rsh not available

2001-10-29 Thread Thomas Stoller

I am using WinCVS (CVS on RedHatLinux) and sometimes I get the following
error message:
"Secure connection to uucphost.myisp.domain refused; reverting to insecure
method. Rsh not available."

This may take up to a minute til it starts working again.
What could be the problem?

Thanks a lot


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: rsh not available

2001-10-29 Thread Thomas Stoller


> I am using WinCVS (CVS on RedHatLinux) and sometimes I get the following
error message:
> "Secure connection to uucphost.myisp.domain refused; reverting to insecure
method. Rsh not available."

This surely is the ssh error, the CVS error looks like this:
"end of file from server"

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: CVS and Binaries

2001-10-29 Thread Nils9

Ok its clear, that CVS is not for merging binaries.. But can I, theoretically,
make my own wrapper which converts the binary into some sort of 
mergeable text (uuencode for example) which encodes binary before
it gets into repository, and reverts ir back when file is checked out?
I know it will take up more space, but less than keeping exact copy
of each binary version. Sometimes we need  to keep binaries in CVS.
I'm not into details how the CVS internals work, but I'd like to.

-Nils Jakobson

- Original Message - 
From: "Greg A. Woods" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> > I want to do revision control on files such as Visio diagrams and
> > Access applications.  These files are "binary" format.  I am currently
> > a user of CVS for my text based source, and I am quite happy with it.
> > I have looked at Visual Source Safe, and it seems like a good tool for
> > storing files of this kind.  However, I don't like the fact that I
> > have to have two sepaprate repositories: one for text base source and
> > one for binaries.  Our CVS repository is also running under Linux,
> > where VSS will not run.  I'd like to keep my repositories on the same
> > physical box.
> Well, like it or lump it, but you've got two very different classes of
> files that require two very different, indeed antithetical, processes
> for handling their change management.  It does not make sense to try to
> lump two such different things into one tool.
> Use the right tool(s) for the job(s).

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: CVS, NFS Filesystem, and failover

2001-10-29 Thread Fran Fabrizio

Just FYI... I once had a CVS repository where the repo itself was NFS mounted
from AIX and the server was on linux.  Files were consistently getting corrupted,
with strings of null characters being inserted.  After much confusion, putting
the repository on linux instead of NFS mounted from AIX solved it immediately.
This was an NFS problem, not a CVS one, but it's something to be aware of when
considering NFS mounting CVS repositories.


Info-cvs mailing list

how do you set up cvs on alpha v6.2 vms?

2001-10-29 Thread Jake Na

I've downloaded cvs on alpha vms and tried to connect to linux cvs server.
When I tried to connect using the command below:

cvs -d :cvspserver:jna@devcvs:/usr/local/cvs login

I get the following message:

cvs login: unknown method in CVSroot: cvspserver:jna@devcvs:/usr/local/cvs
cvs [login aborted]: Bad CVSROOT.

Instead of using -d option, I also tried by defining CVSROOT to
:ext:devcvs:/usr/local/cvs, :devcvs:/usr/local/cvs, and etc...

I'm somewhat exhausted with trying different options, has anyone
set up and used client cvs on alpha vms?  If so, could you help???

thanks, --jake

Info-cvs mailing list

undo of "cvs commit -r rev"

2001-10-29 Thread Lukas Ruf

Dear all,

while organizing a cvs-repository, I set the revision number of a
project to be 3.0 instead of 2.0 by issueing the command
cvs commit -r 3.0 
in the working directory.

Is there any way to set back the revision to be 2.0?
Or a way to undo the revision setting?

I browsed the on-line CVS manual/book -- but could not get the idea
out of it on how to do such an "undo".

Thanks for any help!

Lukas RufSwiss Federal Institute of Technology
Office: ETZ-G61.2 Computer Engineering and
Phone: +41/1/632 7312Networks Laboratory (TIK)
Fax:   +41/1/632 1035  ETH Zentrum
PGP 2.6: ID D20BA2ED;Gloriastr. 35
Fingerprint 6323 B9BC 9C8E 6563  B477 BADD FEA6 E6B7CH-8092 Zurich

Info-cvs mailing list

update vs. checkout

2001-10-29 Thread Tom Udale

We have just installed cvs and are finally starting to get a grip on how
to use it.  One conceptual problem so far update vs checkout.  What is
the real difference between the two?  I orginally thought that checkout
was the only way to get newly added directories (and create the local
CVS subdirectories).  Now, from this newsgroup, I see that there is
update -d which seems very much like checkout.  If you always wanted to
update -d, is there any reason not to use checkout?  Is checkout simply
a 'convienient' way of saying update -d (or perhaps with some other
switches) or is there a more fundemental difference?


