Per-directory sticky tags - a possible bug?

2001-07-09 Thread Reinstein, Shlomo


I'm using CVS version 1.10.7 on Windows (not using the client/server model).
I have a CVS project that is made of some directory tree, where the topmost
directory does not contain any files:


The root directory of the project (root) does not contain any files; all
files are located in the sub-directories of root.
When I use cvs update -r tag-name in the working directory of root, CVS
updates the project to the version indicated by tag-name. In the CVS
sub-directory of each working directory, it creates the Tag file which
indicates the sticky tag.

When tag-name is not a branch tag (i.e., it is not the name of a branch),
the CVS/Tag files in the sub-directories of root contain the right
thing: Ntag-name. However, the CVS/Tag file in the working directory of
root, contains: Ttag-name, as if this is a branch tag. This means that I
can (I tried, and it works) add files, modify them and commit them in the
working directory of root, while I cannot do so for the sub-directories.

Is this a bug in CVS? If not, can you explain to me the idea behind this?

One more thing that is somehow related to the above: My group always treats
a whole CVS project as a single entity - tags are always applied to whole
projects and not to specific files/directories of a project. Given that, is
there a way for me to know whether my working copy of a project is set to a
branch or not? (not just to a branch tag, but to a tag that belongs to a
branch) (Let's say I forgot if I checked-out from a branch or not)

Thanks a lot,

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: cvs [commit aborted]: cannot commit files as 'root'

2001-07-09 Thread Greg A. Woods

[ On Monday, July 9, 2001 at 01:03:36 (-0400), Lenny Foner wrote: ]
 Subject: cvs [commit aborted]: cannot commit files as 'root'

 In that time, you've come across as basically a reactionary force,
 in the original meaning of that term---in other words, just about any
 change to CVS has launched you on a crusade to preserve the One True
 Original Implementation, even in the face of lots of people who might
 rather it behaved otherwise.

You're obviously not paying attention to what I'm writing.  Please try again.

Greg A. Woods

Planix, Inc. [EMAIL PROTECTED];   Secrets of the Weird [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: The hated $Log$ keyword

2001-07-09 Thread Greg A. Woods

[ On Monday, July 9, 2001 at 00:01:01 (-0400), Eric Siegerman wrote: ]
 Subject: Re: The hated $Log$ keyword

  and that they contain their markers
  when they appear in a frozen file.
 Why is this a problem?  I very much prefer it.  Suppose, using
 SCCS or raw RCS, I accidentally edit a file I haven't locked.
 With RCS, once I've seen the permission denied message, I can:
   :!co -l foo
 The SCCS equivalent would inappropriately freeze all my keywords.
 OK, that's a really dumb thing to do when collaborating with
 others.  But then, I've rarely collaborated using raw RCS, and
 never with SCCS; by the time I had coworkers who were willing to
 consider version control at all, I'd discovered CVS :-)

Well, with CVS the meaning of frozen file is quite a bit different.

In the most basic sense what I'm saying is that -kv should be the
default for cvs export.

In a pure RCS environment the issue with keyword markers in unlocked
files is somewhat more complex.  If I'm not mis-remembering the history
of this feature part of the original intent was to allow for exactly the
scenario you describe above.  Another feature of this ability was to
allow a new RCS ,v file to be created with initial defaults for various
values, such as the revision number (i.e. with ci -k):

 This option is useful for
  software  distribution.  A revision that is sent to
  several sites should be  checked  in  with  the  -k
  option at these sites to preserve the original num-
  ber, date, author, and state.

In practice I don't think this scheme has ever worked very well unless
all sites in question had an agreed upon branching plan since you still
have to either reserve branch numbers for each site (or invent some tool
to do branch renumbering, which is I think what BitKeeper does).

Of course in both CVS and RCS the ultimate problem with having the
keyword markers in the frozen files is that subsequent checkins/imports
to a new repository (without '-k') will clobber the old value.  This is
why '-kv' should be the default for cvs export, and why large projects
using RCS (or those using CVS who haven't learned to use cvs export)
have always invented their own project-specific keyword (eg. $NetBSD,
$Xconsortium, $XFree86, etc.)

(Which reminds me -- someone with commit access really should commit the
patches from OpenBSD that implement tag=OpenBSD in CVSROOT/config!)

