Re: Edit comments?

2000-10-15 Thread Noel L Yap

I can easily see some people wanting the edit comment appended to the checkin
comment.  Maybe this should be an option?  Which behaviour should be the

Does anyone volunteer to code this up?  I can lend some assistance in where to
make code changes, but I don't have time to make them.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] on 2000.10.13 16:28:37

Subject:  Re: Edit comments?

Fair enough.  How about this?

- Blank commit message in the editor when it comes up.
- Output of editor becomes commit message, if modified by user.
- "cvs edit" message becomes the commit message when the edited file is
  unchanged (or empty) or an empty -m option is given.
- Non-empty -m option takes precedence over "cvs edit" message during commit.

Note that the default messages remain one-per-file, but replacements (via
editor or command line) are one-per-command.

--- Forwarded mail from [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The problem here is that edit comments are one-per-file while checkin comments
are one-per-command-line (or one-per-directory when using local CVS).

[EMAIL PROTECTED] on 2000.10.13 12:52:44

I would expect the edit comment to be the default commit message:

- It appears in the editor when it comes up.
- It becomes the commit message when given an empty -m option.
- It is overridden by a non-empty -m option.

--- Forwarded mail from [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I had thought a little about this at one point.  IIRC, this would involve no
more than adding an extra subfield in fileattr and extending the protocol a
little.  I don't think this is that much work since the protocol can be extended
easily without breaking older clients/servers (but you may not have the new
feature if you use older clients/servers).

One thing to ensure is that special characters in the new subfield must be
escaped properly.

Using the comments for checkin may need some more thought.  For example, will
the edit comments be appended to the checkin comments or will they replace
checkin comments?

--- End of forwarded message from [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Info-cvs mailing list

Re: CVS Merge Algorithm

2000-10-15 Thread Noel L Yap

AFAIK, CVS uses diff3.  For example, when merging two versions, it just:
 diff3 -E to_version ancestor from_version;
 echo w;
 echo q;
) | ed - to_version

I may have gotten some details mixed up, so experiment.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] on 2000.10.13 19:14:08

cc:   (bcc: Noel L Yap)
Subject:  CVS Merge Algorithm

Hey all..I'm sure this is in a FAQ somewhere because I thought I saw it
once. I'm trying to enlighten my team about the ways of CVS and when I said
it can automatically merge code alarm bells went off all around. I'm sure
many of you have been through this before ;-) Is there a whitepaper on the
CVS merge algorithm and a statistics page about false positives and error
percentages when using the automatic merge?


Chris Hirsch

[EMAIL PROTECTED]  What?  Me Worry?  Linux Inside

 _. _ __.. .__ ..

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This communication is for informational purposes only.  It is not intended as
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Re: cvs add

2000-10-15 Thread James Youngman

"Derek R. Price" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Benjamin Balagot wrote:
> >  add: wccp_util.c added independently by second party
> >
> > Does anybody know what this means?
> It means that a file with the same name was added to the same branch and
> committed from a different workspace.
> Derek

I have also had a similar problem when I had a line like "foo foo &bar
&baz &ugh" (or it might have been "foo &foo &bar &baz &ugh") in my
modules file.  Adding a top-level file to the module apparently
succeeded but no file appeared for "cvs checkout foo".  Correcting my
insane entry in the modules file solved my problem.

James Youngman
Manchester, UK.  +44 161 226 7339
PGP (GPG) key ID for <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> is 64A95EE5 (F1B83152).

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Not a CVS questions but a SW configuration question!

2000-10-15 Thread James Youngman

Annette Waters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Sorry if this is not the place  to ask this but here goes: :<)
> I am looking for a matrix or tree structure for release numbering schemes.
> i.e,
> three different products that have
> 1) developers version number
> 2) Configuration management build/release number
> 3) Marketing release number
> Any and all help greatly appreciated!

I tend to handle this situation in a "cascade" manner.   