Tom Udale

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: how do you set up cvs on alpha v6.2 vms?

2001-10-29 Thread Larry Jones

Jake Na writes:
> I get the following message:
> cvs login: unknown method in CVSroot: cvspserver:jna@devcvs:/usr/local/cvs
> cvs [login aborted]: Bad CVSROOT.

In a root specification, you use "pserver", not "cvspserver".

-Larry Jones

Why is it you always rip your pants on the day everyone has to
demonstrate a math problem at the chalkboard? -- Calvin

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: update vs. checkout

2001-10-29 Thread gabriel rosenkoetter

On Mon, Oct 29, 2001 at 04:29:56PM +, Tom Udale wrote:
> Is checkout simply a 'convienient' way of saying update -d (or
> perhaps with some other switches) or is there a more fundemental
> difference?

Sure there's a fundamental difference. checkout will create a new
sandbox if none exists, update -d won't.

It never occured to me that you could use co as a synonym for up -d,
mostly because I always want -P in conjunction with -d on update,
but it sure looks like you can.

   ~ g r @

 PGP signature

Re: update vs. checkout

2001-10-29 Thread Matt Riechers

Tom Udale wrote:
> We have just installed cvs and are finally starting to get a grip on how
> to use it.  One conceptual problem so far update vs checkout.  What is
> the real difference between the two?

You can't update a sandbox until you've checked it out. If you run 'cvs
checkout' on an already checked-out sandbox, it will revert and acutally do an
'update'. Update re-syncs your local sandbox with the repository, and checkout
is used to get a new sandbox. In a typical 'cvs development cycle', you would do
something like:

1. cvs checkout my_module -- get a new sandbox
2. [make some changes]
3. cvs update -- get any new changes from the repository, merging with local
changes if necessary
4. cvs commit -- save local changes to the repository
5. goto 2

You only need to 'checkout' if you want to start over fresh.

> I orginally thought that checkout
> was the only way to get newly added directories (and create the local
> CVS subdirectories).  Now, from this newsgroup, I see that there is
> update -d which seems very much like checkout.

'cvs update -d' behaves *like* checkout, in that it creates missing directories
in your sandbox, but that's where the conceptual similarities end.

> If you always wanted to
> update -d, is there any reason not to use checkout?  Is checkout simply
> a 'convienient' way of saying update -d (or perhaps with some other
> switches) or is there a more fundemental difference?
> Thanks,
> Tom Udale

If you're still confused, take a look at Karl Fogel's book. It is an *excellent*
intro to CVS.


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: update vs. checkout

2001-10-29 Thread Mark A. Flacy

AFAIK, you can only update a module that you've already checked out.

So, you should only have to check out once (at the beginning) and update
ever after. 
Info-cvs mailing list

Re: update vs. checkout

2001-10-29 Thread Tom Udale

gabriel rosenkoetter wrote:

> On Mon, Oct 29, 2001 at 04:29:56PM +, Tom Udale wrote:
> > Is checkout simply a 'convienient' way of saying update -d (or
> > perhaps with some other switches) or is there a more fundemental
> > difference?
> Sure there's a fundamental difference. checkout will create a new
> sandbox if none exists, update -d won't.

True.  I originally thought that update would not add the CVS directories (in
the working set) at all, but with -d it will.  I guess the real thing is
update -d  cannot add that *very first* CVS directory.

> It never occured to me that you could use co as a synonym for up -d,
> mostly because I always want -P in conjunction with -d on update,
> but it sure looks like you can.

I see.  What is the advantage of the -P (prune directories, if I recall) on

Thanks for your help,


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: update vs. checkout

2001-10-29 Thread Larry Jones

Tom Udale writes:
> We have just installed cvs and are finally starting to get a grip on how
> to use it.  One conceptual problem so far update vs checkout.  What is
> the real difference between the two?

Conceptually, checkout is used to create a new working directory (i.e.,
to get a "module" out of the repository for the very first time), update
is then used to keep that working directory up to date.

-Larry Jones

Shut up and go get me some antiseptic. -- Calvin

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: CVS and Binaries

2001-10-29 Thread Paul Sander

The uuencode format is an example of an ASCII-but-unmergeable format.
In other words, after you've performed a merge between two or three
uuencoded files, the output will likely be unrecognizable by the
uudecode program.

