 1.11 Test Release Available

2000-08-31 Thread Laine Stump

Matthias Kranz writes:
> The problem is probably, that there is no one out there feeling really
> responsible for saying "Yes" or "No" or "Please adjust your contribution
> in this manner ...". The guys of OpenAv seem to be reserved about
> leading the development and who else do you think should accept or deny
> the patches?

I'll answer your question with a question. Both may have the same (or at
least a similar) answer: "Who has commit access to the CVS repository for

[commit aborted]: end of file from server

2000-08-31 Thread krapivka

Let me try again, i am getting the following message trying to use 
verifymsg functionality:

cvs commit -m ":444" crazy.cpp 
cvs [commit aborted]: end of file from server (consult above messages 
if any)

any ideas what it means?

RE: cvs ls wrapper solution

2000-08-31 Thread Eugene Kramer

Thanks for catching the problem.

I guess, it will be practical to use 1971 unless someone's timezone is off
by a year :-) Folks, who used RCS before 1971 are out of luck as well. Here
is a better featured version:

-- cut here --

# lists files and directories in the module(s) on the server without
# checking them out
# Eugene Kramer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

echo "Usage:"
echo "  cvsls [-bql] [-r rev | -D date] modules..."
echo "  -b  Print basename for files"
echo "  -q  Do not print versions"
echo "  -l  Local directory only, not recursive"
echo "  -r rev  List files and revisions for tag rev"
echo "  -D date List files and revisions as of date"

while getopts lbqD:r: arg
case $arg in 
r)  tagsw="-r $OPTARG";;
D)  datesw="-D $OPTARG";;
l)  flat="-l";;
q)  padver=" ";;
b)  basename=" ";;
H)  usage
exit 0;;
\?) usage
exit 1;;

shift `expr $OPTIND - 1`

[ $# = 0 -o \( ! -z "$tagsw" -a ! -z "$datesw" \) ] && usage && exit 1
[ -z "$padver" ] && padver='(\1)'   # extract revision in sed
[ -z "$basename" ] && basename='\1' # preserve file's path

cvs rdiff -s $flat -D 01/01/1971 $tagsw $datesw "$@"  2>&1 \
| sed -e 's/File.//' \
  -e 's/is new; current revision./  (/' \
  -e "s/(\([0-9][\.0-9]*\)/$padver/" \
  -e 's/^cvs server: Diffing/cvs server: Listing/' \
  -e "/^cvs server: Listing/!s@^\(.*/\)@$basename@" \
  -e 's/[   ]*$//'

Re: cvs ls wrapper solution

2000-08-31 Thread Larry Jones

Eugene Kramer writes:
> I guess, it will be practical to use 1971 unless someone's timezone is off
> by a year :-) Folks, who used RCS before 1971 are out of luck as well. Here
> is a better featured version:

What's wrong with "1970-01-01 UTC"?

-Larry Jones

Mom must've put my cape in the wrong drawer. -- Calvin

RE: cvs ls wrapper solution

2000-08-31 Thread Eugene Kramer

Nothing, you are right, and I changed the script in my local copy. I posted
the script before your email arrived.

-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, August 31, 2000 11:03 AM
Subject: Re: cvs ls wrapper solution

Eugene Kramer writes:
> I guess, it will be practical to use 1971 unless someone's timezone is off
> by a year :-) Folks, who used RCS before 1971 are out of luck as well.
> is a better featured version:

What's wrong with "1970-01-01 UTC"?

-Larry Jones

Mom must've put my cape in the wrong drawer. -- Calvin

including and linking from multiple CVS projects

2000-08-31 Thread Jim Gallagher


I'm investigating CVS as a possible solution for my organization's config
management woes. So far, I like what I see, but I some questions; 
hopefully someone out there can give me some advice.

Our environment is mixed win32/hpux. We are in the same boat as lots of 
folks (I think,) where most past development was targeted for unix, but 
the low cost of PCs and the desire for Office/Outlook on all desktops is 
driving us towards NT (kicking and screaming.) Anyway, we really have two 
problems: First, can we have similar build environments in unix and NT? 
Second, what tool should we use for software configuration management?

I think we may be able to use GNU make in both environments with lots of 
conditionals to define the correct compiler, options, etc. I hope this 
will solve problem one.

