RE: report on building CVS 1.11.2 on NT

2002-10-10 Thread Kris Thielemans

> cvsnt status: reading from parapet: Socket operation on non-socket

by the way, it says 'cvsnt' here because that what I called the executable.
I am NOT using the cvsnt distribution, but just the standard CVS one.


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Tag locking change

2002-10-10 Thread Larry Jones

Paul Sander writes:
> But the following streams of commands are exactly equivalent (assuming
> rtag were modified to accept both -D and -r options):
> cvs checkout -r branch module cvs rtag -D now -r branch module
> cvs tag label

No, they're not, unless the module has no subdirectories.  Like rtag now
does again, checkout only locks one directory at a time, so commits can
happen between directories just like they can with rtag.

-Larry Jones

In my opinion, we don't devote nearly enough scientific research
to finding a cure for jerks. -- Calvin

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Is CVS usable for big companies/projects (HELP!!!)

2002-10-10 Thread Kaz Kylheku

On Wed, 9 Oct 2002, Ralph Jocham wrote:

> Date: Wed, 9 Oct 2002 16:49:07 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Ralph Jocham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [info-cvs] Is CVS usable for big companies/projects (HELP!!!)
> Hi All,
> I am trying to convince upper level management that
> CVS is a good
> choice as a version control system. Their main contra
> argument is that
> it does not scale.

My argument would be that CVS is used by open source projects which
provide mass *public* access to their repositories.  That is one
situation in which you need scalability; lots of customers coming in
over the network to access your database.

For in-house use, if scalability becomes an issue, it means you are
doing something wrong, and your software project probably has bigger
issues to worry about. Why do you need to worry about scalability?
Probably because there are too many developers who put too much stuff
into one single repository, and it has turned into a behemoth.

Huge software needs to be divided into chunks to be manageable.  Each
chunk can have its own independent version control managed by the team
responsible for that chunk, and that team can use its own repository.

Look at the way a GNU/Linux distribution is put together. Someone
working on a mail application does not put the kernel and glibc into
his repository, and does not share the same repository with someone
else working on an X window manager or compiler. These things are
independently versioned, and their customers see only a high level,
relevant view of the CM process: some version number for the entire
component, having three integers separated by dots. In the end, you can
say that the system is made up of these versions; you don't have to
have some big repository in which you apply a single symbolic tag over
every single piece of source code that goes into the OS distribution.

So it's just not *useful* to be able to put a million source files into
the same repository, and then worry whether a change to one of them
breaks any of the 999,999 others. That's not going to scale no matter
what, because the development tools and methods themselves won't scale
to that. So it's completely irrelevant whether a version control system
can handle it and how fast. What's relevant is whether it has the
semantics so that you can practice useful CM on a component level.
You want to work on your piece of the puzzle, and have stable, known
versions of the other pieces you need to make your stuff run. Moreover,
your stuff might have to run with several different versions of the
other pieces; so it would be useless to be in the same repository and
symbolically tag your stuff together with the other stuff.

Imagine if, say, Mozilla and the GNU C Library shared the same
repository.  What good would that do? Okay, so you could apply a
release tag to both of them at the same time. Great, so now all the
users will have to upgrade their glibc together with their browser,
because you only cared about developing them in combination, and have
just one single combined configuration that works.  But hey, your
version control system *scaled* up to it, like the manager wanted after
listening to the salesman from the proprietary version control company.

That being said, some people claim to have good results for over a
gigabyte sized CVS repositories.  In my experience, CVS works okay for
repositories that are at least a few hundred megabytes, under one
big tree that is checked out by everyone.

Meta-CVS: directory structure versioning; versioned symbolic links;
versioned execute permission; versioned property lists; easy branching
and merging and third party code tracking; all implemented over the
standard CVS command line client --

Info-cvs mailing list

RE: Is CVS usable for big companies/projects (HELP!!!)

2002-10-10 Thread Adam Braa

Yes, and it does scale. You can have as many respositories as you need.
Or even remote ones in different locations that mirror repositories at
your present location.  We switched from VSS to CVS for a few reasons.
1. its free. 2. it handles branching better. 3. unlike vss, cvs does not
make copies of the files every time you change it, so it takes up a lot
less disk space. I cannot even think of a company that would be to big
for CVS.