You're better off using something that's better suited to storing
binaries.  You can use CVS if you're dead set on using it, but you'll
want to modify it.  On September 16, 2001, I posted to this group
a demonstration of one way to do this by swapping out CVS' built-in
diff3-based merge algorithm with an extensible mechanism.  If you're
interested in that work, look for the following message ID in an
archive of this mailing list.


>--- Forwarded mail from [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>Ok its clear, that CVS is not for merging binaries.. But can I, theoretically,
>make my own wrapper which converts the binary into some sort of 
>mergeable text (uuencode for example) which encodes binary before
>it gets into repository, and reverts ir back when file is checked out?
>I know it will take up more space, but less than keeping exact copy
>of each binary version. Sometimes we need  to keep binaries in CVS.
>I'm not into details how the CVS internals work, but I'd like to.

>--- End of forwarded message from [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Locked files

2001-10-29 Thread Larry Jones

Sasha Case writes:
> We've recently moved over from plain rcs to a cvs based system.  Our rcs 
> system was somewhat mismanaged, so long forgotten locked files keep popping 
> up.  The problem is that the previous admin set artificial LOGNAMEs, so the 
> users can't unlock the files in cvs.

Yes they can -- use ``cvs admin -u''.

-Larry Jones

I told her to expect you to deny everything. -- Calvin

Info-cvs mailing list

repository replication idea (was RE: New email address)

2001-10-29 Thread Cameron, Steve

Riley Williams wrote:
> Hi Derek.
> > 
> > Brian Behlendorf tells me that Collab Net will be supporting the
> > bandwidth and hardware for for an indefinite period.
> Are you sure of this? As of yesterday morning, I've been unable to get
> to either by web or cvs pserver, so as far as I can tell,
> it's already dead...

Same here... I can't get pserver to work either, 
"Connection refused"

Whether it's "already dead", or if this is just a temporary glitch,
these interesting times we live in bring to mind an idea I had 
awhile back, and which I'll mention now in case somebody wants 
to take the ball and run with it. (or maybe somebody already did?)

It occurred to me that lots of GPL-ish licensed software is 
hosted in CVS servers run by companies which might someday 
cease to be.  For example, what would happen if VA Linux
(or whatever it's called now), and thus Sourceforge, suddenly 
disappeared?  For any project of interest, somebody would 
probably have done a recent checkout, so what's really at 
risk is not so much the current state of the source code 
as the history, the tags, the branches, and all the CVS-ish 
information that is not included in a source tarball.

It would be nice if there ware a simple way to replicate
a repository.  It occurs to me that it is almost possible
to write a program to do this requiring no special setup 
on the server side.  The only piece missing (I think) is a way to 
find all the files which are, or ever were, present in the

Assuming you had such a list of files, you could replicate
a remote CVS repository in the following way:

For every file on the list, do a "cvs log"  This would
give you a list of revisions, and all the tags.

Then you could, one by one, check out (or diff) each rev of each
file from the remote repository, and check it into a local 
repository. First do the trunk then create branch tags off 
the trunk, then do each branch, then create any branch tags 
off those branches, etc.  Finally apply all the static tags.  
You'd have to worry about sticky options, and log messages too,
of course, but, it is possible to write a script to do all 

The piece that's missing is the list of all files in the 
repository.  "cvs rdiff -s -r 0" almost gets it, but not quite.
I guess you could do something vaguely like

for tag = every tag found by cvs log
"cvs rdiff -s -r 0 -r tag" >> filelist
little_awk_script < filelist | sort | uniq > newfilelist

And get pretty close, reasoning that every file of importance
would have been tagged with a static tag at one time or another,
But that's pretty brute-forceful.

Just an idea for anybody that's paranoid about their
voodoo-economcially funded remote CVS repository 
suddenly disappearing.

-- steve

Info-cvs mailing list

bad project name

2001-10-29 Thread Eric

I accidentally add a new project to my CVS repository. The name looks like
this: myproj\src\include\utils. I have another module named myproj, and the
name of the newly added one corresponds to the legal subdir inside myproj.
Now I can't checkout files from myproj\src\include\utils or hide this
project. Whenever I tried to do that, cvs thinks I was trying to access the
subdir of module myproj.

So is there anyway to tell cvs that "\" is part of the module name instead
of subdir sign?



