Re: problem with commit

2001-06-15 Thread Larry Jones

=?iso-8859-1?q?krishna=20rama?= writes:
>We are getting the following error message
>cvs[commit aborted]:cannot commit files as 'root'
>Please kindly help me.

When committing a permanent change, CVS makes a log entry of who
committed the change.  If you are committing the change logged in as
"root" (not under "su" or other root-priv giving program), CVS cannot
determine who is actually making the change.  As such, by default, CVS
disallows changes to be committed by users logged in as "root".  (You
can disable this option by commenting out the definition of CVS_BADROOT
in 'options.h' before building CVS.

-Larry Jones

I can feel my brain beginning to atrophy already. -- Calvin

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: trouble setting up Chroot'd CVS Server: "no such user"

2001-06-15 Thread Mark

I tryed that chroot setup and encountered the same problems. I am
not sure what the chroot jail would/could buy you but grief, if you
do not want to run cvs as root.

Here's what I setup for a non-root pserver.

One account, cvspserv, in one group, cvsadm. That account has no
password and no login shell. I don't know if this setup helps with
anything, but a password and login are not needed for the server

No users should belong to the cvsadm group. This is the group that
owns the CVS repository. (Also have a CM cvsadm account in the
cvsadm group, all CM dirs, builds, files, etc. outside the
repository are chmod go-w and owned by the cvsadm account)

/etc/services are setup the as normal, but the /etc/inetd.conf file
has this line instead of the normal one (of course you could use
the normal line from the manual replacing the root account with
cvspserver stream  tcp  nowait  cvspserv /home/cvsadm/bin/run-cvs

run-cvs is a c program that calls cvs pserver after reading in a
config file for --allowroot options. This allows me to
create/move/delete respositories dynamically without having to
change inetd.conf.

the cvs repositories are located at some place like /cvs/roots/.
there is one password file owned by cvsadm account and all the
CVSROOT/passwd files are symlinked to it. Access to each project
repository is managed by the CVSROOT/writers file.

Since only 2 accounts are in the cvsadm group, all access to the
repositories must be through pserver, even users on the local
machine. (except of course, the cvsadm account)

If you are looking for NORAD level security, search the posts for
the last fews months. It's a well discussed topic.

hope something here helps.


--- Rob Eso <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hey everyone
> I have been trying to setup a chroot cvs server for a while now,
> but keep
> running into the same problem.  I have created a user cvs to run
> the
> server under, and have chroot'd the server to /home/cvs/jail/
> i have followed the instructions in a few howtos on setting up a
> Chroot
> CVS Server, but always run into this problem:
> I am able to login and authenticate with the pserver alright, but
> when
> I try to import a new project into the respository I get :
> [rae@skywalker myproj]$ cvs -d $CVSROOT import myproj v1 r1
> Fatal error, aborting.
> cvs: no such user
> cvs import: authorization failed: server vader rejected access to
> /cvsroot
> for user rob
> The respository is setup in /home/cvs/jail/cvsroot
> the CVSROOT/passwd file contains:
> rob::cvs
> billy::cvs
> susy::cvs
> the CVSROOT/readers file contains:
> susy
> the CVSROOT/writers file contains:
> rob
> billy
> (Just using sample names )
> But each time I get the no such user error.
> I have gone seaching though the cvs-info mailing list archive,
> and found
> no other mention of this problem.  I am curious though, is a
> chroot jail
> necessary?  In one thread about the chroot patch for 1.10,
> someone posted
> that it was easy for a malicious user to execute a script and
> escape from
> the chroot jail, which makes me wonder what is the point then of
> a chroot
> jail?
> Oh yes, i am running Red Hat 7.1 with
> CVS 1.11 ( cvs-1.10.8-8.i386.rpm )
> Thanks
>  -
> < Rob >
>  -
> \   ^__^
>  \  (**)\___
> (__)\   )\/\
>  U  ||w |
> || ||
> ___
> Info-cvs mailing list

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Re: Implementing Branches

2001-06-15 Thread Eric Siegerman

On Fri, Jun 15, 2001 at 01:00:24PM -0700, Anita Chacko wrote:
> We have a new design for a separate implementation
> basically of the same project.There will be new
> modules added in this and some old modules will
> undergo changes of structure;some will be split into 2
> or 3 modules and so on.I am not able to figure out
> which approach to take
> 1.To create many branches -- one for each module and
> ask developers to place all files and directories
> related to this implementation in these.In this
> case,will there be any problem merging them back on
> main branch?

My immediate reaction: NO NO NO!

A more considered reaction :-) why are you considering this?  I'm
asking seriously; to create many branches probably isn't the
answer, but figuring out what *is* requires properly
understanding the question, ie. your needs.

> 2.To create an empty branch(Is this possible at all?)
> and add the new directories and files(and many
> existing directories from the main branch)

Possible, but (a) hard -- you'd have to create the branch and
then delete everything on it; (b) it's icky -- see (a); and (c) I
wonder -- again, I'm asking seriously -- why you want to.

> 3.To create a new repository for the implementation.

I'll come back to this in a minute.

Another possibility:

4. Create one branch (not many) for the new implementation.  This
   will initially be a clone of the trunk at the time you create
   it (if you use "cvs tag" in an up-to-date sandbox), or of the
   latest stable release (if you use "cvs rtag -rXXX").  Let it
   stay that way; people can add and delete files or directories
   as necessary.