BTW, with plain SCCS the workaround for saving changes to unlocked
files is to save only the diff and apply it again to the locked file:

sccs diff foo.c  foo.diff
rm foo.c
sccs edit foo.c
patch foo.c  foo.diff  # no patch? use 'diff -e' and 'ed' 
sccs delget foo.c

 I don't see how one could even do CVS-style unreserved checkouts
 layered on top of something which handled its keywords the way
 SCCS does.  Should a checkout give you the values (in which case,
 the magic-keyword-ness is lost on commit), or the keywords (in
 which case, why bother with keywords in the first place since
 they never get substituted)?

In order to follow the SCCS style of keyword handling CVS would have to
always provide only the un-expanded keywords in working directories
(i.e. use co -kk in the case of RCS, or always create the working
directory with get -k in the case of SCCS).  At least this was the
conclusion I came to when I was trying to figure out how to make CVS
work as an SCCS front-end.

Yes this would significantly reduce the utility of keywords, at least
for the way many people use them today.

However in many environments such a scheme would be more or less
invisble (eg. in emacs with the VC hooks enabled the checked out
revision is given in the mode line).

One advantage of such a scheme would be that people who wanted to use
keywords to tag all their published files would soon learn when and how
to use cvs export and they'd be much less likely to accidentally
publish something from within a working directory!  ;-)

 I'm trying to think of how one could get this to work.  You'd
 have to do some kludge like:
   - check out with values only into the user's sandbox (actually,
 SCCS itself gives you no choice, if I recall, since the only
 way to get keywords only is get -e, which also acquires a

No need to do the lock with SCCS, just use get -k

   - at commit time, do a merge between:
   1. a fresh checkout with values only
   2. another fresh checkout with keywords only
   3. the sandbox file
 i.e. diff (1) and (2) and apply the results to (3) as a patch

I'm not sure where you're going there.

Normally in a working directory you'd only ever see the unexpanded
keywords (since a concurrent editing system can't predict which file(s)
might be edited).

At commit time a CVS-like front-end to SCCS would just do something

delta file.c# delta normally removes the g-file
get -k 

Strategy of access

2001-07-09 Thread Andrzej_Michalec

I have briefly searched through this list for some informations about
access rigths management, policies etc. but unfortunatelly I got no answer.
Can anyone tell me where can I get such informations? Or maybe can give
some suggestions:

Let me explain current configuration:
The main strategy is to control users access to selected projects'
subdirectories.  I use one repository for all projects.  CVS server is
installed on Linux and dedicated only to use in intranet so advanced
security considerations are not necessary.  All subdirectories have set up
setgid (I read about problems with it on Linux but actually it works on
RedHat 6.2).  Each subdirectory which is entry to project have set own
group as in this example:
 permissionsgroup  dir
 drwxrws---  users   CVSROOT
 drwxrws---  project_a   project_a
 drwxrws---  project_b   project_b
 drwxrws---  project_c   project_c
Each CVS user have unix account on server where CVS is installed and his
primary group is 'users' (read-write access to some administrative files in
CVSROOT).  User that can access given project is added to proper group -
then that user can fully operate on this subtree.  So user (1) can access
or (2) cannot access project in repository.  But what about (3) read-only
access to project (kind of auditing)?  Operating on 'readers' or 'writers'
CVS adminitrative files is out of scope - it switches access features
per-repository not per-directory.  Is there any solution of this problem?
I read about setting up repository for each project but it doesn't look
elegant :)

Best regards,

Info-cvs mailing list

CVS comments

2001-07-09 Thread Steve Platt

 I'm trying to get out of CVS the comments put in(or not!!) by my 
developers, when they commit a module into CVS. I have looked at the history 
command and the log command, but can't see how this is achieved. Is it possible 
to extract the comments submitted by a commit?

Steve PlattConfiguration ManagerRDF Consulting01273 20015007808 

Re: CVS comments

2001-07-09 Thread Karl-Heinz Marbaise

Hi Steve,

 I'm trying to get out of CVS the comments put in(or not!!) by my
 developers, when they commit a module into CVS. I have looked at the
 history command and the log command, but can't see how this is
 achieved. Is it possible to extract the comments submitted by a
Yes, you can use verifymsg to check the comments e.g. if they
are conform to a policy or you can use loginfo to put the
messages e.g. into a database or send them by e-mail to
other people.

Kind Regards.