Info-cvs mailing list

CVS Ignore

2001-10-29 Thread Suhas Chelian

I want to add an ignore for all *.bck files in
$CVSROOT/CVSROOT/cvsignore, for all repositories (not just on a
per-repository or per-user way).  How do I do that?
Suhas Chelian   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Info-cvs mailing list

removing an accidentally imported directory tree

2001-10-29 Thread Terrence Brannon

Ok, so I accidentally hit a carriage return when trying the demo command:

  cvs import -m "Imported sources" yoyodyne/rdir yoyo start

Now I want to get rid of this created directory in the repository. How 
do I get
rid of it?

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: CVS - setup reserved checkout

2001-10-29 Thread Greg Cooper

David Masterson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
> > Andrew  writes:
> > Has anyone setup reserved checkout in CVS (ver 1.11.1p1) in Unix
> > (Solaris)? Or is there any documentation on this other than the
> > manual that comes with the source code?
> Given the CVS model of unreserved checkouts, why do you need reserved
> checkouts?  Also, are you talking about reserved checkouts of a file
> or an entire product?

We use CVS (ver 1.11) and we like the unreserved checkout model, but
the manager of a different project here wants to use our repository
only if we can enforce reserved checkouts on a per-file basis (they
don't want to use watches).  Is it possible (and manageable) to make
CVS do this?

Greg Cooper
Info-cvs mailing list

Re: CVS - setup reserved checkout

2001-10-29 Thread Kaz Kylheku

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Greg Cooper wrote:
>David Masterson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
>news:<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>> > Andrew  writes:
>> > Has anyone setup reserved checkout in CVS (ver 1.11.1p1) in Unix
>> > (Solaris)? Or is there any documentation on this other than the
>> > manual that comes with the source code?
>> Given the CVS model of unreserved checkouts, why do you need reserved
>> checkouts?  Also, are you talking about reserved checkouts of a file
>> or an entire product?
>We use CVS (ver 1.11) and we like the unreserved checkout model, but

The what model? You seem to still be clinging to the biased terminology
used by the vendors of inferior version control tools. ``Unreserved''
is a negative word that suggests risk and hassle, like an
unreserved airplane ticket, restaurant table or hotel room.

>the manager of a different project here wants to use our repository
>only if we can enforce reserved checkouts on a per-file basis (they
>don't want to use watches).  Is it possible (and manageable) to make
>CVS do this?

Tell the manager to shed his or her superstitions, and work with
the facts. The facts are:

- Concurrent development works just fine.
- Your team already likes it.
- Strict locking does not prevent concurrency, it only reduces
  it to a coarse granularity: coarse enough to interfere with
  productivity, but not coarse enough to eradicate conflicts.
  To eliminate conflicts, you have to lock the entire repository
  so that only one developer at a time can do anything on the
  software base as a whole.

Since it is already working for you, you can invite the manager to
witness, or participate in, some of your day to day version control

. .
 .  .
  .   .  <- Mysterious Powdery Substance
Info-cvs mailing list

Re: CVS - setup reserved checkout

2001-10-29 Thread David Gravereaux

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kaz Kylheku) wrote:

>Tell the manager to shed his or her superstitions, and work with
>the facts. The facts are:
>- Concurrent development works just fine.
>- Your team already likes it.
>- Strict locking does not prevent concurrency, it only reduces
>  it to a coarse granularity: coarse enough to interfere with
>  productivity, but not coarse enough to eradicate conflicts.
>  To eliminate conflicts, you have to lock the entire repository
>  so that only one developer at a time can do anything on the
>  software base as a whole.

Well said.  May I add, Concurrency works best with good communication among the
developers.  Responsibility of certain sections of code is usually divvied among
just a few people.  Strict locking might hurt the need for good communication
among a group.
David Gravereaux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

$ make war
make: *** No rule to make target `war'.  Stop.  Try `love' instead.
Info-cvs mailing list

Wincvs and cvs problem after daylight savings time change??

2001-10-29 Thread Michael Howes

 I have  a strange problem.

 I use BOTH the command line version of cvs and wincvs (I like some of the
features in both). I've been using both for a while now just fine. What I
often do is cvs update -d from the command line but do commits from wincvs.

 Afer the time change something is strange between the two (command line and

 If I cvs update from the command line, then wincvs thinks ALL files are
dirty (marking the icon red).
 If I look in the CVS directory and the Entries file the time seems 1 hour
off. As soon as I do something like, Status selection from Wincvs it says
the status is Up-to-date and it changes the date of the entry by 1 hour and
doesn't think the file is dirty.