   (More generally, a newly-created branch is always a clone of
   *something*, but just what it's a clone of depends on whether
   you use tag or rtag, and with what options.  It can easily
   start as a clone of some other branch.  But since you say
   you've never worked with branches, I'm assuming the trunk is
   all you've got.)

If you create a new repo, (3), you won't have to contend with all
the cruft from the old implementation, but bug fixes made in one
code base won't be as easy to propagate to the other one, and if
you later want to merge them, your job will be harder.  Then
again, if the two diverge very widely, these things will be hard

The choice between (3) and (4) probably comes down to how heavily
your new implementation will be based on the old one.  If you
expect to start with the old one and modify it, do (4).  If you
expect to start with a clean slate (and not keep much old code),
do (3).

If you'll start with a clean slate but then bring a significant
amount of stuff over from the old implementation, that's a hard
one.  I'd lean towards (4) ... but then, I'm a bit of a purist.
I'd be interested to hear others' opinions too.


|  | /\
|-_|/  >   Eric Siegerman, Toronto, Ont.[EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |  /
With sufficient thrust, pigs fly just fine. However, this is not
necessarily a good idea.
- RFC 1925 (quoting an unnamed source)

Info-cvs mailing list

trouble setting up Chroot'd CVS Server: "no such user"

2001-06-15 Thread Rob Eso

Hey everyone

I have been trying to setup a chroot cvs server for a while now, but keep
running into the same problem.  I have created a user cvs to run the
server under, and have chroot'd the server to /home/cvs/jail/

i have followed the instructions in a few howtos on setting up a Chroot
CVS Server, but always run into this problem:

I am able to login and authenticate with the pserver alright, but when
I try to import a new project into the respository I get :

[rae@skywalker myproj]$ cvs -d $CVSROOT import myproj v1 r1
Fatal error, aborting.
cvs: no such user
cvs import: authorization failed: server vader rejected access to /cvsroot
for user rob

The respository is setup in /home/cvs/jail/cvsroot

the CVSROOT/passwd file contains:


the CVSROOT/readers file contains:


the CVSROOT/writers file contains:

(Just using sample names )

But each time I get the no such user error.

I have gone seaching though the cvs-info mailing list archive, and found
no other mention of this problem.  I am curious though, is a chroot jail
necessary?  In one thread about the chroot patch for 1.10, someone posted
that it was easy for a malicious user to execute a script and escape from
the chroot jail, which makes me wonder what is the point then of a chroot

Oh yes, i am running Red Hat 7.1 with
CVS 1.11 ( cvs-1.10.8-8.i386.rpm )


< Rob >
\   ^__^
 \  (**)\___
(__)\   )\/\
 U  ||w |
|| ||

Info-cvs mailing list

Is this procedure correct

2001-06-15 Thread Jeeva Sarma

Pls tell me if the procedure below is correct to
create,checkout from and add to a branch.
I need to create a branch with all latest project
files and then add some new files and directories to
the branch and later merge.

I check out the latest revisions of all the files
c:\Wd\cvs co Mni

And create a branch in the working directory
c:\Wd\cvs tag -b for-new-rel

And then do
c:\Wd\cvs update -r for-new-rel

Now the branch for-new-rel has the entire project with
all the latest revisions of files.
Now whenever I do a add/commit from my working
directory,they will be automatically added to this
Other developers can access the branch as follows
cvs co -r for-new-rel Mni
Now whenever they add/remove a file/directory to this
working directory,it will be changed in the branch and
not the main tree.They don't have to explicitly
specify the branch name everytime they do this,right?

Now to merge,from the working directory
cvs update -j for-new-rel
cvs commit -m "merging"

Pls point any steps I have missed as I need to
implement this immediately in my project.
Thanks a lot,
Jeeva Sarma

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2001-06-15 Thread Larry Jones

Alex Flores writes:
> In CVS, does a directory have versions as well or do only the files have
> versions.

Only the files.

-Larry Jones

My life needs a rewind/erase button. -- Calvin

Info-cvs mailing list

Implementing Branches

2001-06-15 Thread Anita Chacko

Never having worked before with branches,I have a
question in implementing branches.
We have a new design for a separate implementation
basically of the same project.There will be new
modules added in this and some old modules will
undergo changes of structure;some will be split into 2
or 3 modules and so on.I am not able to figure out
which approach to take
1.To create many branches -- one for each module and
ask developers to place all files and directories
related to this implementation in these.In this
case,will there be any problem merging them back on
main branch?
2.To create an empty branch(Is this possible at all?)
and add the new directories and files(and many
existing directories from the main branch)
3.To create a new repository for the implementation.

Any advice on this is greatly appreciated
Thanks a lot,
Anita Chacko

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Re: archives

2001-06-15 Thread Gerhard Sittig

On Thu, Jun 14, 2001 at 19:39 -0400, Derek R. Price wrote:
> > Does anyone know where I can find the archives for this
> > mailing list?
> I usually use, but you can check the headers
> of this email message for archives too.

Are you referring to the

  "List-Archive: "

line?  In my experience pipermail archives are hard to read and
next to impossible to search (unless one likes loading a single
month into the browser and search the _page_ just to move to the
next month if there's nothing found in the subject lines).