Good luck convincing them of this change.

BTW, we use CVSNT here, as we don't have any Unix systems in house or in


-Original Message-
From: Ralph Jocham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 09, 2002 4:49 PM
Subject: Is CVS usable for big companies/projects (HELP!!!)

Hi All,
I am trying to convince upper level management that
CVS is a good
choice as a version control system. Their main contra
argument is that
it does not scale.
So, can you please give me some real world experiences
on which big
projects you used it. (Number of people, lines of
code, distributed,
Also, names of well known companies CVS would help. (I
think NASA is one, but I am not sure)

With these numbers at hand I hope that I can convince

Please reply ;)


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Faith Hill - Exclusive Performances, Videos & More

Info-cvs mailing list

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Is CVS usable for big companies/projects (HELP!!!)

2002-10-10 Thread Kaz Kylheku

On Thu, 10 Oct 2002, Adam Braa wrote:

> Date: Thu, 10 Oct 2002 09:59:22 -0700
> From: Adam Braa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [info-cvs] RE: Is CVS usable for big companies/projects (HELP!!!)
> Yes, and it does scale. You can have as many respositories as you need.
> Or even remote ones in different locations that mirror repositories at
> your present location.  

Yes, and they can be on different machines, different networks, with
different projects in them! That doesn't really address issues of
scalability---anything scales under these condition.

Scalability means that you have a lot of users over a lot of machines,
but they all see a consistent view of One Big Thing, and it continues
to perform well as more users are added.

Of course, separation into little projects and repositories is the
better way to do things. But someone who's been listening to some CM
gospel from the vendors of a product that implements the ``one big
repository for the world'' model might not see it that way, especially
if they have already committed dollars in that direction. Repeating
that gospel then justifies their decision.

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Tag locking change

2002-10-10 Thread Paul Sander

>--- Forwarded mail from [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>Paul Sander writes:
>> But the following streams of commands are exactly equivalent (assuming
>> rtag were modified to accept both -D and -r options):
>> cvs checkout -r branch module cvs rtag -D now -r branch module
>> cvs tag label

>No, they're not, unless the module has no subdirectories.  Like rtag now
>does again, checkout only locks one directory at a time, so commits can
>happen between directories just like they can with rtag.

Yikes!  So checkout is as reliable as rtag is with regard to the set of
versions it affects.

Okay, I amend the commands above as follows, noting that checkout would
also need to be modified to accept both -r and -D options, recording
only the branch in the Entries file:

cvs checkout -D now -r branch module   cvs rtag -D now -r branch module
cvs tag label

>--- End of forwarded message from [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Info-cvs mailing list

Commit question

2002-10-10 Thread Pat Young

Is there a way to commit a change to a version without
first having to check it out to your workstation? 
Thanks for any help.

Do you Yahoo!?
Faith Hill - Exclusive Performances, Videos & More

Info-cvs mailing list

Checkout Error

2002-10-10 Thread Pat Young

I am trying to checkout module Projects/xub to my
workstation.  When I try, I get the following error...

  [cvs] cvs checkout: in directory Projects:
  [cvs] cvs checkout: cannot open CVS/Entries for
reading: No such file or directory
  [cvs] cvs checkout: cannot open CVS/Tag: No such
file or directory
  [cvs] cvs [checkout aborted]: cannot open
CVS/Entries.Static: No such file or directory
  [cvs] write stdout: Invalid argument
  [cvs] Write failed flushing stdout buffer.

I believe I am getting the error, because I am
checking out a two level module.  After my job aborts,
I look in file manager and I see the directory
c:\checkout\Projects.  However, I don't see any CVS
directory.  Therefore, when CVS tries to checkout the
xub module underneath Projects, it fails.  Is this a
bug or am I doing something wrong?

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Do you Yahoo!?
Faith Hill - Exclusive Performances, Videos & More

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Commit question

2002-10-10 Thread Larry Jones

Pat Young writes:
> Is there a way to commit a change to a version without
> first having to check it out to your workstation? 

No.  You could import it, but that probably isn't what you want.