 I've tripple checked the time on the cvs server machine and the client

 I'm using the most recent version of cvs command line and wincvs
beta 5

 any ideas who getting the time wrong and from where?


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Wincvs and cvs problem after daylight savings time change??

2001-10-29 Thread Kaz Kylheku

In article <01nD7.2790$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Michael Howes wrote:
> I have  a strange problem.
> I use BOTH the command line version of cvs and wincvs (I like some of the
>features in both). I've been using both for a while now just fine. What I
>often do is cvs update -d from the command line but do commits from wincvs.
> Afer the time change something is strange between the two (command line and
> If I cvs update from the command line, then wincvs thinks ALL files are
>dirty (marking the icon red).

This is a problem that happens somewhere in the date comparison. WinCVS
uses the microsoft stat() function to retrieve the file timestamps from
the filesystem. I suspect that stat() is doing a bogus adjustment
for DST rather than retrieving universal values.

I have an unconfirmed hypothesis that changing the routine to use some
Win32 function to access the file time stamps could fix the problem.

One way to reproduce the problem is simply to check out the files using
WinCVS, and then flip your timezone setting.  Such a flip should have
no effect at all.

. .
 .  .
  .   .  <- Mysterious Powdery Substance
Info-cvs mailing list

Re: CVS - setup reserved checkout

2001-10-29 Thread Kathryn Huxtable

"Kaz Kylheku" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
UClD7.130841$[EMAIL PROTECTED]">news:UClD7.130841$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Greg Cooper
> >David Masterson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> >> > Andrew  writes:
> >>
> >> > Has anyone setup reserved checkout in CVS (ver 1.11.1p1) in Unix
> >> > (Solaris)? Or is there any documentation on this other than the
> >> > manual that comes with the source code?
> >>
> >> Given the CVS model of unreserved checkouts, why do you need reserved
> >> checkouts?  Also, are you talking about reserved checkouts of a file
> >> or an entire product?
> >
> >We use CVS (ver 1.11) and we like the unreserved checkout model, but
> The what model? You seem to still be clinging to the biased terminology
> used by the vendors of inferior version control tools. ``Unreserved''
> is a negative word that suggests risk and hassle, like an
> unreserved airplane ticket, restaurant table or hotel room.

I would add that instead of thinking of "checkout" you should think in terms
of updates and commits. Before you start working on something, update your
source. That way, you get the most recently committed changes. When you're
done, you commit your changes. The key is to provide positive terminology
that they can decide they like.

The comments about granularity that I didn't quote are quite apropos.


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Wincvs and cvs problem after daylight savings time change??

2001-10-29 Thread John Minnihan


Not sure if you're in the USA, but the 'mysterious powdery substance' 
tag line is unappreciated.  May I politely suggest removing it, as 
hoaxes are being vigourously reported & prosecuted.  I would not 
hestitate for a second to allow the FBI to sort out your intentions by 
attaching such a tag line.

John Minnihan

Info-cvs mailing list

more weirdness with wincvs and cvs

2001-10-29 Thread Christine & Freight

Hi All~

A couple of days ago a developer and I noticed the following weirdness with
WinCVS and CVS.

He was using WinCVS to check in his files.  Once checked in, about 1/2 hour
later I went to my sandbox and ran an update on a Unix box to pick up his
changes.   But, my update failed to pick up his changes.  As an example, CVS
was insisting that version 1.7 of a file was the latest when 1.9 (he had
checked in multiple versions) really was.  When I removed the directory and
re-checked it out, CVS saw the light and gave me the proper versions of the

Any ideas as to what might have caused this?


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: more weirdness with wincvs and cvs

2001-10-29 Thread Shubhabrata Sengupta

Did you checkout your sandbox with a sticky tag.



-Original Message-
From: Christine & Freight <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tuesday, October 30, 2001 8:52 AM
Subject: more weirdness with wincvs and cvs

>Hi All~
>A couple of days ago a developer and I noticed the following weirdness with
>WinCVS and CVS.
>He was using WinCVS to check in his files.  Once checked in, about 1/2 hour
>later I went to my sandbox and ran an update on a Unix box to pick up his
>changes.   But, my update failed to pick up his changes.  As an example,
>was insisting that version 1.7 of a file was the latest when 1.9 (he had
>checked in multiple versions) really was.  When I removed the directory and
>re-checked it out, CVS saw the light and gave me the proper versions of the
>Any ideas as to what might have caused this?
>Info-cvs mailing list

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Wincvs and cvs problem after daylight savings time change??