Did I miss something?  Are there indexed (read: searchable)
archives available?  Is DeJaGoogle operational and does it
include cvs-info messages?

virtually yours   82D1 9B9C 01DC 4FB4 D7B4  61BE 3F49 4F77 72DE DA76
Gerhard Sittig   true | mail -s "get gpg key" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 If you don't understand or are scared by any of the above
 ask your parents or an adult to help you.

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: CVS and AFS

2001-06-15 Thread Gerhard Sittig

On Thu, Jun 14, 2001 at 22:50 -0400, Charles Karney wrote:
> We use CVS in a mixed Windows and Linux environment.  Recently
> we switched from accessing the CVS repository vis ssh to a
> Linux machine on which CVSROOT was a local disk to having the
> CVS repository in AFS and having all clients access this as a
> local file system.

You did read the few thousand horror stories of what's going to
happen when accessing repos via networked filesystems in the
list, didn't you?  Why did you switch from the ssh tunnel to this
fragile constellation?

> The motivation for this change was
> * to simplify user authentication;
> * to allow finer grain control over access to the repository.

Frankly speaking I'm not sure about the first item and I don't
get the second:  You previously had a local UNIX process (the
remote "cvs server" command) access the local filesystem, which
is AFS and thus provides ACLs.  How can this access become finer
in terms of control?

> While things are basically working OK, we are running into some
> problems as I'd be interested in hearing other peoples'
> experiences.

What you describe is exactly what you asked for.  Repos on
network fs'es is a receipt for trouble.  It's not a matter of if
and how, but merely a question of when (you will notice).

virtually yours   82D1 9B9C 01DC 4FB4 D7B4  61BE 3F49 4F77 72DE DA76
Gerhard Sittig   true | mail -s "get gpg key" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 If you don't understand or are scared by any of the above
 ask your parents or an adult to help you.

Info-cvs mailing list


2001-06-15 Thread Alex Flores

In CVS, does a 
directory have versions as well or do only the files have versions.  If I 
check out a directory and add a new file and then place them back into the 
repository, does a new version of that directory get created.  If so, how 
can I see the status for the directory.

Re: CVS Features

2001-06-15 Thread Lan Barnes


I have consulted on both PVCS and CVS and have amassed quite a bit of
experience with both. Both can do a pretty good job. Both have warts.

I would say that the fundamental difference is that PVCS works on the
pessimistic, locking model, and CVS works on the optimistic, merging model.
Which model is "better" depends entirely on your application. For those
projects dominated by BLOB "source" files, locking can simplify things. For
ASCII source, I prefer merging.

There is a wide choice of ancillary CVS tools -- GUI front ends, web
enabling, scripts -- that give it every bell and whistle that PVCS can
boast. However, PCVS's Tracker is natively integrated; I have no experience
yet with integrating an issue capture module (Bugzilla? Gnats?) with CVS.

Cost aside -- and it's a lot of money to put to one side ;-) -- I prefer
CVS. More robust, easier to install, administer, clean up after, and (for
me) use.


Donald Sharp wrote:
> Please feel free to read the cvs documentation:
> How did you determine your list of requirements btw?
> donald
> On Wed, Jun 13, 2001 at 08:47:55AM -0400, Adam Popp wrote:
> > I'm thinking about using the CVS version control but I am comparing it to an
> > alterative which is Merant's PVCS could you tell me which features CVS has
> > compared to PVCS.
> >
> >   Merant PVCS CVS
> >
> > Version Control   YES
> > Defect Tracking   YES
> > Configuration Manager YES
> > Web Access Via Web BrowserYES
> > Web Access Via Custom Client  *SEE NOTE*
> > Client / Server Arch  **SEE NOTE**
> > Windows ClientYES
> > Windows ServerYES FOR WEB
> > AIX ClientYES
> > Proprietary RepositoryYES
> > DB2 RepositoryNO
> > Oracle Repository YES
> > Multi Object Storage Capability   YES
> > Database Backup Capability***SEE NOTE***
> >
> >
> > Web Access Via Custom Client  *Thin Client Applet in Conjunction with Web
> > Browser*
> >
> > Client / Server Arch  **Defect Tracker uses Client server data on back
> > end, VM internet user is client server**
> >
> > Database Backup Capability***Works with current backup method***
> >
> > Adam Popp
> > e-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> >
> >
> ___
> Info-cvs mailing list

Icon Consulting, Inc   858-273-6677

I know very few veterans who cherish a romantic remembrance of wars. 
All wars are awful. ... Nothing -- not the valor with which it was fought 
nor the nobility of the cause it served -- can glorify war. Whatever the 
gains secured, it is the loss the veteran remembers most keenly. Only a 
fool or a fraud sentimentalizes the cruel and merciless reality of war.
 - John McCain

Info-cvs mailing list

Taginfo question

2001-06-15 Thread Mark

Is there any way to determine, in a taginfo script, whether or not
a tag being created/applied is a branch tag or not?


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RE: CVS slowness issues

2001-06-15 Thread Ryan Petrie


Thanks a lot for your help and your reply.  It's working now, and though 
it's not a problem with CVS, I thought I'd share the solution in case 
anyone else runs into this.