Dipl.-Ing. Karl Heinz Marbaise | Phone: +49 (241) 4 13 26 - 48
QIS Systemhaus GmbH Aachen | Fax  : +49 (241) 4 13 26 - 40
Juelicher Strasse 338  | Internet:
52070 Aachen   | e-mail  : [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Info-cvs mailing list

hiding CVS directory

2001-07-09 Thread Roger Keays


Is there any way to rename the CVS directory? Perhaps it would be more 
appropriately named .CVS



Info-cvs mailing list

Re: hiding CVS directory

2001-07-09 Thread Matthew Riechers

Roger Keays wrote:
 Is there any way to rename the CVS directory? Perhaps it would be more
 appropriately named .CVS

Not w/o changing the cvs code. Why do you need it hidden?


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: cvs [commit aborted]: cannot commit files as 'root'

2001-07-09 Thread Daniel Beckham

You know.. something I've noticed...

On one side there are the people who will never read the manual, but will
expect the mailing list, forums, et. al. to answer every little question
they have whether it's I can't get my webserver to run cgi scripts or how
do I import a new project or I don't understand my algebra homework.

On the other side... the manual just plain sucks.  It's confusing, poorly
organized, badly written, and as you pointed out.. it's sorely lacking a
full list of error messages.  In short.. it needs to be rewritten very
badly.  I have a hard time being upset at someone who doesn't RTFM the cvs
manual because it's painful to read.


Info-cvs mailing list

Attention CVS Zealots (was Re: cvs [commit aborted]: cannot commit files as 'root')

2001-07-09 Thread John Minnihan


 cowed by the thought of having Greg yell at them for days that they're
 unwilling to start, or if I'm told that no such patch will be accepted
 to CVS, then it will die here.

I generally ignore rants, especially from Mr. Greg Woods.  Greg - you're 
  obviously very smart, and very well-informed about CVS, networking and 
general computing - but STFU already.  You have become NOISE.  Are you 
this boorish off-line?

I want to see CVS improve and will gladly host / administer any such 
efforts.  In fact, I have planned to do so for quite some time in the 
context of my plans for freepository.

Anyone who desires to improve CVS - behavior, error messages, user 
interface, bells, whistles or documentation - please reply directly to 
me off this list.  I have the time, desire, knowledge, hardware, and 
network infrastructure to make this happen.

Bullies and weasels Need Not Apply.

John Minnihan

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: cvs [commit aborted]: cannot commit files as 'root'

2001-07-09 Thread Larry Jones

Greg A. Woods writes:
 It isn't even in the manual, as far as I can see.  That's maybe the
 worst failing of the manual -- there's no (even partial) list of the
 error messages in one place with links to nodes containing their

Excuse me?

-Larry Jones

What this games needs are negotiated settlements. -- Calvin

Info-cvs mailing list

CVS Import

2001-07-09 Thread Rajesh Patwardhan
Title: CVS Import


I went thru the Documentation for creating Import as well as FAQ. 

This is the scenario

1) I have a sources src_1, src_2, src_3 

These are basically versions 1 2 3 of same code. Some files may have changed between the 3 versions.

I am trying to import them into CVS as all the development is complete and CVS was not used during the Development of this Project. 

I use 
cvs import -m Message dir_to_import_on_cvs_repo vendor_tag release_tag_1

The first import was good. There was no problem at all. 

2) Now I do a import for the second source with 
cvs import -m Message dir_to_import_on_cvs vendor_tag release_tag_2
This import also shows no errors.

I do a cvs checkout in to another directory and in the status \ log do not see the versions as they should be seen or at least I think how they should be.

i.e.: version with release_tag_1 
i.e.: version with release_tag_2
I would expect a working revision of
I do not then try the 3rd Import.

It is Red Hat Linux 7.0 cvs 1.11.1p1 (CVS Server) 
client 1.11 on Solaris 5.7

Result of cvs status -v 
File:  Status: Up-to-date

 Working revision:
 Repository revision: path_in_repo/,v
 Sticky Tag:  (none)
 Sticky Date:  (none)
 Sticky Options: (none)

 Existing Tags:
 start_553  (revision:
 gui  (branch: 1.1.1)

2) or is there any better way of doing it. 
or some point I am missing. 

If I have missed out any data please do let me know I will submit it and if there is a documentation note that I am missing please let me know the address. 

Thank you very much in advance and if this issue was addressed I apologize in advance but do let me know the location of the Document nevertheless.


Re: cvs log -r

2001-07-09 Thread Zachary M. Smith

Thanks a lot for the tip!  I'll give this a shot and see if I can
make this work for me.