-Larry Jones

Oh, now YOU'RE going to start in on me TOO, huh? -- Calvin

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Checkout Error

2002-10-10 Thread Larry Jones

Pat Young writes:
>   [cvs] cvs checkout: in directory Projects:
>   [cvs] cvs checkout: cannot open CVS/Entries for
> reading: No such file or directory
>   [cvs] cvs checkout: cannot open CVS/Tag: No such
> file or directory
>   [cvs] cvs [checkout aborted]: cannot open
> CVS/Entries.Static: No such file or directory
>   [cvs] write stdout: Invalid argument
>   [cvs] Write failed flushing stdout buffer.

That looks like you're trying to checkout into an existing directory
(Projects).  Checkout really wants to create a new directory on

-Larry Jones

Kicking dust is the only part of this game we really like. -- Calvin

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: sync repositories

2002-10-10 Thread Eric Siegerman

On Fri, Aug 09, 2002 at 10:48:04AM -0700, Mike Ayers wrote:
> >>I have to sync two CVS repositories located on two non-
> >>connected networks.  (yep, this means tape/CDROM transports,
> >>I know it sounds silly).

This was discussed a couple of months ago, and a few approaches
were offered.

Now we have to do the same thing.  Not full synchronization,
actually -- every revision, log message, and tag replicated.  All
we really need is that two sites be able to work on the same
modules without stepping on each others' feet, and without being
able to share a CVS repo.

(We have to do it this way for political reasons, so digression
into why we "shouldn't" have to, or technical suggestions on how
to reduce it to a single repo, would NOT be helpful, i.e. I
already know about ssh.  I'm going to suggest BitKeeper, but I
very much doubt they'll go for it.  In short, I'm probably stuck
with disconnected CVS, whether I like it or not.  Bleah.)

So I'm wondering whether anyone managed to turn that old thread
into a concrete solution.

If not, I'd appreciate comments on the approach I suggested back
then -- actually a modification to something Paul Sander had
described.  Paul pointed out that my suggestion didn't meet the
original poster's needs.  True enough, and presumably because of
that, no further discussion of it took place ... but it does
appear to meet our, less stringent, needs; so a critique of it
from that perspective would be helpful.

Here's the original proposal:

On Mon, 19 Aug 2002 11:47:15 -0700, I wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 09, 2002 at 12:50:06PM -0700, Paul Sander wrote:
> > Each site owns its own trunk.  Each site creates a branch that is used for
> > importing from the other site(s); these branches map to the trunk(s) at the
> > remote site(s).  No local commits are permitted on the import branches.
> > Each site keeps a list of branches to export to the other site(s), and
> > tracks the latest exported versions on each export branch.
> > 
> > To send an update from a remote site, the latest exported versions table and
> > the export branch table are consulted, and all versions that have never
> > before been exported are packaged up and sent (and the tables are updated
> > as needed).  Tags are also sent out in an appropriate manner.
> > 
> > To receive an update, the received versions are checked into the import
> > branch(es) as needed, and the tags are translated accordingly.
> I just had an eeevil thought.  You're gonna cringe, I know, but
> bear with me :-)
> On system A, use a version of CVS which stores its metadata in
> subdirectories called "CVS_A"; on System B, store the metadata in
> "CVS_B".
> Now, on System A, CVS won't recognize System B's metadata; it'll
> revision-control CVS_B/Entries etc. like any other files.  And
> vice versa.  Thus, one should just be able to keep ping-ponging a
> single sandbox back and forth between the two systems (via email,
> FTP, sneaker-net, whatever), and each system will use its own
> metadata to stash the new revisions in the right place.
> The systems in question had better have the same line-ending
> conventions, of course...
> Does anyone know whether CVS can still withstand having CVSADM
> and friends defined to different values, or has "CVS" gotten
> hard-coded anywhere?  (I know of one place; the ign_default
> string in src/ignore.c.  That'd have to have "CVS" removed, and
> CVSADM added dynamically to the default ignore list.)

And my answers to the criticisms Paul made at the time:
  - "I thought the idea here was to propogate version histories
between multiple repositories, not to keep multiple sandboxes
in synch.  The method you propose does the latter..."