I checked netstat and it reported no dropped packets or errors at all. 
 Then I tried FTPs to and from the box, and you were right -- in one 
direction it was fine, but the other hung just like CVS did.  After finding 
that out and a bit of searching, I found a Samba FAQ that said some 
slowness issues with Samba were caused by a buggy glibc-2.1 distributed 
with Redhat 6.1.  I found an update, plugged it in, and whamo -- it worked. 
 We run Caldera's eServer 2.3, and it seems to be based on Redhat 6.1.

Thanks again for the help!


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Maintaining branches...

2001-06-15 Thread Mark

I have been watching this thread with some interest.

Modifying CVS to record (with intergity) and use recorded merge
information might require much code work in cvs. (Not to say that
it wouldn't be great to have the functionality, or that I have ever
seriously looked at the source). Whether it can be done with RCS
new phases or something similar to editors/watchers (the
"permanent") location), there would be things commands would need
to do.

First, it might be necessary to store merge info temporarily in the
working CVS subdirectory first, then promote the files' merge info
to the "permanent" location on commit of the files.

cvs co command:
* without options, would have to check to make sure locally
stored merge info for a file being checked out doesn't exist, if it
does (a unix rm on the working file has been perform and is being
replaced) it should discard the merge info for that file.
* -j would have to record merge info locally

cvs update command:
* -A would have to check for locally stored merge info for the
file and remove it before updating
* without options, same as co without options
* without options, cvs update on a merged working copy needs to
update the merge info in the working dir's CVS subdirectory for the
* -j would have to record merge info locally, also would have
to deal with multiple -j calls on the same file.

cvs commit command:
* this should move merge info from the working dir CVS
subdirectory to the permanent location (RCSfile, CVS subdir in
repository) and clear the local merge info in the CVS subdir.

The above might be mandatory for a first release to track merges, I
am sure there are more changes that might be needed.

Then there's the changes to commands to use the merge information.
Commands like:

cvs status command:
cvs log command:
cvs history command:

Maybe new commands:

cvs findmerge -r

I don't know what it would take to at least get cvs track merging
in a robust way. This is all some thoughts I'd wanted to share.


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Re: [ANNOUNCE] cvs-nserver released

2001-06-15 Thread Frederic Brehm

>[ On Friday, June 15, 2001 at 00:23:14 (-0700), Gianni Mariani wrote: ]
>>  Subject: Re: [ANNOUNCE] cvs-nserver released
>>  cvs-nserver sounds great.
>>  I'd like to see thin kind of authentication support in the base CVS soon.

At 11:04 -0400 6/15/01, Greg A. Woods wrote:
>No, you do not.  You do not want to see ANY kind of authentication or
>authorisation support in CVS, EVER.
>CVS is NOT a security tool and it was not designed to be secure.

Greg tells you that you do not want what you THINK you want, but he 
does not tell you what you SHOULD want (probably because he's tired 
of repeating himself). So, what should you want? Here's a short 

First, a review of one way to run CVS in client/server mode.

   CVS client <>RSH client<>RSH server<>CVS server
 CVS protocolRSH protocolCVS protocol

Here's a more secure way

   CVS client <>SSH client<>SSH server<>CVS server
 CVS protocolSSH protocolCVS protocol

Here's what you SHOULD want for authentication/security method XXX

   CVS client <>XXX client<>XXX server<>CVS server
 CVS protocolXXX protocolCVS protocol

So, all you have to do is to get/buy/create the XXX client/server 
pair. You don't have to modify CVS and convince the CVS maintainers 
to add your patches to the distribution (good luck!).

Something like this should probably go into the manual because this 
is definitely an FAQ. If this were in the manual, then our very own 
CVS AI robot guy :-) could reply with a URL to the manual section.


Fred Brehm, Sarnoff Corporation, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Importing problems

2001-06-15 Thread Larry Jones

Anette Van Aswegen writes:
> I have created a new module in the repository. When I import it, it imports
> all the other existing modules underneath the newly
> created one and runs for hours. This new module is suppose to be empty.

It sounds like you ran import in a directory that was already inside the
repository.  That is a major mistake -- import recursively copies a
directory tree into the repository, so there's never any reason to run
it inside the repository.  What release of CVS are you running?  Recent
releases wouldn't have allowed you to make that mistake.

To add an empty top-level directory to the repository, you should do the
following (somewhere outside the repository):

mkdir temp  # make a scratch directory to work in
cd temp # change to it
cvs co -l . # check out the root of the repository w/o recursion
mkdir newdir# create the new directory
cvs add newdir  # add it to the repository
cd ..   # go back to the original directory
rm -rf temp # and clean up

-Larry Jones

There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want. -- Calvin

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: cvs: How to get last but one copy, from repository

2001-06-15 Thread Larry Jones

Koti writes:
> So I want to delete the modifications done by last commit.

-Larry Jones

Honey, are we out of aspirin again? -- Calvin's Dad

Info-cvs mailing list

Undeliverable Message

2001-06-15 Thread MAILER-DAEMON

To:[EMAIL PROTECTED]@Servers["Gianni Mariani" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>]
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[ On Friday, June 15, 2001 at 00:23:14 (-0700), Gianni Mariani wrote: ]
> Subject: Re: [ANNOUNCE] cvs-nserver released
> cvs-nserver sounds great.
> I'd like to see thin kind of authentication support in the base CVS soon.