On the surface, CVS seemed like the solution to problem two. It works on 
unix and windows. It uses RCS's file format, so bringing our existing RCS 
controlled files into CVS probably won't be hard. The problem I'm really 
struggling with is that a lot of our projects include headers and link 
from other projects.  (The reason for this is we have a fair number of 
client-server APIs built.  When a program wants to be a client, it 
includes from the common and client areas of the appropriate API.) 
Currently, all the projects reside on the same NFS volume, so they are 
visible to each other. From what I understand of CVS, projects on 
networked file systems are bad. Also, when a programmer wants to work on 
a project, the project's code is copied to a local filesystem. How can I 
set things up so includes from other projects work? I sure don't want to 
manually check out several projects just to work on one. Is there a way 
to have CVS automatically check out projects (read only) that the work
project depends on? I read a little about vendor branches, but this 
approach looks like it would result in a lot of duplicated code in many 
of our projects.

All suggestions appreciated!

Jim Gallagher

Get free email and a permanent address at

Complete list of error messages at commit

2000-08-31 Thread krapivka

Finally, got trace on, and here is the complete list of messages i am 

cvs -t commit -m "BugId: " -f crazy.cpp (in directory D:\MyDir\crazy)
cvs commit: notice: main loop with 
 -> Sending file `crazy.cpp' to server
cvs commit: warning: unrecognized response `S-> checkout 
(c:/cvsroot/crazy/crazy.cpp,v, 1.4, , (function))' from cvs server
cvs commit: warning: unrecognized response ` -> ParseInfo
(c:/cvsroot/CVSROOT/commitinfo, crazy, ALL)' from cvs server
cvs commit: warning: unrecognized response ` -> ParseInfo
(c:/cvsroot/CVSROOT/verifymsg, crazy, not ALL)' from cvs server
cvs commit: warning: unrecognized response `-> system
('c:/cvsroot/CVSROOT/bugid.verify' '"\2"')' from cvs server
cvs commit: warning: unrecognized response `S-> unlink(\2)' from cvs 
cvs commit: warning: unrecognized response `S-> unlink_file_dir
(c:\temp/cvs-serv262)' from cvs server
cvs [commit aborted]: end of file from server (consult above messages 
if any)

*CVS exited normally with code 1*

Can someone please, please decipher at least some of this. 


Re: cvs ls wrapper solution

2000-08-31 Thread Gerhard Sittig

On Thu, Aug 31, 2000 at 09:03 +0200, Lars-Christian Schulze wrote:
> %> cvs rdiff -s -D 01/01/1970 -r HEAD Tools
> cvs [rdiff aborted]: Can't parse date/time: 01/01/1970
> with cvs 1.10.5 _and_ 1.10.8 on different systems.
> "cvs rdiff -s -D 01/02/1970 -r HEAD Tools" or later dates seems to work.
> ^^
> Does anybody know if this is a bug or a feature ?

01/01/1970 probably translates to "0 seconds since the epoch"
which is hard to tell from "nothing valid found" if you do a
simple check for "0" after conversion without an additional flag.

virtually yours   82D1 9B9C 01DC 4FB4 D7B4  61BE 3F49 4F77 72DE DA76
Gerhard Sittig   true | mail -s "get gpg key" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 If you don't understand or are scared by any of the above
 ask your parents or an adult to help you.

Entries file format

2000-08-31 Thread TC


I tried to commit a file & got the eof from server error, see above
messages, no above messages

BUT I llooked in the CVS/Entries and at the of the line for this file
was //T1.1  the rest of the entries did not have any value after the
I deleted this from the Entries file and then tried
cvs commit blah

no error & file was commited to the repository
what does this value indicate to cvs ???

Re: CVS checkout filename with space (bug fixed ??)

2000-08-31 Thread Gerhard Ahuis

Larry Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Gerhard Ahuis writes:
>> I have some trouble checking out files with spaces in the name. After some
>> queries on deja news I found that its a bug in cvs.
>> Is this bug fixed at the moment, are there patches ??

> No.  Most of the core of CVS handles spaces in filenames correctly, but
> there are lots of little bits and pieces that don't and so far none of
> the developers has been sufficiently motivated to track them all down
> and fix them.