2001-10-29 Thread Kaz Kylheku

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, John Minnihan wrote:
>Not sure if you're in the USA, but the 'mysterious powdery substance' 
>tag line is unappreciated.  May I politely suggest removing it, as 
>hoaxes are being vigourously reported & prosecuted.  I would not 
>hestitate for a second to allow the FBI to sort out your intentions by 
>attaching such a tag line.


(But if this isn't sarcasm, as I suspect it is, you should check your
Info-cvs mailing list

Re: repository replication idea (was RE: New email address)

2001-10-29 Thread gabriel rosenkoetter

On Mon, Oct 29, 2001 at 01:36:25PM -0600, Cameron, Steve wrote:
> It would be nice if there ware a simple way to replicate
> a repository.  It occurs to me that it is almost possible
> to write a program to do this requiring no special setup 
> on the server side.  The only piece missing (I think) is a way to 
> find all the files which are, or ever were, present in the
> repository.

Does rsync not already perfectly solve this problem?

   ~ g r @

 PGP signature

Re: update vs. checkout

2001-10-29 Thread gabriel rosenkoetter

On Mon, Oct 29, 2001 at 05:25:53PM +, Tom Udale wrote:
> I see.  What is the advantage of the -P (prune directories, if I recall) on
> update?

The way CVS behaves with deleted directories in the repository
(which behavior is, imho, broken, but that's a whole other can of
worms that really doesn't need opening right now) makes it such that
any directory ever cvs added will be recreated on a subsequent cvs
update of the sandbox even if the directory (and its contents) have
been cvs deleted. -P makes those empty (and misleading) directories
go away.

It should be noted that my use of CVS is not exclusively but
primarily with the NetBSD source repository, where there are a host
of deleted directories. But it's my feeling that any large project
will eventual restructure or rename directories, leading to a
similar situation.

   ~ g r @

 PGP signature

Re: removing an accidentally imported directory tree

2001-10-29 Thread Larry Jones

Terrence Brannon writes:
> Ok, so I accidentally hit a carriage return when trying the demo command:
>   cvs import -m "Imported sources" yoyodyne/rdir yoyo start
> Now I want to get rid of this created directory in the repository. How 
> do I get
> rid of it?

Just manually delete the directory from the repository.

-Larry Jones

He doesn't complain, but his self-righteousness sure gets on my nerves.
-- Calvin

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: New email address

2001-10-29 Thread Brian Behlendorf

On Mon, 29 Oct 2001, Riley Williams wrote:
> Hi Derek.
> > Brian Behlendorf tells me that Collab Net will be supporting the
> > bandwidth and hardware for for an indefinite period.
> Are you sure of this? As of yesterday morning, I've been unable to get
> to either by web or cvs pserver, so as far as I can tell,
> it's already dead...

The server is definitely up - we moved it to a new network location on
Friday and had some resulting routing issues, causing some hefty downtime
then, but it should be back up.  If you get a clearer idea of in what way
the system is "down" for you (DNS won't resolve or goes to an older IP
address, IP address can't be reached, IP address is reachable but
connectivity is poor, or IP address connectivity is good but nothing's
listening on port 80) then let me know and I'll look at it.

CollabNet will continue to support the CVS community and codebase by
hosting for the indefinite future.  The bandwidth load is
pretty modest, we're OK on hardware allocations, so it's not a problem.
Derek's indicated a willingness to continue administering it, which I
definitely appreciate.

These economic times are very tough, and last week CollabNet had to let
some very valuable people go, including Derek.  He assisted us
tremendously with some pretty deep CVS problems, much of the results of
which ended up as contributions back (on CVS and other projects as well).
If any of you are using CVS in demanding situations and looking to hire a
guru, I would recommend him highly.


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: New email address

2001-10-29 Thread Riley Williams

Hi Derek.

> I got laid off from Collab Net on Thursday, so please send any
> correspondance intended for me and not Brian Behlendorf to my
> personal [EMAIL PROTECTED] account rather than my [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> address.
> Brian Behlendorf tells me that Collab Net will be supporting the
> bandwidth and hardware for for an indefinite period.

Are you sure of this? As of yesterday morning, I've been unable to get
to either by web or cvs pserver, so as far as I can tell,
it's already dead...

Best wishes from Riley.

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