No, you do not.  You do not want to see ANY kind of authentication or
authorisation support in CVS, EVER.

CVS is NOT a security tool and it was not designed to be secure.

Greg A. Woods

Planix, Inc. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;   Secrets of the Weird <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Info-cvs mailing list

Re: $DateLocal$

2001-06-15 Thread Larry Jones

KOIE Hidetaka writes:
> I implement $DateLocal$ keyword expansion using strftime().
> Is this a bad idea?


1) The "local" time you're using is the local time of the server, not
the local time of the client.

2) Your code assumes that the differential between local time and UTC is
always the same as it is currently, which isn't true for all of us that
have "daylight saving" or "summer" time.

-Larry Jones

You don't get to be Mom if you can't fix everything just right. -- Calvin

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Can't view revision date using cvs status while running pserver

2001-06-15 Thread Larry Jones

Kwok Ngai Loon writes:
> I'm accessing my code respository via pserver. The strange thing is that I
> can't see the date of the revision when I run cvs status.

That's just the way it works.  The timestamp you see in local mode comes
from the CVS/Entries file.  When using client/server, the client doesn't
take the time to send the entire Entries file to the server if it
doesn't have to, so the server usually doesn't have the actual timestamp
from the client, so it just displays the revision number.

-Larry Jones

All girls should be shipped to Pluto--that's what I say. -- Calvin

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: CVS - Obsolete files

2001-06-15 Thread Larry Jones

Koti writes:
> what is diff between cvs rm and cvs delete?

There isn't any -- they're synonyms.

-Larry Jones

Physical education is what you learn from having your face in
someone's armpit right before lunch. -- Calvin

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: CVS slowness issues

2001-06-15 Thread Larry Jones

Ryan Petrie writes:
> I'm not entirely sure this is CVS-specific, but I can't get anything else 
> to be as slow, so I'll ask here.

What other things have you tried?

> The network usage is wy low, and the route to the server through the 
> internet is still only three jumps from here with a ping time under 10 ms. 
>  The machine seems completely idle in top, and cvs just sits there using a 
> meg or two of memory and doing nothing.  Sometimes it can finish a diff or 
> an update in a few minutes on a 100k text file, but other times it never 
> seems to finish.  Other applications use the internet just fine, topping 
> out our SDSL connection easily.

It sure sounds like some kind of network problem.  Specifically, it
sounds like you're experiencing massive packet loss, although why it
would only affect CVS, I can't say.  Is it possible that CVS sends lots
of packets whereas the other applications that work fine receive lots of
packets but don't send many (e.g., web browsers work that way).  Have
you checked your network statistics for errors and retransmissions (see
netstat)?  If you can, checking the statistics at the next hop might be
useful, too.  Is your network connection twisted pair?  If so, make sure
that both ends agree on duplex: have one end set to full duplex and the
other end set to half duplex will cause massive collisions under some
circumstances and might well explain the behavior you're seeing.

-Larry Jones

I must have been delirious from having so much fun. -- Calvin

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: [ANNOUNCE] cvs-nserver released

2001-06-15 Thread Greg A. Woods

[ On Friday, June 15, 2001 at 00:23:14 (-0700), Gianni Mariani wrote: ]
> Subject: Re: [ANNOUNCE] cvs-nserver released
> cvs-nserver sounds great.
> I'd like to see thin kind of authentication support in the base CVS soon.

No, you do not.  You do not want to see ANY kind of authentication or
authorisation support in CVS, EVER.

CVS is NOT a security tool and it was not designed to be secure.

Greg A. Woods

Planix, Inc. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;   Secrets of the Weird <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: problems with remote connection

2001-06-15 Thread Matthew Riechers

Robert Koberg wrote:
> Hello all,
> I cannot checkout modules from a remote linux machine using the commandline
> on a win2000 machine.  When I use WinCVS's gui app it works.  I have always
> used the gui in the past but want to get into all the other options
> available.
> I have used both the standard win2000 shell and cygwin to try to connect.
> First I try:
> $>cvs -d :pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/u/repos login
> I can login successfully, next I try:
> $>cvs checkout doc
> It gives me an error saying I need to use the -d option or specify the
> CVSROOT. So I specify the CVSROOT and try to checkout again. This time I get
> an error saying:
> > refused
> cvs [checkout aborted]: end of file from server (consult above message if
> any)
> I noticed that on windows you need to set the HOME variable and I tried that
> too but no go.
> Any ideas on what I am doing wrong?

Check the archives:


Info-cvs mailing list


2001-06-15 Thread Sven Gaerner


I'm using CVS and NIS (server) on the same machine. The NIS
server uses crypt() passwords, that are not shadowed. This works
but CVS rejects my 'cvs login' when I try to connect. The login
try is only rejected from Linux and other Unix boxes, from Windows
the login is working.

Does anyone have an idea what the problem can be?

Thanks for your help.
Please CC an answer because I'm not subscribed to the list.



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Info-cvs mailing list

problems with remote connection

2001-06-15 Thread Robert Koberg

Hello all,

I cannot checkout modules from a remote linux machine using the commandline
on a win2000 machine.  When I use WinCVS's gui app it works.  I have always
used the gui in the past but want to get into all the other options

I have used both the standard win2000 shell and cygwin to try to connect.
First I try:

$>cvs -d :pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/u/repos login

I can login successfully, next I try:

$>cvs checkout doc

It gives me an error saying I need to use the -d option or specify the
CVSROOT. So I specify the CVSROOT and try to checkout again. This time I get
an error saying:

> refused
cvs [checkout aborted]: end of file from server (consult above message if

I noticed that on windows you need to set the HOME variable and I tried that
too but no go.