What about the cvs checkout part ? Because this is the reason why cvsweb 
cannot download filenames with spaces from the repository. Is there a 
way to get around this problem..?

Best regards,


Gerhard Ahuis  JO32GL   It's good to be independent
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   ---,--- MHz  Linux the Ultimate HAM OS

Unsolicited advertisements subject to $1000 consulting fee.

Re: including and linking from multiple CVS projects

2000-08-31 Thread Paul Sander

It is possible to use the same build tools and makefiles on both Unix and NT.
The usual mechanism is to write a platform-specific makefile that defines
default rules and basic macro definitions.  Using Gnu Make makes the job
easier because its unique features can be brought to bear wherever they're
needed.  Similar approaches can be taken with some of the alternatives to
Make, such as Cook and Odin, which are also available on Unix and NT.

As for inter-project references, the traditional approach is to provide
for the developers a pre-built reference build of the stuff that they rely
on but don't write for themselves.  Sometimes they build their own, other
times someone builds well-known versions of these reference builds (often
called "baselines") in an area that can't be written by the developers.
Occasionally, shared code is checked out from CVS into a developer's sandbox
and is built there by the developer.

If you opt to break your project up, you must provide a means in which the
developer references shared code from his sandbox.  Environment variables
are often used for this, their values imported into Makefile macros to be
used in path computations.  (The buildref tools at can also be useful for this, but they
have not been ported to NT.)  Some shops use symbolic links for this purpose,

If you have a budget larger than 0, you might look into ClearCase.  It can
simplify some of this stuff, and it has a good tool for importing its
repository from RCS.  Its version of Make works the same way on all of its
supported platforms (including NT), and the users' sandboxes can be made to
appear in the same place in the filesystem, regardless of how many sandboxes
there are.  ClearCase also supports symbolic links on NT, provided that both
the pointer and its target are in the same repository.

--- Forwarded mail from [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I'm investigating CVS as a possible solution for my organization's config
management woes. So far, I like what I see, but I some questions; 
hopefully someone out there can give me some advice.

Our environment is mixed win32/hpux. We are in the same boat as lots of 
folks (I think,) where most past development was targeted for unix, but 
the low cost of PCs and the desire for Office/Outlook on all desktops is 
driving us towards NT (kicking and screaming.) Anyway, we really have two 
problems: First, can we have similar build environments in unix and NT? 
Second, what tool should we use for software configuration management?

I think we may be able to use GNU make in both environments with lots of 
conditionals to define the correct compiler, options, etc. I hope this 
will solve problem one.

On the surface, CVS seemed like the solution to problem two. It works on 
unix and windows. It uses RCS's file format, so bringing our existing RCS 
controlled files into CVS probably won't be hard. The problem I'm really 
struggling with is that a lot of our projects include headers and link 
from other projects.  (The reason for this is we have a fair number of 
client-server APIs built.  When a program wants to be a client, it 
includes from the common and client areas of the appropriate API.) 
Currently, all the projects reside on the same NFS volume, so they are 
visible to each other. From what I understand of CVS, projects on 
networked file systems are bad. Also, when a programmer wants to work on 
a project, the project's code is copied to a local filesystem. How can I 
set things up so includes from other projects work? I sure don't want to 
manually check out several projects just to work on one. Is there a way 
to have CVS automatically check out projects (read only) that the work
project depends on? I read a little about vendor branches, but this 
approach looks like it would result in a lot of duplicated code in many 
of our projects.

--- End of forwarded message from [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: including and linking from multiple CVS projects

2000-08-31 Thread Greg A. Woods

[ On , August 31, 1900 at 11:49:27 (PDT), Jim Gallagher wrote: ]
> Subject: including and linking from multiple CVS projects
> Our environment is mixed win32/hpux. We are in the same boat as lots of 
> folks (I think,) where most past development was targeted for unix, but 
> the low cost of PCs and the desire for Office/Outlook on all desktops is 
> driving us towards NT (kicking and screaming.) Anyway, we really have two 
> problems: First, can we have similar build environments in unix and NT? 
> Second, what tool should we use for software configuration management?