As mentioned above, true, but in our case that's enough.  I
think.  Are there reasons it isn't, that I'm not seeing?

  - "... and doesn't accomodate local changes to both sandboxes.
It also provides no means to transfer other stuff such as RCS
states and tags."

Every resync involves getting a tarball from the remote site,
importing it to the remote-site branch, and then merging from
there to the trunk.  That should handle local changes to both

It should also handle the only RCS state I care about, i.e.
"dead" :-)

As I mentioned, I don't care about replicating tags.

Thanks in advance.


|  | /\
|-_|/  >   Eric Siegerman, Toronto, Ont.[EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |  /
The acronym for "the powers that be" differs by only one letter
from that for "the pointy-haired boss".

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: sync repositories

2002-10-10 Thread Kaz Kylheku

On Thu, 10 Oct 2002, Eric Siegerman wrote:

> Now we have to do the same thing.  Not full synchronization,
> actually -- every revision, log message, and tag replicated.  All
> we really need is that two sites be able to work on the same
> modules without stepping on each others' feet, and without being
> able to share a CVS repo.
> (We have to do it this way for political reasons, so digression
> into why we "shouldn't" have to, or technical suggestions on how
> to reduce it to a single repo, would NOT be helpful, i.e. I
> already know about ssh.  I'm going to suggest BitKeeper, but I
> very much doubt they'll go for it.  In short, I'm probably stuck
> with disconnected CVS, whether I like it or not.  Bleah.)

In Meta-CVS, you can track third party code on any branch quite
easily. This has nothing to do with CVS vendor branching; it is not
based on the cvs import command. Here is the rundown:

cd snapshot
mcvs grab -r branch-name module-name

# We now have a working copy checked out to branch-name.
# The changes that will bring the snapshot into the branch look
# like ordinary local edits that can be diffed, modified and
# committed.

mcvs ci   # commit; third-party snapshot is now in the branch

mcvs sw   # switch to main trunk
mcvs merge branch-name  # merge the branch
mcvs ci   # commit, done

I would give each time their own repository, and have them use a branch
to track code snapshots from the other team.

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: sync repositories

2002-10-10 Thread jlcarpenter

I have been working on a pair of Ant tasks that support merging code from N
number of sub-development groups with their own source trees into the main
branch of a cvs repository.  How the remote sources are being stored is
irrelevant to my custom Ant tasks. (In my case the other team is using the
ENVY repository built into VAJ.)  From an overall standpoint it is
important that the entire ant build script has some way of obtaining the
external source tree from each external sub-development group and updating
each external sub-development group's SCM repository.

I am more than happy to share the workload of developing the ant tasks with
another developer outside my company.  In fact I would like to submit the
new tasks to the Jakarta project when they are complete.  The vast majority
of the work is already done but there is still several days of work to be
done before the tasks are complete.  Unfortunately I only have time to work
on the tasks during short stints between iterations of the main project my
group is working on.  Be warned that writting custom ant tasks as well as
understanding the tricky details of the problem that pop up is not for the
faint of heart.  Its not rocket science, but it is a bit tricky.  I expect
anyone new to the problem will take a day or more just to become aclimated
to everything that is going on.

Rather than regurgitate all the nasty details I ask that you browse the
archives of the cvs (and cvsnt) user and ant development lists for my
postings.  They are all made under this email

If there is a better way to do all of this without writing custom ant tasks
please let me know!

James Lee Carpenter
Software Engineer
Household Technical Services
6602 Convoy Court
San Diego, CA 92111

ph: 858-609-2461

   Eric Siegerman  To: "'[EMAIL PROTECTED]'" 
   Sent by:Subject:   Re: sync 
   10/10/2002 12:57 PM 

On Fri, Aug 09, 2002 at 10:48:04AM -0700, Mike Ayers wrote:
> >>I have to sync two CVS repositories located on two non-
> >>connected networks.  (yep, this means tape/CDROM transports,
> >>I know it sounds silly).

This was discussed a couple of months ago, and a few approaches
were offered.

Now we have to do the same thing.  Not full synchronization,
actually -- every revision, log message, and tag replicated.  All
we really need is that two sites be able to work on the same
modules without stepping on each others' feet, and without being
able to share a CVS repo.