Any ideas on what I am doing wrong?


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: CVS control dirs w/o checkout?

2001-06-15 Thread Derek R. Price

Tomki wrote:

> Hello, I have a huge repository that I need to check into CVS.
> My CVS server's connection to the internet is not fast, and the
> international connection dependability is not high.
> So I am using FTP to retrieve the tree to be checked in.  Is there a way to
> place the original dirs under CVS control without actually checking out the
> entire repository to the host website?

Your question was unclear to me.  Perhaps `cvs import'?  `cvs add'?  `cvs co
-l .'?


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )
Information is the currency of democracy.

- Thomas Jefferson

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: CVS and AFS

2001-06-15 Thread Derek R. Price

Charles Karney wrote:

> We use CVS in a mixed Windows and Linux environment.  Recently we switched
> from accessing the CVS repository vis ssh to a Linux machine on which
> CVSROOT was a local disk to having the CVS repository in AFS and having all
> clients access this as a local file system.
> The motivation for this change was
> * to simplify user authentication;
> * to allow finer grain control over access to the repository.

People will often be flamed on this list for using a shared network drive containing a 
repository.  At _best_, if your
AFS software is good, you probably want to use ssh access to your Linux server which 
keeps the repository in AFS space.  Search
the mail archives for more.

If you want simplified authentiction you might consider the Kerberized CVS client, but 
I've never tried building it under
Windows.  Assuming you've been using Kerberos with AFS, you probably have most of the 
hooks in place.

> While things are basically working OK, we are running into some problems as
> I'd be interested in hearing other peoples' experiences.
> (1) Windows does loose matching on the case of filenames.  On one occasion
> this has led to the filenames in the repository been "spontaneously"
> changed.  The way this happened was (I think)
> * On a Linux system, I did 'cvs remove NOTES.DOC', followed by
>   'cvs add Notes.doc', i.e., a 'safe' rename.
> * On an NT system (using WinCVS 1.06), a user modifies NOTES.DOC (which
>   he still has checked out) and CVS apparently matches this with
>   Notes.doc in the repository and alters the repository name to
>   NOTES.doc when he checks this in.
> * I do a 'cvs update' and am surprised to see NOTES.DOC resurrected.
> It would seem that the Windows versions of CVS should try REALLY hard
> not to do this.

It's possible that the Windows version of CVS doesn't know it is doing this.  More 
likely, the AFS client/server is saying, "sure
I have NOTES.DOC!"  when Notes.doc is requested, then assumes that the user really 
wants to write "Notes.doc" for a write.  This
is a basic problem with UNIX file shares being used form Windows.

> (2) If the CVS repository is an AFS and if access to the repository is
> granted by virtue of an AFS token in the name of NAME@CELL, this name
> should be used in the log messages instead of the possibly random
> Windows (or Unix) user name.  Lots of the Windows checkins are by
> 'Administrator' which is not very informative.

Sounds like you'd like to use ssh or pserver access.  How is CVS supposed to know this 
is what you wanted and not that you'd
granted every user access to the AFS repository as user 'cvsdev' and you really wanted 
the Windows user ID in the logs?

If you're really in the mood to hack, and you don't want to maintain this yourself, 
you might try and start a discussion with
some of the folks who know GSSAPI or who are currently doing security work on 

> (3) If an NT user checked out administrative files in $CVSROOT/CVSROOT,
> modifies one of them and checks it back in the latest release in
> CVSROOT carries DOS conventions.  When accessing the repository from
> Linux, I then get
>   cvs log: syntax error in /afs/ line '
> ' is missing '='
> Either the Unix clients should care about foreign newline conventions
> in $CVSROOT/CVSROOT/config, or the Windows clients should ensure that
> these files have Unix newline conventions.

This is another common problem with network share access to a repository.  Any number 
of solutions have been proposed from the
CVS server "preserving" whatever line endings it finds to always using UNIX 
conventions.  Patches happily accepted.  Search the
list archives for more.

> (4) It's too bad that AFS's notion of machine-independent pathname doesn't
> carry through to Windows.  Having to set up drive letter e.g., Z:
> pointing to /afs/CELL/ breaks this notion and is so retro.  I'd like to
> be able to use
> :local:\\afs\CELL\common\cvs
> instead of
> :local:z:\common\cvs

Is this a Windows problem or a CVS problem?  If Windows, why are you telling me?  If 
CVS, have you tried converting back slashes
to forward slashes in your root specification?

> (5) Finally, we love to have network-level encryption of the data in AFS
> files.  Is this on anyones radar screen?

Network level encrytion?  Shouldn't this be invisible to applications?


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )
Take my advice, I don't use it anyway.

Info-cvs mailing list

Help is appreciated

2001-06-15 Thread Datla, Raghav

  I am new to CVS.
As I want to move a repository from one server to the another server to free
up the resources, any procedures that you already implemented are welcome
and will be appreciated.
Thanks inadvance,

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: CVS - Obsolete files

2001-06-15 Thread Derek R. Price

Koti wrote:

> what is diff between cvs rm and cvs delete?
> I am using cvs 1.10, I never heared about cvs rm.
> >From which version cvs rm is available?