Personally the only programming tools I would ever use for M$ platforms
would be cross-compilers in a decent programming and programmer friendly
environment.  I will never knowingly or willingly program directly on
any M$ platform (ever again)!  :-)

FYI David Tilbrook has done something like this with his QEF product,
thogh with a bit more of a compromise in some cases -- I believe he
still remotely invokes the compiler on the target platform. (

Greg A. Woods

+1 416 218-0098  VE3TCP  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
Planix, Inc. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Secrets of the Weird <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: CVS checkout filename with space (bug fixed ??)

2000-08-31 Thread Laine Stump

> > Gerhard Ahuis writes:
> >> 
> >> I have some trouble checking out files with spaces in the name. After some
> >> queries on deja news I found that its a bug in cvs.
> >> Is this bug fixed at the moment, are there patches ??

I have files with spaces in them (not by choice - InstallShield saves
some project info in files containing spaces in the names), and the only
trouble I've had is spurious messages when doing cvs update from a
parent directory of the directory containing the "spacey file". add,
checkout, and commit work just fine (from the cvs commandline, at

I'm using 1.10.8, but I believe it was working this way with 1.10 as

> Larry Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > No.  Most of the core of CVS handles spaces in filenames correctly, but
> > there are lots of little bits and pieces that don't and so far none of
> > the developers has been sufficiently motivated to track them all down
> > and fix them.

Gerhard Ahuis writes:
> What about the cvs checkout part ? Because this is the reason why cvsweb 
> cannot download filenames with spaces from the repository. Is there a 
> way to get around this problem..?

Are you sure the problem isn't with cvsweb?

Why can't I login to cvs ?

2000-08-31 Thread Weider_Hsu ( 徐維德)

Dear all:
Can any one tell me how to set 
up the permission of CVS server ?
I have two different results 
about the login function.
>setenv CVSROOT 
":pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/local/MYCVS"> cvs login(Logging 
password:cvs [login aborted]: authorization failed: server 
rejected access>
>setenv CVSROOT 
":pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/local/cvs-repository"> cvs 
login(Logging in to [EMAIL PROTECTED])CVS 
Than I can login to CVS 

Why ?
Where is the user setting file 
in the CVS ?
Thanks ..

RE: Is this possible?

2000-08-31 Thread John Goodsen

you want RAD/CVS ... it lets you select files from the entire set
of files in a project and apply an operation to it in one fell
John Goodsen   RADSoft / Training, Mentoring and Consulting in:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   - Java, UML Modeling and OOD Principles - User Centered E-Commerce Development
888.298.2566   - Rapid Software Delivery process
   - Catalysis Certified Instructors/Practitioners

> -Original Message-
> From: Gary Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2000 8:58 AM
> Subject: Is this possible?
> Has anyone heard, seen or wanted the following feature. Also, is this
> available in cvs, wincvs or any other version control system?
> I need the ability to choose which changes I have made in a file to
> checkin.  The default in most systems is to merge all the changes with
> those on the server. I would like to interactive say YES to the first
> change NO to the second, YES to the third change etc..
> Have I over looked something?
> Gary.

?: overwriting trunk with development on a branch

2000-08-31 Thread Eugene Kramer


I need to move the development on the main trunk to a branch, and move what
I have as a tip of one of the branches to the main trunk, because it will
become the starting point of next release, and other releases, which will
follow. I thought about the following procedure:

cvs up -A
cvs tag NewBranch_base  # save the branching point
cvs tag -b NewBranch

cvs up -j HEAD -j OldBranch_base
cvs up -j OldBranch
cvs ci

I ran a couple of tests - looks  good.

Is there a better way?

Thank you.



2000-08-31 Thread Tom Werges

I need the ability to rollback a module to an earlier tag, and have that tag
become the current revision. I was unable to find any way to do this
in the faqs. The cvs reference manual lists a way to roll back, but the
documentation is incorrect (it shows how to merge the current revision with
previous ones, and says that this is rolling back).

cvs co -r [tag] will not make that tag the current revision, and I can't commit
to it; it is for historical purposes only.

I grepped the mail archives for 'rollback' and found a hackish way to rollback
for individual files only. However, I want to do so for a whole module,
including un-deleteing the files that have since been deleted, and un-adding
the files that have since been added.

I tried exporting the tag to another directory, cvs removing all the files in
the repository, copying all the files from the exported directory, adding the
files from the exported directory, and committing. It works but it ain't pretty.

There must be a simple way of doing this that I'm unaware of. Any help would
be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,