(We have to do it this way for political reasons, so digression
into why we "shouldn't" have to, or technical suggestions on how
to reduce it to a single repo, would NOT be helpful, i.e. I
already know about ssh.  I'm going to suggest BitKeeper, but I
very much doubt they'll go for it.  In short, I'm probably stuck
with disconnected CVS, whether I like it or not.  Bleah.)

So I'm wondering whether anyone managed to turn that old thread
into a concrete solution.

If not, I'd appreciate comments on the approach I suggested back
then -- actually a modification to something Paul Sander had
described.  Paul pointed out that my suggestion didn't meet the
original poster's needs.  True enough, and presumably because of
that, no further discussion of it took place ... but it does
appear to meet our, less stringent, needs; so a critique of it
from that perspective would be helpful.

Here's the original prop

cvs diff on repository

2002-10-10 Thread aaron . brice

I'm wanting to set CVS up so that every time a file is committed it will
send an email with the diffs to the other developers for code review.

I added a line to the loginfo file:

DEFAULT $CVSROOT/CVSROOT/ %{sVv} is a script that does a cvs diff of the two versions and
emails the results.  However, a cvs diff does not work on the repository
files (",v"), it complains about missing CVS/Entries.  Is there a way to
get the diff of two different versions of a file from the repository?  I
noticed that the contrib/ script is meant to be run from loginfo
and does a cvs status, which also fails for me from the repository.

Thanks for any help.  I emailed a similar question yesterday before I
subscribed and got a reply saying that it's waiting for moderator
approval, so apologies if I end up posting this twice..


Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Is CVS usable for big companies/projects (HELP!!!)

2002-10-10 Thread Matthew Hannigan

On Thu, Oct 10, 2002 at 09:59:22AM -0700, Adam Braa wrote:
> Yes, and it does scale. You can have as many respositories as you need.

Surely as the size of the repository and the number of developers
increases, the chances of hitting the bugs described here recently
go from rare to almost guaranteed.


Info-cvs mailing list

Track importing of a project !

2002-10-10 Thread Udaya Kumar.R

Hi ,
   I m trying to get thru cvs adminstration.

I want to know whether it is possible to put a hook for importing a
project as we do it for commiting,using commitinfo.

Bye and take care.

Reply To : 
perl -e 'print pack "H*","756b5f6369407961686f6f2e636f6d";'
  to the above 'From' Address

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Is CVS usable for big companies/projects (HELP!!!)

2002-10-10 Thread bollu

>Hi All,
>I am trying to convince upper level management that
>CVS is a good
>choice as a version control system. Their main contra
>argument is that
>it does not scale.
>So, can you please give me some real world experiences
>on which big
>projects you used it. (Number of people, lines of
>code, distributed,
>Also, names of well known companies CVS would help. (I
>think NASA is one, but I am not sure)
>With these numbers at hand I hope that I can convince
>Please reply ;)

You should have a look at:


Info-cvs mailing list

RE: report on building CVS 1.11.2 on NT

2002-10-10 Thread Kris Thielemans

Thanks Larry,

I guess that's somewhere in the manual. Sorry.

so, on to the next problem :-/

First tests seem to say that it works, but I get an error message at the end
of every cvs command

D:\kris\temp\parapet\PPhead>cvsnt -t status Makefile
-> main loop with CVSROOT=:server:parapet:/usr/local/cvsroot
File: Makefile  Status: Up-to-date

   Working revision:1.10
   Repository revision: 1.10/usr/local/cvsroot/parapet/PPhead/Makefile,v
   Sticky Tag:  (none)
   Sticky Date: (none)
   Sticky Options:  (none)

cvsnt status: reading from parapet: Socket operation on non-socket
-> Lock_Cleanup()

Not sure that it matters though.

Note that parapet is a Linux host (SuSE 6.3) running cvs 1.11.1p1


> Your rsh client is doing end-of-line conversions which screws up the CVS
> client/server protocol.  Just use the built-in :server: method instead
> of the (default) :ext: method and it should work fine.

PS: sorry Mike, I didn't try your suggestion, but I'm sure it will work.