[dprice@magus dprice]$ cvs --help-synonyms
CVS command synonyms are:
add  ad new
adminadm rcs
annotate ann
checkout co get
commit   ci com
diff di dif
export   exp ex
history  hi his
import   im imp
log  lo rlog
loginlogon lgn
rdiffpatch pa
release  re rel
remove   rm delete
rtag rt rfreeze
status   st stat
tag  ta freeze
update   up upd
version  ve ver
(Specify the --help option for a list of other help options)
[dprice@magus dprice]$


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )
Take my advice, I don't use it anyway.

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: testing different versions of client/server against each other

2001-06-15 Thread Derek R. Price

Stephen Cameron wrote:

> So, two questions 1) Is there any easy way to get to test different
> versions of client and server against each other? (more to characterize the

Try setting CVS_SERVER= and running in remote mode.
You may have to override CVS_SERVER inside the script.

> breakage than anything else) and 2) would it be a good idea for client and
> server to give each other some idea of what they can and cannot tolerate?  For
> this latter, I suppose the simpler the better, maybe exchange version numbers
> and compare against a list of konwn-to-work-with (or maybe,
> known-not-to-work-with)  and proceed or not based on that?

They already do as part of the client/server protocol.  If you set CVS_CLIENT_LOG,
you'll notice that the first thing the client and server exchange are
"valid-responses".  These are commands they each understand.

Since this is only for protocol commands (for instance, an old server will error
out later when a new client sends '-C' because it doesn't know how to parse that
option), your best protection is probably simply that `.' isn't allowed in tags.
An old server should either error out while parsing your tag or simply not be able
to find it anywhere...

> How has this kind of thing been handled before? Or maybe it never came up?


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )
If there be any among us who would wish to dissolve this Union or to change its
republican form, let them stand undisturbed as monuments of the safety with
which error of opinion may be tolerated where reason is left free to combat it.

- Thomas Jefferson; 1st Inaugural, 1801

Info-cvs mailing list

Importing problems

2001-06-15 Thread Anette Van Aswegen


I have created a new module in the repository. When I import it, it imports
all the other existing modules underneath the newly
created one and runs for hours. This new module is suppose to be empty.
Luckily it doesn't affect the other modules. Here is the procedure I

1.  mkdir new module
2.  set the group, owner and permissions
3. cvs import -m "Initial import into CVS" avaswegen start (example in the

I followed the same procedure yesterday and there was no problems.  What
have I done wrong? How can I fix it? How can I
delete the module and start over?

Thank you

Anette van Aswegen

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: cvs installation

2001-06-15 Thread Derek R. Price

prasad marumokham wrote:

> Sir,
> We have linux 7.0 on pentium III 500MHz processor.
> We had download cvs software from
> 1.cvs-1.11.1-cvshome.7x.1.i686.rpm
> 2.cvs-1.11.1-cvshome.7x.1.i386.rpm

Either of these should be fine if you are running RedHat Linux.  They will sometimes
work on other Linux platforms, but only if you use a similar directory structure to
RedHat.  The install command is:

rpm -ihv 

and must be run as root.

> 3.cvs-1.11.1p1.tar.gz

This should be suitable for most systems.  Read the `INSTALL' and `README' files in the
distribution for instructions.

> Which one is suitable to my system and also please give me installation instructions.


Derek Price  CVS Solutions Architect ( )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] CollabNet ( )
I will not fake seizures.
I will not fake seizures.
I will not fake seizures...

  - Bart Simpson on chalkboard, _The Simpsons_

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Installation CVS Version NT

2001-06-15 Thread Matthew Riechers

Francoise Batut wrote:
>Nous essayons d'installer CVS version NT sur un PC.
> Nous avons recuperer sur le site, le fichier "", que 
>nous avons
> decompresse. Nous suivons le readme qui est associe.
> Nous avons creer une repository en executant la commande "cvs -d :local: 
> Le repository est sur c:ref_cvs_NT.
> Ensuite nous avons saisi la commande 'ntservice -i c:ref_cvs_NT' et la, nous avons 
>le message
> 'OpensSCManager Failed' .
> Pourriez-vous nous depanner?
> En vous remerciant, cordialement
> Francoise de CS-SI

Try posting on the cvsNT list, in english if possible: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: cvs installation

2001-06-15 Thread Matthew Riechers

prasad marumokham wrote:
> Sir,
> We have linux 7.0 on pentium III 500MHz processor.
> We had download cvs software from
> 1.cvs-1.11.1-cvshome.7x.1.i686.rpm
> 2.cvs-1.11.1-cvshome.7x.1.i386.rpm
> 3.cvs-1.11.1p1.tar.gz
> Which one is suitable to my system and also please give me installation instructions.

I assume you mean *Red Hat* 7.0 (linux is at 2.4.x), so you should have
no problem with *.i686.rpm given your cpu. Use *rpm* to install.


Info-cvs mailing list

CVS control dirs w/o checkout?

2001-06-15 Thread Tomki

Hello, I have a huge repository that I need to check into CVS.
My CVS server's connection to the internet is not fast, and the 
international connection dependability is not high.
So I am using FTP to retrieve the tree to be checked in.  Is there a way to 
place the original dirs under CVS control without actually checking out the 
entire repository to the host website?