On Sat, Jul 07, 2001 at 12:21:19AM -0700, Chuck Rossi wrote:
 On Fri, Jul 06, 2001 at 01:55:15PM -0700, Chuck Rossi wrote:
  On Fri, Jul 06, 2001 at 03:03:01PM -0400, Larry Jones wrote:
   Zachary M. Smith writes:

i am getting errors similar to this:

cvs log -N -rr011860:r011870

cvs server: warning: no revision `r011860' in 
   Then that's what I said: if either of the tags doesn't exist, you get
   the entire revision history.
  ..for that file.  Many of the past threads mention this problem
  I have read the various threads about cvs log and cvs rlog not doing
  what one expects when run with -rtag1:tag2.  I think I'm seeing a
  problem - or not understanding something:
  I have two tags on the same branch (rel2).  'cvs rdiff' does the
  correct thing when I ask it what changed between two tags on that branch:
  % cvs -q rdiff -kk -s -rbuild-1261 -rbuild-1263 tree3
  File tree3/apps/uninst/myuninst/myuninst.cpp changed from revision 1.7 to
  File tree3/lib/mycontrol/mycontrolmy.c changed from revision to
  File tree3/ui/data/htmlhelp/desktop/mytt.hhp changed from revision 1.7 to
  However, 'cvs [r]log' gives back the last log entry for _every_ file in the tree:
  % cvs -q rlog -N -rbuild-1261:build-1263 tree3
  This is with cvs 1.11.1p1 on the client and server.
  This is what I did to work around it:
  %  cvs -q log -N -rrel2 `cvs -q rdiff -s -rbuild-1261 -rbuild-1263 tree3  | sed 
-e's/^File tree3\///' -e's/ changed.*$//' -e'/^$/d' -e'/ /d'`
 Actually, after talking to David Taylor, this would be better:
 %  cvs -q log -N -rbuild-1261 -rbuild-1263 `cvs -q rdiff -s -rbuild-1261 
-rbuild-1263 tree3  | awk '{print $2}'`
 Info-cvs mailing list

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: CVS loginfo use with pserver

2001-07-09 Thread Larry Jones

Edouard Cugni writes:
 I have thought that I can use the script to achieve a nice log file
 for each project, but I just discovered that all entries are done with the
 account name (user) of the server, and not the name of the guy who commited
 the changes !

You need to pass the -u command line option to to set the correct
user name.  Your loginfo file should look something like:


-Larry Jones

(Note that $CVSROOT and $USER are CVS internal variables, *not*
environment variables.)

Start tying the sheets together.  We'll go out the window. -- Calvin

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: CVS Import

2001-07-09 Thread Larry Jones

Rajesh Patwardhan writes:
 I use 
 cvs import -m Message dir_to_import_on_cvs_repo vendor_tag release_tag_1
 The first import was good. There was no problem at all. 
 2) Now I do a import for the second source with 
 cvs import -m Message dir_to_import_on_cvs vendor_tag release_tag_2
 This import also shows no errors.

It is a good idea at this point to do a merge checkout to detect any
files that were deleted between the two releases:

cvs co -jrelease_tag_1 -jrelease_tag_2 dir_to_import_on_cvs
cd dir_to_import_on_cvs
cvs commit -m'merge'

 I do a cvs checkout in to another directory and in the status \ log do not
 see the versions as they should be seen or at least I think how they should
 i.e.: version with release_tag_1 
 i.e.: version with release_tag_2
 I would expect a working revision of

If the file is exactly the same in both releases, CVS doesn't bother to
create a new revision, it just applies the new release tag to the
existing revision.

-Larry Jones

...That would be pretty cool, if they weren't out to kill me. -- Calvin

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Protocol error: uncounted data discarded

2001-07-09 Thread Chuck Rossi

On Sat, Jul 07, 2001 at 09:09:27AM -0700, John Minnihan wrote:
 Hi Chris,
 I have seen this too, but not consistently.  For me, the error occurs only
 near the end of a very large checkout using a 'universe' defining module
 name.  The error does not exhibit during smaller module checkouts, and as I
 said - it does not consistently show up even during the large checkouts.
 I'm curious what you see as the difference between 'in a buld script' and
 'by hand'.

It's strange.  If I run the cvs operation from my Perl build script,
I get Protocol error torwards the end of the checkout.  If I execute
the same command, in the same directory from a shell prompt, the checkout
works fine.