We have a "standard" for developers' tags on the trunk -- they take
the form "build_" and each tag is recorded elsewhere.  This
external record contains the module name, the tag name, the person
creating the tag and the reason they did it, for example

wholething build_0037 YoungmanJ "Fixed bug report 485302"

We have a separate release log which indicates what software was
released to who.   It contains the build_ tag name.  Previous
projects have required various forms of output document to be
associated with a release.  I generally write a shell script to
generate this stuff.  

For example, one project required me to generate full or patch
releases (patch releases containing only the files changed since the
last release, which you can find out from "cvs rdiff -s").  There was
also a requirement to record the low-level revision number of each
file in the release (because the CM team was used to SCCS and couldn't
believe that a CVS release tag was "enough").

If the downstream users (CM, marketing) have a different name for a
build which we provide, we can just use 
"cvs rtag -rbuild_ marketing_release_name wholething".

One nice-to-have would be to automate the capturing of log information
(e.g. the "why" of things) for our build tags.

James Youngman
Manchester, UK.  +44 161 226 7339
PGP (GPG) key ID for <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> is 64A95EE5 (F1B83152).

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: cvs login failure

2000-10-15 Thread Luke Kendall

> Luke Kendall writes:
> > 
> > CVSROOT set to :pserver:luke@localhost:/home/mantovani/cvs-archive
> > Started ssh, so now you need to cvs login:
> > (Logging in to luke@localhost)
> > CVS password:
> > cvs [login aborted]: authorization failed: server localhost rejected access
> > 
> > Is there any way to find out why the cvs client (or is it the server?)
> > rejected the login?  Is there any kind of logging information that can be
> > examined?
> Like the message says, it's the server that rejected the login.  When
> you get just that message with no additional information, it means that
> either the user exists but the password didn't match,

If it was using the user CISRA/luke instead of luke (i.e. if for some
reason it was insisting on using the Windows domain name plus user name),
the password would fail to match.  Is there any way to force it to use
a specific user name?

> or the repository
> you specified does not match one of the --allow-root= arguments
> specified for the server (in /etc/inetd.conf, presumably).

No, it looks like:

cvspserver stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/tcpd /usr/bin/cvs 
--allow-root=/home/handy/cvs-archive pserver

Although the machine "handy" died, and was replaced by "mantovani",
the auto mounter has been adjusted to pretend matovani is handy.
We also tried explicitly changing the inetd.conf to refer to mantovani,
and killed inetd processes, but it made no difference.  :-(

> The current
> development version now has an additional message for the latter case,
> so you'll be able to tell which it is in the future.

Sounds helpful.  But are there any log messages we can use to find the
exact username it was using?  I'm suspicious of that.


Info-cvs mailing list

updates to (VSS to CVS conversion perl script)

2000-10-15 Thread Laine Stump

I've spent some time in the last few weeks hacking at Jerry Nairn's script (and a bit on, and have made
some changes that I think others will find useful while converting
from VSS to CVS. You can find my modified versions at:

Look in the file README for details of the changes. A short summary of
the important changes:

1) is now re-startable, so you can re-run it after changes
   have been checked in to VSS (as long as you've kept CVS read-only),
   rather than being forced to redo the conversion from scratch.  This
   can significantly shorten the downtime when you do the final
   switchover. can also now be re-run on a ,v file
   without destroying it, for the same reason.

2) Options processing is now more flexible, and easier to understand.

3) VSS branches (at least the way *our* VSS people do branches) are
   now handled. See the README for details.

At some point maybe these scripts will become useful enough that they
should be put into the cvs contrib directory... (I know they're
certainly useful to me!)

P.S. Thanks for posting your scripts, Jerry. They've been a real

Info-cvs mailing list

Verb Commands line.... (jCVS)

2000-10-15 Thread pilvis

I try to open(in jCVS) doc-file (microsoft word), and I write: or .doc.edit
and command line:
"D:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\Winword.exe"$FILE
Why this doesn't work 


Info-cvs mailing list

Verb Commands line....(jCVS)

2000-10-15 Thread pilvis

I try to open(in jCVS) doc-file (microsoft word), and I write
verb commands line: or .doc.edit
and command line:
"D:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\Winword.exe"$FILE
Why this doesn't work  What I have to write in this
verb commands line that I can open or edit different files (txt, doc,


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