Info-cvs mailing list

Re: Tag locking change

2002-10-10 Thread erik . cumps

Hi Guys,

  sorry for butting in but I couldn't resist trying to add my
  0,02 EUR...

What I usually do in cases such as this, where there's a boundary
between development and QA/approval, and where I am the admin, is

Every development commit triggers an update of a separate working
directory somewhere off the web server. After the update a deployment
script is run which deploys the updated tree to the web server's document

During QA checking the working directory is locked to prevent any
automatic updates (on the level of the auto-update script, not a CVS-
level lock) so that everybody is quite clear on what it is exactly 
that QA is viewing.

Then, if QA approves the working directory is tagged with an approval

Finally we do a CVS update to get all the commits that we missed while
we were locked and the lock is removed so we have auto-updating after
commits again.

One of the things about this method is the decoupling of development
and QA/testing CVS activity. To me, development and testing live in
slightly different universes: development has different standards by
which to measure the product than QA. So often you have development
fixing bugs and implementing features at a slightly frantic pace
whereas QA wants tighter control on what is tested when.

So, another way of achieving that might be to have developers tag
the tree whenever a bugfix or feature reaches stability, and QA update
it's tree whenever a new tag is available. But that just means more work
for everybody. Scripting can take away a lot of that work and tedium.

Anyway, that's just my humble opinion. :)


--- Original mail from Adam Bregenzer ---

On Wed, 2002-10-09 at 14:58, Greg A. Woods wrote:
> [ On , October 9, 2002 at 14:26:15 (-0400), Adam Bregenzer wrote: ]
> > Subject: Re: Tag locking change
> >
> > On Wed, 2002-10-09 at 13:58, Greg A. Woods wrote:
> > > 
> > > Yes, sure, but that copying is done (or at least the source for the
> > > copying is created with) "cvs update", RIGHT?  (i.e. it had better 
> > 
> > Not at all.  The server that holds the cvs repository also has apache
> > runing on it.  When a commit occurs each file that is committed is
> > copied into a seperate directory.  That directory is the DocumentRoot
> > for apache.  That way, when a change is committed it is automagicall
> > viewable by browsing to the cvs server.  The point is that one who 
> > not edit the site manages and approves the site.
> My point was that you can do the same thing more reliably with a "cvs
> update" in a working directory that is the DocumentRoot.
But then it wouldn't be automagic, it would be whenever cvs update is
run.  Certianly every minute would be 'acceptable' but this solution is
fine.  Plus in this case the repository and the live site have different
directory structures.

> >  Currently that
> > individual runs cvs rtag when the site is in a producation ready 
> Then that individual _could_ edit the site, so it is irrelevant from the
> access rights point of view whether or not that indivudual runs "cvs
> tag" or "cvs rtag".
He/she certianly *could* but do you want a manager knowing they can? :P
Plus, she doesn't modify the code so why keep or have a checked out
copy?  (I understand it's necessary in cvs, I'm trying to make a point)

> > Then a script is run that does a cvs export with that tag and posts it
> > to the live site.  It has nothing to do with the client, it's all
> > *server* side.  I see no reason for it to bve tied to an update, I 
> > even know how to execute a server-side script on update and wouldn't
> > want to anyways.
> You could trigger the server-side "cvs update" in any number of ways,
> though the very best would be if the individual doing the testing and
> approving did it just before testing.
It's primarially for the developers, the testers only see it at
regularly scheduled intervals so a developer's commit doesn't fsck
something up.  The environment on the cvs server emulates the live
environment, most developer machines do not that is the reason for the
constant sync with cvs, immediate testing  Plus, I don't want to
give testers access to the test server and I don't want to write an
interface for them to do it.

> > > When it's "ready" you should be "cvs tag"ing the working directory 
> > > matches the "ready" revisions of the files.
> > 
> > But what if I have not working directory.  What if the developers are
> > just that.  Developers.  I can certianly tell them to tag it for me 
> > that's a bit strange.
> That does not make any sense.  You can have a working directory if you 
Well, the first sentence should be 'But what if I don't have a working
directory', but I think you mean my point doesn't make sense.  What if
you don't want or need to have a working copy?  You cannot really do
anything in cvs without a working copy, which is obviously something
some people on this list have not realized.  The fact t