I'm surprised more people aren't running into this problem.  I'm not doing
anything special and my repository is not that big.


  Has there been any update on this?  I made the mistake of upgrading
  one of my servers and one of my build machines to 1.11.1p1
  and now I get this whenever I try a build using a build script:
   /usr/bin/cvs -q co -r build-1266 tree3
  Protocol error: uncounted data discarded
  The client is a Linux RH 6.0 2.2.17 box.
  The server is a Linux RH 6.2 2.2.14-5.0smp box.
  Doing the same thing by hand seems to always work.
  On Fri, May 04, 2001 at 04:23:14PM -0400, Chris Sharpe wrote:
   I just upgraded by Solaris (sparc) pserver to cvs 1.11.1p1 and from
   a WinNT command line cvs 1.11 client, I sometimes get the following
  cvs -d $my_cvsroot -f -r -q -z3 checkout -r $my_tag $my_module
  Protocol error: uncounted data discarded
   The module is about 3000 files in size and I've seen this a couple
   of times when running the checkout command as part of a script.
   Other modules checked out immediately after the failure work fine
   and if I try to checkout this module again, it works fine.
   I saw that there was a FIXME comment recently added by Derek in
   server.c that might be related.  Anyone have any insight?  Is this
   error related to 1.11.1p1 or is the timing just a coincidence
   (I never saw this error with 1.11 pserver).
   | Chris Sharpe  KF4WVO Author of The Unofficial PEZ FAQ   |
   | [EMAIL PROTECTED]   PEZ - A treat to eat in a toy that's neat|
  Info-cvs mailing list
 John Minnihan
 Info-cvs mailing list

Info-cvs mailing list

CVS restricte ssh access

2001-07-09 Thread Giuseppe Milicia

Hi guys,

perhaps this is a bit off-topic... 

Anyway, I need to share a CVS repository located in my 
Personal directory on a Unix machine with a couple
of developers. We have no support from the system people
so I cannot create new groups/accounts etc.

Is there any way to grant these people access via SSH *only*
to use cvs??

I tried running ssh connection in a restricted shell
(via a command option in the authorized-keys file)
but I get this:

bash: Root: command not found
bash: Valid-responses: command not found
bash: valid-requests: command not found

Any ideas on how to pull this out??

Thank you,

-- Giuseppe

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: CVS comments

2001-07-09 Thread Eric Siegerman

On Mon, Jul 09, 2001 at 11:13:57AM +0100, Steve Platt wrote:
 I'm trying to get out of CVS the comments put in(or not!!) by my
 developers, when they commit a module into CVS. I have looked at the history
 command and the log command, but can't see how this is achieved.

cvs log is indeed what you're looking for.  If it's not showing
any commit messages, it's because there aren't any :-(


|  | /\
|-_|/ Eric Siegerman, Toronto, Ont.[EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |  /
With sufficient thrust, pigs fly just fine. However, this is not
necessarily a good idea.
- RFC 1925 (quoting an unnamed source)

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: cvs [commit aborted]: cannot commit files as 'root'

2001-07-09 Thread Mike Klinke

Has anyone considered coding a little helper, say, an animated paper
clip, that'll help people through the index of the manual?

All right! Who threw the tomato?

Regards, Mike Klinke

- Original Message -
From: Larry Jones [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, July 09, 2001 10:40 AM
Subject: Re: cvs [commit aborted]: cannot commit files as 'root'

| Greg A. Woods writes:
|  It isn't even in the manual, as far as I can see.  That's maybe the
|  worst failing of the manual -- there's no (even partial) list of the
|  error messages in one place with links to nodes containing their
|  explanations.
| Excuse me?
| -Larry Jones
| What this games needs are negotiated settlements. -- Calvin
| ___
| Info-cvs mailing list

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Protocol error: uncounted data discarded

2001-07-09 Thread John Minnihan


 On Sat, Jul 07, 2001 at 09:09:27AM -0700, John Minnihan wrote:
Hi Chris,

I have seen this too, but not consistently.  For me, the error occurs only
near the end of a very large checkout using a 'universe' defining module
name.  The error does not exhibit during smaller module checkouts, and as I
said - it does not consistently show up even during the large checkouts.

I'm curious what you see as the difference between 'in a buld script' and
'by hand'.