Info-cvs mailing list


2001-06-15 Thread Charles Karney

[Sorry my previous send of this message got switch to base64 encdoing
becuase he body of the message contained a  character.  Here it is
again...  CK]

We use CVS in a mixed Windows and Linux environment.  Recently we switched
from accessing the CVS repository vis ssh to a Linux machine on which
CVSROOT was a local disk to having the CVS repository in AFS and having all
clients access this as a local file system.

The motivation for this change was

* to simplify user authentication;
* to allow finer grain control over access to the repository.

While things are basically working OK, we are running into some problems as
I'd be interested in hearing other peoples' experiences.

(1) Windows does loose matching on the case of filenames.  On one occasion
this has led to the filenames in the repository been "spontaneously"
changed.  The way this happened was (I think)

* On a Linux system, I did 'cvs remove NOTES.DOC', followed by
  'cvs add Notes.doc', i.e., a 'safe' rename.
* On an NT system (using WinCVS 1.06), a user modifies NOTES.DOC (which
  he still has checked out) and CVS apparently matches this with
  Notes.doc in the repository and alters the repository name to
  NOTES.doc when he checks this in.
* I do a 'cvs update' and am surprised to see NOTES.DOC resurrected.

It would seem that the Windows versions of CVS should try REALLY hard
not to do this.

(2) If the CVS repository is an AFS and if access to the repository is
granted by virtue of an AFS token in the name of NAME@CELL, this name
should be used in the log messages instead of the possibly random
Windows (or Unix) user name.  Lots of the Windows checkins are by
'Administrator' which is not very informative.

(3) If an NT user checked out administrative files in $CVSROOT/CVSROOT,
modifies one of them and checks it back in the latest release in
CVSROOT carries DOS conventions.  When accessing the repository from
Linux, I then get

  cvs log: syntax error in /afs/
  line '^M' is missing '='

Either the Unix clients should care about foreign newline conventions
in $CVSROOT/CVSROOT/config, or the Windows clients should ensure that
these files have Unix newline conventions.

(4) It's too bad that AFS's notion of machine-independent pathname doesn't
carry through to Windows.  Having to set up drive letter e.g., Z:
pointing to /afs/CELL/ breaks this notion and is so retro.  I'd like to
be able to use


instead of


(5) Finally, we love to have network-level encryption of the data in AFS
files.  Is this on anyones radar screen?

Charles Karney  Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sarnoff Corporation Phone:  +1 609 734 2312
Princeton, NJ 08543-5300Fax:+1 609 734 2586

Info-cvs mailing list

Installation CVS Version NT

2001-06-15 Thread Francoise Batut


   Nous essayons d'installer CVS version NT sur un PC.

Nous avons recuperer sur le site, le fichier "", que nous avons

decompresse. Nous suivons le readme qui est associe.

Nous avons creer une repository en executant la commande "cvs -d :local: init".

Le repository est sur c:ref_cvs_NT.

Ensuite nous avons saisi la commande 'ntservice -i c:ref_cvs_NT' et la, nous avons le message

'OpensSCManager Failed' .

Pourriez-vous nous depanner?

    En vous remerciant, cordialement

    Francoise de CS-SI


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Installation de CVS version NT

2001-06-15 Thread francoise


Nous essayons d'installer sur PC, la version NT de CVS.

Pour ceci, nous avons récuperer sur le site "" , le fichier
"". Ensuite nous suivons le README qui est contenu
dans ce fichier.
Nous avons entre autre exécuter la commande "cvs -d :local:ref_cvs_NT
init" qui nous a bien creer le répertoire "C:\ref_cvs_NT/CVSROOT".
Et nous essayons d'exécuter la commande "ntservice -i C:\ref_cvs_NT" qui
nous renvoie la réponse suivante : OpenSCManager Failed".

Pourriez vous nous dépanner.

En vous remerciant, cordialement


Ps : Renvoyer la réponse a l'adresse : [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Info-cvs mailing list

cvs installation

2001-06-15 Thread prasad marumokham


We have linux 7.0 on pentium III 500MHz processor.
We had download cvs software from

Which one is suitable to my system and also please give me installation instructions. 

Thanking you,

Prasad mvd,
Tera Software Ltd.,

Chat with your friends as soon as they come online. Get Rediff Bol at

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: [ANNOUNCE] cvs-nserver released

2001-06-15 Thread Gianni Mariani


cvs-nserver sounds great.

I'd like to see thin kind of authentication support in the base CVS soon.


Chris Garrigues wrote:

>> From:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Greg A. Woods)
>> Date:  Thu, 14 Jun 2001 13:20:29 -0400 (EDT)
>> [ On Thursday, June 14, 2001 at 11:15:55 (-0500), Chris Garrigues wrote: ]
>>> Subject: Re: [ANNOUNCE] cvs-nserver released 
>>> Is this eventually going to be merged into the main CVS source?
>> I sure as hell hope not!
> Okay, let me ask my real question what time frame do you expect PAM 
> support in CVS?
> This isn't critical for me since CVS isn't a critical app here, but since I
> maintain all my users via LDAP, it would make it one fewer exception to my 
> configuration.
> Chris

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