 It's strange.  If I run the cvs operation from my Perl build script,
 I get Protocol error torwards the end of the checkout.  If I execute
 the same command, in the same directory from a shell prompt, the checkout
 works fine.
 I'm surprised more people aren't running into this problem.  I'm not doing
 anything special and my repository is not that big.

Perhaps this is related to the size (I'm out of my element here) of the 
stack/space/threads (or whatever) available to the CVS exe that was 
launched inside the script?  That may explain why you don't see the 
error from a direct command-line invocation.  I don't know how to check 
for this though.  FTR - my error shows up when invoked from a perl 
script as well, though not every time. hmmm...


John Minnihan

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: cvs [commit aborted]: cannot commit files as 'root'

2001-07-09 Thread Greg A. Woods

[ On Monday, July 9, 2001 at 11:40:28 (-0400), Larry Jones wrote: ]
 Subject: Re: cvs [commit aborted]: cannot commit files as 'root'

 Greg A. Woods writes:
  It isn't even in the manual, as far as I can see.  That's maybe the
  worst failing of the manual -- there's no (even partial) list of the
  error messages in one place with links to nodes containing their
 Excuse me?

Ah, so there is!  Sorry!

Maybe what the manual needs more than anything else is a top-level
complete table of contents listing every node in the menu (much like the
The Detailed Node Listing in the Emacs manual and so many other
wonderful texinfo-based manuals).  The texinfo index is wonderful, and
all, but it's just an index.  I've come to expect the detailed listing
and given there's no obvious way to restrict a search in 'info' to the
current node, or to headings only, it's hard to find a node that you
don't know exists.  I don't know if there are any existing tools to help
build the menu and detailed node listing, or not...

Greg A. Woods

Planix, Inc. [EMAIL PROTECTED];   Secrets of the Weird [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Protocol error: uncounted data discarded

2001-07-09 Thread Chris Sharpe

FWIW, my workaround was to determine if the checkout really got
anything (by testing for existence of the directory or file) and
sleeping for ten seconds and trying again.  The retry has never
failed.  Odd.

Checking the exit status of cvs wasn't reliable.  It returned '0'.
I would have expected this error to cause a non-zero exit status.


On Mon, 9 Jul 2001, Chuck Rossi wrote:

 On Sat, Jul 07, 2001 at 09:09:27AM -0700, John Minnihan wrote:
  Hi Chris,
  I have seen this too, but not consistently.  For me, the error occurs only
  near the end of a very large checkout using a 'universe' defining module
  name.  The error does not exhibit during smaller module checkouts, and as I
  said - it does not consistently show up even during the large checkouts.
  I'm curious what you see as the difference between 'in a buld script' and
  'by hand'.
 It's strange.  If I run the cvs operation from my Perl build script,
 I get Protocol error torwards the end of the checkout.  If I execute
 the same command, in the same directory from a shell prompt, the checkout
 works fine.
 I'm surprised more people aren't running into this problem.  I'm not doing
 anything special and my repository is not that big.
   Has there been any update on this?  I made the mistake of upgrading
   one of my servers and one of my build machines to 1.11.1p1
   and now I get this whenever I try a build using a build script:
/usr/bin/cvs -q co -r build-1266 tree3
   Protocol error: uncounted data discarded
   The client is a Linux RH 6.0 2.2.17 box.
   The server is a Linux RH 6.2 2.2.14-5.0smp box.
   Doing the same thing by hand seems to always work.
   On Fri, May 04, 2001 at 04:23:14PM -0400, Chris Sharpe wrote:
I just upgraded by Solaris (sparc) pserver to cvs 1.11.1p1 and from
a WinNT command line cvs 1.11 client, I sometimes get the following
   cvs -d $my_cvsroot -f -r -q -z3 checkout -r $my_tag $my_module
   Protocol error: uncounted data discarded
The module is about 3000 files in size and I've seen this a couple
of times when running the checkout command as part of a script.
Other modules checked out immediately after the failure work fine
and if I try to checkout this module again, it works fine.
I saw that there was a FIXME comment recently added by Derek in
server.c that might be related.  Anyone have any insight?  Is this
error related to 1.11.1p1 or is the timing just a coincidence
(I never saw this error with 1.11 pserver).
| Chris Sharpe  KF4WVO Author of The Unofficial PEZ FAQ   |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]   PEZ - A treat to eat in a toy that's neat|
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| Chris Sharpe  KF4WVO Author of The Unofficial PEZ FAQ   |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]   PEZ - A treat to eat in a toy that's neat|

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